Sunday, September 6, 2009
`Aryan`-why the `liberal` elite don`t like you to use it!
Although the traditional useage by academics of the term `Aryan` went out of fashion for political reasons after 1945 mainly due to its association with the Racial Science of the Third Reich the term has been in use by a number of writers since then and used in its traditional sense.
One of the reasons why it is rejected by the `liberal` elite[the 1968 anarchist middle class student generation] is because it is a value loaded term with great significance.
Let us examine the possible meanings now.
J.B. Mallory and D.Q. Adams in The Oxford Introduction To Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World state that the term `Aryan` or `Arya` derives from the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European[PIE] term h4eros or h4eryos which has the general meaning of "member of one`s own group" which in itself is almost an admission that it is an ethnic term.
The Hittite ara- means "member of one`s own group, peer, friend". The Lycian arus means "citizens", Old Irish aire "freeman", the Avestan airya and the Sanskrit arya "faithful".
Mallory and Adams state quite clearly "The evidence suggests that the word was, at least initially, one that denoted one who belongs to the community in contrast to an outsider; a derivative of the word is found in the Hittite ara`[what is] fitting` and natta ara `not right`.
Quite deceptively they then try to almost apologise for the above statements and attempt a u-turn by saying "Although in Indo-Iranian the word takes on an ethnic meaning, there are no grounds for ascribing this semantic use to Proto-Indo-European, ie there is no evidence that the speakers of the proto-language referred to themselves explicitly as `Aryans`."
Yet one has to ask that if the Hittites and not just the Indo-Iranians used this term to define themselves and as this term has cognates in all Indo-European languages and can be traced back to a reconstructed PIE term, ie h4eros or h4eryos and as the Proto-Indo-Europeans left no manuscripts behind how can these two academics so glibly argue that they did not use this term in a self-defining sense? How can Mallory and Adams possibly make this argument? How can they possibly know? Lack of evidence in itself can never be used as evidence for a counter argument.
We also have to consider that the original Aryans in their Urheimat would have been more than likely self-contained and seperated from all other races and so had no need to define themselves as a race or ethnic group until they encountered other races and ethnic groups and this probably did not start to happen until their long and far reaching dispersal began and they started to encounter alien peoples. The term `Aryan` was however already there in their original lexicon and they began to apply new meanings to the word in the courses of their migrations.
The fact that the term has been used by speakers of Indo-European languages as far apart as India and Ireland is surely a strong indication that the dispersed Aryans took this term with them and it began to take on new shades of meaning within their own language groups and ethnicities.
In his A Sumer Aryan Dictionary Professor L. Austine Waddell states that `Aryan`, `Arya` or the Ar prefix and its cognates have the following meanings: lofty, exalted ones, loftiness, majesty fame, chiefs, governors, mistress, goddess, one who goes up, mankind, man, noble, master, lord, one of the exalted ruling race, better, stronger, braver, hero, freeman, famous, warrior, gentleman, leader, honourable, man of rank or valour, etc.
Interstingly the sign of the plough is also considered to be a sign of the Aryan and Waddell in most of his books builds a case for the Aryan as the originator of civilisation and agriculture.
Is it any wonder then that the `powers that be` do not want us to use this ancient term to define ourselves by?
And since when did the Aryans ever define themselves as `Indo-Europeans` or `Indo-Germanics`? Never! Yet these very same academics would have us use the term `Indo-European`[Indo-Germanic has likewise gone out of fashion for pc reasons!] as a self-defining term. It beggars belief!
The `liberal` elite know very well that if we reclaim this word we would as a race regain our racial pride and start to overturn their genocidal policies which are aimed at our extinction as a distinct people.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Cross, an Aryan and not a Christian Symbol
It is time now to explode the myth that the Cross is a Christian symbol. Like much of the outward trappings of Christianity the Cross is an importation from Aryan solar mythology.
Acharya S writing in her Suns of God Krishna Buddha and Christ Unveiled discusses on page 257 of her book: "As the Catholic Encyclopedia points out, Christ was not represented in iconography until the 6th-7th centuries CE. CE further relates that even though[according to legend] the Emperor Constantine supposedly instituted the "outline of the `chrisme`, ie., the "Greek monogram of Christ", chi-rho, the image of Christ crucified was at that time "a Christian yet practically unknown." The "chi-rho"[X + P] itself resembles a human cruciform, as CE implies, and examples of it may be found in ancient masons` marks, such as at the palace of Phaestos on Crete, dating from the third millenium BCE."
