Saturday, December 31, 2011
A Folkish Connection Between the Runes Ingwaz and Othala
During my recent meditations and rune work I have reflected on the runes Ingwaz/Ing and Othala/Ethel/Odal.
There is a clear similarity between the shapes of the Common Germanic Ingwaz and Othala. Othala appears to be an extension of Ingwaz. Often where there is a similarity in shape between two runes there is a connection of similar meaning.
Ingwaz or Ing as it was known to the Anglo-Saxons was dedicated to the God of the English-Ing, a fertility God who was probably one of the Vanir. Indeed scholars draw a connection between Him and Freyr, surnaming Him as Yngvi-Freyr, the ancestor of the Swedish royal dynasty. The Germanic Ingvaeones also take their name from Him.
It could very well be that Ing as a deity is far older than Freyr and Freyr simply adopted the functions and attributes of the more ancient deity. This was a common practice amongst the Aryan peoples. The Ingvaeones were a West Germanic alliance of peoples dwelling on the North Sea coast who more than likely took memories of their God with them when they participated in the great Germanic invasion and colonisation of what eventually became England from the mid 5th century CE onwards. Using folk etymology we could ascribe Ing as being the father of the Inglish-English. He was a son of the great Germanic earth God Mannus[Aryo-Indian Manu]and consequently is an earth and fertility God Himself. Mannus also has His own rune but this article is not the place to explore this further.
[Ing] was first, among the East-Danes,
seen by men
until he again eastward[or "back"]
went over the wave;
the wain followed on;
this is what the warriors
called the hero.
[The Runecaster`s Handbook The Well of Wyrd by Edred Thorsson]
Othala as I said is an extension in form of Ingwaz and has the general meaning of ancestral land or property. One can extend this meaning further and include inborn qualities and the very nature and essence of Germanic man. It was for these reasons that the Third Reich adopted the Odal form of this rune to signify agriculture and the concept of Blut und Boden[blood and soil]and thus ancestral inheritance, an inheritance that can only be transmitted by the virtue of the blood and unblemished blood at that. It is therefore the rune of the family, clan, tribe, Volk[folk]and ancestral or genetic inheritance.
Estate] is very dear
to every man,
if he can enjoy what is right
and according to custom
in his dwelling,
most often in prosperity.
[Runecaster`s Handbook The Well of Wyrd by Edred Thorsson]
The Old English version of the name-ethel is associated with the concept of the atheling, the noble. As we know nobility can only be transmitted by the blood. It is an inborn concept although in the times of chilvary those who were not of noble birth could be elevated to the status of knight and after several generations of good selective breeding would become noble in both blood, deed and character. The German noun Adel has the same meaning and Adel or its equivalent is a prefix in many traditional German and English forenames.
The Othala rune has two clear parts two it-the upper shape which resembles Ingwaz and thus the inner garth and the lower staves which signify the outer garth.
The seed of Ingwaz must be allowed to germinate safely in the protective inner garth, safe from any dangers and allowed to grow and be transformed and thus released into the outer garth where it may act and achieve great deeds in middle earth[midgard or middle garth] and achieve its full physical and spiritual potential. This is the interaction and dynamic that exists between Ingwaz and Othala.
The lore of the Aryo-Germanic peoples teaches us very clearly that noble characteristics are transmitted by blood and the evidence of these characteristics,ie heroic deeds is the material that furnishes the myths and legends of our great Germanic heroes such as Siegfried/Sigurd, Dietrich and Beowulf etc.
Thus we must safeguard our blood whether this be from the perils of war, famine or natural calamities or from the dangers of mscegenation. In a sense the other dangers can in the long run strengthen a people but miscegenation ultimately destroys it and is a `sin` against one`s ancestors and even more so against one`s descendants.
It is this very danger that our folk needs to guard itself against today when our governments actively work for the genocide of our race.
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