Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Lie of Man-Made Global Warming

Perhaps the scientific community who are involved in global warming research would care to explain why we in Britain have experienced record low temperatures for the last two winters, all within the space of eleven months? How does this fit in with your notions that we are experiencing continual rises in temperature and that this is man-made? Also we need to take into consideration that technically we are still in Autumn!
By using the same kind of `thinking` we could deduce from the fact that because we have experienced temperatures of lower than minus 20C and two successive extremely cold winters that we are more likely to be heading for another Ice Age than a parched earth? Dramatically colder winters and no real evidence of warmer summers can only indicate a trend in the opposite direction but the `scientific community` would rather bamboozle the public with their crank notion because at the end of the day it guarantees an endless supply of funds from governments, all paid for by you and I with the sole purpose of keeping these treacle scientists in well paid `work`!
Keep massaging the figures and lying to the public!
Readers of this blog may recall an ealier post on this subject: Has Fimbulvetr Arrived posted on 10/1/10.
It would appear that the fulfillment of the great prophecy of the the prelude to Ragnarok contained in the Prose Edda may very well be upon us.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The BBC-The Bastardisation of British Culture-The Saga Continues Part 6-Censorship of Free Speech by Amazon UK

Unfortunately Amazon UK have decided to delete the review and thread initiated by Wulf V regardng BBC`s pathetic piece of social engineering called `Merlin`.
Luckily he did receive copies of the posts by e mail so I can add the final comments to this blog. The last comment does not appear in its entirety on Wulf`s e mail.
What does this say about Amazon UK? If they are terrified of the prospect of people crossing swords verbally in cyber space why go through the charade of allowing discussions to take place on their site? It would seem that `free speech` is only `free` and permissable so long as it does not rock the multiracial and politically correct boat.
And is this knee jerk reaction in any way connected to their refusal to continue to host the Wikileaks site? It would seem that the BBC and Amazon UK are both part of the same problem which afflicts the United Kingdom: the BBC knowingly are contributing towards the social engineering of Aryan British society, their bosses lining their fat pockets from the government each time they play this little game and Amazon UK refuse to allow any criticism of the status quo. Perhaps it is time that we all started boycotting Amazon UK and refuse to pay the robber tax known as a TV licence? I know that Wulf V has spent thousands of pounds over the years buying goods from Amazon UK and this is how he is betrayed. Perhaps the followers and readers of this blog should start to obtain their books from other Internet sites such as Lulu and Abe Books?
The comments and insulting remarks made by Mr B.J. Wiggett of St Leonard`s on Sea, East Sussex is typical of the mentality of the hand wringing Guardian reading "liberals". Mr Wiggett, our "kind" will not "die out" and it will take more than a hand wringing lberal to accomplish the task.
Or perhaps you are simply wishing or expecting that the 1,000,000 people who voted BNP and others who think likewise are not going to reproduce? I can assure you Mr Wiggett the ranks of awakened Aryans in the UK are growing,
Mr Wiggett by his own admission has no problems in his own daughter`s `view of the world[being]shaped by "the corrosive agents of left-wing dogma"` and regards anyone who is trying to save the indigenous peoples and cultures of the British Isles as "Daily Mail reading, xenophobic, right wing, ignorant bigots". How `liberal`, how `tolerant` of you Mr Wiggett! He calls this kind of `thinking` "liberal virtues"!
Well Mr Wiggett Amazon UK have deleted your abusive and ill conceived comments from their site but they will remain for all time on this blog-to your continual shame!

Mr. B. J. Wiggett says:

You really do like the sound of your own voice don't you? Maybe you should look up the definition of subtext and listen to the views of the BNP, very similar words come from the mouth of Nick Griffin. Seems like bigotry and xenophobia to me. People like you make me sick and if that is a "knee jerk emotional rea_ction is quite typical of the so-called "liberal" left" then I can live with that. Thank goodness your kind will eventually die out.

