Sunday, April 21, 2013
The Oseberg Bronze Buddhas
On the bucket found as part of the Oseberg ship burial there are two bronze handle-mounts in the form of buddha-like figures. It is commonly thought that there is just one but there are in fact two that were adjoined to the bucket but of slightly different design. The most well-known figure features a blue equilateral cross which may be a sun cross.In each quadrant of the cross there is a swastika. He is sitting in a typical lotus position. On the other figure however we see a different type of equilateral cross in yellow with what appears to be Sowilo runes in each arm of the cross rather than swastikas. Sowilo/Sigel/Sig/Sol is associated with the swastika/fylfot. This second figure although he has a contemplative face nevertheless is standing rather than sitting. The difference in pose and symbolism may be deliberate, a juxtaposition if you will. Some scholars speculate that the figures have a Celtic origin, others Germanic. However it is significant that meditation was a practice known in the North as can be further verified from the antlered Cernunnos figure on the Gundestrup cauldron.
Vaisravana Aryan God Meteorite Statue
In 1938 an Ahnenerbe expedition to Tibet, led by Ernst Schaefer discovered an iron statue of a pre-buddhist deity known as Vaisravana, the King of the North. Scientists have analysed the statue and have concluded that it is made of meteorite iron, carved from a piece of the Chinga meteorite that fell to earth in the region between Mongolia and Siberia 15,000 years ago. It is approximately 9.5 inches tall and is rich in nickel and cobalt. Nickel in particular helps to retard rust in iron. This is an ataxite meteorite and only 0.1% of all meteorites fall within this category. The ancients believed that meteorites were hurled to earth by the Thunder God and may even contain a deity within. Significantly this type of meteorite was used to make this carving. The statue features a swastika on the God`s chest, a well known symbol of the Indo-European Thunder God. Some scientists speculate that the statue may be more than 1,000 years old but this is contended by some who argue that the style of dress is not in accord with known fashions from that time and region.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Further Reflections on Perkunos, the North-West Aryan Thunder God
All Indo-European mythological pantheons include a Thunder God but it is amongst the North-West Indo-Europeans that there is a common unity in terms of the form that the God takes and the etymology of His name. The reconstructed form of his name in Proto-Indo-European[PIE] is *Perkunos.[The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World by J.P. Mallory and D.Q. Adams]. From *Perkunos we derive Perkonis[Prussian], Perkunis[Lithuanian], Perkons[Latvian], Perunu[Old Russian], Pyerun[Russian], Piorun[Polish], Perun[Czech] and Fjorgyn[the mother of Thor], so this deity is most clearly expressed as a unified entity amongst the Germanic, Baltic and Slavic peoples. There may also be a link to the Sanskrit Parjanya but scholars are divided over this. Parjanya is in fact a rain God in the Vedas but of course thunder does bring rain! When we look more closely at the first part of *Perk-unos we find some most interesting associations. In PIE `oak` is *perkus. Of course the oak tree is sacred to the Thunder God and thus more susceptible to lightning strikes due to the tallness and moisture content of the tree. The prefix *per has the meaning of `strike` and of course this is what He does with his axe/hammer/club. Also the PIE term for `axe` is *pelekus, not very different from *per! The axe of course was Thunor`s original lightning weapon and indeed this feature was retained by the Baltic and Slavic versions of Thunor. Amongst the Balts and Slavs He also has a red beard and His vehicle of choice is the chariot drawn by a billy goat.
"Proto-Indo-Europeans believed that they lived under a stone vault, that the stone hills and mountains rose to the sky, or that stone axes fell out of the sky, ie as thunder-stones[e.g. Lithuanian Perkuno akmuo `thunder-stone`[lit. `Perkunas` stone`, where Perkunas is the god of thunder]."[Mallory, Adams]We need to remember that not only was the axe an earlier form of the hammer as a thunder weapon and as a weapon used in battle but it was of course originally of stone. The Aryans on their migrations and conquests throughout Europe and the Near East still carried stone battle axes even during the Bronze Age. So the axe, in particular the stone axe is the original weapon of the Thunder God and sacred to the Aryans. Amongst the Teutons and some of the Celts the axe eventually transformed into a hammer which people now more generally associate with Thunor/Thor/Donar. Sucellos the Gallic Thunder God is also depicted as carrying a hammer. Although the Finns speak a Finno-Ugric language they are predominately a Nordic people. Their Thunder God is known as Ukko and He too carried an axe or a hammer. It is likely that this deity was influenced by the Indo-European Thunder God of the nearby Balts. Amongst the Finno-Ugric Estonians He is called Uko. There may be an association of Ukko/Uku with Perkele/Peko, a Finnish and Estonian God of the crops. Again my readers should note the etymological similarity with *Perkunos. The original Proto-Germanic name for the Thunder God is *Thunraz. From this we derive the Old English Thunor, the Old High German Thonar or Donar and the Old Norse Thorr. This article should also be read in conjunction with my article on the Celto-Germanic Culture, Myth and History blog from 12/8/12 *Perkunos-the Original Name of the Northern PIE Thunder God.
