Saturday, February 23, 2013

Gar, Woden-Parsifal`s Graal Rune

The Gar Rune, the 33rd Rune of the Anglo-Saxon[Northumbrian] Futhorc lies outside of the four aetts. When the Runes are positioned around a circle Gar is central to all the other Runes. It is the beginning and end of the Runes and serves to seal magical formulas. Gar which means `spear` in Germanic represents both the spear of Woden, Gungnir[also beginning with the letter g] and the holy lance of the sacred Aryan blood carried by Parsifal. The Proto Germanic origin of this word is gaisaz and a cognate of this word also appears in Old Irish as gae which suggests a Celto-Germanic shared concept. The spear was a symbol of Germanic kingship and was used to dedicate the offering of the soon to be slain enemy to either Woden or Tyr as the Gods` share of the spoils of battle. On the world tree Woden dedicated Himself to Himself as the supreme offering. This concept hearkens back to the idea of an Aryan Hyperborean Kristos, the eon of the Hanged God as symbolised in the twelth trump of the Major Arcana. This is the third Graal Rune and its secrets were withheld for many centuries by the Rune Masters only to be revealed in the late 8th or early 9th centuries CE. In Irish mythology we learn from the Second Battle of Mag Tured that the spear was transported from the Atlantean city of Gorias and became the spear of Lug, the Celtic version of Woden. This was one of the four hallows of the divine Tuatha De Danann, the Celtic Aesir. I believe that there is a significance to the geographical location of this Rune`s unveiling, in the white island of Albion-England, a precious possession of the English folc, a special part of our previously lost Wodenic lore. Gar contains within its shape 4 cardinal directions-Niflheim in the north, Muspelheim in the south, Jotunheim in the east and Vanaheim in the west. Above we have Asgard, below this Ljossalfheim. Below we have Svartalfheim and below this Hel. Midgard occupies the central point of the Rune. It is in Midgard-in the here and now that the cosmic interplay of divine and human forces works out the Wyrd of the Norns. The Gift of Ing, the gift of genetic inheritance. The operation of Woden`s spear and Parsifal`s lance in the enclosure of Albion.

Britain`s Atlantis

They are calling this discovery "Britain`s Atlantis" and it certainly gives us food for thought when we consider the claims of the Oera Linda Book which tells the story of a lost Aryo-Germanic civilisation which flourished thousands of years ago prior to flooding and great seismic upheavals. I am also reminded of the groundbreaking work by Juergen Spanuth, Atlantis of the North and the more recent Atlantis of the West by Paul Dunbavin. Taken from the BBC website 4/7/12 A huge area of land which was swallowed up into the North Sea thousands of years ago has been recreated and put on display by scientists. Doggerland was an area between Northern Scotland, Denmark and the Channel Islands. It was believed to have been home to tens of thousands of people before it disappeared underwater. Now its history has been pieced together by artefacts recovered from the seabed and displayed in London. The 15-year-project has involved St Andrews, Dundee and Aberdeen universities. The fossilised remains of a mammoth uncovered from the area The fossilised remains of a mammoth uncovered from the area The results are on display at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition in London until 8 July. The story behind Doggerland, a land that was slowly submerged by water between 18,000 BC and 5,500 BC, has been organised by Dr Richard Bates at St Andrews University. Dr Bates, a geophysicist, said "Doggerland was the real heartland of Europe until sea levels rose to give us the UK coastline of today. "We have speculated for years on the lost land's existence from bones dredged by fishermen all over the North Sea, but it's only since working with oil companies in the last few years that we have been able to re-create what this lost land looked like. "When the data was first being processed, I thought it unlikely to give us any useful information, however as more area was covered it revealed a vast and complex landscape. "We have now been able to model its flora and fauna, build up a picture of the ancient people that lived there and begin to understand some of the dramatic events that subsequently changed the land, including the sea rising and a devastating tsunami." Dr Richard Bates at work Dr Richard Bates at work building up a picture of the ancient landmass Ancient tree stumps, flint used by humans and the fossilised remains of a mammoth helped