Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Eye of Sauron
JRR Tolkien was not merely a writer of excellent fantasy novels and a highly qualified linguist but clearly a prophet. With his far seeing vision not only was he able to delve deeply into England`s past to recover lost mythological and metahistorical knowledge[gained through both exoteric and esoteric means] but was also able to see far into our future.
One recurring motif through his trilogy Lord of the Rings was the all seeing Eye of Sauron. Sauron, the Dark Lord of Mordor uses his all seeing eye to gather intelligence on his enemies, those who oppose his oppresive and life-denying regime.
Today here in Middle Earth[England in specific and Germania in general] a Dark Lord, unaccountable to the folk and of alien extrection governs for the benefit of himself and is in the process of turning all men into serfs in the aftermath of an economic crisis that he and his friends have caused, the international tribal and financial elite that owes no allegiance to anyone or any folk except to itself and has no goal other than our own enslavement and extermination.
By the use of his all-seeing eye[CCTV, satellites and the Internet] he is able to monitor the activities and expressed opinions of every single person who lives in Middle Earth. Those who actively oppose his genocidal regime are silenced via draconian laws which outlaw free speech and the right of collective protest and some unlucky ones are even assassinated by his secret service. Yes, state sponsored assassinations have and do take place in the UK or by the UK outside of its frontiers.
I see that the Home Secretary Theresa May has banned the right of native English people and their allies from demonstrating against the presence of hate filled muslim extremists who are tresspassing on our soil.
Sauron is too stupid to realise that the more oppressive his actions become and the more draconian his laws the greater the rebellion will be.
The native English folk have the power-even at this late hour to turn the tide against Sauron by mass civil disobedience. Laws which enslave the people that they are supposed to protect, ie the native English folk must be removed. As we cannot rely upon our self-serving `democratic` parliamentary pigs around the trough then we must as individuals and as a collective mass take peaceful action. A revolution occurred peacefully in eastern Germany-it can happen here too. All it takes is for the ordinary English man or woman to take the example of Tolkien`s hobbits and resist the oppressor. All it takes is for one collective kick for the whole rotten edifice to come crashing down.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Out of the Corruption of Women
"Out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of castes; out of the confusion of castes proceeds the loss of memory, out of the loss of memory proceeds the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil.".[Bhagavad Gita,1:41]
The most ancient of Aryan sacred texts have predicted the widespread racial mixing that we unfortunately find today throughout the Aryan world and note that it is the Aryan countries that tend to be mainly afflicted by this problem.
Christianity has for centuries been a major cause of our emasculation as a race and its life denying and race denying precepts have become the foundation of modern humanism with its pity for the weak, the degraded and the diseased. It has encouraged the survival and the propagation of the weakest elements of our race and has helped to open the floodgates for the literal invasion of the most diverse and inferior of human races to colonise our lands which were made sacred by the shedding of the blood of our ancestors. Within a single generation our politicians have done the unthinkable. They have given away without a fight our holy Aryan lands to racial aliens who now have started to not only seduce our women but to dictate to the indigenous Aryan peoples their `rights` and our `obligations`.
The late great statesman Enoch Powell worded this state of affairs better than I ever could:
"In this country in 16 or 20 years time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man". When he uttered those words it was 1968 and the problem was not as deeply entrenched as it is now 42 years later and it is inevitable that it will get worse because the global capitalists who line the pockets of Britain`s treasonous politicians have the goal of bastardising the entire world in their desire to have a single global coffee coloured market place for the sale of their shoddy plastic goods.
Enoc Powell went further and predicted the likely outcome of this forced `integration`: "As I look ahead I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood." The balkanisation of Britain and Europe as a whole will inevitably result in inter racial conflict and we have seen plenty of that in the last 40 years and from what I can see it is likely to intensify. It is unnatural, indeed against nature for racially diverse peoples to live alongside one another. Their racial experiment is failing and one look at the Americas will show you what is in store for Britain and Europe tomorrow.
Th weak link in the chain is the female of our race who has been indoctrinated via vile women`s magazines and television soap dramas into thinking that they must prove themselves not to be racist and the ultimate way of proving this is to copulate with a negro. Indeed such unnatural relationships are not only condoned these days but actively encouraged-all part of the international bankers` and global capitalists` plan to bastardise the race of light and culture-the Aryan race.
