Sunday, December 18, 2011

David Cameron and His Judaeo-Xtian Values and Where He Can Stick Them!

"Vaguely practising christian" David Levita-Cameron is appealing for the Church of England to "lead a return to the moral code of the bible".
I wonder if he is only "vaguely practising" because of his pride for his jewish roots and "jewish values"?
This message will be music to the ears of the bible bashing minority within England who would gladly see `heretics` burned at the stake but fortunately because England is no longer a christian country their wishes and perverted fantasies will not become a reality any day soon!
Indeed it is christianity and its life-denying doctrines that have brought about the perilous state that this country has been in since the forced conversion of our ancestors over the last 1300 years or so.
It is christianity or christinsanity which has made the Aryan peoples weak, that has induced notions of false guilt and self-hatred. One need look no further than the pitiful modern generation of Germans. We should not forget that the majority of these are the descendants of cowards and traitors who gladly welcomed the British and American invaders in 1945 and who have ever since adopted `western values`. Like their Germanic brethren the English they are busy race-mixing themselves out of existence or opening their borders to all the scum of the earth who subsequently leech off the welfare states of these countries and shriek about their `equal rights`.
It is christinsanity which has demonised not only our Gods but the Aryan martial spirit and self-pride that is part of our racial character. Christinsanity has corrupted and weakened the soul of the Aryan race and must be rooted out like the cancer that it is. Then and only then will our people have the balls to resist the aien occupation of our sacred Aryan lands by the most diverse and unwanted parasites that have come here from all of the planet but also the corrupt and anti-Aryan `western values` will be rooted out and extinguished.
When our people awaken it will be the most tremendous storm that our lands have ever experienced and then woe betide the treasonous politicians that have betrayed us.
They will be legally tried by peoples` courts and if found guilty the hangman`s noose will be their fate. They will be given as offerings to our God Woden, their remains to be left to the raven and other carrion birds as a reminder to the masses how traitors to their race should be dealt with.
Parliament will then be bulldozed and in its place a people`s Witan who will act as an advisory council for the coming Strong One from Above. The concept of the career politician who is little more than a political prostitute will have no place in the coming Aryan state, a state that we will create according to our own image and in accordance with our own will. It will be our servant and not the other way around.
Just as there will be no place for the political scum class so there will be no place left for the financial parasite-the banksters who leech off the life blood of the Aryan peoples. They will be given 48 hours to leave the country or face the justice of the people`s courts and the inevitable penalty for traitors.
Capitalism and usury will cease to exist and thus there will be no gainful employment left for that cosmopolitan tribe who will be given free plane tickets back to their place of origin.
We will have no need for identity cards for one`s appearance for the colour of one`s skin and other racial features will be the only proof of identity that will be required.
2011 will be rembered as the year of global revolutions and riots. Think not that it ends now for this is merely the opening salvo in a war of cosmic significance that has been going on for centuries!


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