Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Aryan Naturism

I believe that as racialists we need to give some consideration to how we can both relate better to the natural world[of which we are a part of] and how we can contribute to improving our own and our race`s racial health and fitness.

One important aspect of getting closer to nature is through naturism or nudism.

Nudism has a politically sound pedigree having originated in the

of turn of the 19th/20th century Germany.

Although initially suspicious of the nudism movement in Germany the new National Socialist government in Germany appreciated that nudism had the same goals as National Socialism, namely the physical improvement of the individual German and the Volk as a whole.

Nudism was considered a great leveller. Clothes are an artificial barrier to interhuman relationships. They help to mask a person`s true worth. Like inherited titles,privileges and money they are an artificial barrier between Aryan and Aryan. By the discarding of clothes we can focus on the inherent worth, not the apparent worth of the individual.

National Socialism is a great leveller of artificial class differences, its sole focus is racial improvement and nudism started out this way in 1890s Germany.

We use clothes not merely as a means of maintaining bodily warmth but as a social status symbol, a badge of artificial rank and as a display of real or apparent wealth. By discarding clothes we can discard such artificial barriers with our fellow Aryans and so work towards the Aryan unity which as racialists we supposedly desire.

By exposing our naked bodies to the elements,to the air,light and sun we will as individuals harden,strengthen and beautify our bodies and by doing so we improve the health,strength and beauty of the race.

Nudism can also be used as a means to assess the racial and physical compatability and sufficiency of potential mates so that we ensure that only the best elements of our race mate with the best elements. This is a factor which is often unappreciated by racialists and nudists alike.

According to Chad Ross in his "Naked Germany" nudism helped to unite Germans from different ends of the political spectrum behind a common cause and goal-racial improvement.

"Nudism`s professed ability to overcome division of all kinds under the banner of regenerating the German Volk and nation was evident within the movement itself. Nudists came from a variety of backgrounds and held convictions that ranged across the political spectrum; yet unlike those in the political arena nudists did not allow these differences to dominate or to derail their collective effort of transforming Germany into a nudist utopia."[Page 64 of `Naked Germany` by Chad Ross.]

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ancient Aryan City of Arkaim and its High Civilisation

Taken from s8int.com

Scientists have discovered mysterious circles on the area of the ancient Russian town of Arkaim, which is the same age with Egypt and Babylon

President Putin has recently visited one of the most mysterious places on planet Earth - the ruins of the ancient town of Arkaim, which is situated on the outskirts of the city of Chelyabinsk.

Historians, archaeologists and ufologists have spent many years trying to unravel the secrets of the town. Which nation was living in Arkaim more than 40 centuries ago?

How did people of such ancient civilization manage to accomplish such incredible technological progress, which still seems to be unachievable today?

A group of Russian researchers, with Vadim Chernobrovy at the head, has recently returned from the mysterious region.

The scientists said that specialists and students had built numerous tent camps around Arkaim.

The Arkaim valley in the south of Ural was supposed to be flooded in 1987: local authorities were going to create a water reservoir there to irrigate drought stricken fields.

However, scientists found strange "circles" in the center of the valley and in order to investigate them, the authorities gave archaeologists 12 months to explore the area.

Scientists were shocked to find out that Arkaim was the same age as Egypt and Babylon, and a little older than Troy and Rome.

Gennady Zdanovich, the chairman of the archaeological expedition in Ural had to prove the scientific significance of Arkaim to regional officials. "We achieved what seemed to be absolutely unreal: the multi-million construction project in the region was shut down," the scientist said.

Archaeological excavations indicated that the people, who inhabited Arkaim, represented one of the most ancient Indo-European civilizations, particularly the branch, which is referred to as the Aryan culture. Arkaim turned out to be not only a town, but also a temple and an astronomic observatory.

"A flight above Arkaim on board a helicopter gives you an incredible impression. The huge concentric circles on the valley are clearly visible. The town and its outskirts are all enclosed in the circles.

We still do not know, what point the gigantic circles have, whether they were made for defensive, scientific, educational, or ritual purposes.

Some researchers say that the circles were actually used as the runway for an ancient spaceport," Vadim Chernobrovy said.