Colin D. Robertson says:

As I am (probably) one of the "Daily Mail reading, xenophobic, right wing, ignorant bigots" you were referring to, let me say that it isn't helpful for us to fall out. I'm partly responsible for that as I stereotyped PC liberals as metrosexuals from Islington etc. That was disrespectful and I apologise for it. We all know that PC liberalism stretches far beyond the confines of Islington, and that its adherents are not all metrosexual. ;)

To address your points... it depends what you mean by bigotry and xenophobia. What if the BBC made a "historical" drama set in Africa in 1800, featuring tribesmen played by Chinese, white and Indian actors? Would you really think "they got the best actors for the roles"? Or would you think "historical revisionism"? Would it not seem like the...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The BBC - The Bastardisation of British Culture-The Saga Continues Part 5

Elfgiva says:

I agree with you here mad mushroom. The apparent exclusion of all references to Christianity left me more than a little bemused, especially when the 'Old religion' is consantly being referred to. How logically can the old religion be called such, if there is no New religion? In this case, it seems the Old Religion is the only religion, practiced by half the population of Camelot, and more some.
There is good historical evidence to prove that a sizeable Christian communties existed in England by the fifth century, we know St Patrick was born in Roman Britannia. He wrote that his family had been Christian for at least 3 generations, and his case was by no means unique.

Mr B.J. Wiggett says:

I have a 2 year old daughter and I would rather her have her view of the world shaped by "the corrosive agents of left-wing dogma" than by the Daily Mail reading, xenophobic, right wing, ignorant bigots that make up most of the posts in this thread. By the way I am neither middles class, metrosexual nor from Islington, but I do believe that liberal virtues will one day prevail over fundamentalist right wing dogma that seems to be what some of you people think is what it means to be British (or English to be precise.)

Wulf V`s reponse:

I have a 3 year old daughter and I do not view it as anyone else`s responsibility to "shape her view of the world". That responsibility is mine.
I have not seen any "xenophobia" displayed in any of the aforementioned comments and neither do I seen any evidence of "right wing, ignorant bigots" posting on this thread unless you can show me otherwise?
Your knee jerk emotional reaction is quite typical of the so-called "liberal" left. If this discussion concerned the subject of white people usurping the mythical characters of other races and peoples I am sure that you would be one of this first to object but it would seem that the Aryan peoples are to be excluded the same rights accorded to other aboriginal peoples. We of all races and peoples are to be denied our ancient identity.
Using a British myth as a vehicle to project anti-white, multicultural and so-called "liberal" anti-values on to Britain`s past, albeit a legendary past is reprehensible and nothing more than cheap and obvious social engineering aimed at poisoning the minds of the ethnically English and British peoples at an early age.
By the way Arthur is a British and not an English myth. You do understand the difference between those two terms don`t you?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The BBC-The Bastardisation of British Culture-The Saga Continues Part 4

Colin D. Robertson says

Hello Donna,

You said:

"the ridiculous and utterly misplaced rant against a supposed effort at "Social Engineering" (whatever that may be!) is downright blameworthy. The decision to cast a woman of color as Guinevere is a casting choice. It requires no comment at all given a suitable attitude to the color-blindedness which ought to characterize the attitude of any decent person."

Oh contraire. I think you'll find the BBC is very far from colour-blind, being obsessed with casting ethnic minorities no matter how inappropriate.

Producers get paid yearly bonuses if they hit a certain target for casting ethnic minorities. It is not, therefore, accidental that such casting takes place. The producers are doing it for the money, their superiors are doing it for PC streetcred.

So while it is technically true that casting a woman of colour as Guinevere is "a casting choice", the choice is politically-loaded and very deliberate.

Given the low quality of acting in "Merlin", I find the idea that they chose "the best actor for the role" very unlikely. Casting ethnic minorities is a conscious decision - especially when the roles would never have been white in the first place (a black Friar Tuck etc.).

It is all deliberate, and springs from middle-class self-hate and Western colonial guilt. They are trying to retcon British society to modern standards. Kids watching this will believe that Britain was always multicultural, and will therefore be confused about people moaning about immigration and political correctness etc. It's rather like the Nazis putting a swastika flag into the hand of every child at the earliest opportunity, to ensure their obedience.

Thus, it is social engineering.

mad mushroom says:

