Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Frey, the Ar-God

This article should be read in conjunction with previous ones on a similar theme such as `Ar` as a Prefix in Aryan God/Goddess Names[4/8/12] and Aryanman/Airyaman/Ariomanus/Eremon/Irmin-the Divine Concept of Aryanness[17/8/12].
I have identified further evidence of the Aryan connection specifically in the Norse Sagas, Eddas and Rune Poems that repeats this same recurring theme.
The 10th Rune of the Younger Futhark and the Armanen Futhork is called Ar. This is cognate with the Elder/Common Germanic Futhark Jera which appears as the 12 Rune in that row. The Anglo-Saxon equivalent is Ger. It should be noted that the form of the Rune stave is different in all four Rune rows. The Younger and Armanen Runes show the closest affinity in form and Rune name. It should be born in mind that the Armanen is not an historical Rune row unlike the other three of course and it is historical rather than esoteric evidence that we are primarily but not exclusively examining here.
Ar and its Old English[Anglo-Saxon] equivalent of Ger are broadly cognate with the modern English `year` but it has the additional sense of meaning a fruitful year in relation to the harvest which our ancestors were deeply dependent upon. The term is very ancient and predates the Germanic, being traced right back to the Proto-Indo-European[PIE] *yer.

"[Ar] is the profit of all men and a good summer and a ripened field".[Icelandic Rune Poem].
 "[Ar] is the profit of men; I say that Frothi was generous."[Norwegian Rune Poem].
 "[Ger] is the hope of men, when god lets, holy king of heaven, the Earth give her bright fruits to the nobles and the needy."[Old English Rune Poem].

My readers must be aware that the Old English Rune Poem is heavily xtianised, much more so than the Icelandic and Norwegian so it must always be read in conjunction with the more archaic material. However it does give more detailed information and there are of course additional Runes contained within it so it is immensely valuable to us. The Abecedarium Nordmannicum also refers to this rune as `Ar`.

The prefix `Ar` readers will recall from the earlier articles has many different values and interpretations but they are all linked to the Aryan concept. Professor L. Austine Waddell in A Sumer Aryan Dictionary[1927] relates this prefix to the plough and the earth;  hence its association with agriculture.

Guido von List directly linked the Aryan concept with this Rune:

"ar, sun, primal fire, ar-yans, nobles, etc."
 "The `ar`, the `urfyr`[primal fire, god], the `sun`, the `light` will destroy spiritual as well as physical darkness, doubt, and uncertainty. In the sign of the Ar the Aryans-the sons of the sun-founded their law[Rita], the primal law of the Aryans, of which the earn, or eagle[Aar], is the hieroglyph."[The Secret of the Runes].

In Skaldskaparmal 75 Snorri Sturluson refers to the Vana God Frey as the `arguth`[ar-god]. He is the Aryan God!No wonder that this God was so well loved and honoured as the people`s very existence was dependent upon him. He was the God of the people, of the Arya, the God of the plough, the Ar.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Aryan Man: Heed Erda`s Warning!

Like Tolkien Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a prophet of his generation and of his people. Both drew upon the ancient mythological lore of the Germanic peoples but expressed this in different ways: Tolkien through his written work and Wagner through both his music dramas[vulgarly called `operas`] and his written works which he is less well known for. Both projected the symbol of a ring, a golden ring. This is a subject which I hope to return to elaborate on in a future article.

Wagner`s greatest music drama or rather cycle of music dramas was Der Ring des Nibelungen. In the first part of the cycle, in Scene 4 of  Das Rheingold the earth mother, Erda gives this warning to Wotan, the father of the Germanic Gods:

"Yield, Wotan! Yield! Flee the curse of the ring! To irredeemably dark destruction its gain will ever ordain you!"

The Ring represents our base desires. It symbolises material wealth, power and comforts and the desire for them. It like Tolkien`s Ring debases the wearer, taking him down in a never ending cycle.
Wotan represents Aryan man. Erda, the Earth Mother[Mutter Erde] warns Wotan to flee from the curse of the Ring which brings destruction to all who desire and possess it. This is the current state of Aryan man as a whole.

"How all things were-I know; how all things are, how all things will be, I see as well: the endless earth`s primeval vala, Erda bids you beware, Ere the world was, my womb brought forth three daughters: what I see the Norns unfold each night, But gravest danger brings me myself to you today: hearken! Hearken! Hearken! All things that are-end, A day of darkness dawns for the gods: I counsel you shun the ring! I`ve warned you-you know enough: brood in care and fear!"

