Why is it necessary for a people to preserve its culture and spiritual traditions?
The answer is quite straightforward. If an individual or a people lose sight of their origins they also lose sight of who they are and who they are becoming.
It is not a coincidence that the `educational establishment` seeks at every turn to rewrite the origins of the Aryan peoples or to ignore them completely. Instead using a politically correct agenda they peddle the lie that "Britain has always been a multicultural society", etc. They are of the mistaken belief that if they just keep chanting this inane mantra long enough we will alll cease to question it and begin to believe it.
Their purpose is to disorientate the Aryan peoples, to cause confusion and a sense of alienation in order that we may more readilly accept the failed multiracial society as a fait accompli instead of resisting it and working for its reversal. Politics now governs `education` and it has become little more than a tool for mental conditioning and the social engineering of society. The driving force behind multiracialism is global capitalism. Their path is smoothed by the liberal and Aryan-hating educational and political establishment. Racial genocide-for that is what it is-has some very strange bed fellows indeed.
Christianity has been one of the forces used by global capitalism to help create a global monoculture. One usually thinks of the chaos that christian missionaries have caused in Africa and the consequent psychological and cultural alienation and disorientation that they left in their trail but the truth of the matter is that Europe was its first victim.
Christianity has always used the forces of temporal power-the king and state to enforce its one world agenda. In the Victorian era the British military establishment formed an axis of evil with the christian churches and capitalism to create a culturally homogenous empire for mercantile reasons.
Global capitalism needs a mixed race monocultural one world in order to market and sell its shoddy plastic goods for maximum profit. They speak a great deal about `diversity` but in reality they hate it.
Hence we see the attacks by the `western world` upon the moslim world, especially those moslim countries who are not in bed with the USA and are resistant to the forces of global capitalism. This is why the truely socialist states of eastern Europe had to collapse for the furtherance of the global capitalist agenda. The current axis of evil consists of global capitalism, `democracy` and the new secular religion of `liberal humanism`. Again we see military force used as a tool by this axis just as it was used during the Victotian era.
Wodenism thus poses a challenge to those who seek to shackle and enslave the Germanic peoples, who seek to rob us of our lands and our very identity. We must of course continue the political struggle but more importantly we need to do all that we can to achieve the reawakening of the Germanic Gods and Godesses within the Collective Germanic Unconscious. Once this awakening has been achieved people will start to release themselves from the psychological prisons that they have placed themselves in and take the necessary political action to free their peoples and lands from this new enslavement.