Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Kali Yuga and Ragnarok

It is often falsely claimed by `academics` that Germanic mythology as represented in the Eddas was a late development or portrayal of our pre-christian ancestors` beliefs and thus heavily distorted by christianity. However very little evidence is put forward to support this contention. One thing that cannot be explained by these savants is the co-relation between the length of the Kali Yuga and the number of warriors who will fill the sacred halls of Walhalla. We are told in the Grimnismal[Elder/Poetic Edda] that Walhalla has 540 doors and 800 warriors[Eihheriar] who will issue forth out of each door to fight the armies of Surt at Ragnarok. Thus 540 x 800 = 432,000. In the ancient lore of the Indo-Aryans we are told that the length of the Kali Yuga, the shortest of the four Yugas is 432,000 years. It consists of 1,200 "years of the Gods". "One year of the Gods" = 360 "years of men". Thus 1,200 x 360 = 432,000. I do not believe that the corelation between these two calculations is a mere coincidence because of the enormity of the number and neither can this be accounted for by cultural borrowing when one considers the distance in time and space between these two cultures. Therefore the only conclusion that a reasonable man may come to is that this figure, 432,000 represents an inheritance from a common source, an Aryan source, an Ur-source. Both the doctrine of the Kali Yuga and that of Ragnarok[Korangar] represent a final reckoning between the forces of order-the Gods and those of chaos-the demiurge. This war has been in progress for thousands of years and is fast approaching its conclusion. Aryan culture and Aryan bloodlines have been under systematic attack by the forces of chaos and darkness as represented by the desert demon Yahweh and his anti-life religion of christianity which has weakened the Aryan peoples and caused them to enter into a state of paralysis whilst their lands be invaded and their children become disenfranchised in their own lands. This process was accelerated during and after the two world wars, the last war fought by the Aryan avatar who for 12 Yule nights sought to turn back the Kali Yuga but failed as the forces of Yahweh arraigned against Him were too strong. This was the last time that the Woden archetype manifested Himself so strongly and purely in a human being. The aeon of the hanging God as represented first by Woden and then the plagiarised copy of the christ is coming to an end and a new God force will soon manifest Himself and it is this God who will one day return on a white horse to usher in the new Golden Age or Satya Yuga. We welcome Him, this Starker von Oben.


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