The end of Aryan man draws nigh and only through his rejection of the Ring and all that it symbolises can he hope to survive. His rejection of the One Who Came Back, who was capable of instituting a new Golden Age, a Satya Yuga they rejected out of desire for gold and fear of the international tribe who runs the world`s banks. The forces of decay, headed by the USA and the UK betrayed their own race and are now suffering the consequences. Aryan Americans are now a minority in their own country and the UK is heading the same way. This is the karma which is now being reaped by those who opposed the German Avatar. 

Erda appear again in Act 3 of Siegfried and this time she is summoned by Wotan in His guise as Der Wanderer[The Wanderer]. In Das Rheingold Erda appears to Wotan of Her own accord and at Her own instigation.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Euhemerism, the Aesir and the Aryan Urheimat

Snorri Sturluson in his Prose/Younger Edda seeks in the Prologue to euhemerise the Germanic Gods. Euhemerism is named after a 4th century BCE Greek mythographer who sought to explain classical mythology by attributing mythological personalities and events to actual historical figures and events, thus explaining away or rationalising them. To be fair to Snorri he only does this within the Prologue and does not allow his theorising to interfere with his composition of the rest of the text which often gives important details not to be found in the Poetic/Elder Edda.

Saxo Grammaticus in  The History of the Danes Books 1-IX also carries out the same practice of euhemerism and presents the Gods as mortal heroes and kings as does Snorri. It is often remarked by scholars that this is due to either the desire to xtianise what to them is heathen and thus distasteful or they may have felt that this was the only safe way to present the myths to avoid unwanted attention from the church. However one should bear in mind that both Snorri and Saxo would have been classically educated, familiar with classical mythology and the practice of euhemerism which they applied to the northern world.

Professor L. Austine Waddell also carries forward this practice in his works. He was responsible for a very contentious translation of the Eddas which he called the British Edda. His theory was that the language of the Eddas was not Icelandic or Old Norse but rather `British-Gothic` and that the epic which is a mish mash of Norse, Arthurian and Sumerian myth is the property of the Aryans who populated Britain from ancient Troy. The concept of a colonisation from Troy can be traced back to Geoffrey of Monmouth and other mediaeval chroniclers. For those who are used to the Icelandic Eddas the British Edda will hit you like one of Thunor`s thunderbolts! It is a shock to the system and it will take many readings for you to to begin to make sense of the epic so I would recommend that you read this work last and not make the mistake that I did and read it first because this will lead to utter confusion!

Waddell draws a link between Thor, Arthur[=Ar-Thor] and the Aryan pre-xtian Holy Grail. This all fits in with his wider theme of an ancient pan-Aryan civilisation that linked Sumeria, Egypt, India and northern Europe. This is why his writings are so valuable to us today.

Snorri has his Aesir originate from Troy which he places in Asia[more strictly Asia Minor]. One must remember that prior to 1871 when Heinrich Schliemann excavated Troy the city was generally regarded as a purely mythical rather than an historical place. Of course the ancient Greeks and Romans took it for granted that this was an historical place and the Trojan War was an historical event. Geoffrey of Monmouth lived from about 1100-1155 CE and wrote his Historia Regnum Britanniae [History of the Kings of Britain] in about 1136. In addition to the works of Bede, Nennius, Gildas and William of Malmesbury these writings are collectively termed the British Chronicles by Professor Waddell and deserve closer scrutiny by us. My belief is that they preserve ancient Aryan history from these islands. The fact that scholars pay little attention to Geoffrey`s writings these days may be more to do with political correctness than objective scholarship. Snorris lived from 1179-1241 CE. To what extent he was familiar with Geoffrey`s writings I do not know. If he wasn`t then perhaps we need to pay more attention to his Prologue as this could represent a portion of ancient Aryan history from a source common to both writers but now lost.

In the 19th century it was still fashionable for scholars of Indo-European studies to posit Asia as the Urheimat of the undivided ancient Aryans. These days the general consensus is that the homeland is to be located in eastern Europe but still today theories abound and they just do not know. Troy is located in Anatolia and Anatolia is yet another speculated location for the Urheimat.
"After that Odin went north to what is now Sweden. There was a king whose name was Gylfi, and when he learned of the arrival of the men of Asia[who were called Aesir], he went to meet them and offered Odin as much power in his realm es he wished himself."[Prologue, Prose/Younger Edda][My emphasis].

