Sunday, March 31, 2013

Acadaemia and its Fear of Indo-Europeans

Last night I watched again the repeat of a Channel 4 documentary: Secrets of the Stonehenge Skeletons. Whilst the science is interesting there was very little to be learned from this over-hyped and over-repeated programme. I suggest that anyone with an interest in this subject read Stonehenge: the Indo-European Heritage[also titled Stonehenge and the Origins of Western Culture] by Leon E. Stover and Bruce Kraig[1978] and Stonehenge of the Kings by Patrick Crampton[1967]. Both books are out of print but the first is widely available. What irritated me the most about this documentary and others like it is the political correctness and cowardice of today`s academic world in its obvious fear/distaste of putting the populations of Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age Europe into an ethnic and racial context. Such a fear and cowardice was not present in the 1960s and 1970s when the aforementioned books were published and this makes them absolute gems in my eyes. These days archaeologists will shy away from referring to Indo-Europeans and Celts and will instead refer to the populations of these times as `Iron Age` people etc thus robbing them of an ethnic identity. What astounded me last night is that the programme presenters did not appear to discuss the population present or responsible for the building of phase III of Stonehenge[the finished product] and whilst they discussed phase II[not using that terminology] and referred to Beaker people they neglected or deliberately avoided any mention of Indo-Europeans. It would seem that reference to Indo-Europeans only gets a mention in programmes such as The Dark Lords of Hattusha where the Hiitites for instance as an Indo-European people are painted in dark militaristic terms, resembling a prototype of the Third Reich. It would seem then and only then do Indo-Europeans/Aryans get a mention!

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Aryan Origins of Stonehenge Reconfirmed