Researchers discovered that the ancient town was equipped with a storm sewage system, which helped Arkaim's residents avoid floods. The people were protected against fires as well: timbered floorings and houses themselves were imbued with fireproof substance. It was a rather strong compound, the remnants of which can still be found in the ruins of the town.

Each house was outfitted with "all modern conveniences," as they would say nowadays. There was a well, an oven and dome-like food storage in every house. The well was branching out into two underground trenches: one of them was directed to the oven and the other one ended in the food storage.

The trenches were used to supply chilly air to the oven and to the food storage. The cool air from the trenches also created a very powerful traction force in the Aryan oven, which made it possible to smelt bronze there.

The central square in Arkaim was the only object of square shape in the town. Judging upon traces of bonfires that were placed in a specific order on the square, the site was used as a site for certain rituals.

Arkaim was built according to a previously projected plan as a single complicated complex, which also had an acute orientation to astronomic objects.

While archaeologists are meticulously brushing dust off ancient stones in an attempt to recreate the lifestyle of Arkaim's residents, ufologists study mysterious phenomena, which they register in the town: inexplicable fluctuations of voltage, magnetic field tension, temperatures and so on.

Source: Pravda: by Natalia Leskova,(Translated by: Dmitry Sudakov)

Tajikistan, Aryan Revival and Rehabilitation of the Holy Swastika

A little late in coming but highly relevant when considered in relation to the two previous articles!

Taken from Radio Free Europe, originally posted on there on 23/12/05.

A Tajik emblem that is based on the swastika (RFE/RL)

Like other post-Soviet countries, Tajikistan has taken a fresh look its history following independence in 1991. The result is a state campaign to promote the notion that the Tajiks as a Aryan nation – and the widespread use of the swastika.

Prague, 16 December 2005 (RFE/RL) -- The swastika may be known the world over as the symbol of Nazi Germany and it may be banned in some states for that reason, but in Tajikistan it appears on placards, banners, and billboards with the blessing of the state.

For officials in Dushanbe, the swastika is above all a symbol of national identity. Most Tajik historians now maintain that Tajiks are of Aryan origin, and argue that Aryan or Indo-European civilization must therefore be studied and promoted. It is an argument now accepted by the state. Indeed, the revival of Aryan culture is now official policy of Dushanbe: 2006 will be celebrated in Tajikistan as the year of Aryan civilization.

Changing Interpretations

The authorities say the swastika’s now widespread adoption in Tajikistan has nothing to do with Nazism and fascism. “Throughout history, interpretations of this symbol have changed,” notes Abduhakim Sharipov, head of a department in the Soghd regional administration. He, like other officials, emphasizes the swastika is a symbol of Aryan culture that has existed for many centuries. “We all know that fascism used this symbol for its purposes. This symbol therefore carries negative connotations for many…[but] we should not limit ourselves to only one interpretation.”

When the swastika first appeared, in India, it was as a sign of eternity and eternal motion. The newer, positive connotations that the Tajik authorities want the swastika to gain were outlined two years ago by President Imomali Rakhmonov when he declared 2006 the year of Aryan culture: the aim of the year is, he said, to “study and popularize Aryan contributions to the history of the world civilization; to raise a new generation [of Tajiks] with the spirit of national self-determination; and to develop deeper ties with other ethnicities and cultures.”

Linguistically, the Tajiks are closely tied to the Persians, who since ancient times have used the term Aryan to describe themselves and their language.

The Tajik historian and ethnographer Usto Jahonov supports both the state’s desire to raise awareness of Tajikistan’s Aryan heritage and the use of the swastika. Using an argument employed by Tajik officials in numerous speeches, Jahonov contends that it is an inherent part of Aryan culture and a key to building national identity. A stronger national identity is itself “needed now because we live among [non-Aryan,] Turkic nations” that are, he says, rewriting “their history by claiming that they emerged in this area [Central Asia]. We should therefore go back to Aryan history, demonstrate and prove to others where our place is. Each nation should know its place.”

An Ancient Symbol In The Shadow Of A Modern Taboo

But it is hard to rid the swastika of its negative associations. For many people in the West, the swastika is a taboo, synonymous as it is with Nazism, fascism, and white supremacy in general. Post-war Germany outlawed the swastika and other Nazi symbols for all but scholarly purposes.

