Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Lie of Man-Made Global Warming

Perhaps the scientific community who are involved in global warming research would care to explain why we in Britain have experienced record low temperatures for the last two winters, all within the space of eleven months? How does this fit in with your notions that we are experiencing continual rises in temperature and that this is man-made? Also we need to take into consideration that technically we are still in Autumn!
By using the same kind of `thinking` we could deduce from the fact that because we have experienced temperatures of lower than minus 20C and two successive extremely cold winters that we are more likely to be heading for another Ice Age than a parched earth? Dramatically colder winters and no real evidence of warmer summers can only indicate a trend in the opposite direction but the `scientific community` would rather bamboozle the public with their crank notion because at the end of the day it guarantees an endless supply of funds from governments, all paid for by you and I with the sole purpose of keeping these treacle scientists in well paid `work`!
Keep massaging the figures and lying to the public!
Readers of this blog may recall an ealier post on this subject: Has Fimbulvetr Arrived posted on 10/1/10.
It would appear that the fulfillment of the great prophecy of the the prelude to Ragnarok contained in the Prose Edda may very well be upon us.


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