Also in the commentary to Saxo`s work by Hilda Ellis Davidson she states:

"The idea that Odin ruled in Byzantium was one of the learned theories concerning the origin of the pagan gods held by Icelandic scholars in Saxo`s time. The Aesir were said to have come to Scandinavia from Asia[Asia Minor],....."

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Left Hand Path, the Path of the Ariya

I have on a number of occasions referred to the Left Hand Path within some of my articles so I feel that it would be helpful to clarify what I mean by this term and how it may be distinguished from the Right Hand Path and how this path relates to the Aryan Weltanschauung which we espouse and practice.

The Left Hand Path consists of spiritual or magical practices which are concerned with imposing one`s own subjective Will upon the known objective universe. By comparison the Right Hand Path is concerned with the harmonisation of the subjective will in conformity with the known objective universe.

The Left Hand Path is the path of free Will and differentiation from what we regard as the `divine`. We do not seek to be merged with `god` but rather to become gods or more accurately to quote from Stephen E. Floweres, PhD:

"a kind of independent existence on a level usually thought of as divine."[Lords of the Left-Hand Path].

In the Right Hand Path religions man seeks to know and understand the divine laws of the cosmos in order that he or she may conform to them. On the other hand we impose our Will upon the cosmos, albeit not for selfish ends but for the betterment of our race. This is how the struggle waged by the sons/suns of light is to be fought in the Kali Yuga.

The monotheistic semitic religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Right Hand Path religions whose goal is to accomplish the union of the self with the divine and thus annihilate the self. The same can be said for modern interpretations of Buddhism. At this point I must direct my readers to obtain a copy of Julius Evola`s  The Doctrine of Awakening which reinterprets Buddhism as an Aryan Left Hand Path spiritual practice not the distorted Left Hand Path religion that it has subsequently become.

Buddhism is not a religion: it is a spiritual practice. Furthermore it is not intended for the masses but for the Aryan elite:

"the doctrine is spoken of as accessible and intelligible, not to the common crowd, but only to the ariya."[Evola]

Baron Evola defines the term ariya in a Buddhist context and corrects the false notion that it equates to the term `saint` , `noble` or `sublime` as interpreted by western scholars generally. On the contrary he states:

"They are all later meanings of the word, and they do not convey the fullness of the original nor the spiritual, aristocratic, and racial significance, that nevertheless, is largely preserved in Buddhism."[Evola]

Right Hand Path religions tend to enslave the masses although they claim to liberate them. This concept is most clearly evident in the term Islam which means `submission`. In the Wodenist religion of our Saxon forefathers we do not submit to our Gods. We give them due reverence as a child reveres his or her parents but we do not live in fear or submission. We love our Gods and Goddesses for we are part of them and they are part of us. We move within them as they move within us.  They are our divine ancestors and the founders of our race. We learn from them and seek to recover that lost divinity which they originally gifted to us. We do not seek union with them-only communion.

The Left Hand Path is concerned with methods of attaining spiritual and psychological individuation. We seek to become complete men or women whose individual consciousness will survive physical dissolution of the body. There is a common misconception that the corporeal elements of man perish or separate after death whilst the non-corporeal survive. This is an over simplification. Just as it is an over simplification to assume that each personality reincarnates. `Survival` beyond death is purely dependent on the the degree of individuation that the individual acquires. Permament survival is not the norm for the great mass of people.
Spiritual practices that can be utilised for the purpose of meaningful individual survival of death may be found in  Introduction to Magic: Ritual and Practical Techniques for the Magus by Julius Evola and the UR Group.

The semitic monotheistic religions seek the annihilation of the individual personality with the promise of full absorption into the divine. They are basically cthonic religions that are ultimately destructive to us collectively and individually. The Ariya, the Sonnenmensch seeks no such absorption but individuation, a separate existence on a divine level. This is in fact the true Aryan path which those who hear the call of the blood and the call of the Gods  respond to and tread.

"Essentially the left-hand path is the path of non-union with the objective universe. It is the way of isolating consciousness within the subjective universe and, in a state of self-imposed psychic solitude, refining the soul or psyche to ever more perfect levels."[Flowers]

In the Left-Hand Path we seek the development of the Self and in Rune Magic and Rune Yoga the basic starting point is the mastering of the Isa/Is Rune which is concerned purely with the Self, Self-Mastery and Self-Consciousness. I would direct my readers to start first with the mastering of this Rune. This the foundation of the rest of the Futhark/Futhork. By developing the Self we obtain difference and a separate existence from the masses. We become individuals. We become Ariya. We become Sonnenmenschen.
Before mastering others we must first master our Selves.

