Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Annual Insanity of Xmas

There is nothing more illustrative to me than the capitalist retail festival of xmas in demonstrating the general stupidity, false sentimentality and gullibility of the masses who faithful to their programming from September to 24th of December each year like automatons respond to the not too subtle jingles of the supermarkets and television advertising. Like a massive hangover they awaken in the new year to realise and rue their folly, "never to be fooled again" only to repeat the same farcical charade 8 months later and so it goes on ad infinitum. Of course the same rootless cosmopolitan leeches who are the architects and sole benefactors of global capitalism are also the grand plagiarists of religion. Despite the now fairly well known and accepted[even by xtians]truth that xmas is merely a shallow plagiarism of the great Aryan winter solstice festivals, known in the Germanic world as Yule when our ancestors looked for the return of the dead sun God yet people still willfully continue to believe in the lie that it is the birthday of a non-existent literary construct known as Jesus. I do not intend to spend time in this article discussing the numerous Aryan mythologies where this myth was borrowed from as a study of Charles Morris` book Aryan Sun Myths. The Origin of Religion will satisfy any enquirer`s curiosity. The very notion of a crucified jewish saviour is completely ridiculous and not even accepted by the mass of jews who were contemporary with the origins of this cult as they knew that it was a contradiction of their own law and culture. The purpose behind the creation of the religion of xtianity was to first of all to cause chaos in the Aryan world-which it did of course in Rome where false notions of racial, gender and caste equality were propagated. After this religion took root in the ancient world and began to spread like a cancer further north it caused the disintegration of the northern Hyperborean world both physically and spiritually. The great masses of people in fear of their kings and chieftains accepted this alien religion as an alternative to torture and death. Very few accepted it internally, merely professing outward conformity. The ancient Germanic priesthood proved too weak to resist this onslaught and many went underground to preserve ancient Aryo-Germanic lore, traditions and knowledge. The church had to make concessions to the people and accept many of the ancient Gods and Goddesses into their community of `saints`. Many temple sites were reused as xtian places of worship. One of the biggest plagiarisms of all was the image of the crucified jewish `messiah` which was deliberately concocted to confuse the Germanic peoples into thinking that Jesus was a hero in the mould of Woden. Woden, the God who sacrificed Himself to Himself on the world tree for nine nights, piercing His side with His own spear, Gungnir. Woden`s act was intended to regain lost Hyperborean wisdom, encoded in the Runes. He did not die the death of a martyr, a coward or a thief. He did not submit in weakness and neither did He actually die. What He experienced was a shamanic journey to each of the nine worlds, one world visited each night that He hung upon that "wind-swept tree". He recovered the Runes, the key to immortality and freedom from the Eternal Return for the vira, the hero, the Einheriar. In post conversion times the figure of Woden re-emerges in the form of Parsifal, who wandered in quest for knowledge as did Woden and like Woden he carried the sacred spear. The spear when connected to the Hyperborean green graal ensured the fertility of the land and the Aryan race. The loss of the spear signified degradation, miscegenation and infertility. You can forget any notions of Jesus `coming again`. What you will experience is the return of Woden in the form of his son Wid-Ar who I am sure like His father will bear the sacred spear Gungnir which once again will penetrate the holy Aryan gene pool and purify our peoples one more time.


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