The crucifix according to the archaeological record is a late Christian development borrowed from Aryan mythology.
The Romans worshipped their crucified Sol on the 25th of December:
"Just as the Brahmans represented their god Krishna as a crucified man with a wreath of sunbeams around his head, just as the ancient Assyrians represented their sun god Baal as a man surrounded by an aureole, and with outstretched arms, thus forming a perfect cross, so the Romans reverenced a crucified incarnation of the god Sol, and many ancient Italian pictures of Jesus as a crucified Saviour bear the inscription, "Deo Soli", which means "To the only God" or "To the God Sol". [Elizabeth Evans, The Christ Myth]
"To reiterate , the sign of the cross and crucifix were sacred myths relating mainly to the sun or solar deity. The sun, as a symbol or proxy of the divine, was deemed to sacrifice "himself" and to bestow eternal life; hence, the cross and crucifix became symbols of these concepts. In fact, in India exists an "early Aryan initiation", in which a character named Visvakarma "crucifies the Sun", called "Vikkartana", who is "shorn of his beams", on a cross or "cruciform lathe".
Zoroaster was born of an immaculate conception and was "called a splendid light from the tree of knowledge" whose soul was suspended on "the tree of knowledge".
Kersey Graves in his The World`s Sixteen Crucified Saviours states "In the account of the crucifixion of Prometheus of Caucasus, as furnished by Seneca, Hesiod, and other writers, it is stated that he was nailed to an upright beam of timber, to which were affixed extended arms of wood, and that this cross was situated near the Caspian Straits. The modern story of this crucified God, which represents him as having been bound to a rock for thirty years, while vultures preyed upon his vitals, Mr Higgins pronounces as a impious Christian fraud. "For," says this learned historical writer, "I have seen the account which declares he was nailed to a cross with hammer and nails."
This is confirmed by the Catholic Encyclopedia: "On an ancient vase we see Prometheus bound to a beam which serves the purpose of a cross......"
And: ".....Speaking of Prometheus nailed to Mount Caucasus, Lucian uses the substantive and the verbs...the latter being derived from which also signifies a cross. In the same way the rock to which Andromeda was fastened is called crux, or cross."
There is of course in Germanic mythology the account of Wotan crucified upside down on the world tree for nine days and nine nights in his quest to receive esoteric knowedge in the form of the sacred runes. The reference to the nine days and nine nights possibly alludes to his journey to the nine worlds in Germanic mythology as the account is clearly a shamanic quest.
He even receives a wound with a spear as did Christ on the cross which is also referred to as a `tree`.
Mithras, an ancient Persian Sun God is also represented as crucified and having risen from the dead after three days to great rejoicing.
When Christ who was constantly in the company of his twelve disciples[representing the twelve signs of the zodiac] approached as a Sun God midsummer he appears in all his splendour for he has reached the very summitof his life path and thus his power must diminish. "The bright Sun of summer is slain, crucified in the heavens, and pierced by the spear[thorn, or arrow] of winter."[Charles Morris, Aryan Sun-Myths The Origin of Religion]
With Mr Morris`s reference to being pierced by a spear, thorn or arrow one immediately thinks of Wotan, Balder and Sigurd, the latter two being slain Sun Gods. Balder of course is destined to be resurrected after Ragnarok with six other Gods; Magni and Modi[the sons of Thor], Vidarr and Vali[the sons of Wotan] and Baldr and Hodr[also sons of Wotan]. Seven of course is a divine number.
L. Austine Waddell writing in his The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Sots and Anglo-Saxons states: "The Cross was thus freely used as the symbol of Divine Victory of the Sun on the earliest Sumerian[oe early Aryan] sacred seals from about 4000 BC., and continued so to be used by the Hittites, Phoenicians, Kassis, Trojans, Goths and Ancient Britons, and worn as an amulet down through the ages into the Christian period."
He goes on to point out that the cross on which Christ was crucified was not the traditional cross or`True Cross` but was in the shape of the Tau cross.
The True Cross was not known as a Christian symbol at the time of Constantine as previously stated and after his conversion he used the chi-rho symbol. However prior to his conversion asa sun-woripper Constantine issues coins stamped with the cross as the pagan emblem of the sun and associated with the eight-rayed sun and the title "To the Comrade of the Invinceable Sun"[Soli Invicto Comiti].