Abir Taha in her recently published Nietzsche`s Coming God develops this concept from the philosophy of Nietszche but unlike her other books not in a purely biological racial way. I would point out that she did in fact write this book prior to Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism: The Cult of the Superman; Unveiling the Nazi Secret Doctrine and The Epic of Arya: In Search of the Sacred Light.  Race is the substance from which the Herrenvolk will emerge but it would indeed be wrong to assume that all of a given race are necessarily destined and capable of becoming Masters: they are not. Hierarchy is to be found within all races as well as between races.  This is one of the problems associated with Nationalisms, which are purely materialist and non-spiritual responses to the effects of the malaise of the Kali Yuga. Nationalism sometimes has the tendency to posit the view that there is in existence an equality between members of an individual ethno-nation or race.

The purpose of the race or ethne is the production of a caste of Masters. We preserve our race and ethne for this reason not purely for the sake of sentimental attachment: it has a role to play!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sandals/Flip-Flops-an Effeminate and Ungermanic Fashion Trend

Many years ago I would lecture work colleagues about the necessity of eating food for which one is racially adapted and accustomed to eating. My instinctive arguing of the point, "Germanic food for Germanic bellies" has subsequently proven to have a valid scientific basis and this is something I intend to explore in a future article.

Today I would like to focus on the cosmopolitan and anti-racial concept of fashion. Like food, Europeans are being persuaded, brainwashed and even cajoled into wearing clothing styles which are inappropriate to them culturally and physiologically. One specific example comes to mind, particularly at this time of the year: the sandal or even worse the `flip-flop`.

For years now I have observed Englishmen, increasingly of all ages adopt this ridiculous  `fashion` trait of wearing usually knickerbockers and sandals. Old men are usually distinguished by the presence of white socks. Younger men are bare-footed[one can only imagine the resultant poor foot hygiene and stink]. Since childhood I have never worn short trousers or sandals. Instinctively I regard it as effeminate an ungermanic. I have no doubt at all that this modern trend is intended to emasculate Germanic man, giving him almost a homosexual or at least metrosexual air. Just as there is increasingly a drive by global capitalism to blur the edges between races so we are experiencing this also with the sexes. It is the goal of global capitalism[driven no doubt by zionist hatred towards the Aryan race] to create a single global unified  market place where their shoddy goods can be bought by millions more people without distinction of race or gender. Zionism is the cause behind this and capitalism is the tool for we know which tribe the majority of global company directors and major shareholders belong to-or we should do!

To me there is something unnatural, something ungermanic, something alien about male flip-flop and sandal wearers. It has nothing to do with the weather as such as these `men` creep out from under their holes in spring and there is nothing hot about an English spring, certainly not in the north of England where we are close to Scandinavia. These people invoke the same kind of reaction in me as the idiotic hordes of mobile phone owners who walk, drive and cycle without taking their gaze from their latest technological toy. It is difficult but I manage to suppress any violent urges! Visions of my combat boots coming crashing down on a metrosexual`s sandalled foot are difficult to banish!

There is a particularly interesting and relevant passage in Vladimir Avdeyev`s Raciology[a book which I highly recommend] which also condemns this new fashion in `male` footwear:

"In Europe and America in the 20th Century, an enormous amount of semi-literate fans of Eastern exotica appeared. The Japanese custom of walking barefoot at home was explained by them as their particular way of showing respect to ancestors, the spirits of whom guard the home. But this everyday peculiarity of the Eastern way of life, as we are now persuaded, has a particularly anthropological explanation. The feet of the Japanese are simply not adapted to the wearing of European house shoes. So the white man, yielding to the uncontrolled trends of racially foreign style, fastens sandals on his feet, known among the crowd as `Viet-Namsies`, also assaults his own racial constitution, for the big toe is physically not capable of gripping the sandal strap that runs between it and the four remaining toes of the foot."

Scientists are now of the opinion that sandals and flip-flops worn over a long period of time are potentially damaging to the feet, legs and back as they offer no support for the foot. So not only do they look ridiculous, alien and effeminate but they are bad for your health. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Call of the Blood/The Call of the Gods

The problem today with various forms of `white nationalism` and other variants of this `ism` is that they lack any core ideology or Weltanschauung. They are defensive, reactive and lacking in vision and direction.
A hopeless mish-mash collective of disenchanted `whites`, often spending their time bitching about their `rights` and black-on-white crime. They can and will accomplish nothing, partly because they have no core aims or ideology to drive them forward. We see this today in organisations like the BNP and Islam-obsessed EDL, who by the way welcome anyone into their ranks regardless of their race as long as they `feel English`.

