Monday, April 8, 2013

The Significance of Red, White and Blue/Black in Aryan Society and Cosmology

According to Professor Jean Haudry the three function or caste system of ancient Aryan society is represented by three colours which are prevalent amongst various Indo-European peoples. These three `cosmic` colours are white, red and black or blue. White represented the priests, red the warriors and black or blue the the producers. Caste in Old Indian is called varna and in Avestic pistra, both meaning `colour`. Significantly the national flags of many European peoples today incorporate this scheme,ie Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, the Russian Federation, Serbia[although a gold crown is superimposed],Slovakia, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, Mordovia[part of Russia], Piedmont[part of Italy], Udmurtia[part of Russia and red, white and black], the Faroe Islands[belonging to Norway], the Republic of Srpska, Sealand[red, white and black]. Historically of course the flag of the North German Confederation[1866-1871], the First Reich[1871-1918] and the Third Reich[1933-1945] were red, white and black. The Weimar Republik[1919-1933] and the Bundesrepublik[1945 onwards] of course distorted this colour scheme just as the once healthy and vital racial consciousness of the German people has been distorted and corrupted. I do not believe that this scheme is mere chance or simply chosen for aesthetic reasons but clearly these colours reside in and occupy an important place in the Collective Unconscious of the Aryan peoples of Europe. Haudry states that the three colours also symbolise the three[visible or main] worlds, white for the sky, red for the middle world[Midgaard] and black for the lower world[Hel?]. Haudry in The Indo-Europeans states:
"This division may be the result of placing the three worlds in relation with the three functions, but if a naturalistic base is to be supposed, the supposition may be justified by a cosmology according to which the three skies rotate around the earth, with the day-sky, *dyew-white, the night-sky black, and between them a red twilight-sky, this last thus being the initial reference of the term *reg os: the root *reg-means `to dye red`, Ved rajyati."
As part of Woden`s Maennerbund we incorporate these three colours into our symbolism and certainly in my case in my everyday wear, black being the predominant colour of my clothing. As awakened Aryans and Wodenic warrior initiates we incorporate all three colours, all three functions into our unified Aryan folk collectively and in ourselves individually. I was interested to also read in Haudry`s work that Ormazd or Ahura Mazda according to the Zend Avesta put on successively the white garment of the priests, the red of the warriors and the blue of the husbandmen when creating the world. In the Germanic world we are informed by Tacitus in his Germania that Germanic society had a threefold division into the Ingvaeones/Ingaevones, Herminones/Hermiones and Istvaeones/Istaevones. I have already discussed these on my blogs before and there is still much to reveal but that will have to wait for a future article. Finally to quote from Mein Kampf on the significance of the colour scheme in the swastika flag:
"And a symbol it really is! Not only that the unique colours, which all of us so passionately love and which once won so much honour for the German people, attest our veneration for the past; they were also the embodiment of the movement`s will. As National Socialists, we see our programme in our flag. In red we see the social idea of the movement, in white the nationalistic idea, in the swastika the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man......"


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