While I'm no expert on Arthurian/British mythology, I'm pretty sure there would have been no black knights at the court of King Arthur (or whatever was the true basis for the legend). Or even black settlers. Then there's the issue of the lack of religion in this series. King Arthur - myth or fact - was supposed to have ruled sometime after the retreat of the Roman Empire. Rome brought Christianity to these shores: and that Early Insular Christianity was still alive hundreds of years later when Pope Gregory I sent Augustine to convert King Æthelberht of Kent. Yet in the Merlin series the only time religion gets any mention at all is when that tired, old phrase 'It's a mark of the old religion ... sire' gets trotted out.
There are no priests in Merlin, no chaplains, no monks, no prayers, no God. In case such content offends certain minority quarters, perhaps. This is revisionist, politically correct history of the worst sort: mind-numbing pap for the same generation that lapped up Russel Davies' camp rubbish. Unfortunately, the forces now in control of the government and the BBC (New Labour & Tories being pretty much the same after all, and they'll soon realise it) are determined to stamp out all the cohesive institutions of our society that ordinary people have taken for granted for the last hundred years: family, marriage, religion, courtesy, law and order. Ever read George Orwell? The totalitarian state described in '1984' destroys these institutions to prevent organised opposition. What does the New Labour/Tories/Lib Dem Alliance have in store for us?

Colin D. Robertson says:

Mad_mushroom, I agree with everything in your post.

You suggest that Christianity is omitted in case it offends minorities. I think it's even worse than that: it's in case Christianity offends the trendy white middle-class Islington metrosexuals (who populate the BBC itself).

The communists realised in the 1920s that national identity is a block to revolution. While it is too early to define what the future holds, it's fairly obvious that national identity is being slowly crushed (if it weren't, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron would each have been done for treason).

New Labour's desire for mass immigration into Britain ("to rub the Right's nose in it") is evidence that social cohesion and the wishes of the British people mean nothing to our elite. Then there's Jack Straw, who wrote that "the English as a race are not worth saving", though thankfully he never got the chance to revamp our constitution.

The wilful skewing of our history and mythology by our cultural elite (the BBC) is a way to estrange the British people from their own heritage. And you don't do that for the sake of it. There has to be some reasoning. Either it's because, as you suggest, some new world order is on the way, or it's more open-ended; a simple dislike for Britain, Christianity, and our history. (I definitely think the Empire has a role in British self-hate.)

Of course people say Merlin is "just a TV show". But in a time like ours with people reading less and less and community playing an ever smaller part in people's lives, TV shows are of monumental cultural importance. They inform the public of who they are, where they came from, etc. If a modern child derived all their knowledge of their heritage from shows like "Merlin", they wouldn't even know that they live in a post-Christian country. Then again, Russell T Davies (whom you rightly vilify) openly said that historical accuracy doesn't matter.

It even seeps into programmes like "Lark Rise to Candleford". While it may be charming and cosy, the way it is done (acting, dialogue, music, etc.) is so anodyne that I barely recognise it as English life. They've simply transposed trendy/banal attitudes onto pretty backdrops.

Either way, I do believe that in this century there is going to be massive civil unrest in Britain, and that programmes like "Merlin" will one day be seen as the corrosive agents of left-wing dogma that they are. When they realise en masse that their countries are being stolen from them by a detached, sanctimonious elite, people will rebel as a matter of survival.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Religion-A Question of Race and Ethnicity.

The ancients believed that religion is indissolubly related to the race and ethnicity of a people. Once an individual, family, clan, tribe or nation divorces itself from the foundation religion of their ancestors they face the prospect of initially a loss of identity and then ultimately extermination as a distinct sociobiological entity.
"The ancients took for granted that religion was indissolubly linked to a particular city or people. Indeed, there was no term for religion in the sense we now use it to refer to the beliefs and practices of a specific group of people or of a voluntary association divorced from ethnic or national identity....The idea of an association of people bound together by a religious allegiance with its own traditions and beliefs, its own history, and its own way of life independent of a particular city or nation was foreign to the ancients. Religion belonged to a people, and it was bestowed on an individual by the people or nation from which one came or in which one lived."[Robert L. Wilken, The Christians as the Romans Saw Them, quoted via James C. Russell, The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity.]
We see this happening today in Britain.
The christianisation of the northern European peoples resulted in a gradual loss of racial consciousness which followed an inversion of their spiritual values and a suppression of their beliefs. Today the Germanic and Celtic peoples of Britain are experiencing anomie, a lack of values and norms. Feeling cut off from their spiritual and cultural roots many of them turn to alcohol, drug addiction, gambling and vice as a palliative cure for their feelings of rootlessness.
The adoption of Christianity at the point of the sword and the fire brand has caused Aryan man to adopt a set of anti-values which denegrate the hierarchical nature of human society which is a reflection of nature. False ideals of humanitarianism, `democracy` and equality have psychologically weakened the Aryan peoples so that they now lack the will to resist the genocide that awaits them perpetrated by the alien and semitic religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The adherence to a universalist religion which denies the validity and primacy or race and ethnicity is a form of race treason.
Only by responding to the call of the blood will we as a race deliver ourselves from the disaster which awaits us as a race.
Woden awaits for His people to hear and respond to the call. Wodenism/Odinism/Wotanism is the natural religion of the Germanic peoples. Woden awaits His folk to return to Him and abandon the failed religion of a failed Jewish `messiah`.
Once a critical mass of our people have responded to Woden`s call there will be a sufficient quantity of our people who will act at the right time to throw off the shackles of the traitorous alien funded and controlled establishments who dominate the political scene.
At the same time that this revolution will occur you will notice great changes in the natural order and indeed the last year or so has seen that Mutter Erde has pissed on the lie of `global warming`. Fimbulvetr is upon us and heralds the coming Ragnarok. Our lands will be cleansed from the filth which currently contaminates our sacred soil and our peoples will be delivered.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