form a picture of how the landscape may have looked. Researchers also used geophysical modelling of data from oil and gas companies. Findings suggest a picture of a land with hills and valleys, large swamps and lakes with major rivers dissecting a convoluted coastline. As the sea rose the hills would have become an isolated archipelago of low islands. By examining the fossil record (such as pollen grains, microfauna and macrofauna) the researchers could tell what kind of vegetation grew in Doggerland and what animals roamed there. Using this information, they were able to build up a model of the "carrying capacity" of the land and work out roughly how many humans could have lived there. The research team is currently investigating more evidence of human behaviour, including possible human burial sites, intriguing standing stones and a mass mammoth grave

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Axe, a Cultural, Ethnic and Religious Symbol of our Aryan Identity

In previous articles on my blogs I have discussed the symbolism of the Axe of the Germanic/Indo-European Thunder God. What I would like to do in this article is focus on why this symbol is so inextricably linked to the Germanic and other Aryan peoples. I believe that the answer may be found in accepting that the origins of the Axe are to be found in both the material realm-the axe as a weapon and as a tool and in the spiritual-the axe as a divine symbol. As esoteric heathens we accept that what is above in Asgard is reflected here below in Midgard. The esoteric war is being fought in spiritual realms and this has been and will be reflected again in exoteric warfare here in Midgard as we approach Ragnarok. The war that appeared to have been lost in 1945 is continuing spiritually and we fight knowing that ultimately the victory will be ours despite our own personal and petty concerns. The axe has its material physical genesis amongst the Aryan peoples. Rudolf Simek in his Dictionary of Northern Mythology states:
In northern Europe a cult of axes, in which axes unsuitable for practical use played an important role, is evident and is supported by archaeological finds dating later than the Neolithic Age. In the Bronze Age numerous rock carvings, and also the little bronze figure from Grevensvaenge, indicate a widespread cult of axes which should probably be understood as a fertility cult, as the phallic figures on the rock pictures suggest. Miniature axes as amulets are also documented since the late Iron Age and then again in the Viking Age.
The connection between the axe and fertility reminds me of the story in The Lay of Thrym from the Poetic or Elder Edda. Thor`s Hammer had a fertility role and was used to bless marriages. This is why marriage despite David Cameron`s insane belief is an institution between a man and a woman which existed before `governments`, `parliaments` and `marriage certificates` ever existed. Two homosexuals whether they be sodomites or lesbians cannot produce offspring therefore their relationship can never be viewed as a marriage. Mother Nature instils in mankind and other species an attraction between the genders and this makes homosexuality an aberration. The votes of a few hundred unrepresentative politicians, whoring for the homosexual vote will never change that! If they could give votes to cows, pigs and sheep they would do so and then call for the legalisation of bestiality! Our ancestors spit on the likes of David Cameron and the degenerate pigs around the trough in Westminister. Anyway returning to the main them of this article! There is as I have stated a fertility link between the axe and the hammer. It was used by everyday people to bless their families, livestock and habitations. Walter Keating Kelly in his Curiosities of Indo-European Tradition and Folk-lore states:
An axe[Thor`s weapon] and a broom are laid crosswise on the inner side of the threshold over which the nurse has to step when she goes out with an infant to have it christened. This is done that the babe may be safe from all the devices of the power of evil.
This custom apparently prevailed in Westfalen in Germany. He does not indicate the date but it would be safe to say this was after the forced conversion of our ancestors to xtianity. Thus the people would not have been aware of the pre-xtian significance of this custom, acting purely on instinct, another example of the workings of the Racial Unconscious or the Blood Memory. Again quoting from Kelly:
The German god`s fiery weapon was often represented as an axe, and hence it is a customary thing with witches to draw milk from the handle of an axe stuck in a doorpost.
