This article should be read in conjunction with previous ones on a similar theme such as `Ar` as a Prefix in Aryan God/Goddess Names[4/8/12] and Aryanman/Airyaman/Ariomanus/Eremon/Irmin-the Divine Concept of Aryanness[17/8/12].
I have identified further evidence of the Aryan connection specifically in the Norse Sagas, Eddas and Rune Poems that repeats this same recurring theme.
The 10th Rune of the Younger Futhark and the Armanen Futhork is called Ar. This is cognate with the Elder/Common Germanic Futhark Jera which appears as the 12 Rune in that row. The Anglo-Saxon equivalent is Ger. It should be noted that the form of the Rune stave is different in all four Rune rows. The Younger and Armanen Runes show the closest affinity in form and Rune name. It should be born in mind that the Armanen is not an historical Rune row unlike the other three of course and it is historical rather than esoteric evidence that we are primarily but not exclusively examining here.
Ar and its Old English[Anglo-Saxon] equivalent of Ger are broadly cognate with the modern English `year` but it has the additional sense of meaning a fruitful year in relation to the harvest which our ancestors were deeply dependent upon. The term is very ancient and predates the Germanic, being traced right back to the Proto-Indo-European[PIE] *yer.
"[Ar] is the profit of all men and a good summer and a ripened field".[Icelandic Rune Poem].
"[Ar] is the profit of men; I say that Frothi was generous."[Norwegian Rune Poem].
"[Ger] is the hope of men, when god lets, holy king of heaven, the Earth give her bright fruits to the nobles and the needy."[Old English Rune Poem].
My readers must be aware that the Old English Rune Poem is heavily xtianised, much more so than the Icelandic and Norwegian so it must always be read in conjunction with the more archaic material. However it does give more detailed information and there are of course additional Runes contained within it so it is immensely valuable to us. The Abecedarium Nordmannicum also refers to this rune as `Ar`.
The prefix `Ar` readers will recall from the earlier articles has many different values and interpretations but they are all linked to the Aryan concept. Professor L. Austine Waddell in A Sumer Aryan Dictionary[1927] relates this prefix to the plough and the earth; hence its association with agriculture.
Guido von List directly linked the Aryan concept with this Rune:
"ar, sun, primal fire, ar-yans, nobles, etc."
"The `ar`, the `urfyr`[primal fire, god], the `sun`, the `light` will destroy spiritual as well as physical darkness, doubt, and uncertainty. In the sign of the Ar the Aryans-the sons of the sun-founded their law[Rita], the primal law of the Aryans, of which the earn, or eagle[Aar], is the hieroglyph."[The Secret of the Runes].
In Skaldskaparmal 75 Snorri Sturluson refers to the Vana God Frey as the `arguth`[ar-god]. He is the Aryan God!No wonder that this God was so well loved and honoured as the people`s very existence was dependent upon him. He was the God of the people, of the Arya, the God of the plough, the Ar.
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