Such organisations are very useful to the security services. When I was a young man in the early 1980s I would often frequent an establishment that engaged in after hours drinking, a literal spit and sawdust affair where you took your beer glass with you to the `Gents` just in case. Criminals were known to congregate there and the Police were well aware of this and allowed the `club` to keep open as they knew where to find people that they were pursuing! The same goes with the BNP and EDL, organisations which can be infiltrated very easily and where anyone with a purely average intelligence can become very prominent indeed. Often individuals are planted there not only to obtain intelligence for the security services but to cause maximum disruption and embarrassment, thus guaranteeing that such organisations will ultimately fail to achieve anything concrete and lasting but will still linger on as an entity such as the National Front[destroyed by the same person who destroyed the BNP].

The only organisations which are safe from such infiltration are secret ones who do not advertise their existence and work quietly.
If they have a clear vision and a Weltanschauung then with the use of the Will they will succeed. Alternatively there is of course the Lone Wolf who is known to no-one, a figure dreaded by our enemies because he cannot be infiltrated or closed down. The Lone Wolf is the ultimate expression of the Aryan left-hand path.

Any political organisation that does not have its roots in a spiritual and folkish reawakening can achieve nothing. Organisations like the afore-mentioned are known for what they are against rather than what they are for.
The individual members are only united by their fears and opposition to something rather than any underlying positive Weltanschauung. Even if the foot soldiers lack a Weltanschauung its leaders should at least possess one. Any reawakening not based on a response to the call of the Gods and the call of the blood cannot achieve lasting success  and this is in part why the BNP has now been wiped out as a political force.

The core leadership of the NSDAP-its visible leadership of Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess and Heinrich Himmler had a real Weltanschauung even if the millions below them didn`t and this is why they achieved such success.
Often also it is not the visible leaders of an organisation that drive it forward but those who appear on the surface to take a back seat, people like Alfred Rosenberg who provided the intellectual and philosophical driving force for the NSDAP although not externally recognised as being a `leader`.

Marxist Scottish Government to Snoop on Parents Who Do Not Value Diversity

PARENTS are being secretly judged on their views on race and diversity while in hospital with their newborn babies under the SNP Government's latest assault on family life.

During the scheme, parents are secretly monitored by maternity staff to judge their parenting skills
In a further twist, the same health board is asking children - some of them still at nursery school - to rate their parents or carers on a scale of 1-10.

The project is part of the sinister Big Brother-style system of state meddling called Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) which is being quietly rolled out across Scotland.

Last week, this newspaper exposed the "scary" plans for all children to be given a state guardian - or Named Person - who will have the legal right to tell parents how to raise their offspring.

GIRFEC also includes proposals to store a child's personal details on a series of databases, which can be accessed by social workers, teachers and other officials.

The "parental capacity to provide wellbeing" assessment forms have been introduced in Lanarkshire under a joint programme involving the health board and local councils.

Under one part of the scheme, parents are secretly monitored by maternity staff to assess their suitability for raising children.

If they are deemed to be worthy of further investigation, another form then asks whether or not they "respect and value diversity" and give "due prominence to their racial, ethnic and cultural heritage".

Another part of Lanarkshire's GIRFEC "toolkit" includes a questionnaire children to rate their parents or carers on a scale of 1-10 in a range of different areas.

The youngsters, who can still be at nursery school, are given a series of prompts, including "do you have someone who listens seriously to your opinions and ideas and anything you have to say?".
Midwives shouldn't be lumbered with acting as social workers and parent monitors when they already have important jobs to be getting on with
Emma Carr, deputy director of Big Brother Watch
Emma Carr, deputy director of Big Brother Watch, said: "Why is the Scottish Government so suspicious of parents? Midwives shouldn't be lumbered with acting as social workers and parent monitors when they already have important jobs to be getting on with.

"This sort of heavy handed bureaucracy smacks of treating every new parent as a suspect and the NHS should get on with providing new parents with the best health care and support available, not policing forms about parent's views of diversity.

"Asking nursery aged children for their 'official' views on their parents is a disaster waiting to happen. What happens when children don't receive the toy that they wanted for Christmas? Public authorities should think about what it is they are trying to achieve, rather than sending out intrusive forms to young children and attempting to create creating a generation of sandbox snoopers."

