Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Cross, an Aryan and not a Christian Symbol
It is time now to explode the myth that the Cross is a Christian symbol. Like much of the outward trappings of Christianity the Cross is an importation from Aryan solar mythology.
Acharya S writing in her Suns of God Krishna Buddha and Christ Unveiled discusses on page 257 of her book: "As the Catholic Encyclopedia points out, Christ was not represented in iconography until the 6th-7th centuries CE. CE further relates that even though[according to legend] the Emperor Constantine supposedly instituted the "outline of the `chrisme`, ie., the "Greek monogram of Christ", chi-rho, the image of Christ crucified was at that time "a Christian yet practically unknown." The "chi-rho"[X + P] itself resembles a human cruciform, as CE implies, and examples of it may be found in ancient masons` marks, such as at the palace of Phaestos on Crete, dating from the third millenium BCE."
The crucifix according to the archaeological record is a late Christian development borrowed from Aryan mythology.
The Romans worshipped their crucified Sol on the 25th of December:
"Just as the Brahmans represented their god Krishna as a crucified man with a wreath of sunbeams around his head, just as the ancient Assyrians represented their sun god Baal as a man surrounded by an aureole, and with outstretched arms, thus forming a perfect cross, so the Romans reverenced a crucified incarnation of the god Sol, and many ancient Italian pictures of Jesus as a crucified Saviour bear the inscription, "Deo Soli", which means "To the only God" or "To the God Sol". [Elizabeth Evans, The Christ Myth]
"To reiterate , the sign of the cross and crucifix were sacred myths relating mainly to the sun or solar deity. The sun, as a symbol or proxy of the divine, was deemed to sacrifice "himself" and to bestow eternal life; hence, the cross and crucifix became symbols of these concepts. In fact, in India exists an "early Aryan initiation", in which a character named Visvakarma "crucifies the Sun", called "Vikkartana", who is "shorn of his beams", on a cross or "cruciform lathe".
Zoroaster was born of an immaculate conception and was "called a splendid light from the tree of knowledge" whose soul was suspended on "the tree of knowledge".
Kersey Graves in his The World`s Sixteen Crucified Saviours states "In the account of the crucifixion of Prometheus of Caucasus, as furnished by Seneca, Hesiod, and other writers, it is stated that he was nailed to an upright beam of timber, to which were affixed extended arms of wood, and that this cross was situated near the Caspian Straits. The modern story of this crucified God, which represents him as having been bound to a rock for thirty years, while vultures preyed upon his vitals, Mr Higgins pronounces as a impious Christian fraud. "For," says this learned historical writer, "I have seen the account which declares he was nailed to a cross with hammer and nails."
This is confirmed by the Catholic Encyclopedia: "On an ancient vase we see Prometheus bound to a beam which serves the purpose of a cross......"
And: ".....Speaking of Prometheus nailed to Mount Caucasus, Lucian uses the substantive and the verbs...the latter being derived from which also signifies a cross. In the same way the rock to which Andromeda was fastened is called crux, or cross."
There is of course in Germanic mythology the account of Wotan crucified upside down on the world tree for nine days and nine nights in his quest to receive esoteric knowedge in the form of the sacred runes. The reference to the nine days and nine nights possibly alludes to his journey to the nine worlds in Germanic mythology as the account is clearly a shamanic quest.
He even receives a wound with a spear as did Christ on the cross which is also referred to as a `tree`.
Mithras, an ancient Persian Sun God is also represented as crucified and having risen from the dead after three days to great rejoicing.
When Christ who was constantly in the company of his twelve disciples[representing the twelve signs of the zodiac] approached as a Sun God midsummer he appears in all his splendour for he has reached the very summitof his life path and thus his power must diminish. "The bright Sun of summer is slain, crucified in the heavens, and pierced by the spear[thorn, or arrow] of winter."[Charles Morris, Aryan Sun-Myths The Origin of Religion]
With Mr Morris`s reference to being pierced by a spear, thorn or arrow one immediately thinks of Wotan, Balder and Sigurd, the latter two being slain Sun Gods. Balder of course is destined to be resurrected after Ragnarok with six other Gods; Magni and Modi[the sons of Thor], Vidarr and Vali[the sons of Wotan] and Baldr and Hodr[also sons of Wotan]. Seven of course is a divine number.
L. Austine Waddell writing in his The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Sots and Anglo-Saxons states: "The Cross was thus freely used as the symbol of Divine Victory of the Sun on the earliest Sumerian[oe early Aryan] sacred seals from about 4000 BC., and continued so to be used by the Hittites, Phoenicians, Kassis, Trojans, Goths and Ancient Britons, and worn as an amulet down through the ages into the Christian period."
He goes on to point out that the cross on which Christ was crucified was not the traditional cross or`True Cross` but was in the shape of the Tau cross.
The True Cross was not known as a Christian symbol at the time of Constantine as previously stated and after his conversion he used the chi-rho symbol. However prior to his conversion asa sun-woripper Constantine issues coins stamped with the cross as the pagan emblem of the sun and associated with the eight-rayed sun and the title "To the Comrade of the Invinceable Sun"[Soli Invicto Comiti].
Waddell makes the argument in his afore-mentioned work that the cross was first introduced into Chritianity by the Goths . To them the cross was a solar symbol of victory which only gradually became accepted as the symbol of Christ. Their ancient use of the symbol predates the beginnings of the Christian religion.
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