Sunday, April 1, 2012
The Labrys and Aryan Culture
Followers of my four blogs will be aware of the great importance that I attach to the Aryan symbol of the axe which is very clearly a forerunner of the hammer of Thunor.
Rune workers will already be aware of the axe or at least the single headed axe being represented in the Rune Thurisaz/Thorn/Thurs.
Ideographically and conceptually this Rune is linked to Thunor and is the destroyer of the etins[giants]. Its resemblance to the thorn also emphasises that it is a weapon of defence as well as attack and this particular name-Thorn is represented in both the Anglo-Saxon/Northumbrian and the Armanen futhorcs. It also signifies regeneration[following destruction-see Futhark by Edred Thorsson]. The lightning of Thunor fertilises and regenerates the earth, breaking down barriers to resistance.
Today our earth is in need of regeneration following the ever increasing devastation which has been wrought upon it by man which has intensified since the era of the industrial revolution. Likewise our race needs to be regenerated but perhaps more than this it needs to be reborn, to transform into something new and higher as the Fifth Root Race begins to die and to make way for the Coming Race, the Sixth Root Race which will have its foundations in the purer aspects of the Aryan race.
Who knows whether this Coming Race will arise naturally or through the intervention of man and his current and future scientific knowledge and technical ability and adaptation.
This hammer or axe when in motion forms the appearance of a moving swirling Swastika to the human eye and thus there is a link between the axe-hammer of Thunor and the Swastika, another of the most sacred symbols of our race. Let us not forget that Thunor is a sky God and it is natural to link Him with symbols of the sun just as we link Woden with the Sunwheel. The Aesir are sky and sun deities. They represent vigour and the martial aspect of both our Gods and the Aryan race which is a race of Sun Initiates.
Whilst Thurisaz/Thorn/Thurs represents a single bladed or headed axe with a male polarity the Labrys represents a double bladed or headed axe and is to be found on munuments, on pottery and other artifacts all over the ancient Aryan world or wherever the Aryan was once dominant. Indeed it is even to be found on one of the sarcens at Stonehenge.
Elizabeth Goldsmith in her Ancient Pagan Symbols states: The Sacred Double Axe as a religious symbol of the sun is pre-eminently associated with the island of Crete.
We know from excavations on Crete and in particular at Knossos that this island was a centre of early Aryan civilisation. King Minor built the labrynth which housed the infamous Minotaur, a half man-half bull hybrid that was offered human virgins as a form of sacrifice. The labrynth translates as the "house of the labrys".
I believe that certain scholars are wrong when they identify the labrys with a Goddess culture. What it does signify is a balance of polarities between male and female and this idea is graphically portrayed in the Rune stave Dagaz/Dag which portrays a balnce between day and night and thus between the sky and earth. We can extend this idea further and relate it to the relationship between male and female, the Gods and the Godesses which must maintain a balance for harmony to exist.
There is an assumption among many scholars that the Minoans were not Indo-Europeans but there is no positive evidence for this assertion. The mythological evidence would suggest that they were Indo-Europeans and the genetic evidence is beginning to suggest the Minoans DNA may be linked to Anatolia from where it has been speculated that the Indo-European languages originated and spread to Europe.[See Colin Renfrew`s Archaeology and Language: the Puzzle of Indo-European Origins.]
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