Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Eye of Sauron

JRR Tolkien was not merely a writer of excellent fantasy novels and a highly qualified linguist but clearly a prophet. With his far seeing vision not only was he able to delve deeply into England`s past to recover lost mythological and metahistorical knowledge[gained through both exoteric and esoteric means] but was also able to see far into our future.
One recurring motif through his trilogy Lord of the Rings was the all seeing Eye of Sauron. Sauron, the Dark Lord of Mordor uses his all seeing eye to gather intelligence on his enemies, those who oppose his oppresive and life-denying regime.
Today here in Middle Earth[England in specific and Germania in general] a Dark Lord, unaccountable to the folk and of alien extrection governs for the benefit of himself and is in the process of turning all men into serfs in the aftermath of an economic crisis that he and his friends have caused, the international tribal and financial elite that owes no allegiance to anyone or any folk except to itself and has no goal other than our own enslavement and extermination.
By the use of his all-seeing eye[CCTV, satellites and the Internet] he is able to monitor the activities and expressed opinions of every single person who lives in Middle Earth. Those who actively oppose his genocidal regime are silenced via draconian laws which outlaw free speech and the right of collective protest and some unlucky ones are even assassinated by his secret service. Yes, state sponsored assassinations have and do take place in the UK or by the UK outside of its frontiers.
I see that the Home Secretary Theresa May has banned the right of native English people and their allies from demonstrating against the presence of hate filled muslim extremists who are tresspassing on our soil.
Sauron is too stupid to realise that the more oppressive his actions become and the more draconian his laws the greater the rebellion will be.
The native English folk have the power-even at this late hour to turn the tide against Sauron by mass civil disobedience. Laws which enslave the people that they are supposed to protect, ie the native English folk must be removed. As we cannot rely upon our self-serving `democratic` parliamentary pigs around the trough then we must as individuals and as a collective mass take peaceful action. A revolution occurred peacefully in eastern Germany-it can happen here too. All it takes is for the ordinary English man or woman to take the example of Tolkien`s hobbits and resist the oppressor. All it takes is for one collective kick for the whole rotten edifice to come crashing down.


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