Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Egypt-an Aryan Civilization

L. Austine Waddell in his Makers of Civilization in Race and History establishes a clear link between the ancient Aryan kings of India with the pre-dynastic Pharaohs of Egypt and the kings of Sumer.
In fact he goes further and suggests that the Germanic gods Odin and Thor are deified human heroes and kings and are cognate with the earliest Aryan, Sumerian and Egyptian kings.
This is a process known as euhemerisation.[From Euhemeris a 4th century BCE Greek philosopher.
Through his decipherment of ancient Sumerian seals and their decoding via early ancient Indian king lists he is able to provide a full genealogy of these ancient kings and finds a remarkable agreement between the list of kings and rulers from Sumer, India and pre-dynastic Egypt.
"As these discoveries were achieved mainly through the official King-Lists and Chronicles of the Early Aryans lying embedded and hitherto wholly unappreciated by Vedic scholars in the Indian Epic of Ancient Heroes[the Puranas]; but which have preserved the complete lists of the Sumerian kings of which only fragmentary lists have been recovered in the Babylonian dynastic lists, and have also preserved uniquely the traditional forms of the names of the Sumerian kings which have hitherto been wholly unknown to Assyriologists in their conjectural "restorations" of the kings` names from the ambiguous polyphonous Sumerian and cuneiform writing, it is desireable now for us to examine the authenticity and date of these Ancient Aryan King-Lists and Chronicles which have proved to be such unique and fundamentally important keys to the recovery of Sumerian and Early Aryan History and to the dated Early History of the World`s Civilization.

"It was this startling and revolutionary discovery by me, about a quarter of a century ago, that Menes, the founder of the First Dynasty of Egypt, was clearly identical with the Aryan Emperor Manasyu of Gopta, or Asa-Manja or Asa-Manjas, and with Manis-Tusu, the son of Sargon, disclosed by by the Indian Chronicles and King-Lists, that chiefly forced me to take up seriously the gigantic task of mastering the Sumerian language and its linear and cuneiform script, in order to revise the spelling of the names at first hand, after observing the totally different forms of the names which different Assyriologists "restored" from the same Sumerian writing in the same texts. All the more so was I prompted to take up this Egyptian side of the research, as the marvellous civilization of Ancient Egypt had captivated me ever since I had spent some weeks at the Boulaq Museum in Cairo in the eighties, and had acquired even then an amateurish acquaintance with the Egyptian hieroglyphics.

"Hitherto "Sargon"-the Great has been dogmatically stated by all Assyriologists, followed mechanically by all modern writers, to have been a lowly-born adventurer and a Semite in race, notwithstanding that there is nothing whatever to support such conjectures. On the contrary, neither in his own records nor in those of his dynasty nor elsewhere is there any reference whatever to his being a Semite or non-Sumerian. All his inscriptions that have hitherto been found in Mesopotamia are written in the standard Sumerian script of his time, in the Sumerian or Aryan sun-wise direction of left to right, and usually if not altogether in the Sumerian language-the very occasional introduction of a Semitic word or idiom[which is doubtful in regard to Sargon`s own inscriptions], was obviously, as I have shown, because by far the great majority of his subjects in his vast empire were Chaldeans or Semites who spoke a Semitic language, and Sargon himself doubtfully but certainly his successors in the dynasty, tended to embody a few Semitic words in their official inscriptions for imperial purposes, just as other Aryan Emperors did in later times. His religion was purely Sumerian and Aryan; he worshipped and invoked solely the Sun[a non-Semitic cult] with its associated later Sumerian or Aryan deity Sagg or Sakh, and neither he nor his dynasty ever once mentions a Semitic deity.

"The current name "Sargon" for this great Sumerian-Aryan emperor, is merely a Semitized corruption adopted by Assyriologists who have supposed him to be a Semite, in order to assimilate his name to the Hebrew name for the relatively late notorious Semitic Assyrian king who sent the Jews into captivity.

"Neither "Sargon" himself nor Babylonian scribes are ever found to have spelt his name so. That emperor himself usually spells his own name in his very few inscriptions as yet unearthed in Mesopotamia as Shar Ga-ni, Sir Ga-ni or Shar-Gu-ni."


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