Monday, July 29, 2013

Aryan Man: Heed Erda`s Warning!

Like Tolkien Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a prophet of his generation and of his people. Both drew upon the ancient mythological lore of the Germanic peoples but expressed this in different ways: Tolkien through his written work and Wagner through both his music dramas[vulgarly called `operas`] and his written works which he is less well known for. Both projected the symbol of a ring, a golden ring. This is a subject which I hope to return to elaborate on in a future article.

Wagner`s greatest music drama or rather cycle of music dramas was Der Ring des Nibelungen. In the first part of the cycle, in Scene 4 of  Das Rheingold the earth mother, Erda gives this warning to Wotan, the father of the Germanic Gods:

"Yield, Wotan! Yield! Flee the curse of the ring! To irredeemably dark destruction its gain will ever ordain you!"

The Ring represents our base desires. It symbolises material wealth, power and comforts and the desire for them. It like Tolkien`s Ring debases the wearer, taking him down in a never ending cycle.
Wotan represents Aryan man. Erda, the Earth Mother[Mutter Erde] warns Wotan to flee from the curse of the Ring which brings destruction to all who desire and possess it. This is the current state of Aryan man as a whole.

"How all things were-I know; how all things are, how all things will be, I see as well: the endless earth`s primeval vala, Erda bids you beware, Ere the world was, my womb brought forth three daughters: what I see the Norns unfold each night, But gravest danger brings me myself to you today: hearken! Hearken! Hearken! All things that are-end, A day of darkness dawns for the gods: I counsel you shun the ring! I`ve warned you-you know enough: brood in care and fear!"

The end of Aryan man draws nigh and only through his rejection of the Ring and all that it symbolises can he hope to survive. His rejection of the One Who Came Back, who was capable of instituting a new Golden Age, a Satya Yuga they rejected out of desire for gold and fear of the international tribe who runs the world`s banks. The forces of decay, headed by the USA and the UK betrayed their own race and are now suffering the consequences. Aryan Americans are now a minority in their own country and the UK is heading the same way. This is the karma which is now being reaped by those who opposed the German Avatar. 

Erda appear again in Act 3 of Siegfried and this time she is summoned by Wotan in His guise as Der Wanderer[The Wanderer]. In Das Rheingold Erda appears to Wotan of Her own accord and at Her own instigation.



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