Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Aryan Concept of the Supreme God
Within Aryan mythologies there is a concept of a supreme deity, a deity who manifests Himself or Herself in many forms and at many levels. This being is eternal. He cannot age or be destroyed. By contrast our manifested Gods have a certain limited lifespan. I use this term in a very loose sense for we cannot view the Gods in the same way as human beings but various Aryan mythologies do show Gods either ageing or have some sort of vunerability in that they may be maimed or be killed.
The Germanic mythology in particular gives examples of Gods being maimed: Tyr who lost his hand to the Fenris wolf, Woden who exchanged one of his eyes for wisdom and Hodr who appears always to have been blind.
In Celtic mythology we find the God Nuada lost his hand to be given a silver replacement.
In Germanic mythology we find that with the myth of the theft of Idunn`s apples that the Gods and Godesses begin to age for they rely upon the apples to maintain their eternal youth.
The defeat of the Tuatha de Danann by the Milesians where many of the Gods are slain and the final battle of Ragnarok where most of the Aesir are killed demonstrates most clearly that there is a life span of sorts attached to our Gods. But their divine essence cannot die: it simply takes a new form. A new pantheon of Gods and a new humanity replenish the earh after Ragnarok. Indeed the world itself along with the sun is renewed and a new Golden Age begins where the Gods once again walk the earth in harmony with man.
Just as Gods can be killed they can also be resurrected as we find with the Gods Baldr and Hodr after Ragnarok. In a symbolic way we see this today with the re-emergence of the Germanic Gods from the Collective Racial Unconscious into the light of day where they are once again being honoured openly by our folk.
The Swiss-German founder of Analytical Psychology Carl Gustav Jung likened the Gods to archetypes dwelling in the Collective Unconscious of a particular Volk who under certain conditions would re-manifest themselves. "Archetypes are like riverbeds which dry up when the water deserts them, but which it can find again at any time. An archetype is like an old watercourse along which the water of life has flowed for centuries, digging a deep channel for itself. The longer it has flowed in this channel the more likely it is that sooner or later the water will return to its old bed."[Wotan, 1936].
Beyond and above these Gods of the folk there is a supreme deity who the Hindus call Brahma. This figure is almost lost in Germanic mythology but we get a glimpse of Him in the Poetic or Elder Edda: "Then comes the mighty one to the great judgement, the powerful from above, who rules o`er all. He shall dooms pronounce, and strifes allay, holy peace establish, which shall ever be."[Voluspa]
The late 19th and early 20th century German Runemaster Guido von List referred to Him as Der Starke von Oben[the strong one from above]
One of Woden`s titles is All-Father which implies a total supremacy which the extant Germanic myths do not appear to substantiate. Could this be a title that He inherited from another and perhaps earlier deity when Woden gained in popularity amongst the Germanic peoples?
The ancient Germanic God of war, Tyr or Tiw may indeed have been the original supreme Germanic sky God and the first possessor of the title All-Father. He appears to have been relegated in the Eddas to a subordinate role to Woden but we must remember that the actual writing down of the Eddas came late in the history of our religion. Not only are the Eddas to a certain extent tainted by the hands of the christian scribes but Germanic religion developed over time and His original and supreme function may have been forgotten by then.
Interestingly the rune named after Tyr/Tiw/Ziu is Tiwaz/Tiw/Tyr/. Not only is this rune shaped like a spear point and thus symbolises Tyr`s warlike function but esoterically signifies the world tree, Yggdrasil or Irminsul and thus points to his earlier function of being a sky deity.
There is a little known mediaeval rune known as Ziu which signifies the `father of the Gods` and the power that he displays through the thunderbolt as a supreme sky God. It is this rune which I have chosen to accompany this article.
Sky deities in Aryan mythologies appear to be superior Gods and allude to an overarching supremacy over other Gods and beings. Indeed Tiu is cognate with the reconstrcuted Proto-Indo-European sky God Dyeus from which Zeus and Dyaus is derived.