H goes on to quote a reference from Kemble:
Se thunor hit thryscedh mid thaere fyrenan aecxe.
Translated into modern English: Thunor threshes with a fiery axe. Returning to Simek:
As a cult of axes is not mentioned in literary sources, it has been connected with the role of the Thor`s Hammer-Mjolnir which became a symbol of heathendom in answer to the Christian symbol of the cross. The equation of axe and hammer can be explained with the function of both cult symbols in the fertility cult. The great age of the Germanic axe-cult, the relationship with the Cretan axe-cult and the parallels to the lightening weapons of non-Germanic gods, such as Indra`s and Hercules` clubs or Sucellos the Gaul`s hammer, all suggest an Indo-Germanic origin of the various forms of the axe.
Simek could also have mentioned of course the axe-wielding Slavic Perun and the Baltic Perkunas[Lithuanian] or Perkons[Latvian]. Recently archaologists have identified a further 72 carved axes in five of the stones at Stonehenge via laser scanning. Quoted from The Independent 9/10/12:
In Indo-European tradition axe-heads were often associated with storm deities – and some surviving European folklore beliefs suggest that upwards-facing axe blades were used as magical talismans to protect crops, people and property against lightning and storm damage. It’s potentially significant that every single one of the Stonehenge axe-head images have their blades pointing skywards, while the daggers point downwards. The axe-heads – the vast majority of the images – may therefore have been engraved as votive offerings to placate a storm deity and thus protect crops.
The link between Stonehenge and the Indo-Europeans was already known and I refer my readers to a now out of print work titled Stonehenge and the Origins of Western Culture by Leon E. Stover and Bruce Kraig. This book has an alternate title: Stonehenge: The Indo-European Heritage. Stonehenge was built in various stages and it is clear that at the very least they were responsible for the latter phases of its construction. Brian Branston in the now classic The Lost Gods of England draws attention to the antiquity of the weapon of the Aryan Thunder God:
This weapon was old, older than Thunor. The Indo-European weather god had hurled it. It was found in Crete as the labrys or double-axe[lately to turn up so thought-provokingly on our own doorstep carved in the rocks of Stonhenge.
Of course the Aryans, Indo-Europeans or Indo-Germanics-whichever term you prefer are known as the Battle-Axe People. An excellent now out of print work titled The Battle Ax People , Beginnings of Western Culture by Olivia Vlahas tells the story of the Aryans in their various appearances as Kassites, Hittites, Mitannia, Hyksos, Indo-Aryans,Persians, Minoans, Mycenaeans, Greeks, Romans, Celts, Sarmatians and Teutons. The Battle Axe of course is what links these people together and is a prime symbol of their ethnic identity. I strongly urge you all to obtain a copy of this book as it is suitable for both Adults and older children and contains a wealth of information. Juergen Spanuth in his ground-breaking out of print work Atlantis of the North discusses the axe cult in quite a bit of depth and explores the identity of another axe God-Fosite, a Frisian God worshipped on the island of Helgoland. He draws a parallel between Him and the Greek Poseidon, the founder of Atlantis who originally also wielded an axe. The axe as a religious and cultural symbol actually goes back much further than the Bronze Age, contrary to what Simek stated. Neolithic stone axes have also been recovered from graves. Our people and our Gods did not just arrive in the Bronze Age: that is not the period of our genesis. It is only the period that our recorded history begins. May I remind my readers that Mjolnir was riginally a stone hammer! As Jaan Puhvel states in his Comparative Mythology:
It is thus the bolt, and it can be represented also as an [originally stone] ax....