Waddell makes the argument in his afore-mentioned work that the cross was first introduced into Chritianity by the Goths . To them the cross was a solar symbol of victory which only gradually became accepted as the symbol of Christ. Their ancient use of the symbol predates the beginnings of the Christian religion.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Why homeschooling for Aryan children is now a necessity
Homeschooling is now no longer merely an option for those of us who are folkishly aware but a necessity.
In the English speaking world it is the right and the duty of each parent to ensure that his or her child is appropriately educated. There is no legal requirement to send them to a state or a private school. Many if not most parents in England are ignorant of this fact.
However recently the British Government has expressed an intention to regulate home schooling. Clearly behind this intention is to ensure uniformity in terms of how our children are poltically conditioned and indoctrinated and to send out a clear message to the oppressed British public that the state and not the parent owns the child.
A hardline feminist Dr Katherine Rake has recently been appointed the head of the Family and Parenting Institute, a state financed organisation set up by the Labour Government. Rake is also Director of the Fawcett Society, a women`s equality campaign group and has a clear agenda of socially engineering and indoctrinating society with her feminist ideology.
"Dr Rake has long declared her intention is not to support parents as they are, but to revolutionise their lives.
Writing in The Guardian three years ago, she said: 'We want to transform the most intimate and private relations between women and men.
'We want to change not just who holds power in international conglomerations, but who controls the household budget.
'We want to change not just what childcare the state provides, but who changes the nappies at home.'
Dr Rake added: 'It is only when men are ready to share caring and work responsibilities with women that we will be able to fulfil our true potential to form equal partnerships in which we have respect, autonomy and dignity.'
Under the direction of Dr Rake, a former London School of Economics lecturer, the Fawcett Society has campaigned for a 'changing role' for men.
The group, which is chaired by prominent gay rights campaigner Angela Mason, says the role reversal should be backed by longer paid parental leave, official encouragement for men to apply for flexible work hours, and the opening of mother and toddler groups to stay-at-home fathers.
It has complained that women will never achieve equality with men at work without 'challenging the traditional roles of homemaker and breadwinner'.
Fawcett has also condemned Tory plans to give tax breaks to married couples, complaining that 'it penalises all those children living with unmarried parents or with one parent'.
The appointment of Dr Rake, who is likely to earn £60,000 a year, comes at a time of growing pressure on mothers to go out to work.
Despite overwhelming evidence that a majority would prefer to stay home to bring up young children, ministers have piled pressure on them to take jobs and warned that those who fail to do so, and who rely on the income of a husband or partner, are likely to face poverty.
Only two million mothers now bring up their children full time. Official figures show that two out of three children aged three and four now spend at least part of their week in nurseries.
Jill Kirby, of the centre-right think-tank Centre for Policy Studies, said: 'This appointment to a body which is supposed to speak for the interests of ordinary parents and families shows how out of touch the leadership of the organisation is with real life in Britain.
'Katherine Rake's agenda is more about reversing sex roles than helping parents.'
The chairman of the National Parenting Institute is Fiona Millar, long-term partner of Tony Blair's former spokesman Alastair Campbell.
She said that Dr Rake 'has a strong track record in research, policy and campaigning and will be a great asset to the organisation at a time when the recession is putting extra pressure on families up and down the country'. "
Clearly it is now no longer a matter of whether we should educate our children ourselves but how and when we are going to start!
The advantages of homeschooling are obvious. By educating our own children we avoid instilling into their minds the multicultural, multiracial, `equality` nonsense that is preached at them in schools and we also avoid the vile homosexual filth that they are exposed to as part of their `education`.
However homeschooling should not be judged merely as a means of avoiding the bolshevic indoctrination of our children but as an opportunity to expose them to an education which they could never have hoped to have received within the state or private sectors. We can give them a real sense of who they are, the uniqueness of their Aryan identity and instil in them love for their own race and an abhorrence for miscegenation, drug taking, homosexuality and general degeneracy.
We have the opportunity to create supermen and superwomen with a special and unique insight, a folkish Weltanschauung that nobody can rob them of when they are older but we must start this process whilst they are very young.
Subjects to be taught could and indeed should include the following:
Basic literacy and numeracy.[Much of what is taught in schools is unnecessary and confusing to children].
Basic geography.
Aryan history-in particular our pre history and how our nations were formed.
Ethnology and Race Studies.
Aryan spirituality and religion including Runecraft.
Aryan music-surely a knowledge and appreciation of the music of Richard Wagner is a necessary requirement?
Basic martial arts to enable both our boys and girls to defend themselves when necessary.
