Problems regarding over-population and pollution of Mutter Erde will one day be resolved with the cosmos shaking event known as Ragnarok.
The catalyst that will start Ragnarok will be the final global war between the zionist world represented by the United States of America and her pet poodle the United Kingdom against their long time enemy Russia alongside countries such as China and zionist-free middle-eastern countries such as Iran. One can see these sides in the process of alligning now. This is the real reason why Israel and her zionist allies will do anything they can to resist Iran developing nuclear capability for military purposes.
It is ironic that the only military power to have ever used nuclear weapons in anger is the USA and yet she sits in judgement over countries such as Iran who wish to have the same capability. The USA has set itself up as the self-appointed arbiter of who should be allowed to join the select nuclear club which it appears to chair.
Once this war has begun we will see the real dark powers in operation. What will begin as a middle-eastern war thought indirectly between the USA and Russia with their proxies doing the actual fighting will escalate into a conflict between between the Semite and the Aryan, between the dark forces of the Demiurge Jehovah/Allah and the forces of light led by Woden-reborn in the form of Wid-Ar the avenger.
The USA is merely a husk. It has no power in and of itself. It was formed by zionist forces centuries ago to become its enforcer in the world. It is Judaism which is responsible for the creation of Islam. Without Judaism there would have been no Islam and no Christianity. All three monotheistic religions have the same genesis and hold or have held similar Weltanschauungen. Their intolerance of dissent is a matter of record and history. Islam is currently at the same spiritual stage as Christianity was in the Middle Ages. Christianity is now dying but it still has some influence in the USA and in particular in the White House.
Zionists are not necessarily Jews. Many of them are Europid Christians who recognise themselves to be the `little brothers` of Judaism and this relationship is reflected between Tel Aviv and Washington. It is not just a matter of Jews controlling Wall Street[which of course they do] they also have a deep influence on American churches and on each successive American President who knows that he cannot afford to alienate his Christian voters.
Islam of course means "submission" and this is what they require of the rest of the world, that we submit to their intolerant religion, a religion that inspires martyrs to blow themselves up alongside innocent men, women and children or to butcher unarmed young men in English streets just because they wear a uniform. No doubt some will say that this is not the `real` Islam, that it is a `peaceful`religion. The truth of the matter is that from its inception it like Christianity has always been the catalyst for wars and that is a matter of history. However the average cowardly parliamentarian in this country will not admit that even though he or she knows this to be the truth. Parliamentarians are political whores. By the very nature of the democratic system they must prostitute themselves for votes in order to get elected. Thanks to the traitors and idiots over the decades who have allowed England to become a multiracial cesspit every politician must in effect work for the detriment of the indigenous English and British population. Therefore the solution to the multiracial hell that we are experiencing can not be found in the ballot box.
However the `solution` is coming and it will be a final solution, not one instigated by us but by Mutter Erde Herself. The nuclear holocausts that will be unleashed by the zionists will cause a chain reaction throughout nature and will wipe out most of humanity. This we know has happened before many times in the unrecorded history of the earth. As someone far wiser than me once noted Ragnarok spelled in reverse is Korangar-the spear[Gar-Proto-Germanic] of the Koran. In otherwords Ragnarok will be initiated as the result of Islamic fundamentalism. Recently I noticed that likewise Walhalla spelled in reverse says Allah Law. So the Aryan spiritual forces of Walhalla, the Einheriar will find themselves fighting against hordes of the Law of Allah, in other words Islam. Before this battle is fought upon the earth it will be fought first in the heavens-as above, so below.
Some years ago, taking David Myatt`s lead I thought that an accommodation may be made between Islamists and `White Nationalists`. I now realise that this was a mistake. Nothing can or will alter the destiny of the earth so forewarned we must spiritually prepare ourselves for decades of struggle, a struggle that may not be resolved in the life times of some of us older ones. This struggle must first be engaged in in spiritual realms-this is THE key to our winning the war but win we will.
We know from the Eddas that man-Aryan man will survive Ragnarok and once again the term humanity or man will be synonymous with Aryan, Aryankind. There will be no other. The earth will be cleansed and be renewed and a new Golden Age will begin.
"And in a place called Hoddmimir`s holt two people will be hid during Surt`s fire called Life and Leifthrasir, and their food will be the dews of morning. And from these people there will be descended such a great progeny that all the world will be inhabited. As it says here: Life and Leifthrasir, and they shall lie hid in Hoddmimir`s holt. Dews of morning they shall have as their food, and from them shall grow mankind."[Gylfaginning, Younger Edda]
Also in the Elder Edda in Vafthrudnirsmal:
"Life and Lifthrasir, and they will hide in Hoddmimir`s wood; they will have the morning dew for food; from them the generations will spring."
Scholars, in particular Rudolf Simek in his Dictionary of Northern Mythology consider Hoddmimir`s holt not to be a wood or forest in the ordinary sense of the word but possibly Yggdrasil. Thus we have Aryo-Germanic humanity being reborn from a tree just as their ancestors Ask and Embla were.
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