Saturday, February 4, 2012

Queen Elizabeth II of England-a Traitor to the English Folk

Elizabeth II you are a traitor to the English people, the native ethnically English people that is because during your thus far 60 year reign you have demonstrated your utter lack of loyalty to the Anglo-Saxon people of England. Indeed you have embraced and welcomed our genocide by your failure to resist the unwanted invasion of this country by the hoards of millions of immigrants of nno-Aryan stock who have turned a once great country into a crime-ridden drug infested multiracial shit hole. Well done Elizabeth, I hope that you are proud of your royal self!
You have presided over the loss of the British Empire and the gradual disintegration of the United Kingdom. You will go down in history as the last monarch of a once truly English England. Your father in turn, George VI, an utter incompetent and stuttering bufoon allowed England to be drawn into a needless war at the instigation of zionist money lenders and it is this act which has caused our and Aryan Europe`s current ongoing genocide. You have continued in your foul father`s work unashamedly.
Not only have you not spoken out against the invasion of our land but on numerous occasions you have stated how "proud" you were of this country becoming a multiracial land such as on your 75th birthday. This makes you a traitor to our people. In less `liberal` and better times you would have been tried by the folk and if found guilty hung as a traitor and as an offering to our High God Woden. Unfortunatley I see little prospect of this happening although interestingly it was only as recently as 1998 that the death penalty for this crime was abolished.
Taking into account your age I suggest that the folk instead strip you of your titles, assets, wealth and lands and dump you on the nearest negroid island for you to enjoy your racially diverse neighbours and all the "enrichment" that this involves.
Even your beloved Jamaicans are desperate to see the back of you!


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