Meanwhile, despite claims that personal details will be not be stored centrally, Lanarkshire's own GIRFEC newsletter - published in March - states that "core data about a child's wellbeing and wider world" will soon be available to teachers at a "click of a button".

GIRFEC is also at an advanced stage in most other council and health board areas across Scotland.

This is despite the fact that the SNP's Children and Young Person's Bill, which sets out much of the legal framework, has yet to be approved by Parliament.

Scottish Conservative health spokesman Jackson Carlaw said: “This is typical of the SNP wanting to probe into people’s lives too deeply.”

A spokesman for NHS Lanarkshire said most mothers and fathers would get a one-part assessment, looking at health concerns and "parenting skills".

However, a "small proportion of families" would be subjected to a "more detailed assessment" by the midwife.

He added: "At all times, assessments are carried out in a supportive way and in partnership with the family. All information is gathered solely to support the baby's wellbeing is only used for this purpose. Parents have the right to refuse to answer any questions they are uncomfortable with as part of the assessment."

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Stone Lord: The Legend of King Arthur, The Era of Stonehenge: A Review

A fascinating read. The author cleverly locates her retelling of the Arthur story by positioning him in a late Neolithic/early Bronze Age setting which in my opinion is where this mythological figure belongs.
She shows great insight into the possible functions associated with Stonehenge and the Indo-European symbolism runs through like a common thread throughout the story.
We now know that Phases II and III of Stonehenge were constructed by the Indo-European Beaker and Wessex Warrior cultures. This was clearly made known to us by Patrick Crampton`s Stonehenge of the Kings and the later books by Leon Stover-Stonehenge: The Indo-European Inheritence and Stonehenge City: A Reconstruction
As High King Arthur, Ar-Thor or Ardu as he is known in this story wields the Bush Barrow Lightning Sceptre or Thunder Mace as a symbol of his divinely ordained regal status.
The recent 3D laser scanning of the sarsens reveals countless upturned axe head engravings, testifying to who the builders of later Stonehenge were. This story helps to consolidate that theory whether this was the author`s intention or not.
I look forward to the sequel. It is for this reason why I bought, read and enjoyed the book.

The Goat, an Ancient Indo-European Solar Symbol

"The Goat typified the reproductive powers of the sun, and is given to various solar and atmospheric gods. Thor, the Scandinavian god of thunder and lightning, is depicted in a chariot drawn by goats."[Ancient Pagan Symbols, Elisabeth Goldsmith, 1929]

"The high gods have the lion, bull, goat, eagle, falcon, symbols of solar creative energy. Thor, the god of thunder, is depicted in a chariot drawn by goats."[Goldsmith]

Thor`s goats were called Tanngnjostr[`Tooth-cracker`] and Tanngrisnr[`Tooth-gnasher`]. It is not only the Germanic Thunder God whose chariot was pulled by goats:

"Perkunas. Lithuanian. The thunder god, the equivalent in LITHUANIA of PERKONS, PERKONIS, PERUN and PYERUN. Perkunas was perceived as a vigorous red-bearded man brandishing an axe who was drawn rattling, across the sky in a chariot drawn by a billy goat. "[European Myth & Legend, Mike Dixon-Kennedy, 1997]

In the case of Indra His chariot was pulled not by goats but by deer. However both animals appear to be associated closely with each other and the deer is likewise a solar animal. Both are horned animals and horns are often associated with Sun Gods and solar heroes. With the onset of xtian dominance from the early Middle Ages the head of the goat became a symbol of Lucifer-confused with the xtian and semitic `devil`.
Lucifer we should recall is an ancient solar deity, his name meaning `light` from the Latin lucis, the genetive of lux-`light`.

In the Eddas Thor is known to have used His goats as food and then revived them in the morning by consecrating their bones which were carefully laid on their skins with His hammer. Rudolf Simek[Northern Mythology] suggests that there is a link between this and the boar, Saehrimnir which likewise is eaten everday in Walhalla and then revived. There could be echoes of sacrificial rites connected to ancient shamanic practices in these myths.

I have always felt a strong connection with Thunor/Donar. My mother`s maiden name was Bock which is German for `he-goat`. In times past this surname became associated with houses that bore the sign of the goat, which could indicate an affiliation with and service to the German Thunder God, Donar.
My mother told me that the Harz mountains where she came from experienced very loud thunder storms and there is a whole body of lore associated with this. However instead of associating thunder and lightning with Donar like our post-conversion ancestors she instead associated it with giants. This is an interesting concept as Thor in the Eddas is frequently found combating giants and the thunder is reckoned to be an echo of these struggles.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

`Aryan`, a Term to be Found in the Landscape

I have demonstrated in previous articles on this blog that the term `Aryan` is not only to be found in all Indo-European languages but it also is clearly intended to be a racial term, not a linguistic one as is commonly misinterpreted in modern post-war books on the `Indo-Europeans`.