Continued sensitivities were highlighted earlier this year when Britain’s Prince Harry was criticized for wearing a Nazi swastika armband and a Nazi uniform to a fancy-dress party. The incident led to calls from German politicians for a ban on all Nazi symbols across the European Union, which was then followed by a debate in the European Commission in Brussels.

For similar reasons, the new prominence of the swastika is touching on sensitivities in Tajikistan, recently prompting a group of Tajik World War II veterans to write a letter to Rakhmonov asking him to end the use of the swastika.

The Tajik president has so far not responded.

“I am a veteran of World War II,” says one Tajik former member of the Soviet army. “We veterans demand that this fascist cross, the swastika, be removed from placards. We fought against the Nazis, who had the swastika. Why should we propagate it now?”

The use of the swastika by skinheads has made the symbol even more controversial in recent years.

Due to high levels of unemployment and poverty, many Tajiks have had to work as illegal migrant laborers abroad, overwhelmingly in Russia. Many have been subjected to harassment and intimidation. Several have been killed by racist groups in recent years.

The most prominent case was the murder, in February 2004, of a 9-year-old Tajik girl in St. Petersburg by a group of teenagers armed with chains, metal rods and knives. Khursheda Sultanova’s father and her 11-year-old cousin were also savagely beaten.

Divided Opinions

This and other cases have provoked public outrage in Tajik society.

For one woman interviewed, both objections to the swastika originate close to home. “My grandfather died in a battle against Nazi Germany,” she told RFE/RL, and “last year, my neighbor’s son was killed by a group of skinheads in Russia.”

“I am amazed to see [the swastika]. Why does our government recover and propagate the [hooked] cross now?”

This Tajik woman says she welcomes a rediscovery of the Tajik nation’s history. But, she argues, historians should not forget the nation’s recent past just to revive its ancient heritage.

(RFE/RL’s Uzbek Service correspondent in Tajikistan, Alisher Akh

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tracking the Aryans

Unfortunately I missed this!

Taken from BBC Radio 3 website.

Historian Bettany Hughes uncovers the troubled story of the search for the ancient Aryans, and journeys to Siberia to find out how recent archaeological discoveries are bringing them renewed attention.

Nowadays associated with the Nazi ideology of a blond blue-eyed master race, the term Aryan was once used to refer to the speakers of a prehistoric language from which the modern Indo-European Language family is descended (including, among others, English, German, Latin, Greek, Farsi and Hindi). But the name's origins lie in the ancient texts of Bronze Age Iran and North India.

Archaeologists on the remote borders of Siberia and Kazakhstan have recently uncovered a series of unexpectedly sophisticated prehistoric settlements. Within, they have discovered unusually complex burial rituals and the earliest known chariots in the world. Could this Steppe culture be the origin of the Aryans of Iran and North India? And what can it tell us about the origin of Indo-European languages?

Bettany travels to the Siberian Steppe to the ancient circular fortified town of Arkaim to find out. And witnesses how even today the Aryans are being used for modern political ends.

Presenter: Bettany Hughes

Producer: Russell Finch

Translator: Maria B. Starikova

Contributors: Gennady Sdanovitch, David Anthony, James Mallory, Bruce Lincoln

With special thanks to Victor Shnirelman at Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology in Moscow

Additional thanks to Klaus Petermann, Thomas Trautmann, Christopher Hutton and Colin Renfrew.

Unearthed Aryan Cities on Russia`s Border Rewrites History

Taken from Daily Mail online from 8/10/10.[Special thanks to Orion for drawing my attention to this!]

Bronze age cities built by the Aryans that date back to the beginning of Western civilisation in Europe have been discovered in a remote part of Russia.

Archaeologists have identified 20 of the spiral-shaped settlements that were built some 4,000 years ago shortly after the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

It is believed that the buildings were used by the original Aryan race whose swastika symbol was later adopted by the Nazis in the 1930s.

Desolate: The Bronze Age cities were built some 4,000 years ago by the Aryans in a 400 miles long region of the Russian Steppe

TV historian Bettany Hughes explored the desolate part of the Russian steppe which borders Kazakhstan this summer for a BBC Radio 3 programme Tracking The Aryans.

