Sunday, August 1, 2010
Europe`s Betrayal of the Aryan Weltanschauung
The situation that we face in Europe today-the extermination of the Aryan peoples and the Nordic sub race in particular is the direct consequence of the defiance of Germany`s mission to Europe from 1933 to 1945.
The United Kingdom and their political and economic masters in Washington and New York saw to it that the Aryan people`s greatest and possibly only attempt at redeeming itself from biological extinction was quashed.
In the name of `freedom` they enslaved the German people. In the name of `democracy` they outlawed the German people`s right to freedom of political expression. In the name of `self determination` they forbade the union of the German peoples of Germany and Austria in contravention of the United Nations Charter which guarantees `self determination`of peoples but obviously not for those of German blood.
All causes have an effect and all effects have a cause.
Britain in particular and western Europe in general are awash with parasites and criminals from all corners of the globe seeking to sponge off the indigenous populations. In times past these invaders would have met armed resistance but in 2010 Britain welcomes with open arms these invaders and does nothing to prevent it. The likely end result is that within 50 years the native British peoples will become a despised minority[as opposed to being a despised majority today] living in ghettos or reservations like the American Indians. At least the Indians have this to their credit-they resisted the invaders. By contrast the British peoples have done nothing except a minority may vote from time to time for the BNP but otherwise they do nothing. They have betrayed their ancestors and even worse their descendants who face a bleak future if one at all.
This destruction of Britain I view as the effect of their destruction of our race`s golden opportunity to save itself and to usher in a new Golden Age. Instead of a Satya Yuga we face a Kali Yuga where miscegination, whoredom, criminality and violence are rife. We would have faced none of these things if Britain`s treasonous politicians had not waged war against Germany and rejected her offers of an alliance or an `understanding`.
Sooner or later this Kali Yuga will end but when and how I do not know but end violently it is bound to do.
Our response? We must as Aryans-racially awakened Aryans at that resist the downward forces and act as men against time[see Savitri Devi`s The Lightning and the Sun] regardless of the fruits of our actions. What matters is that we become men of action and maintain our integrity and Ride the Tiger[Julius Evola]. We must as Aryans copy the example laid down for us in the Bhagavad Gita and act with detachment and not with passion, becoming men and women of iron and self discipline.
We need to breed and raise a new Iron Youth and educate them in our Weltanschauung if there is to be any hope for the next 100 years.
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