Monday, December 17, 2012


During some recent meditations the following anagram was revealed to me: Walhalla-Allahlaw[the law of Allah]. When one considers this in relation to the anagram Ragnarok-Korangar[Gar or spear of the Koran] I believe that this is not mere coincidence but something that the Gods wish to reveal to us so that we may prepare ourselves for the holy war which has begun for the life and fate of the Aryan peoples. The latter anagram is not my discovery but that of someone much wiser than myself. The very fact that we are now living in a time of constant warfare between two semitic powers-the zionist `West` in the form of the Tel Aviv-Washington/New York/London axis and the semitic religion of Islam whose fanatical adherents will not rest until Allah dominates the earth demonstrates that we are witnessing new geopolitical power shifts. Islam means "submission to `God`". In this sense a desert tribal god called Allah, the same deity which spurred the Israelites on to butchery and genocide in their conquest of the land of Canaan-if you believe the myth of course. Judaism was also responsible for another semitic religion-Christianity, a religion of the slave and the Underman which like Islam had the intention of enslaving Aryan peoples and destroying their indigenous belief systems. Up until the 1990s the semitic power axis consisted of global capitalism on the one hand and mainly Soviet Marxism on the other, both of which are semitic and anti-Aryan ideologies. This axis failed so we are now experiencing something new in this war between Judaism/Christianity against Islam. Whichever side is winning the Aryan can only[apparently] lose. The conflict between the two sides is only apparent as the real target of both is the Aryan race. Unfortunately the Woden archetype proved too weak to save us from this physical and spiritual onslaught 1,500 years ago although He did manifest Himself through the German Avatar in the 1920s-1940s. Few at the time saw Hitler in this light. The founder of Analytical Psychology Carl Gustav Jung saw clearly that Wotan had awakened from His sleep and desperately tried to save the Germanic folk in their time of greatest need. In the exoteric realm Yahweh appears to have won that battle but in effect by exposing the hidden agenda of the enemy He[the Avatar] succeeded in winning the esoteric war which in fact is really not yet over and will be continued when the new Aryan Germanic God form emerges. This time He will not fail and Ragnarok will see not only the destruction of the current order but the emergence of a new world, a new pantheon of Gods and a reborn Aryan race-the only race which will be given to inhabit the earth. The ancient Aryan scriptures make it abundantly clear: "I gave the earth to the Aryan;"[Rig Veda 4.26.2]. These are the words of the Thunder God Indra, cognate with our very own Thunor/Thor/Donar. This time man-Aryan man will walk in harmony with the Gods and develop technologies and spiritual disciplines that will enable our race to continue to express its exploratory spirit into outer space and beyond into other dimensions.


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