I have of course written several times before about the significance of the axe symbol in terms of Indo-European culture and mythology but I would like to discuss further the association of the axe and Stonehenge. For centuries scholars and fantasists have debated over the origin and meaning of Stonehenge. I believe that we now finally have that answer. Back in 1953 a carving of an upturned Bronze Age axe and and downturned dagger were discovered on stone 53, one of the sarsen trilithons. This caused speculation as to whether perhaps an alien culture such as that of the Mycaenians may have built Stonehenge. We now known that this is untrue. We as Northern Europeans over recent decades have discovered and become appreciative of our own native and advanced northern European culture which owes nothing-absolutely nothing to the south. It is from the north and not the south that civilisation and culture advanced. In 1956 the total number of axes on this stone was found to total 14. The recent laser scanning of Stonehenge reported on late last year revealed a further 71 upturned axe carvings and one further downturned dagger on four of the sarsens. The axe is of course associated with the Indo-European Thunder God and this was also acknowledged in the media. No doubt that this image added further sanctity to Stonehenge which undoubtedly was a solar temple whose stones we now know were alligned to both the summer and winter solstices. The accurate keeping of time was essential in old Europe for agricultural reasons but also the great festivals of our ancestors were linked to the time of the year. So astronomy and time keeping had both a secular and a religious purpose. Deposits of upturned axes in northern Europe are indicative of the people seeking protection from thunderstorms, the axe being both a protective device and a sign of devotion to the Thunder God. No doubt the people who carved these axes sought His protection and blessing for themselves and the monument of Stonehenge. We know from the groundbreaking work Stonehenge: The Indo-European Heritage[alternative title : Stonehenge: And The Origins Of Western Culture] by Leon E. Stover and Bruce Kraig that phases 2 and 3 of Stonehenge were built by Indo-Europeans. The monument that we know today is an Indo-European, an Aryan monument and thus should occupy a sacred place in the hearts of Wodenists and other folkish Aryanists. The authors establish that Phase II[2600-2100 BCE] was built by the Proto-Indo-European Beaker People[an emerging `Heroic` Society and Phase III[2000-1500 BCE by the Indo-European Wessex Culture[an `Heroic` Society.] This of course predates the accepted arrival of the Celts into Britain but we need to get away from thinking that the arrival of Indo-Europeans began with the Celts. It most certainly did not. There existed far more ancient Indo-European cultures before them. So no, the Celts did not build Stonehenge but Proto-Indo-Europeans and Indo-Europeans DID! In other words there was a Proto-Indo-European presence in Britain from the earliest times. The Proto-Indo-Europeans were of course the original Aryans. Recently I acquired an axe pendant in the shape of one of these upturned axes made from Preseli Blue Stone. The Blue Stones made up the inner[formerly the outer] circle of stonehenge. Axes were originally made from this material due to its hardness. I intend to use this talisman for esoteric operations. I reproduce below an article dated 17/2/13 taken from my Celto-Germanic Culture, Myth and History blog:
In previous articles on my blogs I have discussed the symbolism of the Axe of the Germanic/Indo-European Thunder God. What I would like to do in this article is focus on why this symbol is so inextricably linked to the Germanic and other Aryan peoples. I believe that the answer may be found in accepting that the origins of the Axe are to be found in both the material realm-the axe as a weapon and as a tool and in the spiritual-the axe as a divine symbol. As esoteric heathens we accept that what is above in Asgard is reflected here below in Midgard. The esoteric war is being fought in spiritual realms and this has been and will be reflected again in exoteric warfare here in Midgard as we approach Ragnarok. The war that appeared to have been lost in 1945 is continuing spiritually and we fight knowing that ultimately the victory will be ours despite our own personal and petty concerns. The axe has its material physical genesis amongst the Aryan peoples. Rudolf Simek in his Dictionary of Northern Mythology states:
In northern Europe a cult of axes, in which axes unsuitable for practical use played an important role, is evident and is supported by archaeological finds dating later than the Neolithic Age. In the Bronze Age numerous rock carvings, and also the little bronze figure from Grevensvaenge, indicate a widespread cult of axes which should probably be understood as a fertility cult, as the phallic figures on the rock pictures suggest. Miniature axes as amulets are also documented since the late Iron Age and then again in the Viking Age.
The connection between the axe and fertility reminds me of the story in The Lay of Thrym from the Poetic or Elder Edda. Thor`s Hammer had a fertility role and was used to bless marriages. This is why marriage despite David Cameron`s insane belief is an institution between a man and a woman which existed before `governments`, `parliaments` and `marriage certificates` ever existed. Two homosexuals whether they be sodomites or lesbians cannot produce offspring therefore their relationship can never be viewed as a marriage. Mother Nature instils in mankind and other species an attraction between the genders and this makes homosexuality an aberration. The votes of a few hundred unrepresentative politicians, whoring for the homosexual vote will never change that! If they could give votes to cows, pigs and sheep they would do so and then call for the legalisation of bestiality! Our ancestors spit on the likes of David Cameron and the degenerate pigs around the trough in Westminister. Anyway returning to the main them of this article! There is as I have stated a fertility link between the axe and the hammer. It was used by everyday people to bless their families, livestock and habitations. Walter Keating Kelly in his Curiosities of Indo-European Tradition and Folk-lore states:
An axe[Thor`s weapon] and a broom are laid crosswise on the inner side of the threshold over which the nurse has to step when she goes out with an infant to have it christened. This is done that the babe may be safe from all the devices of the power of evil.
This custom apparently prevailed in Westfalen in Germany. He does not indicate the date but it would be safe to say this was after the forced conversion of our ancestors to xtianity. Thus the people would not have been aware of the pre-xtian significance of this custom, acting purely on instinct, another example of the workings of the Racial Unconscious or the Blood Memory. Again quoting from Kelly:
The German god`s fiery weapon was often represented as an axe, and hence it is a customary thing with witches to draw milk from the handle of an axe stuck in a doorpost.
H goes on to quote a reference from Kemble:
Se thunor hit thryscedh mid thaere fyrenan aecxe.
Translated into modern English: Thunor threshes with a fiery axe. Returning to Simek:
As a cult of axes is not mentioned in literary sources, it has been connected with the role of the Thor`s Hammer-Mjolnir which became a symbol of heathendom in answer to the Christian symbol of the cross. The equation of axe and hammer can be explained with the function of both cult symbols in the fertility cult. The great age of the Germanic axe-cult, the relationship with the Cretan axe-cult and the parallels to the lightening weapons of non-Germanic gods, such as Indra`s and Hercules` clubs or Sucellos the Gaul`s hammer, all suggest an Indo-Germanic origin of the various forms of the axe.
Simek could also have mentioned of course the axe-wielding Slavic Perun and the Baltic Perkunas[Lithuanian] or Perkons[Latvian]. Recently archaologists have identified a further 72 carved axes on four of the stones at Stonehenge via laser scanning. Quoted from The Independent 9/10/12:
In Indo-European tradition axe-heads were often associated with storm deities – and some surviving European folklore beliefs suggest that upwards-facing axe blades were used as magical talismans to protect crops, people and property against lightning and storm damage. It’s potentially significant that every single one of the Stonehenge axe-head images have their blades pointing skywards, while the daggers point downwards. The axe-heads – the vast majority of the images – may therefore have been engraved as votive offerings to placate a storm deity and thus protect crops.
The link between Stonehenge and the Indo-Europeans was already known and I refer my readers to a now out of print work titled Stonehenge and the Origins of Western Culture by Leon E. Stover and Bruce Kraig. This book has an alternate title: Stonehenge: The Indo-European Heritage. Stonehenge was built in various stages and it is clear that at the very least they were responsible for the latter phases of its construction. Brian Branston in the now classic The Lost Gods of England draws attention to the antiquity of the weapon of the Aryan Thunder God:
This weapon was old, older than Thunor. The Indo-European weather god had hurled it. It was found in Crete as the labrys or double-axe[lately to turn up so thought-provokingly on our own doorstep carved in the rocks of Stonhenge.
Of course the Aryans, Indo-Europeans or Indo-Germanics-whichever term you prefer are known as the Battle-Axe People. An excellent now out of print work titled The Battle Ax People , Beginnings of Western Culture by Olivia Vlahas tells the story of the Aryans in their various appearances as Kassites, Hittites, Mitannia, Hyksos, Indo-Aryans,Persians, Minoans, Mycenaeans, Greeks, Romans, Celts, Sarmatians and Teutons. The Battle Axe of course is what links these people together and is a prime symbol of their ethnic identity. I strongly urge you all to obtain a copy of this book as it is suitable for both Adults and older children and contains a wealth of information. Juergen Spanuth in his ground-breaking out of print work Atlantis of the North discusses the axe cult in quite a bit of depth and explores the identity of another axe God-Fosite, a Frisian God worshipped on the island of Helgoland. He draws a parallel between Him and the Greek Poseidon, the founder of Atlantis who originally also wielded an axe. The axe as a religious and cultural symbol actually goes back much further than the Bronze Age, contrary to what Simek stated. Neolithic stone axes have also been recovered from graves. Our people and our Gods did not just arrive in the Bronze Age: that is not the period of our genesis. It is only the period that our recorded history begins. May I remind my readers that Mjolnir was originally a stone hammer! As Jaan Puhvel states in his Comparative Mythology:
It is thus the bolt, and it can be represented also as an [originally stone] ax....
The axe, the original form of the Thunder God`s hammer goes back to Neolithic times. It has a cultural, ethnic, religious, practical and warlike significance. It cannot be divorced from who we are as Aryans. If you wear the axe consciously as a symbol of your racial and heathen identity Thunor will pour His blessings upon you.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Nos, Book of The Resurrection[Miguel Serrano/55 Club]