Monday, April 8, 2013
The Significance of Red, White and Blue/Black in Aryan Society and Cosmology
According to Professor Jean Haudry the three function or caste system of ancient Aryan society is represented by three colours which are prevalent amongst various Indo-European peoples. These three `cosmic` colours are white, red and black or blue. White represented the priests, red the warriors and black or blue the the producers. Caste in Old Indian is called varna and in Avestic pistra, both meaning `colour`. Significantly the national flags of many European peoples today incorporate this scheme,ie Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, the Russian Federation, Serbia[although a gold crown is superimposed],Slovakia, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, Mordovia[part of Russia], Piedmont[part of Italy], Udmurtia[part of Russia and red, white and black], the Faroe Islands[belonging to Norway], the Republic of Srpska, Sealand[red, white and black]. Historically of course the flag of the North German Confederation[1866-1871], the First Reich[1871-1918] and the Third Reich[1933-1945] were red, white and black. The Weimar Republik[1919-1933] and the Bundesrepublik[1945 onwards] of course distorted this colour scheme just as the once healthy and vital racial consciousness of the German people has been distorted and corrupted. I do not believe that this scheme is mere chance or simply chosen for aesthetic reasons but clearly these colours reside in and occupy an important place in the Collective Unconscious of the Aryan peoples of Europe. Haudry states that the three colours also symbolise the three[visible or main] worlds, white for the sky, red for the middle world[Midgaard] and black for the lower world[Hel?]. Haudry in The Indo-Europeans states:
"This division may be the result of placing the three worlds in relation with the three functions, but if a naturalistic base is to be supposed, the supposition may be justified by a cosmology according to which the three skies rotate around the earth, with the day-sky, *dyew-white, the night-sky black, and between them a red twilight-sky, this last thus being the initial reference of the term *reg os: the root *reg-means `to dye red`, Ved rajyati."As part of Woden`s Maennerbund we incorporate these three colours into our symbolism and certainly in my case in my everyday wear, black being the predominant colour of my clothing. As awakened Aryans and Wodenic warrior initiates we incorporate all three colours, all three functions into our unified Aryan folk collectively and in ourselves individually. I was interested to also read in Haudry`s work that Ormazd or Ahura Mazda according to the Zend Avesta put on successively the white garment of the priests, the red of the warriors and the blue of the husbandmen when creating the world. In the Germanic world we are informed by Tacitus in his Germania that Germanic society had a threefold division into the Ingvaeones/Ingaevones, Herminones/Hermiones and Istvaeones/Istaevones. I have already discussed these on my blogs before and there is still much to reveal but that will have to wait for a future article. Finally to quote from Mein Kampf on the significance of the colour scheme in the swastika flag:
"And a symbol it really is! Not only that the unique colours, which all of us so passionately love and which once won so much honour for the German people, attest our veneration for the past; they were also the embodiment of the movement`s will. As National Socialists, we see our programme in our flag. In red we see the social idea of the movement, in white the nationalistic idea, in the swastika the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man......"
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Thor`s Hammer and the Indo-European Tarot
It was brought to my attention the other day by a folk comrade that the Eyrarland Thor statue from Iceland features Thor holding a hammer which not only resembles the Foss hammer[see Further Reflections on the Icelandic Wolf`s Hammer and The Icelandic Wolf Hammer articles on my Die Armananschaft der Ario-Germanen blog] but also the club suit of a deck of playing cards. This got me thinking about the esoteric significance of playing cards apart from the Tarot variety. Back in the 1950s after my mother had settled in this country from her native Nieder Sachsen in Germany from time to time she would use normal playing cards for the purposes of divination, something which my father disapproved of. We tend to think of these cards as purely a game but they can of course be used for divination and I dare say as meditation aids although the Tarot is more suited for this purpose. There is a difference of opinion as to whether the Tarot is derived from the standard playing cards that we are familiar with today or whether this is the other way around. I believe that it is significant that playing cards and the Tarot can be used for both the purposes of divination and gambling. Of course the Tarot is more associated with divination and has been developed that way. Gambling and divination were inextricably liked in the culture of the ancient Teutons. Games of dice were very popular and these too had divinatory functions. This is best expressed in the Perthro/Peord rune which Edred Thorsson ascribes the meaning of this rune as `lot-cup` which it does indeed resemble. The Old English Rune Poem states of Perd:
"Perd is always play and laughter among bold men, where the warriors sit in the beer hall, happily together."Thorsson in Runecaster`s Handbook states:
"First, you must understand that there was very little difference between the techniques and tools of runecasting and those of simple gambling. Second, you must realize that gambling was an absolute passion among the Germanic[and even Indo-European] peoples."Tacitus in his Germania also draws attention to the Germanic warrior`s love of gambling. Thorsson also likens the `beer hall` as