She said: 'Potentially, this could rival ancient Greece in the age of the heroes.

'Because I have written a lot about the Bronze Age world, there always seemed to be this huge missing peice of the jigsaw puzzle.

'We are all told that there is this kind of mother tongue, proto-Indo-European, from which all the languages we know emerge.

'I was very excited to hear on the archeological grapevine that in exactly the period I am an expert in, this whole new Bronze Age civilisation had been discovered on the steppe of southern Siberia.'

Explorer: TV historian Bettany Hughes was stunned when she saw the bronze age cities on the ground

The remains of the ancient city were explored for the first time around 20 years ago shortly after Soviet officials relaxed strict laws banning non-military aerial photography.

But because of the region is so remote the incredible cities have remained virtually unknown to the rest of Europe until now.

They are about the same size as several of the city states of ancient Greece and would have housed between 1,000 and 2,00 people.

Hughes was driven to the vast region by the expedition's chief archaeologist Professor Gennady Zdanovich who pointed to the cities that were buried in the ground beneath them.

The Aryan's language has been identified as the precursor to a number of modern European tongues. English uses many similar words such as brother, oxen and guest which have all been tracked to the Aryans.

Items that have so far been dug up at the sites include make-up equipment, a chariot and numerous pieces of pottery.

The artifacts were daubed in swastikas which were used in ancient times as symbols of the sun and eternal life.

But the swastika and Aryan race were adopted by Hitler and the Nazis as symbols of their so-called master race.

Evidence of ritual horse burials were found at the site which ties in with ancient Aryan texts that describe the animals being sliced up and buried with their masters.

Hughes, a visiting research fellow at King's College London, added: 'Professor Zdanovich took me to this expanse of grass; you couldn't tell there was anything special. Then, as he pointed to the ground, suddenly I realised I was walking across a buried city.

'Every now and again you suddenly notice these ghostly shapes of fortresses and cattle sheds and homes and religious sites. I would not have known these had he not shown them to me.

'These ancient Indian texts and hymns describe sacrifices of horses and burials and the way the meat is cut off and the way the horse is buried with its master.

'If you match this with the way the skeletons and the graves are being dug up in Russia, they are a millimetre-perfect match.'

Thursday, August 25, 2011

New DNA Study and European Origins

Taken from BBC News website dated 24/8/11

A new study deals a blow to the idea that most European men are descended from farmers who migrated from the Near East 5,000-10,000 years ago.

The findings challenge previous research showing that the genetic signature of the farmers displaced that of Europe's indigenous hunters.

The latest research leans towards the idea that most of Europe's males trace a line of descent to stone-age hunters.

But the authors say more work is needed to answer this question.

The study, by an international team, is published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Continue reading the main story

“Start Quote

I would say that we are putting the ball back in the middle of the field”

Dr Cristian Capelli University of Oxford

Archaeological finds show that modern humans first settled in Europe from about 40,000 years ago - during a time known as the Palaeolithic.

These people survived an Ice Age some 20,000 years ago by retreating to relatively warm refuges in the south of the continent, before expanding into northern Europe again when the ice melted.

But just a few thousand years after Europe had been resettled by these hunter-gatherers, the continent underwent momentous cultural change. Farmers spread westwards from the area that is now Turkey, bringing with them a new economy and way of life.

The extent to which modern Europeans are descended from these early farmers versus the indigenous hunter-gatherers who settled the continent thousands of years previously is a matter of heated debate.

The results vary depending on the genetic markers studied and are subject to differing interpretations.

Family tree

The latest study focused on the Y chromosome - a package of DNA which is passed down more or less unchanged from father to son.

The Y chromosomes carried by people today can be classified into different types, or lineages, which - to some extent - reflect their geographical origins.

More than 100 million European men carry a type called R-M269, so identifying when this genetic group spread out is vital to understanding the peopling of Europe.

R-M269 is most common in western Europe, reaching frequencies of 90% or more in Spain, Ireland and Wales.

