Thursday, June 29, 2006
Gibor rune
Ge, gi, gifa, gibor, gift, giver, god, gea, geo, earth, gigur, death, etc:
"Gibor-Altar"-God the All-Begetter!-God is the giver, and the Earth receives his gifts. But the earth is not only the receiver, she is also in turn a giver. The primal word is "gi", or "ge"; in it lies the idea of "arising"[to give], but it also indicates "being" in the idea of the gift, and "passing away to new arising" in the idea of go-ing. This primal word "gi" or "ge" can now be connected to other primal and root words, a few examples of which follow.
In connection with the primal word "fa" as: gifa, gefa, gea, geo, it indicates the "gift-begetting" earth, and with "bar" or "bor"[burn, spring], the "gift-burn" God.
As "gi-ge-ur"[the gift goes back to "Ur"[primal existence], in "Gigur", the "gift-destroying" frost-giant, who becomes a personification of death and later of the devil, appears to be named.
By the idea word "gigas"[gi-ge-as: the gift goes out of the mouth[as], out of the source the fiddle[Geige] is understood. This is the old skaldic magical instrument of awakening which introduced the song, and since "song"[bar] also means "life", the fiddle was one of the many ideographs[hieroglyphs, symbols] of rebirth, and it is for this reason that it is often found in graves as a sacred gift. Therefore it is not necessarily so that the dead man in whose grave a fiddle is found was a fiddle player. "Flutes and fiddles" enticed people to dance, to the excitement of love, and was therefore banned by the Church-with its ascetic temperament-because they served as magical instruments to arouse the human fyr[fire] of love.
So the Church replaced the Wotanic symbol of awakening with the Christian symbol of awakening "the trumpet of judgement".
The personal names "Gereon" and "Geretrut"[Gertrud] are rooted in the primal word "ge", meaning rebirth, and the hieroglyph of this, the "Head of Gereon", appears as an equilateral triangle made of three human profiles. But this Gereon is, in turn, the god incarnate in the All as the All-,World-, or Human-spirit. And for this reason the meaning of the "ge-rune" is closest to that of the "fyrfos". The difference between the two interpretations lies in the fact that the idea of the "ge" or "gibor"-rune seeks esoterically to approach the comprehension of the idea of the divine from below upward-in a certain sense from the level of humanity outward-while the explanation of the fyrfos seeks knowledge of God esoterically in the innermost level of man himself-and finds it. Thus it is known, as the spirit of humanity, to be unified with God from the standpoint of the "bifidic-biune dyad", and it will attain certain knowledge from inside out, as well as toward the inside from the outside. Here again the exoteric and the esoteric are clearly distinguished, and the fyrfos is recognised as an esoteric secret sign of high holiness which is represented exoterically by the "ge-rune". So, while the exoteric doctrine teaches that "man emerged from God and will return to God", the esoteric doctrine knows the "invisible cohesion of man and divinity as the `bifidic-biune dyad` "-and so it can be consciously said: "Man-be One with God!"
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