Monday, October 15, 2012

The Mead Horn and the Awakening of our Gods

The purpose of ritual in Germanic heathenism is to not repeat dead rituals but to create something new in the subjective[internal] and objective[external] worlds. By participating in our wheel of the year rites in the cosmic rhythm of the seasons we are in microcosm reflecting the macrocosm; as above, so below. Vilhelm Gronbech in The Culture of the Teutons Volumes 1 and 2 states: "This is the reason why all words and acts are frought with infinite consequence; the space is filled with creation, and every act gives birth to events to come.[Page 356] By engaging in our rites we are participating in an act of creation. "This reiteration or renovation, as we should call it, is not a repetition of an act primarily and for all time created years or ages ago. The present re-acting is as primary, as original as the very first acting; and the participants are not witnesses to the deed of some hero or god, not reproducers who revive the deed, but simply and literally the original heroes who send fateful deeds into the world, whether it be battles long ago or the creation of Middle-garth. In the recreation of the legend, in the ceremonial act, the earth is prepared for the living of man....."[Page 358] Our regular invocation of the Gods and our imbibing of the mead or ale made sacred by the sign of Thunor`s hammer from the mead horn allows us at that moment to enter into a state of communion with our Gods, in particular Woden, an idea which was hijacked by the christian church. The mead according to our lore imparts wisdom and inspiration to us and reminds us of the sacred mead which has its origins in the blood of Kvasir, a God born from the saliva of both the Aesir and Vanir at the conclusion of the war between these two pantheons. Mead has a particular significance in the mythologies of the Germanic and other Aryan peoples which I do not intend to go into here but reserve for another article. By our remembrance and invocation of the Gods of the Germanic peoples we are participating in their awakening. This process is a two way one for our Gods are awakening Their elect amongst our folk. The sun-born, Woden-born initiates are responding to the call of the Gods which is at the same time a call of the blood. The Gods are stirring in our very DNA and those who wyrd it is to join Woden`s elite warrior band of Einheriar will respond. Woden is quietly preparing His priestly order and they will take their place as the future priest-kings of the reborn and purified Aryo-Germanic Folk.


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