Monday, March 17, 2008
"Aryan" Essentially a Racial or Ethnic Term by L. Austine Waddell
An extract from LA Waddell`s A Sumer Aryan Dictionary.
The title "Aryan" is the Anglicized form of the Sanskrit Arya, the "noble or exalted", a term which is employed in Indian literature, ancient and modern, solely in a racial sense to designate the fair ruling and civilizing race as opposed to the dark aboriginal subject people, and India itself was called the "Land or Region of the Aryas[or Aryans]." It is also used in its proper racial sense by Huxley in the heading in designating the fair long-headed people, now mainly represented in Europe by the British and Norse or Scandinavians, the so-called "Nordics" of modern anthropologists.
It is similarly used in a racial or ruling sense by the Sumerians, Akkads, Amorites, and Hittites in its earlier form of Ar, Ara, Ari, Har or Harri, also meaning "exalted or noble"[see Ar, Ara, etc in Dictionary], and similarly with a like meaning in Ancient Egypt[see Hari, Heri under Ar in Dictionary]; and ancient Greek name of Aeria or Harie for Egypt, probably designated that country as the "Land of the Ari or the Aryans". The Medes, as`Herodotus records, were formerly called Arii; and "Ariana" or "Land of the Ari" was`a title of Persia and the source of the modern name Iran for that land. The title Harri is used by the Mitani or the Early Medes, on their records about 1400 B.C. . Darius-the-Great calls himself on his tomb "an Ariyo of Ariyo descent". It is the Her title of the Ancient Goths, in their great epics, the Eddas, and the source of the modern Herr or "master" of the Teutons and Scandinavians, of the Irish Celtic Aira, a "chief" or "nobleman", and of the Ar in aristocratic[see Ari "Aryan" in Dictionary].
This title Ar, Ari, Arya, or "Aryan", appears, as I have shown, to have originally designated the Early Aryans as "The Ploghmen" from the Sumerian Ar, Ara, "plough", which is now disclosed as the source of the Old English ear, "to plough, to ear the ground" and of "ar-able", etc.[See Ar, "plough" in Dict]. The Aryans are now seen to have been the traditional inventors of the plough and of the Agricultural Era of the World; and the sense of Ara or "the exalted ones" appears to have been used for this title when this gifted race became the rulers of the various aboriginal tribes-the Sumerian also gives the plough sign the meaning of "raise up, exalt" as the secondary meaning of ploughing as "the uplifting" of the earth[see Ara, exalt, in the Dict].
Mr Waddell in his Makers of Civilization in Race and History writes:
"The title Arya, Englished into "Aryan", is the usual term employed for the white race, now called from its western stock "Nordic", from the very earliest Vedic period by the eastern or Indian branch of that race who have uniquely preserved its early traditional history and records; and the same race is similarly so termed by the Ancient Persians who also belonged to its eastern branch. And the title was and is solely used by them in a racial and in no other sense; and especially it is never used by them in a linguistic sense as is popularly supposed-a useage which was only introduced by European philologists a few generations ago. That title Arya literally means in both the Indian Sanskrit, the old classic language of India, and in the Ancient Persian language "the exalted or noble one"; and it is derived as I have shown from the Sumerian Ar, Ara "exalt, lofty, shining, glory"; which is also disclosed as the remote Sumerian root of our modern word "Aristocrat" or "noblest or most excellent governor", derived through the Greek, a word which well defines the older ethnic meaning of the word "Aryan". For the civilizers of the old world are now disclosed to have been more or less exclusively of this Aryan stock, which was essentially an aristocracy of master-men, the ruling race who established Civilization and who civilized the aborigines by their enlightened rule and science; just as in the Greek classic period of Europe, Greek Civilization reached its zenith under a military aristocracy of this same Aryan race, and weakened and became practically extinct with the weakening and practical extinction of this Aryan racial element from the population there. Indeed the later Sumerians do appear also to have used this title in a racial sense in the aspirated form of Ha-ra, which is defined in the bilingual Assyrian glossaries as "The host of the nation or people."
The title Ara, Arya or "Aryan" is found as a designation of rulers or masters to run throughout the whole family of the Aryan languages, including the Egyptian, presumably because the early rulers and masters were of this race. Thus it is in aspirated form the Her, Hera, Hearra or Herr, "lord or master" of the Goths, Scandinavians, Germans and Anglo-Saxons, the Aire "chieftain" of the Irish Scots and Gaels and so on. It is the Arios, Harios or Harri of the Medes, and Arya and Airya of the Ancient Persians in a similar exalted and racial sense; and it is thus proudly used by Darius the Great on his tomb where he calls himself "An Arya of Arya[n] descent", and Xerxes called himself a "Harri". The early sea-going branch of the Sumerians, the Morites or Amorites who have left many "prehistoric" inscriptions in the British Isles, whilst calling themselves Mur, Gut or "Goth" and Kad[forms of Khatti, Catti or "Hittite"], also called themselves Ari, which now appears to be a dialectic form of this title "Aryan".
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