Sunday, May 30, 2010

Loki, the Opponent of Aryan Order

There are many studies which focus on Loki as the agent of change and transformation amongst the Germanic Gods but I would like to discuss one aspect, indeed a major aspect of his role and that is Loki as the opponent of order, Aryan order in particular.
One must start by examining his origins.He is the son of the giant Farbauti and his mother is Laufey, meaning leaf island, a Norse kenning for tree. Rudolf Simek in his Dictionary of Northern Mythology suggests that she may be a tree Goddess but we cannot be sure about her origins. An alternative name for her is Nal meaning needle. Loki is surnamed Laufeyjarson. Certainly Loki at the very least must be assumed to be half giant if not a giant of the full blood.
Despite his alien origins he was accepted by the Gods into their community but he usually betrayed their trust and generosity with disloyalty and treason. We must not forget that although at times he could be useful to the Gods and helped them out of many difficult situations he was usually the cause of their difficulties and sought on every occasion to work for their destruction. He lived amongst the Gods and partook of their hospitality but covertly and eventually overtly worked for their destruction.
Loki cut off Sif`s hair, Thor`s wife. Her golden hair is a metaphor for the golden corn in the fields. He thus sought to deprive the earth of her rich harvests. He did of course replace her natural hair with hair made from gold but gold is symbolic of money, the means of exchange in a capitalist economy. Aryan man thus degenerated when his society exhanged co-operation and barter with capital and unworked for usury.
Loki also was responsible for the theft of Freyja`s necklace Brisingamen and also assisted in the theft of Andvari`s gold. The gold was cursed and led to the downfall of all who wrongfully possessed it. Indeed it forms the basis of the tale of the Nibelungs which was reworked by Wagner into the four part Der Ring des Nibelungen.
Loki was also responsible for the kidnap of the Goddess Idun. The seperation of Idun and her apples from Asgard caused the Gods and Goddesses to age prematurely.
Loki was a blasphemer and slanderer of the Gods and Goddesses as told in Lokasenna in the Poetic or Elder Edda.
He was instrumental in the murder of the God Baldur by his deception of the blind God Hodr. He also prevented the release of Baldur from hel by refusing to weep for Him and ensured the demise of the Gods.
Loki fathered Hel, the Fenris wolf and the Midgard serpent, all of which were instruments of destruction.
At Ragnarok he openly opposes the Gods when he sides with the giants and other forces of destruction and chaos amd takes the helm of the ship Naglfar and moves into battle against the Gods and the Einherjar. He is eventually slain by the God Heimdall who in turn is killed by Loki.
Significantly there is absolutely no evidence of any kind to suggest that Loki despite being a major figure in Germanic mythology was ever honoured by our peoples. There exist no shrines, temples or any literary evidence for his worship.
I believe that the story of Loki holds great significance for the Aryan peoples and our attempts to survive the coming Ragnarok. We ignore this lesson at our peril.

Monday, May 3, 2010


We have already witnessed what I believe could be the onset of the Fimbul Winter, showing the proponents of `global warming` to be the mistaken fools and liars that we have always suspected but now in the aftermath of the worst global economic recession the world has seen since the 1920s we are beginning to see unrest in various parts of the world. The strikes, demonstrations and riots which have been ignited in Greece as a response to the corruption of the globalist politicians and bankers could very well spread throughout Europe.
In addition to the economic uncertainty that faces Europe we also have the threat of militant Islam which has made no secret of its intention to islamicise Europe by force if necessary. For thousands of years our ancestors have resisted the muslim threat by force. Today the race traitor politicians who in theory represent the peoples of a `democratic` Europe have opened the floodgates to not only muslims but people of any and every race to invade our lands without any resistance from the indigenous populations of our continent. This in itself, this weakness, this decadence and self destruction is one of the signs of the approaching Ragnarok and neither do I consider it a mere coincidence that Ragnarok may be considered to be a palindrome of Korangar, which translated means the `Spear of the Koran`, Gar being an ancient Germanic word meaning `spear` and it also happens to be the 33rd Rune of the Northumbrian Futhork and thus the FINAL Rune. Again I do not see this as a mere coincidence. This present world order will end violently. Not only do I forsee calamities in the natural world intensifying in scope and severity but I see violence between men and different peoples intensifying.
The recent eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano demonstrated so clearly the power of Mother Earth-Nerthus and had a significant impact on human affairs. Despite the efforts of modern man to isolate himself from nature in his self contained and apparently hermetically sealed plastic world he and his modern technology proved to be no match against nature.
Here in England we have seen the recent emergence of the English Defence League which has sprung up from nowhere as a defence against militant and radical Islam and they also to a certain degree represent a reawakening of the English folk, those of course who are ethnically English. We have also seen last year for the very first time the election of two British National Party candidates to the European Parliament and a record number of ordinary British people joining that party.
We have also seen a growth in support for nationalist parties throughout Europe.
But underpinning all of this there must be a spiritual awakening of the English and other British peoples for there to be any depth and longevity to this awakening. This is only a beginning. More needs to be done if we are to survive the coming Ragnarok.
If the 6th May results in the coming to power of a Tory government under David Cameron, who by the way is a great great great great great grandson of William IV[same old Norman elite that has governed England since 1066] then we can expect even more disaster for the ordinary people of this country and the increasing likelihood of yet more industrial and popular unrest.
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