BBC-The Bastardisation of British Culture-The Saga Continues Part 3

David Sandilands

I'm not sure what truth you are trying to argue for. If Arthur ever actually existed, he probably wasnt like the character in Mallory's stories, which are sourced to a large degree from French tales. Your comment that Guinevere should have been cast as a Nordic beauty because it would make more rational sense, is actually quite irrational as Arthur (as first mentioned by Nennius) spent his life defending his people from Hengist (the Saxon mercenary) and there were not yet any Nordic people on the scene. The Romans had been around for 400 years and had only just left when Arthur was supposed to have come to prominance. This was therefore Roman Britain on it's last legs. It is more likely,historically, that the Romans had brought Africans with them, as slaves , traders even soldiers.
Anyway, it's only a TV light entertainment series, not a historical drama.

Wulf V`s Response

"Light entertainment" with a thick overlay of politically correct revisionism:all aimed at the uncritical young who soak up everything like a sponge. This is what I find detestable and all carried out under the cloak of "entertainment" and at the expense of British TV licence payers.
I would have thought that my review and subsequent comment speak for themselves but clearly you have not understood the "truth I am arguing for". The BBC have sullied an aspect of northern European mythology by portraying Indo-Europeans of the so-called `Dark Ages` as being welcoming to aliens and `democratic` when the truth is just the opposite. You cannot project the antivalues of the 21st century onto that period of our history. Whether Arthur existed or not is in fact a secondary issue: what matters is the BBC`s social re-engineering of northern European society to fit today`s multiculti agenda.
For your information, the Celts of the pre Anglo-Saxon conquest-the real Celts were a Nordic people and closely related to the Germanic invaders. There is no evidence of any African presence in these islands at these times. In fact there is strong evidence that the `Roman` auxillaries were Germanic foederati and indeed there has been a Germanic presence in parts of Britain and the isles since at least the 4th century CE.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sure Start Children`s Centres-Indoctrination of the Young

A good Aryan woman recently reported to me that at her local Sure Start Centre a member of staff attempted[in vain] to persuade her Nordic child to desist from playing with her favourite white doll and to take an interest in the negro one instead. Indeed 2/3 of the dolls were black and this is in a pracically all white area.
I do not for one minute believe that this was by accident.
What made the experience most pernicious is that the staff member hugged and cradled the black doll sending out the not so subliminal message that Nordic children should aspire to or at least not rule out the possibility of having mixed race children. I find this totally abhorrent. Consequently this experience of political correctness gone mad has totally deterred the mother from using that resource.
The British Aryan-hating state is clearly committed to the bastardisation of the Aryan race in these islands and its strategy is to indoctrinate the young at an early age.
Indeed this indoctrination of the young is official government policy:

Monday, November 15, 2010

BBC-Bastardisation of British Culture-The Saga Continues

Following on from yesterday`s article about the pathetic attempt by the BBC to socially engineer perceptions of British history and mythology and to piss on one of the greatest of Aryan myths this is a response to one of Wulf V`s reviews of the aforesaid TV show on Amazon UK and the rather politically correct anti-Aryan reply that he has received. Please note that "T Stone"[Stein?}admits to never having watched this piece of crap but is nevertheless offended by his remarks:-