The axe, the original form of the Thunder God`s hammer goes back to Neolithic times. It has a cultural, ethnic, religious, practical and warlike significance. It cannot be divorced from who we are as Aryans. If you wear the axe consciously as a symbol of your racial and heathen identity Thunor will pour His blessings upon you.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wotans Krieger Recommends Lohengrin Bayreuth 1936[Archipel]

This CD is a real treat. Not only do we have the likes of Franz Voelker[Lohengrin], Maria Mueller[Elsa], Margaret Klose[Ortrud] and Josef von Manowarda[King Heinrich]featuring in the live 1936 Bayreuth recording under the batten of Wilhelm Furtwaengler we also have studio recordings from the same year featuring the aforementioned singers and Jaro Prohaska under the batten of Heinz Tietjen also in Bayreuth. Included is the introductory broadcast commentary and the Olympic Hymn by Richard Strauss. Included are the complete versions of the Grail Narration[In fernem Land, unnahbar euren Schritten and Nun hoeret noch, wie Ich zu euch gekommen]. The studio recordings far exceed the live recordings in terms of reproductive sound quality but the live recordings are important historically. What mars this release are the negative and unnecessary hysterical comments in the liner notes by Steffen Koenig[who the hell is he anyway?] about Adolf Hitler. It is hoped that these biased political comments be removed from future releases. Please let us have more such releases from the 1936 Bayreuth festival! What really excites me about this recording is knowing that the Fuehrer is present in the Bayreuth audience. He gives it an electric quality by His sheer presence. It is my intention to compose an article which explores the relationship between the two graal music dramas of Lohengrin and Parsifal. In fernem Land, unnahbar euren Schritten, liegt eine Burg, die Montsalvat genannt; ein lichter Tempel stehet dort inmitten, so kostbar, als auf Erden nichts bekannt; drin ein Gefäss von wundertät'gem Segen wird dort als höchstes Heiligtum bewacht: es ward, dass sein der Menschen reinste pflegen, herab von einer Engelschar gebracht; alljährlich naht vom Himmel eine Taube, um neu zu stärken seine Wunderkraft: es heisst der Gral, und selig reinster Glaube erteilt durch ihn sich seiner Ritterschaft. Wer nun dem Gral zu dienen ist erkoren, den rüstet er mit überirdischer Macht; an dem ist jedes Bösen Trug verloren, wenn ihn er sieht, weicht dem des Todes Nacht. Selbst wer von ihm in ferne Land entsendet, zum Streiter für der Tugend Recht ernannt, dem wird nicht seine heil'ge Kraft entwendet, bleibt als sein Ritter dort er unerkannt; so hehrer Art doch ist des Grales Segen, enthüllt - muss er des Laien Auge fliehn; des Ritters drum sollt Zweifel ihr nicht hegen, erkennt ihr ihn, - dann muss er von euch ziehn. - Nun hört, wie ich verbotner Frage lohne! Vom Gral ward ich zu euch daher gesandt: mein Vater Parzival trägt seine Krone, sein Ritter ich - bin Lohengrin genannt.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wotans Krieger Recommends: Excalibur

It is now been 32 years since the release of John Boorman`s Excalibur, one of the finest films ever made. It features a host of famous actors such as Nicol Williamson[Merlin], Liam Neeson[Gawain], Patrick Stewart as Leondegrance, Helen Mirren as Morgana and Ciaran Hinds as King Lot. The music is primarily Wagnerian. The main them of the film is Siegfrieds Trauermarsch[Siegfried`s Funeral March] from Goetterdaemmerung and the preludes to Parsifal and Tristan und Isolde. The first piece emphasises the tragic and heroic nature of King Ar-Thor. The second is the theme for the quest for the Graal which is a major part of the film and the third relates to the love theme of Lancelot and Guenevere. Also featured is O Fortuna! from Carl Orff`s Carmina Burana. The original film score is by Trevor Jones. Unaccountably the stunning film soundtrack has not been available for a number of years which leads me to question is this because the overly Germanic nature of the music is felt to be an embarrassment to either the Jews who control Hollywood or the record industry? The film is now largely ignored and can be purchased on DVD very cheaply. Apart from its largely Wagnerian soundtrack the film is devoid of any non-Aryans, another reason perhaps why it is so hated by that international tribe? The film portrays Ar-Thor as the wounded king of[Amfortas] Parsifal. He is therefore no longer human but God-like in nature for he never was an historical human figure. He is the lost Sun God of northern Europe, the Ar-Thor of L.A. Waddell`s British Edda. Much of what is contained in Arthurian literature relates to the northern Indo-European Gods and Germanic Europa. The Celts as those who are initiated know, are really Germanics-a theme that I intend to explore elsewhere. Purchase the film for yourself and enjoy 2 hours of unspoilt Aryan mythology. A note for my American readers-this is myth not history!