Survival techniques and domestic science-especially for girls.
There are many good quality Internet sites that provide an opportunity for parents and children to download educational materials and there is nothing to prevent a child from gaining qualifications via distance or online learning.
Qualifications and examination results are viewed by schools as a way of indicating and advancing where they are in government league tables-they rarely benefit the children concerned and 95% of what is taught in schools has no relevance in life after school or in the world of work. Children are placed under unnecessary pressure to `compete` in order to further the careers of their head masters.
Schools have become nothing more than political indoctrination centres and organisations for the dissemination of liberal propaganda which is designed to instil in an Aryan child a deep sense of `guilt` and `shame` and to make them conform to the dictates of their bolshevic political masters.
Opponents of homeschooling usually trot out the tired and lame excuse that attending school helps children to `socialise`. What they mean by socialisation is to instil into the child the herd complex and uniformity of belief and expression. The Superman cannot and will not be a socialised sheep!
The coming racial holy war will first of all be fought in the hearts and minds of our young and we cannot afford to lose this war if our race is to survive genocide and extinction.
"We now see that the gang of sleazy racketeers headed by John Dewey has attained its goal. We realize that the public schools have been for many years a vast brainwashing and brain-contaminating machine that has worked, on the whole, with great efficiency. It's a machine to which we send our children to have their minds filled with grotesque and debasing superstitions; to have their instincts of integrity and honor leached from their souls; to be incited to premature debauchery and perversion; to be imbued with thoughtless irresponsibility; and to be prepared for addiction to mind-destroying drugs and an existence below the animal level. The public schools have indeed been the most powerful single engine of subversion that our enemies have used upon us." --Dr. Revilo P. Oliver
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Racial Memory
The father of Analytical Psychology Carl Gustav Jung posited the theory of the Collective Unconscious. This is a level of the Unconscious beyond the Personal Unconscious or Subconscious which is shared by a society with a shared ancestry. It is a reservoir of the experiences, beliefs and thoughts of our ancestors over many millenia.
Jung discovered its existence from the analysis of his patients` dreams. Frequently his patients were able to recall information from their dreams which they had no conscious recollection of or access to and he found that much of the symbolism contained within his patients` dreams had a consistent and shared quality, specific to that race or folk.
One can read the beginnings of the formulation of his theory and examples of his research within his early and seminal work, Psycology of the Unconscious, published in 1916. This work marked a departure from the work and theories of the jewish founder of Psychological Analysis Sigmund Freud.
Within this groundbreaking work Jung explores not only dreams but mythology with an emphasis on Aryan mythology. Whether consciously or not Jung was beginning to create a new branch of psychology, a distinctly Aryan one which had almost messianic and Aryan undertones.
Jung goes beyond Freud`s narrow sexual interpretation of the Libido or life impulse and transforms it into an Aryan hero, a sun hero who is seeking to escape his narrow confines as it experiences a series of adventures.
The Collective Unconscious is further discussed and defined in Jung`s The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious.
Two groundbreaking and controversial books by Richard Noll, The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl Jung and The Jung Cult: Origins of a Charismatic Movement expose for the first time Jung`s folkish and Aryan belief system.
If it is true that we can access the shared racial memory of our ancestors via dreams and trance states then nothing is truly ever lost despite the destruction and havoc that was caused to our ancient Aryan spiritual lore and paths by the forces of christendom over the centuries. Everything is waiting to be rediscovered.
I believe that it was this very same Collective Unconscious that Aryan mystics such as the Austrian Guido von List[1848-1919] was able to access during his period of blindness which lasted 11 months after a cataract operation carried out in 1902. During this time he received visions as his "inner eye" was opened and he received the Armanen runic futhorc.
In the same way the God Odin/Woden/Wotan received the runes as related in the Norse Havamal.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Soma, the Drink of the Gods
Present in the mythologies of various Aryan peoples are tales of a mythical drink which regenerates and bestows youth and even immortality on the Gods.
This drink is called soma by the Hindus and haoma by the Iranians. The similarity between the two terms is no doubt due to the earlier shared culture of the Aryan Iranians and Aryan Indians.
The drink is bestowed by a God of the same name Soma, no doubt a personification of the plant which has been identified by the Hindus as Asclepia acida or Sarcostemma viminale which contains a milky juice of a sweetish subacid flavour. When mixed with honey along with other ingredients it became the very first liquor known to them. The Rig Veda is full of references to this divine drink and its use in sacrifices to the Gods.
