Saturday, July 4, 2009

Why homeschooling for Aryan children is now a necessity

Homeschooling is now no longer merely an option for those of us who are folkishly aware but a necessity.
In the English speaking world it is the right and the duty of each parent to ensure that his or her child is appropriately educated. There is no legal requirement to send them to a state or a private school. Many if not most parents in England are ignorant of this fact.
However recently the British Government has expressed an intention to regulate home schooling. Clearly behind this intention is to ensure uniformity in terms of how our children are poltically conditioned and indoctrinated and to send out a clear message to the oppressed British public that the state and not the parent owns the child.
A hardline feminist Dr Katherine Rake has recently been appointed the head of the Family and Parenting Institute, a state financed organisation set up by the Labour Government. Rake is also Director of the Fawcett Society, a women`s equality campaign group and has a clear agenda of socially engineering and indoctrinating society with her feminist ideology.

"Dr Rake has long declared her intention is not to support parents as they are, but to revolutionise their lives.

Writing in The Guardian three years ago, she said: 'We want to transform the most intimate and private relations between women and men.

'We want to change not just who holds power in international conglomerations, but who controls the household budget.

'We want to change not just what childcare the state provides, but who changes the nappies at home.'

Dr Rake added: 'It is only when men are ready to share caring and work responsibilities with women that we will be able to fulfil our true potential to form equal partnerships in which we have respect, autonomy and dignity.'

Under the direction of Dr Rake, a former London School of Economics lecturer, the Fawcett Society has campaigned for a 'changing role' for men.

The group, which is chaired by prominent gay rights campaigner Angela Mason, says the role reversal should be backed by longer paid parental leave, official encouragement for men to apply for flexible work hours, and the opening of mother and toddler groups to stay-at-home fathers.

It has complained that women will never achieve equality with men at work without 'challenging the traditional roles of homemaker and breadwinner'.

Fawcett has also condemned Tory plans to give tax breaks to married couples, complaining that 'it penalises all those children living with unmarried parents or with one parent'.

The appointment of Dr Rake, who is likely to earn £60,000 a year, comes at a time of growing pressure on mothers to go out to work.

Despite overwhelming evidence that a majority would prefer to stay home to bring up young children, ministers have piled pressure on them to take jobs and warned that those who fail to do so, and who rely on the income of a husband or partner, are likely to face poverty.

Only two million mothers now bring up their children full time. Official figures show that two out of three children aged three and four now spend at least part of their week in nurseries.

Jill Kirby, of the centre-right think-tank Centre for Policy Studies, said: 'This appointment to a body which is supposed to speak for the interests of ordinary parents and families shows how out of touch the leadership of the organisation is with real life in Britain.

'Katherine Rake's agenda is more about reversing sex roles than helping parents.'

The chairman of the National Parenting Institute is Fiona Millar, long-term partner of Tony Blair's former spokesman Alastair Campbell.

She said that Dr Rake 'has a strong track record in research, policy and campaigning and will be a great asset to the organisation at a time when the recession is putting extra pressure on families up and down the country'. "

Clearly it is now no longer a matter of whether we should educate our children ourselves but how and when we are going to start!
The advantages of homeschooling are obvious. By educating our own children we avoid instilling into their minds the multicultural, multiracial, `equality` nonsense that is preached at them in schools and we also avoid the vile homosexual filth that they are exposed to as part of their `education`.
However homeschooling should not be judged merely as a means of avoiding the bolshevic indoctrination of our children but as an opportunity to expose them to an education which they could never have hoped to have received within the state or private sectors. We can give them a real sense of who they are, the uniqueness of their Aryan identity and instil in them love for their own race and an abhorrence for miscegenation, drug taking, homosexuality and general degeneracy.
We have the opportunity to create supermen and superwomen with a special and unique insight, a folkish Weltanschauung that nobody can rob them of when they are older but we must start this process whilst they are very young.
Subjects to be taught could and indeed should include the following:

Basic literacy and numeracy.[Much of what is taught in schools is unnecessary and confusing to children].
Basic geography.
Aryan history-in particular our pre history and how our nations were formed.
Ethnology and Race Studies.
Aryan spirituality and religion including Runecraft.
Aryan music-surely a knowledge and appreciation of the music of Richard Wagner is a necessary requirement?
Basic martial arts to enable both our boys and girls to defend themselves when necessary.
Survival techniques and domestic science-especially for girls.

There are many good quality Internet sites that provide an opportunity for parents and children to download educational materials and there is nothing to prevent a child from gaining qualifications via distance or online learning.
Qualifications and examination results are viewed by schools as a way of indicating and advancing where they are in government league tables-they rarely benefit the children concerned and 95% of what is taught in schools has no relevance in life after school or in the world of work. Children are placed under unnecessary pressure to `compete` in order to further the careers of their head masters.
Schools have become nothing more than political indoctrination centres and organisations for the dissemination of liberal propaganda which is designed to instil in an Aryan child a deep sense of `guilt` and `shame` and to make them conform to the dictates of their bolshevic political masters.
Opponents of homeschooling usually trot out the tired and lame excuse that attending school helps children to `socialise`. What they mean by socialisation is to instil into the child the herd complex and uniformity of belief and expression. The Superman cannot and will not be a socialised sheep!
The coming racial holy war will first of all be fought in the hearts and minds of our young and we cannot afford to lose this war if our race is to survive genocide and extinction.

"We now see that the gang of sleazy racketeers headed by John Dewey has attained its goal. We realize that the public schools have been for many years a vast brainwashing and brain-contaminating machine that has worked, on the whole, with great efficiency. It's a machine to which we send our children to have their minds filled with grotesque and debasing superstitions; to have their instincts of integrity and honor leached from their souls; to be incited to premature debauchery and perversion; to be imbued with thoughtless irresponsibility; and to be prepared for addiction to mind-destroying drugs and an existence below the animal level. The public schools have indeed been the most powerful single engine of subversion that our enemies have used upon us." --Dr. Revilo P. Oliver


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