Post-war scholars have deliberately moved away from talking about `Aryans` because they are terrified that their paymasters will take offence and remove them from their cosy little academic posts or that they would lose academic `credibility` in the eyes of their peers. Many of them even decline to talk about `Indo-Europeans` for similar reasons. Perhaps they are afraid that the passions and pride of our race may be inflamed sufficiently that we do something about the destruction of our race and the infestation of our homelands by the invader.

Now I appreciate that there is some inevitable overlap between these terms and also the concept of the `Nordic` race but whenever I talk about our race in biological, cultural and linguistic terms collectively I normally choose the term `Aryan` for we do not accept that the outsider should dictate the terms by which we as a biological entity, a race should describe and define ourselves. `Indo-European` is more of a linguistic term although it can of course be used as an alternative to `Aryan` as can the more German term `Indo-Germanic`, which was favoured more by 19th century German scholars over `Indo-European`.
`Aryan` should never be used as a solely linguistic term and neither should we be misled into thinking that only the Indo-Iranians used this as a term to define themselves. The concept goes right back to the time when our peoples lived as one collective entity in the Ur-Heimat[original homeland]. I will not use this article to speculate on the location of the Ur-Heimat. This is something I will leave for a future post.

In addition to the presence of the term `Aryan` as a self-descriptor in the ancient vocabularies of our individual Aryan peoples and also as a prefix in the names of our Gods and Goddesses, the term can also be found within the landscape in Europe.

"Ar-, `high,exalted`, prefix in names of hills, mountains or high sites, eg Ar-den in York and Warwick, the Ar-dennes, forest hills in France, Arra mountains in Ireland, Arran, peak on Snowden Range, etc., Aran, holy isles of Galway. Arran, mountainous isle of the Clyde. Ar-arat in Asia Minor. And see Arata, high land. Area, an open space, originally meaning a `high` lying open space." [A Sumer Aryan Dictionary, L. Austine Waddell]  

From the above quotation one can see that again there is a relationship between the Aryan concept and `high` and `lofty` but reflected this time in this case in the topography of the Aryan`s landscape.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Britannia, Aryan Tutelary Goddess of the British Isles

As a child I was often fascinated by the imagery on old English coins and in particular the figure of Britannia on pennies, ha`pennies and farthings. This imagery continued with decimalisation in the early 1970s.
It is commonly believed that the concept of Britannia as a tutelary Goddess began with the Roman invasion but this is not the case. Although she is equated to the Roman Goddess Minerva Her history and origins precede the Romans.
Professor L. Austine Waddell in his remarkable and fascinating The Phoenician Origins of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons Discovered by Phoenician and Sumerian Inscriptions in Britain by Pre-Roman Briton Coins[1924] makes it very clear that She originated with the earliest Aryan invaders of the British Isles. In Professor Waddell`s works he establishes that the Phoenicians  like the Sumerians and the founders of Egyptian civilisation were originally Aryans. They did of course rule over other peoples, namely Semites who later became associated with the term Phoenician but originally they or their leaders were Aryan.
Professor Waddell was also one of the first scholars to recognise the Hittites to be Aryan. This is today now commonly accepted but this was not so in the 1920s. Modern science is beginning to validate this great man`s theories.
Professor Waddell identifies ancient Phoenician coins from Lycaonia in the 3rd century CE  that also bear the image of this deity but bearing a cornucopia rather than a trident. Some of the coins also feature a shield with an equilateral Sun Cross, marking Her to be a solar deity.

"These coins, with others of the same type elsewhere, are of immense historical importance for recovering the lost history of the Britons in Britain and in their earlier homeland, as they now disclose the hitherto unknown origin of the modern British marine tutelary `Britannia`, and prove her to be of Hitto-Phoenician origin."[Waddell] 

Professor Waddell draws a link between the ancient ruling Aryan clan, the Barats and the name of Britain and hence of this Goddess. Studies of Her portrait show Her to be both graceful and beautiful, a notable Aryan characteristic.

