Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hieros Gamos-Aryan Sacred Marriage

"Wedlock would generally show the characteristics of a "mystery" in a system practicing rituals. In Greece, the goddess of wedlock was called Aphrodite Teleia, the Fulfiller,her attribute coming from the telos, a word used for initiation.In a well-known Indo-European ritual linked to the act of procreation,the conscious identification with the cosmic male and female, the Sky and the Earth, was confirmed openly:

Then the husband should draw near to her and pronounce the formula "I am He and you are She; you are She and I am He. I am the song[Saman] and you are the refrain[re];...I am the Sky and you are the Earth. Come, embrace me, let us mingle our seed for the birth of a male and for the richness of our home." Next, making [the woman] open her legs, he should say, O ye Sky and Earth, mingle yourselves!" Then he should enter her and with his mouth joined to hers stroke her three times from downward and say,"......Just as the Earth welcomes the Fire to its bosom, as the Sky shuts Indra within its womb,and as the cardinal points teem with the wind, so I leave in you the seed of[the name of the child]."[Brihadaranyaka-Upanishad]

Manhood, therefore, was under the sign of the Sky and womanhood under that of the Earth. In Greece as well, according to Pindar, when referring to the foundation of their deepest nature, men in love called on Helios, the Sun, whereas women invoked Selene, the Moon. We should also note that in almost all the Hindu dialects having their origin in Sanskrit, women were called prakriti , a word that, as we saw earlier, was the metaphysical designation of "nature" and also of the female force of the impassive god, the purusha . The background of marriage as a holy ceremony was destined to become slowly obscured, although to this day positive traces of it still persist which can only be explained by supposing its prior existence.
It was only preserved with precise divine and cosmic relationships in the cultural domain, in a specific sense, in connection with varieties of the hieros gamos, the ritual holy marriage or marriage to a god, as we shall recount shortly. In ancient times, it was rightly said that a people who made wedding customs into a rite that conformed to the eternal laws formed a great magical chain binding the material realm to higher realms. Novalis was right when deeming that marriage as it is known nowadays is like a "desecrated mystery"; with the passage of time it has been reduced in effect to nothing more than the only alternative provided by society against fear of loneliness.
And the fact that Claude de Saint-Martin certainly did not understand the importance of his words and had no vision of the situation in which those words are true, does not lessen their accuracy: "If mankind knew what marriage is, it would have at one and the same time an extraordinary desire for it and a tremendous fear of it; for by means of it man could once again be made like God or could end in total ruin."
[Juilus Evola, "Eros And The Mysteries Of Love. The Metaphysics Of Sex."]

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Vril, The Power of the Coming Race

One of the most influential science fiction novels of the 19th century was The Coming Race by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, published in 1871.
Bulwer-Lytton[1803-1873] was allegedly a Rosicrucian and his knowledge of the Occult is reflected in many of his works, especially The Coming Race which is a story about the discovery by a mining engineer of a secret underground world populated by a superior race of humanoid beings with advanced spiritual powers.
The source of their power is the mysterious Vril, a type of energy source that permeates all living things as well an inaminate objects and can be equated to the Prana of the Hindus, the Pneuma of the ancient Greeks, the Rhea Kybele of the Romans, the Chi of the Chinese, the Ki of the Japanese, the Odic force `discovered` by Baron Carl von Reichenbach and the Fohat of Madame Helene Petrovna Blavatsky.
Indeed the notable psychologist Brian Bates, the author of The Real Middle Earth, The Wisdom of Wyrd and The Way of Wyrd associates this same power with the Anglo-Saxon concept of Wyrd.

In Vrilology. The Secret Science of the Ancient Aryans Robert Blumetti states:

"The Vril is a universal force difficult to describe. Philosophers and occultists have known of its existence for milleniums, and today scientists have rediscovered it, but still do not know exactly what to make of it and are unaware of its true power. They refer to it by many different names: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, the Black Sun, I Ching, the Ur, the Force, the Life Force, the Universal Spirit or Electro-magnetic force. Einstein`s law of e=mc2 claims that there must be a certain amount of matter to produce a given amount of energy, but scientists have discovered that this law no longer is valid. The energy emanated from exploding black holes produces gamma rays equivalent to thousands of times their mass. In fact, the physical laws of Einsteinian science are unable to explain the existence of black holes. Scientists realise that 90% of the universe is made up of some substance other than matter and energy, but cannot explain what that substance is. We call it the Vril."

Mr Blumetti goes on to credit the Aryan Tocharians of the Tarim Basin as being responsible for the introduction of the knowledge of Vril to the Chinese.

