Saturday, May 4, 2013

Metrosexual `Man`-the Ultimate Product of the Kali Yuga

Metrosexual `man` is the ultimate product of the Kali Yuga. He is characterised by ambiguity. He is a feminised `man`, a male with a penis but nothing more. This sorry excuse for manhood is the feminist`s dream `male` product. He not only resembles a woman with `his` pink clothing, earrings, handbag, bottled water, skin and hair products and his wispy false middle class dialect-free voice and mincing gait but he is also akin to homosexual `man` except that he thinks he is the ultimate modern male. Often this de-emasculation of men begins first within the home. Middle class male children are prime candidates for emasculation, a process begun in early childhood by dominant feminist university educated mothers, married to men who have little if any say in the running of their households. Where the father is not present ultimately many of these boys develop homosexual traits in their desire to emulate and please the devouring mother. The middle class mother will do everything in her power to neuter her male offspring to the extent that they are they are bestowed with effeminate `Crispin`-like names and given either girls` toys to play with or at least ones that do not foster the natural aggressive male instinct. It is the feminist`s ultimate revenge on male-kind. One especially sees this in households where the mother is divorced from the father and will do everything in her power to de-emasculate her sons, the ultimate form of revenge. She is effectively castrating her male children. After decades of feminism and `equality` we have in recent years seen the rise of the metrosexual male and he is the marketing man`s dream customer group. Global capitalism feeds into this process by encouraging the development of metrosexual lifestyles, ways of thinking, dressing and viewing the world, all in its drive to push up profits even more for their tribeless international masters. Metrosexualism and all that this represents is portrayed now as the societal norm. Those who fall outside of this norm are ostracised and labelled `extinct` or as `dinosaurs`. The formation of a sexless, raceless and soulless mass of slave-like humanity is the intention of the secret ruling tribeless elite and global capitalism is the mechanism which they use to drive this; television and glossy magazines being tools in their arsenal. Men these days are encouraged to "get in touch with their feelings", to cry and become emotional in public, to "show their vunerability", etc. Television adverts often portray men as performing traditional housewifely tasks, even teaching `junior` how to bake a cake, etc. One particularly sickening example from a few years ago involved a `man` holding his baby watching television and the face of President Obama appeared. At that point this emasculated sorry excuse for a man put on a sickly feminine facial expression, as if to say: "At last the black saviour has arisen!" This is the very opposite to the solar and polar virility espoused by Wodenism and blogs like this. We are fighting a war, a very real war for the souls of our folk and this creeping metrosexualism threatens the very fabric of our beings. As individuals we must resist this and become the very opposite of these half-men. We must become Maenner[German for `men`] and collectively the Maennerbund.


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