Neolithic pottery The Neolithic was a time of momentous cultural change in Europe

But while this type reaches its highest distribution on the Atlantic fringe, Patricia Balaresque and colleagues at the University of Leicester published a paper in 2010 showing that the genetic diversity of R-M269 increases as one moves east - reaching a peak in Anatolia (modern Turkey).

Genetic diversity is used as a measure of age; lineages that have been around for a long time accumulate more diversity. So this principle can be used to estimate the age of a population.

When the Leicester team estimated how old R-M269 was in different populations across Europe, they found the age ranges were more compatible with an expansion in Neolithic times (between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago).

The team's conclusions received support from papers published in August 2010 and in June this year. But one study which appeared last year backed the idea of a more ancient, Palaeolithic origin for R-M269.

Age estimates

Now, a team including Cristian Capelli and George Busby at Oxford University have explored the question.

Their results, based on a sample of more than 4,500 men from Europe and western Asia, showed no geographical trends in the diversity of R-M269. Such trends would be expected if the lineage had expanded from Anatolia with Neolithic farmers.

Furthermore, they suggest that some of the markers on the Y chromosome are less reliable than others for estimating the ages of genetic lineages. On these grounds, they argue that current analytical tools are unsuitable for dating the expansion of R-M269.

Neolithic skeletons, the Valdaro lovers from Italy Studies of DNA from ancient remains could shed more light on European origins

Indeed, Dr Capelli and his team say the problem extends to other studies of Y-chromosome lineages: dates based on the analysis of conventional DNA markers may have been "systematically underestimated", they write in Proceedings B.

But Dr Capelli stressed that his study could not answer the question of when the ubiquitous R-M269 expanded in Europe, although his lab is carrying out more work on the subject.

"At the moment it's not possible to claim anything about the age of this lineage," he told BBC News, "I would say that we are putting the ball back in the middle of the field."

Co-author Dr Jim Wilson from the University of Edinburgh explained: "Estimating a date at which an ancestral lineage originated is an interesting application of genetics, but unfortunately it is beset with difficulties."

The increasing frequency of R-M269 towards western Europe had long been seen by some researchers as an indication that Palaeolithic European genes survived in this region - alongside other clues.

A more recent origin for R-M269 than the Neolithic is still possible. But researchers point out that after the advent of agriculture, populations in Europe exploded, meaning that it would have been more difficult for incoming migrants to displace local people.

WOTANS KRIEGER NOTE: R-M269 equates to haplgroup RIb

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Racial Purity of our Ancestors and Why it Matters

Over recent years we have heard disparaging remarks from the mouths of Britain`s politicians about the alleged lack of racial purity of the English nation and these insulting remarks are usually made by politicians of the Labour Party but third rate `comedians` such as Transvestite Eddie Izzard in particular take great joy in misrepresenting the facts or telling plan lies in order to further their multiculti agenda. By hiding the truth of the Germanic origins of the English people and misrepresenting our folk as a mongrel people they hope to persuade the masses, indeed the indigenous masses that mass alien immigration of the most diverse kind is not only natural and in keeping with our history but will `enrich` us all.

Readers are referred to his third rate 2003 TV series Invasion, Immigration and Innovation.

Well we have had plenty of `enrichment` in the recent race riots in London and other English cities where hordes of negroes and other non-English people have committed murder, arson, looting and the destruction of their own communities.

By being so eager to twist the truth and to libel our folk`s origins he is in effect committing race treason and will one day have to give an account of his treason to a people`s court along with all the other liberal race-traitors that are gnawing away at the roots of our biological identity like Nidhogg at the roots of Yggdrasill.

I suggest Mr Izzard takes the time to read Tacitus` Germania and in particular section 4.1 "For myself, I agree with the views of those who think that the inhabitants of Germania have not been tainted by any intermarriage with other tribes, but have existed as a distinct and pure people, resembling only themselves. Consequently, they also all have the same physical appearance, so far as can be said for so numerous a people: fierce blue eyes, tawny hair, bodies that are big but strong only in attack."

