Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Bastardisation of British Culture and Diarmaid MacCulloch
Once again the BBC[Bastardisation of British Culture Corporation] strikes again with a three part series undermining the very roots of ethnic English identity-How God Made the English. I did not see the previous two episodes. Watching episode 3 last night-A White and Christian People was more than enough for me.
This entire episode undermined-deliberately in my view the very identity of the English folk and if this had been done to any other people there would have been shouts of `racism`. The BBC just cannot help themselves. As readers of this blog will know I recently carried out a criticism of the absolutely appalling and multi-racial distortion of the King Arthur myth. The BBC love to spend English and British taxpayers` money on picking away at the English folk and the Aryan race.
This time they chose someone with a Scottish surname and Irish forename with self-confessed French Huguenot descent on his mother`s side to explore and determine what it means to be English.
In this episode MacCulloch was totally dismissive and snearingly contemptuous of the notion that the English are an ethnic group. He briefly used genetics, archaeology and ancient history-subjects which he clearly knows nothing about to question and dismiss the concept that there ever was an English ethnic group. MacCulloch may have a degree in history but clearly this could not have covered the Anglo-Saxon period. Showing his ignorance for this period he takes at face the value the account in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles that the Germanic tribes arrived in 449CE in just "three longships", calculating that each ship carried 50 people, using this as `evidence` that there never was a full scale Germanic migration to Britain. What he then fails to mention-either through sheer ignorance or willful distortion is that this initial incursion was merely the arrival of a warrior band, a Maennerbund or Comitatus if you prefer the Latin expression. Subsequent to the arrival and rebellion of the Germanics under Hengest and Horsa a full scale invasion began over the next 100 years or so as the archaeological evidence from England and northern Europe testifies to. But clearly MacCulloch finds the truth too distasteful for his Franco-Celtic tastes because that would mean that he is not truly an Englishman.
I myself am less than 50% English as my followers will know but I would never distort English history to claim a greater stake amongst the English folk than I actually am entitled to.
During the making of the programme both his Y-Chromosone and Mitochondrial DNA were tested and he was declared by Stephen Oppenheimer[an Ashkenazi Jewish surname] to be an "average" or typical inhabitant of England. Did MacCulloch bother to tell Oppenheimer of his Scottish and French ancestry? Therefore MacCulloch`s genetic ancestry is of little value to the programme being himself a descendant of non-English people. His Y-Chromosone DNA could never reflect Germanic ancestry as his paternal line is Gaelic! Therefore this `evidence` should not have been admitted to support his `case` against English identity.
The start of the programme focussed briefly on the legend of St George and having smugly demolished the notion that the historical George was not an Englishman he then used this as a springboard to launch his attack on the very concept of our racial and ethnic identity. He made no mention at all about the Germanic concept of the dragon slayer and how this ancient archetype would have made the English receptive to George.
Throughout this programme he consistently projected his clearly multiracial and multicultural views back on to the recent and ancient past to justify his own political[political with a small `p`] agenda. These are not the actions of a credible historian who approaches the past with a certain amount of objectivity and does not use it as a canvas to project his own warped vision of England having always been a multiracial or multicultural society and then proceeds to call these hordes of negroid and asiatic immigrants as being "English". That they are not and never can be!
Anyone caring to research MaCulloch further will note his open homosexuality and apparent membership of the Gay Christian Movement in 1976 and his ordination as a Deacon in the Church of England in 1987.
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