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Jacob Grimm in his Teutonic Mythology volume 1 refers to a German Goddess called Zisa. He found references to this Goddess going back to the 11th century CE. Unfortunately my grasp of Latin is not sufficient to translate the rather lengthy document he quotes from in his book! He also refers to a rhyme composed in about 1373 AD by a cleric, Kuechlin about the history of Augsburg which was dedicated to the Burgomeister, Peter Egen the Young. I reproduce the relevant excerpt as follows:- "Sie bawten einen tempel gross darein zu eren[in honour of] Zise der abgoettin, die sie nach heidnischen sitten[after heathen ways] anbetten zu denselben zeiten[adored in those days]. Die stat ward genennt[city got named] auch Zisaris nach der abgoettin[after the goddess], das was der pris. Der tempel als lang stund unversert[stood uninjured], bis im von alter abgieng[as from age it passed away], der berg namen von im empfieng[the hill took name], daruf gestanden was[whereon had stood] das werck, und haist noch huet[hight still to-day] der Zisenberck." Grimm says that the older spelling of Her name is Cisa and "that she was most devoutly worshipped by the Suevi" and Her great feast day which consisted of games and merrymaking was held on 28th September. Grimm speculates that Zisa/Cisa is the same divinity as Isis who is referred to in Tacitus` Germania 9.1: "Part of the Suebi sacrifice also to Isis; I have not ascertained the source from which the foreign rite originates, but the fact remains that the image itself, fashioned in the form of a light ship, proves that the cult is imported." It is more than likely that this Goddess was not foreign or imported but really another case of Tacitus ascribing a Roman name to a local Germanic deity which he does to other deities in his work. Rudolf Simek in his Dictionary of Northern Mythology suggests a link with the West Germanic Goddess Nerthus and the Frisian Nehalennia because of the association with the ship. Nigel Pennick[The Complete Illustrated Guide to Runes] identifies Zisa as the consort of the God Ziu/Tyr/Tiu/*Tiwaz. Coould there be an association between Zisa/Cisa as the rather even more obscure German Goddess Isa? The name would suggest it. Indeed when one considers the form of the Tiwaz and Isa runes there certainly does appear to be a link on various levels. Thus far I can only find a few references to Her: "[Rassmann identifies Island as derived from Isa, a goddess of the under-world, probably the same as Holda, and not as Iceland]."[Jessie L. Weston, Legends of the Wagner Drama]. Wilhelm Waegner in his Asgard and the Gods also refers to this mysterious Goddess: "Nehalennia, the protectress of ships and trade, was worshipped by the Keltic and Teutonic races in a sacred grove on the island of Walcheren; she had also altars and holy places dedicated to her at Nivelles. The worship of Isa or Eisen, who was identical with Nehalennia, was even older and more wide-spread throughout Germany. St Gertrude took her place in Christian times, and her name[Geer, ie spear, and Trude, daughter of Thor] betrays its heathen origin." Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke in The Occult Roots of Nazism. Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology refers to a mention of Isa in one of the works of Guido von List: "The town of Ybbs was, according to List, founded upon a shrine to the Teutonic goddess Isa;...." The work which Goodrick-Clarke refers to is Deutsch-Mythologische Landschaftsbilder. My readers will appreciate that whilst the Norse Eddas give abundant information about the principal deities of the Germanic peoples, especially in Scandinavia they are a poor resource for information about the continental Germanic or Anglo-Saxon peoples so we must use sources other than these for information about German Gods and Goddesses. Waegner refers to the antiquity of Isa. In my studies over the years I have come to realise that the older any deity is the least we know about them. A case in point is Tyr/Tiw/*Tiwaz, a God regarded as being much older than Woden and cognate with the Indo-European Sky Father *Dyeus. He is commemorated in the name of the third day of the week Tuesday in various Germanic languages. The Eddas seem to relegate Him to a role inferior to that of Woden but this was not always the case. The rune Tiwaz of course also is named after Him. So the scarcity of source material is no indication of the former importance of any deity. I have not yet obtained a copy of August Rassmann`s work but intend to do so in the near future. The above-mentioned two references to Isa identify Her as a Goddess of the underworld and She is associated with ships. We must remember that in the Germanic world there have been many discoveries of ship burials and clearly our ancestors drew a link between the ship and the underworld. Likewise Isis is associated with both water and the underworld. We also recall the descent of the Goddess Ischtar into the underworld and the more recent revelations concerning Isais[Goddess who resides in the Untersberg] and her descent into the underworld to recover the black stone[the graal]. Prudence Jones and Nigel Pennick[A History of Pagan Europe] speculate that the Istaevones could have been named after the river Histar or Istar, the original name of the Danube or Donau and Ista could have been the deity of the river. We know that generally in territories formerly occupied by the Celts that the rivers were associated usually with Goddesses rather than Gods which supposes again the deity Ista and the link with Isa. Apart from Nehalennia the astute reader will notice that the Goddesses Zisa, Isa, Isais and Isis were all worshipped in the area of Bavaria and Austria which makes a link between all or most of them much more tenable on geographical as well as linguistic and mythological grounds.

The Graal Runes of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc

This article should be read in conjunction with The Four Sacred Treasures of the Tuatha De Danann posted on my Celto-Germanic Culture, Myth and History blog on 31/12/09 . In that article I discussed in great detail the nature and origin of the four hallows of the Tuatha De Danann who are the same mysterious Hyperborean beings as the Aesir-Vanir.
Tuatha De Danann:In Irish tradition, they are the Aesir of Norse legend, the divine ancestors who descended from the stars, the Hyperboreans.[Miguel Serrano, Nos, Book of the Resurrection].
Steven L. Akins in The Lebor Feasa Runda speculates that the Tuatha fled their island home, Tir nan`Og or the Avalon of the British legends to reside in Ireand[Eire-land of the Aryans] and that this could be an echo of the Atlantis myth. I direct any interested readers to Paul Dunbavin`s book Atlantis of the West for more information about the available scientific evidence to support the British-Irish geographical location for this lost early Aryan civilisation. Of the four hallows, the Sword of Nuada, the Spear of Lugh, the Stone of Destiny and the Cauldron of the Dagda, only the last three have a direct connection with the Graal myth and thus with the final three Runes of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc. To be more technically correct the 33 Rune Futhorc is a Northumbrian Futhorc, the earlier Anglo-Saxon one consisting of 31 Runes and the Anglo-Frisian 29 Runes. It is the 33 Rune Futhorc that we use in Woden`s Folk and there is a good reason for this. The last three Runes- Calc, Stan and Gar relate directly to the Graal mystery, a mystery which is Hyperborean in origin and its secrets now belong to the corpus of recovered lore of England`s Wodenist religion[See Spear of Woden, Saxon Rune Mysteries]. Calc is known in Old Norse as Kalkr and means `chalice`. Calc is not to be found in the Old English Rune Poem. Is this because Calc is a late addition as suggested by Edred Thorsson in his latest work, Alu, An Advanced Guide To Operative Runology or is it as I suspect, that this Rune was withheld from public use by our ancient Rune Masters because of the sacred nature of its mystery, only to be revealed now during the Kali Yuga? Thorsson reveals that the chalice replaced the drinking horn as these were outlawed by the