Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Dream of the Reawakening of the English Folk

This morning I had a very interesting and what I feel to be a significant dream about the future of Wodenism in England.
My dream commenced with me viewing an online video of a Woden`s Folk event on my computer at work surrounded by other people who took an interest in what I was viewing.
The video overwhelmingly featured children dressed in red and white costumes and wearing horned helmets.
The scene of the dream then switched to me attending a very large meeting of folkish Wodenists who had gathered from all over England to celebrate England Day or as it is more commonly known-St. George`s Day. There were hundreds of people-all white and all English who came to gather in what was a carnival type of atmosphere. It was a sunny and happy day. I remember saying to a bystander, an old man with a beard "how proud people are of being English".
Coaches of people were arriving but most of these people were old people and I remarked to someone that "these people were probably not Woden`s Folk" but nevertheless were gathering to celebrate this special day.
Significantly there were old people and children who were predominant in this dream. This large number of old people are representative of our ancestors, the children being our descendants, signifying an unbroken genetic link between the past and the future. Our ancient Wodenic religion was being revived and was growing in popularity. The red and white costumes signify the colours of the English Cross flag and the White Dragon flag. The children`s horned helmets represent our Germanic heritage. The coaches signify a communal experience and means of getting to our ultimate destination and achieving our shared goal.
I believe this dream to be prophetic and I cannot help but draw a link between this and the coming referendum on Scottish independance. Freed of Scotland England and the ethnic English people will once again regain their Germanic English identity and proudly reassert this again in the world.
England`s premier Wodenist organisation, Woden`s Folk may be found on


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