"The Chinese knew something of the power of Vril from their contact with the Tocharians. They referred to it as Feng Shui, which means `wind and water`. It is also known as Chi, which means `breath of life`. Chi is the force of the universe, filling the air, landscape, buildings, mountains. It exists everywhere in space-between the planets and stars. It cris-crosses the landscape as energy lines or ley lines. The Chinese believe that it must be permitted to flow naturally, and any interruption causes `bad luck`. If one were to construct a wall or building that disrupted its flow, it would cause terrible disruptions in the lives of those who lived in the structure or nearby. The ancient Celts of the British Isles knew of these energy lines, and referred to them as elf or faire trails."

Who were the people referred to as the Vril-ya in The Coming Race?
According to the novel they speak an Indo-European language.

"The philologist will have seen from the above how much the language of the Vril-ya is akin to the Aryan or Indo-Germanic.........."[Chapter 12].

He also describes them as having "descended from the same ancestors as the great Aryan family, from which in varied streams has flowed the dominant civilisation of the world........"
[Chapter 26]

The Vril-ya were able to utilise the energy of the Vril for both beneficial and destructive purposes. The energy itself is neutral. It is the use that the force is applied to which determines whether it is used for beneficial or baneful effect.
The Vril was the power behind the technology of the Vril-ya who had to need for electricity. Its source was not unlimited but it is in plentiful supply and the application of it caused no pollution to the environment for it is a natural energy source that humanity can tap into.

"The student should bear in mind that Vril is never manufactured in the human body. There is just so much Vril in existence-a certain amount or quantity-and this amount or quantity never can be added to, nor subtracted from, by the organism of man."
[Vril or Vital Magnetism, Lesson III]

Vril is undoubtedly the energy source for the future and awaits our rediscovery both collectively as humanity but also individually as well.

"The man or woman who understands the art of suggesting to the subconscious mind, and of directing currents of Vril to the parts of the body, may keep his or her system in perfect condition and functioning power, and thus reach an old age of health, vigor, and virility."[Lesson III]

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Tacitus, Germania and the Armanenschaft

Tacitus` Germania 2.2 "In ancient lays, their only type of historical tradition, they celebrate Tuisto, a god brought forth from the earth. They attribute to him a son, Mannus, the source and founder of their people, and to Mannus three sons, from whose names those nearest the Ocean are called Ingvaeones, those in the middle Herminones, and the rest Istvaeones."

It has generally been understood that the three original divisions of the Germanic peoples represented divisions based purely on ancestry and geography. However Guido von List makes it clear in his Die Armanenschaft der Ario-Germanen that the three divisions of the Germanic peoples also represent three seperate functions or classes, almost like a caste system.
It is common knowledge that ancient Aryan societies operated variations of a tripartite caste system, normally categorised as producers, warriors and priests.
According to von List the Ingvaeones were the producers or cultivators, the Naehrstand.
The Istvaeones were the warrior caste, the Wehrstand and the Herminones were the Armanenschaft who embodied within themselves the functions of Priest, Teacher and Judge in the same way as the Celtic druidic orders was the Lehrstand.

`In meinem Buche: "Die Namen der Voelkerstaemme Germaniens und deren Deutung" gebe Ich ausfuehrliche Mitteilungen ueber das Entstehen, das Alter und die Ausbreitung der arischen Urrasse, worauf Ich hiermit verweisse, und bringe den Nachweis, das die von Tacitus in der "Germania", Kap. II angefue angeblichen drei Hauptstaemme der Germanen, naemlich die Ingaevonen, die Hermionen und die Istvaeonen, nicht Staemme, sondern Staende bedeuten, dass selbe richtig: "Ing-fonen", "Armanen" und "Ist-fo-onen" zu nennen find, und nichts anderes als "Naehrstand", "Lehrstand" und "Wehrstand" bezeichnen.*`

*Besser gesagt: Entstehungsstand, Waltungsstand und Vergehungsstand zum Neuerstehen.

The role of the Armanen is brought out in this passage, `Die Armanen waren als Pfleger und Wahrer der Rita daher, wie scon eingangs erwaehnt wurde, Lehrer, Priester und Richter in einer Person, wie ja auch die "Rita" Wissenschaft, Religion und Gesetz in einem Begriffe war, ja sie ein allumfassendes Lehrgebaeude hoechster philosophischer Erkenntnis, entsprungen dem intuitivsten Empfinden der Volksseele, bedeute..........`

Is the secret Armanen priesthood , the Armanenschaft to be located in the central German living space? What significance has this for the development of German history?
Could the 1st century CE Prince of the Cheruski, Hermann or Arminius have been an Armanen adept? Could he in fact be part of an illustrious Armanen blood line that continues down to this very day? Indeed was he the originator of the Armanenschaft itself?

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