The adjective that Tacitus uses for `tawny` is the Latin rutilus which is cognate with the English `red`, `reddish` or `ruddy`. Other Roman writers have used the terms flavus, meaning `yellow`, `flaxen`, `gold-coloured` and `blonde` and rufus meaning `red` or `ruddy`. Clearly our ancestors had red, blonde, fair[light brown] or red-blonde hair. There will have been some exceptions to this rule but exceptions is all that they are. Increasing colour variation is an outward sign of an element of miscegenation that has occurred gradually since the enforced christianisation of the Germanic peoples and the replacement of their ancestral Gods with the desert slave-god of the south.

Now doubtless there would have been some intermixture with related peoples on our borders such as northern Slavs, Celts and Balts but these are largely Nordic peoples and of the same root stock.

I refer the reader to Caesar`s De Bello Gallico in which he describes the Germans[in th words of the Gauls] as "tall and strong" as well as "brave and skilful with weapons".[Section 39].

It is interesting that in the various pantheons of the Indo-European peoples our Gods and Godesses are described as being of Nordic appearance. Clearly this was the original racial type of the Aryan peoples and we must seek not only to preserve this racial type but to extend it via selective breeding and in the future genetic engineering.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Rise of the Saxons and the Legend of Hengest and Horsa-a Review

At last a novel which deals with the transfer of the English or Englisc nation from Germania to Britannia.

Ryan West expertly weaves the historical facts in to his historical novel and at the same time makes certain key points that are relevant to the ethnic English people today concerning their survival as a distinct cultual and ethnic folk and the loss of their land and power to immigrant peoples.

This book is certainly not for the squeamish with its graphically portrayed battle scenes and neither would it make comfortable reading for the `liberal` minded politically correct.

West`s interpretation of early English history is refreshing and in his own words "We are taught in England that we are British and therefore have viewed our history from a British perspective and so naturally we have viewed the Anglo-Saxons as foreign invaders. But if we say `NO!` to the people that wish to oppress English identity and do the most un-politically correct thing and think of our history from an English perspective then the Anglo-Saxons weren`t foreign at all, they were us. And we should honour their achievements and tell their stories, because if we don`t, then who will?"

Too few historical novels are based on this part of our history and not told from the Germanic perspective but from the Celtic or Romano-British one. Let us hope that this book will act as a spark for other creative authors to produce works that glorify our Germanic English ancestors and help to give English people, the young especially a sense of who they are. Once this is realised then our people will begin to awaken and then woe betide the politicians, the capitalists, `academics` and capitalists who have betrayed their blood and land!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Gordion Knot

Some years ago in the early 2000s I had a most significant and memorable dream which had a clear spiritual meaning.
The key figure within the dream was a young boy dressed in a red robe which was tied by a red cord around the waist. I attempted to undo the knot in the cord but no matter how I tried I did not succeed and then I recall saying to myself "this is a Gordion Knot." With this I awoke.
At that time I was not familiar with the story of the Gordion Knot and how Alexander the Great managed to sever it with his sword. In 333BCE Alexander the Great reached Gordium in Phrygia and severed the Gordion Knot with his sword after finding that he could not untie it. An oracle in Phrygia predicted that the man who could untie the famous Gordion Knot would become king of Phrygia[they were without a king at this time]. That night there was a tremendous thunderstorm and this was interpreted as a good omen for Alexander in that Zeus was pleased and would grant him further victories.
His biographers also claimed that the untying of the knot would grant the person who managed this control over all of Asia.
So when one says today that a certain problem is a `Gordion Knot` they are impying that it is a problem that appears to have no solution.
The symbol of the knot represents spiritual continuity and connection and suggests a need for a pause for one to assess a situation or one`s life and the need for contemplation. Psychologically it can indicate that the dreamer is a bound to a situation by a sense of duty and/or guilt and the only way to free oneself is by the untying of the knot or the things that bind us.
The boy symbolises the potential for growth and development and the willingness to face difficulties. The robe symbolises something that has remained uncovered but the desire to take off the robe by loosening and untying the knot is indicative of a need to shed old beliefs and/or inhibitions.
The robe and the cord were red and red stands for energy, vitality and vigour.
The cord itself stands for those things that tie or bound us to situations or people.
Significantly I was not aware at the time of the legend of the Gordion Knot and the connection with Alexander the Great. Was it possible that within the dream state I had accessed the Collective Unconscious of the Aryan peoples?
Certainly after this time I began to expand my interests and studies from the narrow confines of Germanic mythology and history to that of other Aryan peoples and the Proto-Indo-Europeans, taking a keen interest in the science of Comparative Mythology and the life of Alexander the Great.
This dream certainly marked a spiritual transition for me and certain personal problems were subsequently resolved.