"Usually the head only of this goddess is figured on Phoenician coins, and it is a fine Aryan and non-Semitic type; see for example the Phoenician `Barat` coin from Carthage, and Phoenician coins generally. In these coins of Lycaonia the general resemblance to Britannia will be noticed-Britannia hitherto being supposed to have been first invented by the early Romans in Britain in the 2nd century A.D. in practically the identical form still surviving on our modern British penny."[Waddell]

Britannia or more correctly in this context Barat is featured on the Lycaonian coins as seated on a chair of a ship amidst the waves. In some coins She holds a cornucopia and in others possibly a sceptre or a cross. In Her other hand She holds the tiller of a rudder. The shield beside Her chair features the Sun Cross, likened to a St. George Cross within a Sun Disc. On modern pre- and post-decimal coins this cross is now the eight spoked Union Flag. The eight spokes like the four are significant and relate to cardinal and ordinal directions and the wheel of the year. Some shields portray instead the rayed sun so the solar implications for Her cult are obvious.

"Her proper name is now disclosed by the Vedic hymns of the Eastern branch of the Aryan Barats to have been Barati, meaning `Belonging to the Barats.` She is also called therein `Brihad-the Divine`[Brihad-diva]..."[Waddell]

Britannia`s association with the trident draws a link with the Roman Neptune or the Greek Poseidon who many will know was the founder and tutelary deity of Atlantis.

"In these Vedic hymns all the attributes of Britannia are accounted for; her tutelarship of the waters and of ships, her lighthouse on the sea, her Neptune trident[as well as the origin of Neptune himself and his name], her helmet and shield, her Cross on the shield as well as the cornucopia, which she sometimes bears upon the Phoenician and Greco-Roman coins, taking the place of the corn-stalk on the Briton coins. "[Waddell]

Rige Veda 2.35  is devoted to the `Son of Waters` who the Indo-Aryans called Napat. Napat may be the origin of Neptune.

"The Son of Waters, gathering strength in waters, shines for his worshipper to give him treasures."[Rig Veda 2.35.8]

Often deities who were originally female were subsequently replaced by male ones. An obvious example from Germanic mythology is the Nerthus referred to in Tacitus` Germania, worshipped by the Angles and six other tribes in northern Germania. Later Njord became prominent amongst the Scandinavian peoples and the root of Njord is to be found in Nerthus. Some speculate that they simply formed a divine pair as did their offspring Frey and Freyja.

"In the Vedic hmns she is called `The Great Mother[Mahi] and `Holy Lady of the Waters` and is hailed as `First-made mother` in a hymn to her son `Napat the son of the waters` who has a horse[thus disclosing the remote Aryan origin of the name and personality of the old Sea-god, Neptune, and his horses, and accounting for Neptune`s trident in her hands]. She is a `Fire-Priestess` and `shows the light`[thus accounting for the Lighthouse on the older British coins with Britannia]. She is personified Fire and sits upon the sacred Fire[thus accounting for the St. George`s Cross which, we shall find later, symbolizes Fire of the Sun]. She is associated with the twin horsemen of the Sun[Aswin or Dioscorides], represented on the British coins, and coins of Syracuse[an ancient Phoenician colony] etc."[Waddell]

The concept of fire on or in water reminds me of Woden`s eye[the sun] being hidden in the waters of Mimir`s well. Professor Waddell also finds a connection between Barati and Bairthy, the Egyptian Goddess of the Water. Their functions are identical.

"Thus the tutelary Bairthy of the Ancient Egyptians and Assyrio-Babylonians appears to have been designated by them as `The Warrior Water-goddess of the Sailor Phoenicians of the Land of the Fire-drill cult."[Waddell]
A link may also be drawn between Neptune and the Celtic sea-God Manannan mac Lir who also was associated with horses, an Aryan totemic symbol. He is the tutelary deity of the Isle of Man whose flag consists of a three-legged triskelion, a clear solar symbol.

"The Poseidon of the Tuatha De Danann Pantheon was called Lir, but we hear little of him in comparison with his famous son, Manannan, the greatest and most popular of his many children."[The Mythology of the British Islands, Charles Squire]

Barati was also the tutelary Goddess of Crete, Brihad-the-Divine, the divine daughter of Phoinix, the King of Phoenicia, thus demonstrating the Aryan origin of Cretan civilisation via the Aryo-Phoenicians.
There may also be an association with the Irish Goddess Brigid, the daughter of The Dagda of the Tuatha De Danann. She also was a solar deity as evidenced by the rather interesting Swastika-like Solar Cross associated with Her.

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