Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Solar Origins of the Aryan Race

There are many different ways to explore the origins of the Aryan peoples.
We can choose to do so using empirical science and the disciplines of archaeology, geology and the theories of evolution and natural selection but we can also approach the question from a spiritual and/or esoteric basis.
Too often we naively suppose that only `science` so called has any valid answers to the questions of our origins but we forget that science can only approach things from a very narrow angle and perspective and even its findings are subject to constant debate and change.There are only theories;no proven `facts`.
Baron Julius Evola,the great Aryan philosopher and mystic wrote in chapter 19 of his `Ride the Tiger`-
"The apogee of the myth of physical science coincided with that of the bourgeois era, when positivist and materialist scientism was in favour."

And again-

"None of modern science has the slightest value as knowledge;rather,it bases itself on a formal renunciation of knowledge in the true sense."

So where do we seek understanding about our origins? Where should we turn to as a starting point?
I would suggest that we turn to the great store-house of myth that has been faithfully preserved by our ancestors down the millenia.
For Germanic peoples that means the Eddas and the Sagas of the pre-christian era.
Germanic myth in common with the myths of all the other Indo-European peoples is solar in nature.
The great sun hero Siegfried/Sigurd is just such an example of a Germanic solar hero.
Wilhelm Richard Wagner[1813-1873] based most of his music dramas upon the myth of the Aryan sun hero with characters such as the afore-mentioned Siegfried, the swan knight Lohengrin,Tannhaueser and Parsifal.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky[1831-1891], the founder of `Theosophy` in volume 1 of `The Secret Doctrine` referred to the first race of man as being celestial in origin. Mankind has in stage regressed from spirit into matter. The first two `Root Races` were aetherial in nature. By the time of the Third Lemurian Root Race man had descended into matter.
The Fifth Root Race, the Aryan race is destined to give way to a higher being of man,the sixth and seventh Root Races. The German philosopherFriedrich Nietzsche[1844-1900] referred to the coming man as the `Uebermensch`, the over man or higher man. As Aryans our destiny is to evolve from matter into spirit, to be born again as the sun hero. Siegfried/Sigurd is the prototype of this new man.
The question of how our race collectively and how we as individuals can progress to this stage will be addressed in a seperate post.


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