Europe`s popular music is infected with the sight of Aryans behaving like American gun-toting `gangsta` black men and all this crap is presented in the media as `culture`. The ultimate role model today is the western wigger and it is coming to a country near you.
Now that the bankers who control the USA have saturated Europe with this filth they have recently turned their sights on to the muslim world and those countries who resist their deadly ideology will go the way of Germany in 1945. First they use military might to conquer, then they replace the country`s regime, introduce `democracy` and all its related anti-values and then move straight in with the Coca-Cola and Macdonalds stars and stripes moronic anti-culture.
They know that if they can reach the female of our race and indoctrinate her with all this anti-life ideology they know that future generations will become indoctrinated with their `western values`.
The collapse of communism in eastern Europe resulted in an ideological vacuum, ripe for the American invasion. Now eastern Europe too is enjoying the wonderful results of multicultural diversity in the form of drugs, miscegination, `gangsta rap`, plastic shoddy goods and fast food.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Kali Yuga and the Aryan Response
The ancient Aryans certainly were familiar with and were indeed the creators of the doctrine of the ages and had a cyclical view of time.
We know for certain that the ancient Greeks, Indo-Aryans and the Persians had such a doctrine.
The Greek philosopher Hesiod[8th century BCE] set out the Ages of Man in his Works and Days. The Greeks named the four ages after certain metals-gold, silver, bronze and iron. Just as the metals degrade in value from gold down to iron so does the quality of mankind degrades.
In the Golden Age man walked with the Gods. This was the age of Chronus when there was peace, plenty and harmony. The Old Testament of the Bible captures the essence of this myth with the story of the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve walked with God and enjoyed innocent communion with him. The Indo-Aryans termed this age the Satya or Krta Yuga.
In the Silver Age the rule of Chronus was replaced by that of Zeus and death entered into the world just as in the Garden of Eden with Adam`s eating of the forbidden fruit he lost his immortality and became subject to decay and death. Not only mankind but the whole of creation began a process of decay. Men became impious and began to defy the Gods just as Adam defied his God. However men still lived long lives. The Indo-Aryans referred to this age as the Treta Yuga.
In the Bronze Age war between men became prevalent and it is from this age that we find many of our ancient Aryan heroes lived such as Hercules. The Illiad and the Odyssey recount some of the deeds of this era. However Hesiod chooses to insert an intermediary age, an Age of Heroes between the Bronze and Iron Ages. It is in this age he chooses to position the great Bronze Age heroes and he portrays this age as a temporary halt in man`s decline and Indeed as an improvement upon the previous one. This goes against the grain of the concept of man`s continual degradation and clearly is of Hesiod`s own making rather than the transmission of an ancient truth.
The Roman Ovid[first century BCE to first century CE] speaks of only four ages. The Indo-Aryans referred to this age as the Dvapara Yuga.
For those who are interested in studying this subject in greater depth and scope I recommend Julius Evola`s Revolt Against the Modern World.
The last age is the Iron Age, that which the Indo-Aryans refer to as the Kali Yuga and in this age all traditional values are inverted: the good are referred to as evil and the evil good. There is constant warfare and violence between men, including those of blood kin. There is general rebellion between generations and castes and all that is good and decent is overturned. In this age men and women commit shameful acts, homosexuality and other perversions is rife. Social contracts are broken and divorce is common. Miscegination is to be found between all races and especially afflicted are the Aryan peoples who have suffered unprecedented levels of immigration from the most racially diverse peoples . Truth is presented as falsehood and lies are elevated to truth. No one can trust his neighbour and in the words of the New Testament of the Bible a man`s enemies are those of his own household. We must remember that even in the Bible there are some great truths to be found as the Jews stole many of their concepts and stories from the Aryans who took them into captivity and amongst whom they lived, most especially the Medes and Persians and as such Aryan teaching can be found within the Bible but one must be discerning and be able to sort the wheat from the chaff. For instance it is clear that the dream of the prophet Daniel which was told to the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar was clearly stolen from the Aryans and misused as Jewish propaganda.
In the dream Daniel has a vision of the four ages in the form of a great statue with a golden head, a silver chest and arms, a belly and thighs of bronze and legs of iron and its feet partly of iron and baked clay.
The ancient Teutons referred to this age as the Iron or Wolf Age.
