This article should be read in conjunction with
The Four Sacred Treasures of the Tuatha De Danann posted on my Celto-Germanic Culture, Myth and History blog on 31/12/09
. In that article I discussed in great detail the nature and origin of the
four hallows of the Tuatha De Danann who are the same mysterious Hyperborean beings as the Aesir-Vanir.
Tuatha De Danann:In Irish tradition, they are the Aesir of Norse legend, the divine ancestors who descended from the stars, the Hyperboreans.[Miguel Serrano, Nos, Book of the Resurrection].
Steven L. Akins in
The Lebor Feasa Runda speculates that the Tuatha fled their island home, Tir nan`Og or the Avalon of the British legends to reside in Ireand[Eire-land of the Aryans] and that this could be an echo of the Atlantis myth. I direct any interested readers to Paul Dunbavin`s book
Atlantis of the West for more information about the available scientific evidence to support the British-Irish geographical location for this lost early Aryan civilisation. Of the four hallows, the Sword of Nuada, the Spear of Lugh, the Stone of Destiny and the Cauldron of the Dagda, only the last three have a direct connection with the Graal myth and thus with the final three Runes of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc. To be more technically correct the 33 Rune Futhorc is a Northumbrian Futhorc, the earlier Anglo-Saxon one consisting of 31 Runes and the Anglo-Frisian 29 Runes. It is the 33 Rune Futhorc that we use in Woden`s Folk and there is a good reason for this. The last three Runes- Calc, Stan and Gar relate directly to the Graal mystery, a mystery which is Hyperborean in origin and its secrets now belong to the corpus of recovered lore of England`s Wodenist religion[See
Spear of Woden, Saxon Rune Mysteries]. Calc is known in Old Norse as
Kalkr and means `chalice`. Calc is not to be found in the Old English Rune Poem. Is this because Calc is a late addition as suggested by Edred Thorsson in his latest work,
Alu, An Advanced Guide To Operative Runology or is it as I suspect, that this Rune was withheld from public use by our ancient Rune Masters because of the sacred nature of its mystery, only to be revealed now during the Kali Yuga? Thorsson reveals that the chalice replaced the drinking horn as these were outlawed by the Church when used in a religious context. The whole practice of the use of the mead horn in our sacred Germanic rites was co-opted as a practice into the Church`s rite of Holy Communion. There is reason to suspect therefore that Calc was not the original name of this Rune but possibly `Horn` as Thorsson suggests. If the Rune is reversed it resembles the Elhaz/Algiz/Eolhsecg Rune which depicts horns! Calc symbolises the Celtic Cauldron of the Dagda. Stan derives from the Proto-Germanic
stainaz, `stone`. The stone symbolises eternity and permanence. Most of the surviving Runic inscriptions are to be found on standing stones mainly in Scandinavia and northern Germany. We know from Wolfram von Eschenbach[Parzival] that the Graal was originally a green stone that fell from the crown of Lucifer. On this stone there is curious writing, "heathen writing" which can only be a reference to the Runes. The Graal is therefore a Runic mystery and is the possession of both the Celtic and Germanic peoples. Indeed there is evidence to suggest its common Indo-European origins. I will disclose this evidence in a future article. As Thorsson says
the astounding fact is that there was originally absolutely nothing Christian about it......there was simply no Christ in it.
Stan obviously relates to the Stone of Destiny-a very real historical artifact. Gar unlike the other 32 Runes does not belong to one of the four aetts but stands separate and central for it is the Spear of Woden and esoterically the
gift of Ing. Gar stems from the Proto Germanic
gaisaz and this is related to the Old Irish
gae, both meaning `spear`. It is the symbol of regal power and was also carried by Parsifal in the tradition of the ancient Germanic priest-kings. Gar is also the Spear of Lugh, who is mythologically cognate with Woden. All three Runes-Calc, Stan and Gar are placed together in the Futhorc and this is symbolic. As Thorsson explains in his latest work that Runes situated next to one another in dyads continue a connecting theme or link. The whole Futhorc reveals a story to those with the wisdom to interpret it. Now of course one may ask what about the sword of Nuada? I have discussed this in my earlier article and there is more that I can say about this but as it does not form a direct link to the last three Runes I will reserve an article especially for Tir as the Graal associations are indirect but they DO exist. Clearly the Anglo-Saxon English people and the land of Albion[oldest known name of Britain, meaning `white`] have an important part to play in these dark days and our destiny is revealed through the study of these mysteries.
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