Saturday, August 4, 2012

`Ar` as a Prefix in Aryan God/Goddess Names

It should not come as any surprise to us that as our ancestors identified so closely with their Gods, going so far to identify themselves as being children of the Gods that we should find the Ar[Aryan] prefix and its cognates[Her/Ir] as components in the names of our deities.
Most significant is the God name Aryaman[Sanskrit] who has cognates in Avestan[Airyaman],Gaul[Ariomanus], Old Irish[Eremon]and German[Irmin/Hirmin]. Jaan Puhvel states in Comparative Mythology "Aryaman-is originally a neuter abstract, something like `Aryanness`, the deified embodiment of social identification."
Ahriman is a later Zoroastrian entity and an alternative name for the demon Angra Mainyu. We must not forget that Zoroastrianism like other monotheistic religions has its basis in the demonisation of ancient Aryan Gods. We have witnessed the same process throughout christianised Europe.
Aryaman is a God who is primarily concerned with the institution of marriage but also road/pathway building and maintenance. However more than this, as Puhvel states He embodies the very concept of being an Aryan, something which our ancestors were very much aware of even hundreds and thousands of years after the break up and dispersal of the Proto-Indo-European people. The fact that this God name is found amongst the Celts and Teutons and not just the Iranians and Indo-Aryans signifies once and for all that the term `Aryan` is an appropriate and indeed the most fitting term for Aryan self-identification but unlike `Indo-European` and `Indo-Germanic` it is a value loaded term and this is why it is hated by the `liberal` establishment.
It is a term which is associated with the eagle, the supreme totemic symbol of the Aryan peoples, with light, honous[Ehre], nobilty, aristocracy, the martial spirit and light complexioned physical features. It is also associated with the plough and agriculture as scholars are now beginning to appreciate, for the spread of agriculture in Europe during the Neolithic period was the consequence of waves of returning Indo-Europeans.
Other Gods, Godesses and semi-divine heroes bear this prefix in their names:
Ares, Artemis, Aurora, Arjuna, Eriu, Arthur/Artur, Arawn, Arianhod, Artio, Arduinna[bear Goddess from the Ardennes], Arnemetia[Goddess from Derbyshire, England], Artaies[Gaul], Hercules/Heracles, Arvagastiae[matrons from near Aachen], Arvolecia[Germanic healing Goddess from mid 2nd century CE Brough in East Yorkshire, England], Arnhofdi[Old Norse-`the one with the eagles`s head`-Odin], Herblindi[Old Norse-`the one who blinds the enemy army`-Odin], Herass[Old Norse-`army god`-Odin], Herjafodr[Old Norse-`father of the army`-Odin], Herjan[Old Norse-`lord`-Odin as leader of the Wild Hunt], Herteitr[Old Norse-`the one liking armies`-Odin], Hertyr[Old Norse-`army god`-Odin], Hervor[valkyrie], Herja[Old Norse-`to devastate`-a valkyrie]and Hermann/Arminius.
The `Ar` prefix is also to be found in countless ancient Indo-European personal names and especially those of heroes and prominent people, in particular from ancient Greece.


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