Saturday, June 4, 2011

Wolfsangel-The Rune of Coming Germanic Resistance

The Wolfsangel or Wolf-hook Rune does not form part of any historic futharkh although Nigel Pennick in his Secrets of the Runes does place this rune within a fifth Aett.
The rune represents "an ancient iron weapon used to catch and kill wolves. Wolsangel channels magical energy for human use. First it binds all harmful influences and then it obliterates them"[page 77 of The Complete Illustrated Guide To Runes by Nigel Pennick].
He also considers that along with the Anglo-Saxon rune Stan, Wolfsangel is the rune of Vidar, destroyer of the Fenris-wolf[page 119].
"Its greatest use is in binding powerful forces of disorder and dissolution."
"Also, as a wall anchor, it maintained order, preventing the spreading of walls, and the possible collapse of the building."
[page 97, Secrets of the Runes by Nigel Pennick].
The rune is also associated with the sky-God Tyr who sacrificed an arm in order to bind the Fenris-wolf. Its element is earth, its polarity is female, its colour red and it is linked to the metal iron.
With its capacity to bind and destroy forces of disorder and dissolution it was used by the freemen, peasants and farmers of Germany during the Thirty Years War from 1618-1648[a war by the way instigated and prolonged by the forces of Christianity].
Hermann Loens[1866-1914] published his powerful fictional chronicle Der Wehrwolf[The Warwolf] in 1910.
On page 78 of the English translation Loens wrote: "Wolf-runes were carved into the trees in every direction around the hills; they signified: 'Beware! Before you is an abyss, and should you fall in, you are doomed!'" This work will be of interest to Wodenists as there is a clear pre-Christian Germanic religious undercurrent running throughout the whole of the book.
Not surprisingly Der Wehrwolf was required reading for Heinrich Himmler's SS in the closing stages of WWII when Germany was encircled by Bolshevic and Zionist-Capitalist forces, ready to invade and pollute Germany`s sacred soil.
The Wolfsangel became the dreaded symbol of the SS Werewolves and it was found daubed over the doors of collaborators and other traitors. The bodies of executed traitors also bore this sign on a placard as a warning to others who would consider betraying their Volk and Vaterland.
The SS and other non-SS Werewolf units acted as a modern form of the medieaval Holy Vehme who according to Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D[Edred Thorsson]has its origins in the eight century CE and its revival in the 14th-15th centuries CE with the breakdown of law and order in Germany: "In this time when ancient principles were being violated by the very ones who were supposed to be upholding them[knights and nobles-my emphasis]there arose a mysterious institution: the Holy Vehme[Feme/Veme and Vehme].
The Vehme itself was of ancient origin. Its formal institutions go back to the time of Charlemagne who had established in the law the idea of free-courts in which freemen could apply ancient customary laws to ensure peace and good order in society."[The Northern Dawn. A History of the Awakening of the Germanic Spirit. Volume 1 From the Twilight of the Gods to the Sun at Midnight].
The existence of the Holy Vehme can be traced right through from Charlemagne to the 14-15th century CE, to the 30 Years War, to the Freikorps and the aftermath of WW1 and the Werewolf resistance movement from 1944 to 1949. A thorough history of the Werewolves is given in The Last Nazis. SS Werewolf Guerilla Resistance in Europe 1944-1947 by Perry Bidiscombe. An earlier work by Charles Whiting called Werewolf. The Nazi Resitance Movement 1944-1945 is less authorative in my opinion and quite dismissive in the achievements of these young heroes.
The identity of the members of the Vehme was secret, they met in secret and passed judgement and execution on those who were found guilty of betraying their folk. Execution was mainly carried out by hanging. No doubt this was an unconscious offering to the God of the hanged, Woden.
This rune is beginning to re-emerge in the consciousness of Germanic people, faithful to their Gods who see their lands being systematically invaded and destroyed by alien hordes who are being encouraged to flood our lands by the very democratically elected representatives of the people. The rule of this rootless and folkless political and economic elite is fast coming to an end and they will in time be judged by the people who they have so shamefully betrayed. Their rule is fast coming to an end.


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