Even in the Nordic Eddas we have a glimpse of these various ages. The authors of The Asatru Edda actually deliberately represent the Eddic material in four sections:
The Ur Aldr
The Gull Aldr
The Silfr Aldr
The Koppar Aldr
The Jarn Aldr
The Ulfr Aldr
The second to fourth ages relate to the Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron Ages but they choose to insert two additional ones, the Ur Aldr or Primaeval Age and the Ulfr Aldr, the Wolf Age. Clearly the Ur Aldr and the Gull Aldr could and should be grouped together as one age or two sub divisions of one age just as the Jarn or Ulfr Aldrs should be grouped together as one age, the Iron/Wolf Age or the Kali Yuga or sub divisions of that one age.
Our observations of general everyday life and our understanding of history is sufficient for us to realise that we are indeed living in the Kali Yuga but what if anything can be done about this and what should our proper response be?
I believe that the answer is to be found in Julius Evola`s Riding the Tiger: "When a cycle of civilization is reaching its end, it is difficult to achieve anything by resisting it and by directly opposing the forces in motion. The current is too strong; one would be overwhelmed. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the omnipotence and apparent triumph of the forces of the epoch. These forces, devoid of connection with any higher principle, are in fact on a short chain. One should not become fixated on the present and on things at hand, but keep in view the conditions that mat come about in the future. Thus the principle to follow could be that of letting the forces and processes of this epoch to take their own course, while keeping oneself firm and ready to intervene when "the tiger, which cannot leap on the person riding it, is tired of running." The Christian injunction "Resist not evil" may have a similar meaning, if taken in a very particular way. One abandons direct action and retreats to a more internal position."[Chapter 2 of Riding the Tiger]
The only event which can bring this age to a close and for a new Golden Age to arise is the coming of what the Indo-Aryans call the avenger, the Kalki Avatar, the final incarnation of "He who comes back". "When justice is crushed, when evil is triumphant, then I come back. For thw protection of the good, for the destruction of evildoers, for the establishment of the Reign of Righteousness. I am born again and again, age after age."[The Bhagavad-Gita IV Verses 7 and 3]
I intend to focus more on the Kalki Avatar in a future article on this blog and how He is portrayed in different religious and mythical traditions.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Europe`s Betrayal of the Aryan Weltanschauung
The situation that we face in Europe today-the extermination of the Aryan peoples and the Nordic sub race in particular is the direct consequence of the defiance of Germany`s mission to Europe from 1933 to 1945.
The United Kingdom and their political and economic masters in Washington and New York saw to it that the Aryan people`s greatest and possibly only attempt at redeeming itself from biological extinction was quashed.
In the name of `freedom` they enslaved the German people. In the name of `democracy` they outlawed the German people`s right to freedom of political expression. In the name of `self determination` they forbade the union of the German peoples of Germany and Austria in contravention of the United Nations Charter which guarantees `self determination`of peoples but obviously not for those of German blood.
All causes have an effect and all effects have a cause.
Britain in particular and western Europe in general are awash with parasites and criminals from all corners of the globe seeking to sponge off the indigenous populations. In times past these invaders would have met armed resistance but in 2010 Britain welcomes with open arms these invaders and does nothing to prevent it. The likely end result is that within 50 years the native British peoples will become a despised minority[as opposed to being a despised majority today] living in ghettos or reservations like the American Indians. At least the Indians have this to their credit-they resisted the invaders. By contrast the British peoples have done nothing except a minority may vote from time to time for the BNP but otherwise they do nothing. They have betrayed their ancestors and even worse their descendants who face a bleak future if one at all.
This destruction of Britain I view as the effect of their destruction of our race`s golden opportunity to save itself and to usher in a new Golden Age. Instead of a Satya Yuga we face a Kali Yuga where miscegination, whoredom, criminality and violence are rife. We would have faced none of these things if Britain`s treasonous politicians had not waged war against Germany and rejected her offers of an alliance or an `understanding`.
Sooner or later this Kali Yuga will end but when and how I do not know but end violently it is bound to do.
Our response? We must as Aryans-racially awakened Aryans at that resist the downward forces and act as men against time[see Savitri Devi`s The Lightning and the Sun] regardless of the fruits of our actions. What matters is that we become men of action and maintain our integrity and Ride the Tiger[Julius Evola]. We must as Aryans copy the example laid down for us in the Bhagavad Gita and act with detachment and not with passion, becoming men and women of iron and self discipline.
We need to breed and raise a new Iron Youth and educate them in our Weltanschauung if there is to be any hope for the next 100 years.
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