Wulf V`s Review

This review is from: Merlin - Series 1 - Complete [DVD] [2008] (DVD)
This TV show has absolutely nothing to do with the King Arthur of British mythology.
Anybody expecting anything like a faithful retelling of the story will be severely disappointed. The acting is poor and the story lines mediocre. It is clearly aimed at children but is viewed at a time when most of them are or should be in bed.
Merlin is shown to be a servant of the young Prince Arthur and to be younger than him. Anyone familiar with Sir Thomas Malory`s Le Morte Darthur will know that not only was Merlin considerably older than Arthur but the prince was taken and raised by a foster father and had no knowledge of his royal birth until he drew Excalibur. The actor who plays Arthur is ineffectual and does not strike one as a hero.
Hardly any of the male characters look as if they came straight from the Middle or Dark Ages with their short modern hairstyles and clean shaven chins.
The greatest crime of all is the BBC`s attempt at social engineering, casting a black woman as Guinevere and furthermore portraying her as a maid rather than a noble woman. Is this BBC`s pathetic attempt at trying to convey Britain as always having been a multiracial society and a classless democracy where a prince would favour an unattractive maid of a different race over an atttractive princess of Nordic appearance[see episode six of series 3]? Don`t buy this absolute PC tosh!

"T Stone`s" Response

The series (Merlin) that is decried by this reviewer may be good or bad. I can't say, as I have not seen it. However, the review itself is abominable strictly on its own. It says nothing useful about the series but much about its author!

To begin with, citing Mallory as the canonical form of all things Arthurian ignores his place or any such author's role in the composition of one story that is drawn from a long tradition of others. Mallory did not invent Arthur; he inherited a vast collection of material from many lands and many eras, possibly dating back to the paleolithic period. He made constant editorial decisions to include some strrands of this material and exclude or change others. Once upon a time, I'd wager, Pendragon breathed fire and had scales, Morgan was indeed une fey. In this respect Mallory played an identical role to that of the monkish redactor of Beowulf or the authors of both testaments of Judaeo-Christian religion. More recently, J.R.R. Tolkien and Ms. Rowling have done the same to widespread praise. These folks, including Sir Thomas, can do pretty much what they want with the material, as long as they do it well and give us a great story.

Misunderstanding the transition of myth is one thing, the ridiculous and utterly misplaced rant against a supposed effort at "Social Engineering" (whatever that may be!) is downright blameworthy. The decision to cast a woman of color as Guinevere is a casting choice. It requires no comment at all given a suitable attitude to the color-blindedness which ought to characterize the attitude of any decent person. We have, after all, been asked to evaluate our neighbors by the contents of their character, not the color of their skin. It is particularly dismaying that the author of this review cites his feeling that a "Nordic Beauty", (whatever that is) would be the more rational choice. Didn't the author's antecedents fight a rather nasty war to forever dispel the myth of one physiology's claim of superiority over another?

Finally, his dismissal of an England of racial diversity and classlessness is his most dismaying error regarding the inspiration and the meaning of the tale of this once and future king. At its core and in its best retellings, the story of Arthur is about the quest of all people for their own Camelot, a kingdom where the lowly receive equal justice with the great, where might does not make right, where true peace enables a good life for all. At its center is the notion that such a place is not made from magical spells but by deeds of courage, compassion and wisdom. None of these qualities are the byproducts of social engineering but represent the shared hopes of all people of all classes, colors, eras and beliefs who seek the better life that is enshrined at the center of this great story.

Wulf V`s Response

You admit to never having watched a single episode of this TV series and yet you single out my post to comment on.
Are you implying that the inclusion of not just one but a considerable number of black actors in Merlin is a matter of complete chance, that no selection by racial criteria has occurred?
This is surely by design and one has to question the motivation of the script writers and the BBC in their attempts to distort Arthurian mythology. This is a rather pathetic attempt by overpaid middle class BBC executives in executing a political agenda at the expense of British-genuinely British taxpayers.
Also please don`t attempt to assume what my `antecedents` are: you have already guessed wrongly.
May I suggest that in future you take the trouble to research the material that is being reviewed before you venture to comment: it would carry more weight!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