Among the myths of various Indo-European peoples there is a connection between the bestowing of this drink by the Gods on to their peoples, the descent of fire and the soul of man.
The drink was also known as methu by the Greeks and meodu by the Anglo-Saxons from the ancient Germanic medu. This is now known to us of course as mead.
Soma also known as amrita by the Hindus has its own tribe of demi-God custodians, the Gandharves also known by the Greeks as Kentaurs, half equine and half human mythical beings.
Whilst the haoma drink of the Iranians is identical linguistically and by type with the soma of the Hindus it comes from a plant which grows like a vine and its leaves are like those of the jessamine.
The Iranians identified two different types of haoma, white and yellow. The yellow grows on mountains and is reserved for religious rites. It was known to Plutarch.
The white haoma is more of a mythical plant which ` grows in heaven`.
The evil Iranian deity known as Ahriman is bent on the plants` destruction. In both Iranian and Hindu mythology the haoma and soma grow very near a sacred and mighty `world tree`. One immediately thinks of the Germanic world tree Yggdrasil which has three roots which each extend to a sacred fountain. These are known as Urdhrbrunnr, Mimirbrunnr and Hvergelmir.
The `water` of Mimir`s well[Mimirbrunnr] is mead. Water from the heavenly Urdbrunnr falls as honey dew. Honey of course is the principal ingredient of mead.
Soma, haoma and mead although having different physical origins are nevertheless mythologically identical and no doubt point back to an earlier Aryan age when the various Aryan peoples resided together as one people before their dispersal throughout Eurasia.
There are tales within both the Vedas and Eddas which tell of a time when the Soma, mead or the Norse apples of life was witheld or stolen by evil forces from the Gods and/or men and everyone grew old.
In various Aryan legends the drink of the Gods was conceived to be a product of a storm and so the boiling or brewing of the earthly soma must have its mythical counterpart in the brewing of the heavenly soma. The storm represents this process and according to Walter Keating Kelly in his Curiosities of Indo-European Tradition and Folk-lore this is the origin of the saying "It`s brewing a storm."
The Vedas refer to the Bhrigus who were an ancient clan of fire priests and associated with the lightning as the yielders of the soma.
Linked with the drink of the Gods are tales of magical cauldrons found in many Aryan mythologies, especially in the Germanic, Celtic and Hindu which were able to impart wisdom, inspiration, supernatural knowledge and immortality. No doubt the later folk-tales of witches and their cauldrons are a remnant of this ancient Aryan idea. Again like the drink or apples of the gods the cauldrons often feature in tales where they are the object of theft or acquisition.
In Valhalla the fallen heroes, the Einheriar are served mead by Valkyries and this mead which is given by the goat Heidrun grants immortality and regeneration to them.
Over the next few months I intend to focus on specific tales that centre upon the theft of the mead, soma, apples or cauldrons to demonstrate a mythological unity in the concept which is found in the surviving mythologies of all the Aryan peoples.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Why a Folk Needs its Gods and Why the Gods Need their Folk
Obtaining and maintaining a connection with the Gods of one`s Folk is a vital prerequisite for the biological survival of that Folk. A Folk who have lost that connection or whose connection has been weakened will suffer racial deterioration and finally extinction as a biological, genetic and cultural entity.
As long as a Folk`s Gods continue to be honoured and remembered the Folk will survive and eventually will flourish. In a very real sense the survival of the Folk is dependant on the survival of its Gods and the survival of a Folk`s Gods is dependant upon the survival of their Folk.
The pre-christian Germanic sacred writings, especially the Eddas make it clear that our Gods were never considered immortal in the sense that we consider the term. They were subject to injury and maiming[the loss of Tyr`s arm, Odin`s eye, Hodur`s blindness and the lodging of the fragment of a stone axe in Thor`s head]. They were also subject to ageing as indicated by the story of the theft of the Goddess Idun`s apples which maintained the youthfullness of the Gods.
The Gods can also die as many of them will in Ragnarok and as some already have such as Baldur, Hodur and Nanna.
The Gods differ from mortals in the sense that they have greater strength, wisdom, might, power, beauty and longevity but they are still subject to the same forces as we are.
We are in a very real sense the children of the Gods as evidenced in not only the Germanic creation myths but in the Lay of Rig[Heimdall] who fathered the three Germanic castes.
Germanic kings used to trace their lineage to the God Odin/Woden/Wotan as any examination of writings such as the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles will confirm.
