Monday, August 25, 2008

The Role of the Father in Aryan Families

Aryan society has always been patriarchal from the very earliest days and this can be established by examining the structure and governance of households in post-Proto-Indo-European times.
Charles Morris in his The Aryan Race has this to say on the matter:

"In the early state of all the Aryan branches the family was organised under conditions of considerable similarity,-conditions doubtless inherited from ancient Arya. Each family, indeed, constituted a despotism on a small scale. The house-father was the head of the domestic group, and represented it in the community. Within the house precincts he possessed the governing power, and the right-if we may judge from the Roman example-to banish any member of his household, to sell his sons or daughters into slavery, to command them to marry whom he would, to seize on all their possessions, and to kill them at his will.

"It may be said, however, that some recent writers question the general absolutism of the Aryan house-father. It is certain, at all events, that his house was his castle. No one had the right to enter it without his permission, not even an officer of the law. It was his private kingdom, and for the acts of the members of the household he alone stood responsible to the community. The idea of personal individuality had not yet clearly arisen. The household was the primitive Aryan individual.

"In Greece the same conditions prevailed.

"In the Hindu family of today this inviolate character of the household is strictly maintained. A mystery overlies all its operations,-a remarkable secrecy, which is maintained in the humblest households, and is probably a survival of a very ancient system of family isolation.
With the Celts and the early Greeks there existed the right to expose or sell their children. This had become absolute among the Teutons, though the right was recognised in case of necessity. With the Russians the power of the house-father, says Mr. Dixon, is without any check. He arranges the marriage of his son, makes the son`s wife a servant, and stands above all law in his house. His cabin is not only a castle but a church, and every act of his done within that cabin is supposed to be not only private but divine."

Over one point alone the authority of the house-father was not absolute. He could do what he would with the movable property of the household and the labour of its inmates, but he could not sell or encumber the landed property. This was not individual, but corporate wealth. It belonged to the family as a whole, and was held inviolable. This was the law in all Aryan regions, from India to Ireland, with the possible exception of Rome, whose ancient laws relating to such matters are lost."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Role of Women in Aryan Society

"Out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of castes; out of the confusion of castes, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory the lack of understanding; and out of all this, all evils."[Bhagavad Gita]

The granting of the electoral franchise to women, property rights and "equal rights" in the 20th century should be viewed as a direct attack upon the Aryan western world.
The woman is a vital linchpin of the Aryan family and to tamper with her traditional role which nature has superbly equipped her for is to tamper with nature herself.

For millenia Aryan woman has been the nurturer and bearer of offspring. Just as the role of the man and father is clearly outlined by nature so is that of the woman and mother.

With the granting of "equal rights" has come the mistaken perception that the role of the woman and mother is essentially similar to that of the man and father and men and women could and indeed should swap roles. Over the last 10 years or so we have witnessed the absurdity of the "stay at home father", the "househusband" and the "careerwoman/mother".
This unnatural reversal of traditional gender role models will sow the seed of confusion in our young and add to the further destabalisation of western society.

The media, the willing tool of global capitalism has promoted this gender confusion. How often today do we witness television commercials and dramas portraying the man`s role as being in the kitchen and that of the woman as the strong career woman who belittles her husband, often in the presence of their children and makes all the decisions?

Our ancestors wisely saw that a woman`s heart is often vain and fickle and it is only under the jurisdiction of her father and later her husband can her negative thought patterns be corrected and channelled down positive paths.

It is no coincidence to find that in mixed-race families it is often the woman that is the Aryan partner. The ancient Aryan sacred writings known as the Bhagavad Gita correctly saw that such biological confusion has its origins in our women. It is only through firm but fair male guidance that such folly can be prevented.

The confusion of caste will lead to our inevitable extinction as a special human species.
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