Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Irminsul or Yr-Man-Sol

Miguel Serrano in his The Ultimate Avatar makes an interesting association between the Irminsul and the runes Yr-Man-Sol. Yr, the 16th rune of the Younger Futhark and the Armanen Futhork represents both the yew and matter, telluric power and destruction. It was used on the grave stones by the SS as the Todesrune to indicate the date of death. Serrano depicts this rune as the portrayal of the Aryan deva, the God-man descending into matter, being incarnated as the vira, the hero. Man, the 15th rune of the Armanen Futhork is named Madhr[man] in the Younger Futhark and is the 14th rune in that row. It represents divine ancestry in [Germanic] man, the God-man, the masculine principle, day, consciousness and is used by rune magicians to connect to other realms outside Midgard, in particular with Asgard. It was used by the SS on gravestones to mark the date of birth and was thus referred to as the Lebensrune. Serrano depicts this rune as signifying the ascent of the Aryan vira from base matter into spirit, where he escapes bodily existence via the invisible Irminsul from the earth to the realm of the Schwarze Sonne. Sol, the 11th rune of the Younger Futhork is named Sig in the Armanen Futhork, Sigel in the Anglo-Saxon Futhork and Sowilo in the Common Germanic Futhark and represents the sun, the sunwheel, solar power, victory, knowledge and success. It is the rune of self-realisation, the rune of the Sonnenmensch. The SS used the double Sig as their particular symbol. However there is a mystery attached to this. In the outer world, exoterically SS stands for Schutzstaffel[protection squad or body guard of the Fuehrer] but esoterically it has been revealed after World War II by Wilhelm Landig and Rudolj J. Mund to represent on an esoteric level Die Schwarze Sonne[Black Sun]. More recently the works of Ralf Ettl and Norbert Juergen Ratthofer refer to another esoteric application of SS-Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein[The Lords of the Black Stone]. I do not intend to go deeper into this concept in this article as this subject requires one of its own. One can see how these three concepts are represented in the Irminsul or Yr-Man-Sol and is the method by which the rune magician, the Wodenist initiate can achieve awakening and recapture his lost divinity. It represents the awakening and raising of the Kundalini via Germanic Rune Yoga.


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