This is probably the most important of Miguel Serrano`s works. I originally read this book a few years ago and at the time it did not resonate with me. I decided to buy this version as the copy which I had was a second hand one and I wanted to compare the two. The 55 Club have done a splendid job with republishing this book. Instead of using the original illustrations they have opted to use new ones-and it works! I especially liked the the cover picture-it sets the right tone for the work. I also appreciated the biographical material and this has clearly been a labour of love for them. It is only now that I have learned to appreciate and understand Nos. Reading it became a spiritual journey and a quest for me. This is a long-overdue new release of Nos and I am very grateful to them for this. Please support the 55 Club by purchasing both Nos and The Complete Armanen but bear in mind that this is challenging material and intended for the awakening Hyperborean elite and you may need and want to keep on returning to this book.

The Celto-Germanic Hyperborean Origin of the Graal Quest

In my articles from 23/2/13 and 10/2/13-Gar on my Celto-Germanic blog, Woden-Parsifal`s Graal Rune and The Graal Runes of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc I referred once more to the Sacred Hallows of the Hyperborean Tuatha De Danann. These hallows are also to be found again symbolically in the Arthurian cycle of myths. We will recall that there are four clear elements to the Arthurian cycle: the sword Excalibur, the stone from which Arthur pulled it, the quest for the Graal[which is represented by a chalice which originally would have been a horn[the Calc Rune]and Parsifal`s spear which is closely associated with the Graal. The sword Excalibur is of course the sword of the God Nuada Airgetlam[silver hand or arm], the first king of the Tuatha. The sword`s name[all swords of any importance in Celtic and Germanic mythology had names]was Claiomh Solais-The Sword of Light. This sword was inherited by Arthur as a symbol of His kingship-divine kingship that is which places Arthur or Ar-Thor in a mythological rather than an historical context. The Tyr Rune symbolises both the sword and spear which are both symbols of divine kingship amongst the Celto-Germanic peoples. The stone from which Arthur pulled the sword is the Lia Fail of the Tuatha, the Stone of Destiny, used for the crowning of monarchs in Tara. This hallow is represented by the Stan Rune. The Cauldron of the Dagda is the origin in part of the concept of the Graal as a cup or chalice. Of course the Graal is also represented as a green stone, evident from Wolfram von Eschenbach`s Parzival. The Graal is symbolised by the Calc Rune, the horn being a precursor to the cup or chalice, being eventually outlawed by the church for its `heathen` associations. The Spear of Lugh which is also Gungnir, the Spear of Woden is inherited by the Aryan Kristos Parsifal and is represented by the Gar Rune, the Gift of Ing, the Spear of Divine Genetic Inheritance! The fact that there is a continuing thread that links the Celtic, Arthurian and Germanic traditions together is surely evidence of the common Aryan origin of the Graal mythos? The exoteric search for the Graal and its accompanying hallows-the spear, stone and sword is the external form of the inner quest to recover the lost northern, polar, Thulean, Solar and Hyperborean wisdom, the inheritance of the Arya.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Reflections on the Oera Linda Book