"a place where sacrificial drink is consumed."To the Germanic and Indo-Germanic Maennerbund the consumption of beer and the use of `gambling` tools were aids in the process of both divination and spiritual awakening. The use of alcohol or other intoxicants should not in my opinion be available for the general masses who do not know how to handle them but should be reserved for initiates as part of their spiritual and magical workings just as in times past the Soma/Haoma was reserved for the Indo-Aryan and Iranian priestly caste. If society was to heed this message it would be saved a great deal of grief in alcohol or drug addictions, crime and anti-social behaviour: these foods are simply not meant for them and they are consequently misused. The mead of Woden is reserved for His Einheriar. Guido von List believed that the Armanenschaft whilst undergoing persecution from xtian clerics safeguarded their ancient lore by entrusting it to rabbis in the 8th century CE Rheinland. This lore was the origin of the hebrew Kabbalah which is nothing other than a plagiarism of Aryan mystical teaching. It is significant that the anagram of Tarot is Torat, not too dissimilar to Tora[h]. My readers I am sure will be aware that the entire bible, both Old and New Testaments are also a plagiarism and degeneration of Aryan teaching and mythology. They can produce nothing original, nothing new so their rabbis steal the teachings of other peoples, most notably from the Aryan peoples. The suits of a modern deck of playing cards consist of the following: Clubs-symbol of Thor`s Hammer. Spades-symbol of Gungnir, spear of Woden. Hearts-symbol of Freyja. Diamonds-symbol of Ing. The Italian version of Clubs is symbolised literally by a truncheon-like club which like the hammer and the axe was a symbol of the German Thunder God, Donar-from Donner=thunder. Amongst the southern German tribes the wearing of a Donarkeule as a symbol of the God was quite common and this symbol is also liked to the Greek demi-god Heracles, whom Tacitus stated in his Germania the Germans worshipped. There may also be an association of Tarot with Tara, an Aryan Goddess worshiped by the Roma who originated in India. This name also features as a mother Goddess in Irish mythology and gave Her name to the sacred centre of Ireland at Tara where the Irish High Kings were crowned. In future articles I intend to explore the Aryan archetypes found within the Major Arcana.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Hyperborea Rediscovered
Archaeological discoveries in recent years have demonstrated to the world the deep antiquity of Aryan civilisation in northern Europe and the advanced culture of our ancestors. They were not knuckle-dragging cave dwellers that `academics` formerly would have led us to believe. I have over the years featured some of these discoveries on my blogs. An example of Nordic-Aryan ingenuity is the Coligny Calendar from first century BCE Gaul. This is a lunar calendar engraved on bronze plates and discovered in November 1897. Professor Heinrich Zimmer came to the conclusion that it had many parallels to Vedic calendar calculations. In 1992 it was discovered that whilst the calendar was manufactured in the first century BCE it must have been computed as long ago as 1100BCE! Peter Berresford Ellis in his interesting book, The Celts states that in 1924 when Professor Eoin MacNeill examined the calendar the question was asked:
Is it possible that the Coligny Calendar preserves the older Indo-European tradition of the Celts?I believe that the answer to that question is a most definite YES! We also have the Nebra Disc discovered near Nebra in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany in 1999. This bronze and gold plated disc was used as a calculator to harmonise the lunar and solar calendars and dates back to about 1600 BCE. Also there was the discovery of the solar temple in Goseck, Sachsen in Germany in 1991 and it is believed that it dates back to 5000 BCE making this the oldest of its kind in Northern Europe. Additionally we have the discovery of four golden pointed `Witches hats` from Germany and France which collectively date back to between 800-1400 BCE and it is speculated that they had both cultic and astronomical-calendrical functions. Scholars now accept that Stonehenge was a solar temple and alligned to both the winter and summer solstices. Furthermore the discovery of scores of further Bronze Age upturned axe carvings on the sarsens also establish the Indo-European origins of stages II and III of the building and its associations with the Aryan God of Thunder who we acknowledge as Thunor. In the southern Urals we have the discovery of the ancient settlement of Arkaim which scholars have dated to approximately 1600BCE. The settlement contained a city built on a swastika shaped floor plan which has caused it to be called Swastika City. The living quarters had all the `modern` conveniences of a storm drainage and sewerage system, the houses were fireproofed and there was cold storage for food. A further 20 similar settlements have been found in the Arkaim valley but it is considered that this city was its capital. Many of the unearthed clay pots are covered with swastikas and it assumed that Arkaim was both a defensive settlement and an ancient solar temple/observatory. The swastika is of course both a solar and a polar symbol, the latter being a more ancient concept. The above are all examples of a once flourishing Nordic-Aryan-Hyperborean civilisation which is slowly coming to light again in the calamitous times of the Kali Yuga. I believe that their reemergence is all part of our Gods` desire to reawaken the Aryan folk to full spiritual consciousness. I dare say that many more discoveries will follow in the years to come.
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