Many years ago when I was a young man, approximately 20 years of age I had a hypnopompic dream or at least I thought that it was a dream. I may very well have been in a light trance at the time. Back then and even now it is difficult for me to distinguish which it may have been.
I heard an audible voice say to me as I was lying on my bed, "Behold I show you a mystery" which corresponds with a verse from the New Testament[I Corinthians 15:51];

"Behold I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory."

Back then I had already started out on my spiritual path, my quest for wisdom, knowledge and truth and living in a nominally Christian country it was natural that I should seek such wisdom in the Christian tradition and so I had began an exhaustive biblical study to seek answers and indeed to seek the right questions to answer!
However I was not consciously familiar with this verse although I may very well have encountered it in my readings and thus it may have sunk down into my Subconscious mind. However this may have happened its revelation to me marked a moment of transition or initiation into the mysteries or RUNA as we would call it in the Rune Gild.

It is significant that only the very first part of the verse from I Corinthians was revealed to me which had no obvious Christian content whatsoever. Only now after 30 years do I understand the message of this `dream` if that is what it is.
"Behold I show you a mystery" corresponds very well to the motto of the Rune Gild: "Reyn til Runa!"[Search out the mysteries].
It is through the dream state that our ancestors were able to communicate with the Gods, Goddesses, ancestors and other advanced spiritual entities. They are still communicating with us this way today.

Eriu, Goddess of the Aryans

The Gods and Goddesses can communicate with us from the Collective Unconscious via dreams and other states of altered consciousness such as hypnotic trances.
Recently I encountered a Goddess during the hypnopompic state of sleep prior to awaking. I often find that dreams experienced shortly before waking stay imprinted on my memory especially if they have a mystical content as this one clearly did.
My dream seemed short and the entire focus of my attention was on the appearance of a nordic looking female being who spoke these words to me: "I am Eriu,Goddess of the Aryans."
This is all She said but it made a deep impression upon me.
Eriu, daughter of Emer[a God of the Tuatha De Danann] was one of a trinity of Goddesses who along with Banba and Fohla founded the land of Ireland[also known as Eire, Erin and Eireann]. Indeed Eire was named after Eriu Herself. Thus we can conclude that She is a Goddess of sovereignity and inheritence.
In Jungian terms this may be interpreted as the manifestation of the Anima, who may be regarded as the collective manifestation of all the females a man has known, especially one`s mother. This idealised feminine is the direct counterpart to the Animus in women. The Anima is a guide to inner wisdom and is a sign that the dreamer must confront his destructive side. She is the embodiment of the feminine qualities of female power, sensitivity and intuition.
For a person to be psychologically whole the feminine and masculine parts of the psyche must be in balance.
In Germanic mythology the a man`s Anima was known by the term Fylgia who accompanied him throughout his life in Midgard and was a type of ancestral guardian spirit.
I have in part interpreted this dream as a need to explore and integrate the solar mythology with the lunar, the God with the Goddess. Too often in Asatru we focus primarilly on the male deities often to the exclusion of the female deities and this creates a spiritual imbalance. This is something we must address in the Northern Tradition to avoid our religious path becoming imbalanced and to avoid females from being deterred from exploring their native Germanic traditions.
Shortly after the manifestation of Eriu a most exciting Aryosophical work has been published called The Epic of Arya. In Search of the Sacred Light by Abir Taha, the author also of Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism: The Cult of the Superman-Unveiling the Nazi Secret Doctrine. I fully encourage readers of my blogs to obtain copies of these two exciting works.
It is significant for me that a deity whose name is linked to the term Arya and the blood and soil doctrine should choose to reveal Herself to me.
I believe that as followers of the ancestral Gods we must actively seek to communicate with the Gods and Goddesses and two of the most practical and legal ways of doing so are by inducing trance like states and the incubation of dreams[a subject I shall explore later].
ban nha mat pho ha noi bán nhà mặt phố hà nội