With the recent discovery of `Britain`s Atlantis` in Doggerland we now have tantalising evidence for the location of the lost Atlantis/Thule/Atland civilisation referred to in the Oera Linda Book, a work favoured by Hermann Wirth, Dutch-German head of the Ahnenerbe of the SS and of course by Heinrich Himmler who did much to champion both scientific and esoteric research into the ancient Germanic peoples. The prevailing but not universally accepted opinion of scholars is that this work is a hoax. However if it is a hoax then it cannot be a hoax of the 19th century but more likely of the 13th century due to analysis of the paper that it has been written on and the old form of Frisian that has been used. Why a hoax of this nature should be perpetuated hundreds of years ago is anyone`s guess. However whether it is a hoax or not I believe that some of the central tenets of the work are valid. Most scholars also regard the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a Csarist Police hoax but whether this work be a hoax or not we know that the operating methods and intentions of Zionism are reflected accurately in this work. Thus the actual origins of a work such as the Protocols or Oera Linda are of lesser importance than any truths that they may contain. I am reminded of the words of Julian the Great:
That which never happened is eternally true.
Myth is timeless and operates outside of our human limitations. It can elevate a man and take him outside of his petty concerns and give him a glimpse of his own divinity. So whether the Oera Linda Book be a `Hoax` or not is of little relevance to me. The fact of the matter is that it does give us a glimpse of a pre-christian Germanic civilisation that initially became submerged due to seismic convulsions and flooding of the North Sea and subequent internal decay within the culture of Frya`s children. Without a doubt its lack of reception amongst some modern day heathens and amongst elements of the Ahnenerbe and by Alfred Rosenberg is due to its apparent matriarchy, I say apparent as a detailed study of the work challenges this basic assumption. We know of course that the Folk Mother and her Burgmaids are obviously female and wield influence and this may seem to conflict with the acknowledged Solar and patriarchal structure of Aryan and Germanic society. However we forget that in the writings of the ancients such as Tacitus references are made to very prominent priestesses or seeresses such as Veleda, Waluberg, Ganna, Gambara and Albruna who had very considerable influence over the actions of the Germanic tribes and their chieftains through their spiritual and diplomatic functions. The Burgmaids and their apprentices had the task of guarding and tending to the sacred lamps day and night and like the Roman Vestal Virgins had to be celibate. I do not see anything within the concept of the Burghmaid that contradicts the acknowledged structure of ancient Germanic society. The reference to Wr-alda as the All Father reminds us of the way in which this title is used of Woden and prior to Him Tyr, the ancient sky father of the Germanic peoples. Frya, contrary to the claims of Alewyn J. Raubenheimer`s selective and monotheistic interpretation of the Oera Linda Book ,was worshipped by Her people.[See his Survivors of the Great Tsunami]. There are plenty of references to this fact in the Oera Linda Book which he chooses to ignore and she was clearly regarded as a Goddess, most likely the Frisian interpretation of Freyja. Scholars of the pre-xtian Germanic world regard the formation of the Germanic peoples as the joining together of an incoming Battle-Axe wielding Aryan culture and a more indigenous Northern European Megalithic civilisation[see The Germanic People. Their Origin, Expansion an Culture by Francis Owen]. This idea is reflected in the initial war and subsequent merger of the Aesir and Vanir Gods, the blonde haired Aesir representing the Battle Axe people and the Vanir the indigenous red haired Northern European Megalithic people. Freyja of course along with Nerthus had considerable importance amongst the Frisian and Scandinavian peoples and it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that Frya, the daughter of the sky father Wr-Alda and the Earth Mother Irtha gave Her name to the Frisians.
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