Church when used in a religious context. The whole practice of the use of the mead horn in our sacred Germanic rites was co-opted as a practice into the Church`s rite of Holy Communion. There is reason to suspect therefore that Calc was not the original name of this Rune but possibly `Horn` as Thorsson suggests. If the Rune is reversed it resembles the Elhaz/Algiz/Eolhsecg Rune which depicts horns! Calc symbolises the Celtic Cauldron of the Dagda. Stan derives from the Proto-Germanic stainaz, `stone`. The stone symbolises eternity and permanence. Most of the surviving Runic inscriptions are to be found on standing stones mainly in Scandinavia and northern Germany. We know from Wolfram von Eschenbach[Parzival] that the Graal was originally a green stone that fell from the crown of Lucifer. On this stone there is curious writing, "heathen writing" which can only be a reference to the Runes. The Graal is therefore a Runic mystery and is the possession of both the Celtic and Germanic peoples. Indeed there is evidence to suggest its common Indo-European origins. I will disclose this evidence in a future article. As Thorsson says
the astounding fact is that there was originally absolutely nothing Christian about it......there was simply no Christ in it.
Stan obviously relates to the Stone of Destiny-a very real historical artifact. Gar unlike the other 32 Runes does not belong to one of the four aetts but stands separate and central for it is the Spear of Woden and esoterically the gift of Ing. Gar stems from the Proto Germanic gaisaz and this is related to the Old Irish gae, both meaning `spear`. It is the symbol of regal power and was also carried by Parsifal in the tradition of the ancient Germanic priest-kings. Gar is also the Spear of Lugh, who is mythologically cognate with Woden. All three Runes-Calc, Stan and Gar are placed together in the Futhorc and this is symbolic. As Thorsson explains in his latest work that Runes situated next to one another in dyads continue a connecting theme or link. The whole Futhorc reveals a story to those with the wisdom to interpret it. Now of course one may ask what about the sword of Nuada? I have discussed this in my earlier article and there is more that I can say about this but as it does not form a direct link to the last three Runes I will reserve an article especially for Tir as the Graal associations are indirect but they DO exist. Clearly the Anglo-Saxon English people and the land of Albion[oldest known name of Britain, meaning `white`] have an important part to play in these dark days and our destiny is revealed through the study of these mysteries.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Wotans Krieger Recommends Vernal By Johan Maesser

Vernal by Johan Maesser is published by Nuevo Milenio and is available via the Lulu website to purchase. This is a rare work indeed, an Aryosophical and Hyperborean work which takes as its subject matter the survival of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich and their escape to an underground world in the pristine white and untouched continent of the Antarctic. The Fuehrer prepares the surviving Polar Reich for the final onslaught of the zionist-American forces. Whilst a battle is waged between the Reich`s Vril-powered Haunebu saucer craft and American ships and planes an esoteric struggle is fought above between the light forces of the Schwarze Sonne and the zionist forces of death, decay and destruction. One interesting passage from Vernal is of particular merit: When questioned about the necessity for engaging and continuing to fight an apparently lost war Hitler replies: `"For religion", he answered, "For the sacrifice of the sons of the sun. The Great War was the battleground on which the warriors of the Reich sacrificed themselves so that they could be born again. They will thus reincarnate as pure Aryans when the final day comes and we retake the earth.The Einherjar, the Wotanic soldiers, the Last Battalion, Wildes Heer. The war was a sacrifice for the German warrior to transform himself through death."` In my opinion this was the most moving part of the whole work and gives inspiration and hope to the Aryan warrior of today as he struggles against the forces of darkness and atrophy in the dark age of the Kali Yuga. Please purchase this work and support the ongoing work of its worthy publishers!
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