Monday, June 19, 2006

The Sun Hero in Ancient Aryan Mythology

The myths of the Indo-European peoples are replete with the recurring motif of the Sun Hero.
Examples of such hereos are:-


In the words of the Aryanist Charles Morris in his `Aryan Sun-Myths. The Origin of Religion`[1899]-

"All Indo-Germanic nations have worshipped crucified saviours and overwhelming proof was obtained that the sun-myths of the ancient Aryans were the origin of the religion in all of the countries which were peopled by the Aryans".

One thing that many of the sun myths of the ancient Aryans and other peoples had in common was the concept of the god-man that came down from heaven to act as a mediator between the deity[ies] and man. Often the day of his birth is said to be on 25th December and frequently he is born of a virgin, suffered a sacrificial death and then on the third day would `rise again`.
It is not too difficult to recognise the parallels between the myth of the Aryan Sun Hero/god-man and the birth, life and sacrificial death of Christ.
Much of what we know about the life and `miracles` of Christ in the New Testament is a direct plagiarism from Indo-European mythology. This was an intentional process.
The early church fathers recognised that in order for their new religion to take a hold upon the non-Semitic Aryan peoples they would have to adapt their very Jewish early Christianity into a form of religion that would be likely to be more readily embraced by the Aryan peoples.
It is no accident that St Paul deliberately broke away from the more parochial, exclusive and Jewish form of Christianity espoused by St Peter and developed his own form of Christianity which stripped of its Jewish roots would be a more inclusive and universalist religion.
The early evangelists were very quick to superimpose their religion as a gloss over the religions of the indigenous Aryan peoples, knowing that the transition from paganism to Christianity would be more smoothly accomplished. However this cross-fertilisation was not purely one way.
James C. Russell in his `The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity. A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation` makes the case that Christianity`s attempt to impose itself upon medieval northern Europe resulted in a hybrid religion, a Christianity heavily influenced by paganism and a paganism influenced by Christianity.
Mr Russell states "This Germanization process is often overlooked. Studies of the interaction between Christian and Germanic religion and culture customarily focus upon the Christianization process as the active force and Germanic paganism as a passive or reactionary phenomenon. This is understandable, since there is no evidence of a major drive by non-Christian Germanic peoples comparable to that of the Emperor Julian to restore or advance pre-Christian Roman religion. Yet there did exist a subtle but pervasive Germanizing force which resulted primarily from a missionary policy of accommodation and gradualism, instead of a policy requiring preliminary doctrinal and ethical inculcation."[Page 38]
Whilst the medieval church ruthlessly imposed Christianity upon the peoples of northern Europe and tried to suppress the ancient lore of our ancestors they could not completely eradicate the beliefs of northern European man. Our lore never went away completely. Traces of it can be found within the myths, legends and folktales orally transmitted down the generations and then finally committed to parchment by Christian scribes.
A study of the beliefs and rituals of medieval Christianity can also reveal clues as to the existence of buried Aryan wisdom.
The role of the spiritual Aryan man of the 21st century is to uncover these lost truths.
Apart from the recognised scholarly methods of uncovering these we can also resort to the practice of accessing our ancestral memories through analysis of our dreams and hypnotic induction/regression.
Carl Gustav Jung posited the theory that just as there is a personal Unconscious within each of us there is also a Collective Unconscious which is the store-house of all our ancestral memories.
Nothing is ever completely forgotten:all can be recovered.
We will turn to this subject in a future article.


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