There are some[usually those of the christian persuasion] who criticise attempts at reviving the religion and spirituality of the Aryan peoples, belittling such attempts by referring to it as reconstructionism. However this criticism is unjust. The christian churches embarked on a wholscale cristianisation of the Germanic peoples and attempted to obliterate any trace of our Gods and religion. However they were only partially successful. Many christian monks and scribes from whatever motives they had did us a service by committing many of our myths and legends to parchment and it is from these myths, Eddas, legends and sagas that we are able to get a glimpse at the spiritual and religious practices of our forefathers.
However our religion is not fossilised into a `Religion of the Book` as the the religions of the jews, christians and muslims: it is a vital and evolving religion which at the same time is both rooted in our ancient past but looks towards the future. A religion must be dynamic not static else it will die.
A good example of such a religion or an interpretation of it is the Cult of Woden or Woden`s Folk.
The Gods have not gone away but for centuries they have been slumbering, awaiting the time that they should once again be revealed to the Folk in all their glory.
Jung in his 1936 essay Wotan likens the Gods to psychic forces or archetypes:
"Archetypes are like riverbeds which dry up when the water deserts them, but which it can find again at any time. An archetype is like an old watercourse along which the water of life has flowed for centuries, digging a deep channel for itself. The longer it has flowed in this channel the more likely it is that sooner or later the water will return to its old bed."
And also: "There are people in the German Faith Movement who are intelligent enough not only to believe but to know that the god of the Germans is Wotan and not the Christian God."
Robert Blumetti simplifies this idea very well in Vrilology The Secret Science of the Ancient Aryans: "The Gods and Goddesses are asleep within our very DNA. They are waiting to be called back and once again forge a new bond between mortal and immortal."
Sunday, May 10, 2009
In Memoriam
In Memoriam-my brother Robert 1950-2009, aged 58 years.
Lo, there do I see my father
Lo, there do I see my mother
and my sisters and my brothers
Lo, there do I see the line of my people
back to the beginning
Lo,they do call to me
They bid me take place among them
in the Halls of Valhalla
where the brave may live forever
Aryan Secret Societies-The Odin Brotherhood
Since the introduction of christianity in the Aryan world within the first and second millenia CE secret sects have flourished with the aim of preserving Aryan lore which would otherwise be lost due to the suppression carried out by the christian churches and their temporal royal lackies.
Most notable ones include the Armanenschaft, the Rosicrucians, Free Masons, The Order of the New Templars, The Germanenorden, The Thulegesellschaft, The Edda Society and many others.
One group which came to my attention recently is the Odin Brotherhood which allegedly has been in existence since 1421 when it was formed by the three children of a widow who in 1418 was cruelly executed by a christian priest. The widow had been caught honouring the old gods in a remote grotto. She refused the lustful advances of the priest and this sealed her doom.
After her murder her children summoned her spirit through an ancient necromantic rite and the slain woman instructed her children to save the ancient religion by taking the movement underground. They were instructed to form a secret society–a "conspiracy of equals"--dedicated to the old gods. They pledged to "honor the gods with clandestine rites in deserted places," and they promised to "share their knowledge" with "the few" they trusted before they died.
The brotherhood refuse to give any details that identify the woman or the village she came from.
This mysterious society is the subject of a book by the same name, The Odin Brotherhood by Dr Mark Mirabello. Dr Mirabello first encounters a representative of this secret order in a bookshop in Leith, Scotland. This silver haired eastern European holding a peculiar cane adorned with images of an ass and a serpent approached Dr Mirabello as he was browsing through a book by Arthur Edward White, The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross. The stranger referred to himself as "Lodur`s friend". Lodur is one of the Asa gods referred to in the Voluspa from the Poetic Edda who along with Odin and Hoenir created the first humans.
This introduction was the beginning of a series of contacts, some apparently coincidental, some arranged in which he met other enigmatic strangers who often spoke of the Odin Brotherhood and their philosophy.
People do not join the brotherhood in the conventional sense but the brotherhood make themselves known to suitable candidates.
The late date for the formation of the Odin Brotherhood is not so unrealistic when one considers that heathenism was still openly practiced in the far north in Lithuania and the country was not christianized until the late 13th and early 14th century CE.
The Odin Brotherhood is `Called an "occult religion" for adepts, a "creed of iron" for warriors, and a "secret society" for higher men and women who value "knowledge, freedom and power", the Odin Brotherhood honours the gods and godesses of the Norse pantheon.`
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