Monday, August 12, 2013

Adolf Hitler, the Wotan Avatar as Prophecied in the Year of His Birth

Many of my readers will I am sure already be familiar with Carl Gustav Jung`s 1936 essay titled Wotan in which he describes how the ancient God of the Germans, Wotan has awoken from His slumber and is now on the march through Germany. He does not in this essay specifically refer to Hitler as being an incarnation of the Wotan archetype but his observations amount to the same thing. It is no wonder that Miguel Serrano sought to communicate with and befriend Dr Jung and his recollections are contained in Serrano`s only book to remain continually in print: C.G. Jung and Hermann Hesse: A Record of Two Friendships[1965].
This is a fascinating work and the first of his books that I obtained and read. Much is revealed in this work without being too overt which is why it has probably remained in print for so long. Its alternative title is translated from the original Spanish as The Hermetic Circle-I much prefer this title.

"Wotan`s reawakening is a stepping back into the past; the stream was dammed up and has broken into its old channel. But the obstruction will not last for ever; it is rather a reculer pour mieux sauter, and the water will overleap the obstacle."[Wotan, Jung]

Dr Jung was effectively the first one to recognise that Wotan had awoken and resided not only in Hitler but the German people as a whole. This reawakening started not with Hitler. The groundwork had begun in the 19th century and the most obvious example of Wotan moving in the German Collective Unconscious was reflected in the music of Wilhelm Richard Wagner and in particular in his Der Ring des Nibelungen cycle of music dramas. Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano took this conclusion one step further and referred to Hitler as being an avatar. This is clearly reflected in Savitri`s The Lightning and the Sun[1958].

The 12 years of the Third Reich may be likened to the 12 nights of Yule which is dominated by the Wild Hunt, headed by Wotan Himself. Curiously one of Adolf Hitler`s favourite paintings according to various scholars such as the author of The Psycopathic God , Robert G.L. Waite[1977] was Die Wilde Jagd[The Wild Hunt by Franz Ritter von Stuck. The painting significantly dates back to 1889, the year of Hitler`s birth. Waite states:

"The Wild Chase by Franz von Stuck depicts the god Wotan as a berserker. Hitler was said to have copied his mustache, hair style, and oratorical style from the painting."[Waite]

I am not clear about how an "oratorical style" can be copied from a  painting but I think I get the general gist of what he is implying. It is significant that the face of Wotan in the picture directly resembles Hitler. One could conjecture that von Stuck was trying to convey something which had been revealed to him from the Collective Unconscious. What Dr Jung revealed contemporaneously in the 1930s von Stuck revealed in 1889, the year of Hitler`s birth. One could call this a prophecy.


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