Sunday, September 23, 2007

Aries, Ares and the Aryan Race

Is there a link between the astrological sign of Aries the Ram and Ares the Hellenic god of war and the Aryan race?

The English word ram and the Latin aries contain the Aryan root ar or ra, so common in names denoting the masculine, fiery, and creative aspect of nature, seen in the word Aryan itself. In the zodiac of the fifth root-race the sign of the ram leads off, and in astrology is called a fiery, cardinal sign, the house of Mars (Ares), as well as the house of exaltation of the sun (Ra).

The symbol of Aries is a ram's horns, and it corresponds with the head in the human anatomy. Ram's horns on the head of a hieroglyphic figure usually denote that an initiate is meant. The symbol of a ram's head and horns is, however, often phallic, a symbol of generative power, though this can be but a degradation of its original meaning. Sphinxes with ram's heads, called criosphinxes, are said to represent the period of the equinoctial points passing through the sign Aries of the celestial zodiac, following upon the age when the bull was the sign.

Egyptian deities with heads of rams, "are solar, and represent under various aspects the phases of generation and impregnation. Their ram's heads denote this meaning, a ram ever symbolizing generative energy in the abstract, while the bull was the symbol of strength and the creative function" (TG 82).

Ares is a typical Indo-European god of war and equates to the Roman Mars, the Germanic Thor/Thunor/Donar, Tyr, the Celtic Teutates and the Vedic Indra.
During the age of the Indo-European expansion, conquest and colonisation the war gods would have taken precedence over all others. Is there a case for considering whether the ancient Aryans so closely associated themselves with their war gods that they named either themselves after their gods of war or vice versa?

The Aryans were considered by the ancients to be a solar race. Not surprisingly Aries a fire sign is symbolised by the horns of a ram, a solar symbol. The most sacred sign of the Aryan race is the swastika, the best known of all solar symbols. Ares whilst being a war god is also regarded as a solar deity.


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