I have demonstrated in previous articles on this blog that the term `Aryan` is not only to be found in all Indo-European languages but it also is clearly intended to be a racial term, not a linguistic one as is commonly misinterpreted in modern post-war books on the `Indo-Europeans`.
Post-war scholars have deliberately moved away from talking about `Aryans` because they are terrified that their paymasters will take offence and remove them from their cosy little academic posts or that they would lose academic `credibility` in the eyes of their peers. Many of them even decline to talk about `Indo-Europeans` for similar reasons. Perhaps they are afraid that the passions and pride of our race may be inflamed sufficiently that we do something about the destruction of our race and the infestation of our homelands by the invader.
Now I appreciate that there is some inevitable overlap between these terms and also the concept of the `Nordic` race but whenever I talk about our race in biological, cultural and linguistic terms collectively I normally choose the term `Aryan` for we do not accept that the outsider should dictate the terms by which we as a biological entity, a race should describe and define ourselves. `Indo-European` is more of a linguistic term although it can of course be used as an alternative to `Aryan` as can the more German term `Indo-Germanic`, which was favoured more by 19th century German scholars over `Indo-European`.
`Aryan` should never be used as a solely linguistic term and neither should we be misled into thinking that only the Indo-Iranians used this as a term to define themselves. The concept goes right back to the time when our peoples lived as one collective entity in the Ur-Heimat[original homeland]. I will not use this article to speculate on the location of the Ur-Heimat. This is something I will leave for a future post.
In addition to the presence of the term `Aryan` as a self-descriptor in the ancient vocabularies of our individual Aryan peoples and also as a prefix in the names of our Gods and Goddesses, the term can also be found within the landscape in Europe.
"Ar-, `high,exalted`, prefix in names of hills, mountains or high sites, eg Ar-den in York and Warwick, the Ar-dennes, forest hills in France, Arra mountains in Ireland, Arran, peak on Snowden Range, etc., Aran, holy isles of Galway. Arran, mountainous isle of the Clyde. Ar-arat in Asia Minor. And see Arata, high land. Area, an open space, originally meaning a `high` lying open space." [A Sumer Aryan Dictionary, L. Austine Waddell]
From the above quotation one can see that again there is a relationship between the Aryan concept and `high` and `lofty` but reflected this time in this case in the topography of the Aryan`s landscape.
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