Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wotans Krieger Recommends: "Celts & Teutons"

Last night I watched a newly purchased DVD titled Celts & Teutons. Megaliths. Menhirs. Stone Circles. Rituals. Druid Cults. Graves of the Kings. The alternative title on the disc says Auf den Spuren der Giganten. On the Trail of the Giants.

It has been released by Discovery Movies and is approximately 60 minutes long. It is well produced with film footage of scores of images of menhirs, dolmens and stone circles. The accompanying English narrative is informative and the Wagner/Greig soundtrack rousing. For me watching this film was a spiritual experience. It is clear that the creator of this work has a deep love for Europe`s antiquities and the Nordic race who produced them.

This documentary will appeal to anyone with a love for Germanic or Celtic culture, history and northern European antiquities. My only criticism is that the DVD extras, the Discovery Gallery, Daeniken Gallery and the chapter menu did not function. This may be because it is a German made disc and the menu does not function on DVD players set up for the English market.

The DVD is not generally available until October but can be purchased now via Amazon UK.


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