Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Celto-Germanic Hyperborean Origin of the Graal Quest

In my articles from 23/2/13 and 10/2/13-Gar on my Celto-Germanic blog, Woden-Parsifal`s Graal Rune and The Graal Runes of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc I referred once more to the Sacred Hallows of the Hyperborean Tuatha De Danann. These hallows are also to be found again symbolically in the Arthurian cycle of myths. We will recall that there are four clear elements to the Arthurian cycle: the sword Excalibur, the stone from which Arthur pulled it, the quest for the Graal[which is represented by a chalice which originally would have been a horn[the Calc Rune]and Parsifal`s spear which is closely associated with the Graal. The sword Excalibur is of course the sword of the God Nuada Airgetlam[silver hand or arm], the first king of the Tuatha. The sword`s name[all swords of any importance in Celtic and Germanic mythology had names]was Claiomh Solais-The Sword of Light. This sword was inherited by Arthur as a symbol of His kingship-divine kingship that is which places Arthur or Ar-Thor in a mythological rather than an historical context. The Tyr Rune symbolises both the sword and spear which are both symbols of divine kingship amongst the Celto-Germanic peoples. The stone from which Arthur pulled the sword is the Lia Fail of the Tuatha, the Stone of Destiny, used for the crowning of monarchs in Tara. This hallow is represented by the Stan Rune. The Cauldron of the Dagda is the origin in part of the concept of the Graal as a cup or chalice. Of course the Graal is also represented as a green stone, evident from Wolfram von Eschenbach`s Parzival. The Graal is symbolised by the Calc Rune, the horn being a precursor to the cup or chalice, being eventually outlawed by the church for its `heathen` associations. The Spear of Lugh which is also Gungnir, the Spear of Woden is inherited by the Aryan Kristos Parsifal and is represented by the Gar Rune, the Gift of Ing, the Spear of Divine Genetic Inheritance! The fact that there is a continuing thread that links the Celtic, Arthurian and Germanic traditions together is surely evidence of the common Aryan origin of the Graal mythos? The exoteric search for the Graal and its accompanying hallows-the spear, stone and sword is the external form of the inner quest to recover the lost northern, polar, Thulean, Solar and Hyperborean wisdom, the inheritance of the Arya.


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