When our Gods die we need not fear for they live again in new forms more fitting for that age. The form may change but the essence is eternal.
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Arctic Origins of the Aryan Race
The Aryan race ultimately can trace its origins to the Arctic regions where there once existed a Golden Age civilisation called Thule or Hyperborea. The reasons for my conclusions are based on an understanding of the various Aryan mythologies, evidence from astronomy, botany, biology and climatology.
The divine race of Ireland, the Tuatha de Danann are said in the Battle of Mag Tured to have lived in the islands at the "North of the world". Of course this does not in itself establish their exact geographical origin but it is certainly Hyperborean.
The Aesir, the divine race of the Germanic peoples are also indirectly credited with a Hyperborean origin because of their association with the lands of the far north of Europe-Scandinavia. The Romans referred to Scandinavia as Thule after Pytheas, the Greek explorer from the 4th century BCE who explored the northern regions of Europe. Of the nine worlds of Germanic mythology, Asgard is the highest and in a sense may be thought of as being the most northerly.
The Greek God Apollo is said to have been venerated by the Hyperboreans who spent every winter amongst them.
In the national epic of the Finns[a Non-Indo-European speaking but racially Nordic people] the Kalevala it is said that the ancestor of the Finns, Kaleva has his abode in "the North`s furthest fields".
Bal Gangadhar Tilak in his Arctic Home in the Vedas provides substantial evidence from the ancient Rig Vedas and Avestas that the ancient Aryans lived in the arctic region but during a time when it was temporate and could support a variety of fauna and flora which scientists have been discovering for years. He compares these ancient Aryan scriptures with evidence from astronomy and comes to this conclusion: "It followed, therefore that if the Vedic evidence pointed to an arctic home, the forefathers of the Aryan race must have lived therein not after but before the last Glacial epoch. But the traditions preserved in the Avesta dispense with the necessity of relying on geology for this purpose. We have now direct traditional evidence to show [1] that the Airyana Vaejo had originally a good climate, but Angra Mainyu converted it into a winter of ten and a summer of two months, [2] that the Airyana Vaejo was so situated that the inhabitants of Yima`s Vara therein regarded the year only as a day, and saw the sun rise only once a year, and [3] that the happy land was rendered uninhabitable by the advent of a Glacial epoch which destroyed all life therein."
This catastrophe which would have buried the Hyperborean civilisation necessitated a migration southwards of the Aryan peoples to less inhospitable climes. The Aryans however took with them their most ancient and sacred symbol, the swastika known also as the fylfot, the fyrfos, Hakenkreuz, Thor`s Hammer and the gammadion. This symbol can be found wherever Aryan man in the ancient past has wandered, even amongst civilisations which have been regarded by establishment historians as non-Aryan such as China and amongst the American Indians. This is no doubt due to Aryan man`s early contacts with these peoples where he was revered as a god and a bringer of higher civilisation.
The Popul Vuh gives an account of how the the ancient forefathers of Meso-America had been exiled from the far away city of Tulan.
The prevalence of the swastika amongst the various Aryan peoples in itself points to their Hyperborean origins for as George A. Keyx states in his Holy Grail Ancient Pagan Apocrypha "Another important aspect of the Polar Myth is its relation to the most ancient and sacred of Indo-European symbols-the swastika. The swastika has often been used throughout history as a symbol of the pole and of motion around it."
Keryx states in his book that by calculating back in time when Ursa Minor last rotated around the pole star Thuban , forming the swastika in the north sky was about 3,000 BCE. The cosmic sign of the swastika over thousands of years appearing above their heads would have made a deep impression upon our ancestors and its sacredness is linked to our very origins as a race.
Helena Blavatsky in her Secret Doctrine stated that the continent of Manvantara, the `Imperishible Sacred Land` "capped the over the whole North Pole like one unbroken crust".
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