BBC-Bastardisation of British Culture

The BBC have really excelled themselves in the piece of crap called Merlin on Saturday evenings which is now into series 3. According to the BBC Arthurian Britain had an immigrant problem. I caught sight of an episode last night and counted somewhere in the region of half a dozen negroes in a crowd scene.
If this travesty was not enough there was worse to come. They have cast a negress in the role of Guinevere and renamed her Gwen and have portrayed her as a lowly serving girl. How very `democratic`! How very `diverse` and `multicultural`. How `enriching`!
I do not normally use coarse language on my blogs but this time I am well and truly pissed off by this corporation of race traitors who have taken a mysterious and wonderful Aryan legend and pissed on it by socially engineering Dark Ages Britain into some kind of racial melting pot. Not only that but they have done it at British television licence payers` expense!
The BBC is the only service provider in this country who is authorised to charge people for a service that they have never asked for and do not want. It is time that the downtrodden British masses stopped paying their annual robber tax and told this corporation of pigs around the trough to seek some honest work.
Perhaps the script writer in his haste to socially engineer Aryan society overlooked one important fact. Guinevere is Welsh and means `fair one, white, soft, smooth`. Perhaps he would care to reply to this article and explain to us all how a negress can possible be described as `fair` and `white`?
Guinevere is a mythological contruct but even with mythological characters script writers should not take such shameful liberties in their quest to rewrite Aryan myth to make it more palatable to 21st century politically correct indoctrinated brain dead audiences.
Apart from this actress`s racial origins she cannot by any description be termed beautiful and no prince in his right mind would forego his future throne for a rather unattractive negress serving girl. It wouldn`t and didn`t happen. The purpose of royal marriage is for political and dynastic reasons not for some rosy feel good emotion.
If this wasn`t enough they have also portrayed Merin as a lowly servant and somewhat younger than Arthur. Again this is another shameful taking of liberties with the actual story.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Inevitability of Ragnarok

One thing that Germanic mythology teaches us is that Ragnarok is inevitable. The Norns spin the threads of Wyrd from the moment that we are born. We cannot escape our Wyrd but we can decide how we meet it and it is this aspect which determine the hero who is to become the Einheriar and the coward or nithing.
The Einheriar is by nature a lone wolf and stands apart from the crowd or the herd. Often he or she meets with a certain amount of hostility from others, particularly from the herds of human cattle or flocks of human sheep. For the lone wolf does not need the herd. He may at times seek out a pack of other wolves and combine forces with them for individual or collective strength but he does not instinctively need them. The purpose of the pack is collective security. The human sheep or cow however seeks to lose its individual identity amongst the collective out of sheer fear or psychological inadequacy. The weakling becomes subsumed by the shapeless mass. To reject the herd is to show real strength and individuality but it can also incur the wrath and hostility of weaker individuals because they come fact to face with their own weakness and inadequacy when they encounter the lone wolf. What the herd does not understand it fears and what it fears it attacks.
The herd by its very nature is stupid for it consists of stupid and weak individuals and they will go the way that Wyrd has dictated without any impact at all on the woof and weft of the web of Wyrd. The Einheriar cannot change his Wyrd anymore than the weakling and coward but he or she can have an inpact upon the web and consequently upon others.
Ragnarok is part of the Wyrd set for humanity, the gods and all of creation. It cannot be escaped but as Einheriar, called by Woden we can achieve for ourselves true immortality and become as gods in the coming Golden Age which follows Ragnarok.
Ragnarok has the etymological meaning of the final destiny of the gods from ragna[geneitive plural of regin-gods or ruling powers] and rok-end, fate]. The term was wrongly transcribed by Snorri Sturluson as Ragnarokr which has caused its general mistranslation into twilight of the gods[Wagner`s Goetterdaemmerung].
Woden chooses and calls out his Einheriar who have been destined by Wyrd to incarnate at a specific time and in a specific place in order to fulfill the will of the All Father.
It is not surprising that those who profess to be followers of Woden are strong individuals by nature who are distinct and seperate from the masses. It is these men and women who will one day share in the governance of the earth under the coming generation of gods.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Eye of Sauron

JRR Tolkien was not merely a writer of excellent fantasy novels and a highly qualified linguist but clearly a prophet. With his far seeing vision not only was he able to delve deeply into England`s past to recover lost mythological and metahistorical knowledge[gained through both exoteric and esoteric means] but was also able to see far into our future.
One recurring motif through his trilogy Lord of the Rings was the all seeing Eye of Sauron. Sauron, the Dark Lord of Mordor uses his all seeing eye to gather intelligence on his enemies, those who oppose his oppresive and life-denying regime.
Today here in Middle Earth[England in specific and Germania in general] a Dark Lord, unaccountable to the folk and of alien extrection governs for the benefit of himself and is in the process of turning all men into serfs in the aftermath of an economic crisis that he and his friends have caused, the international tribal and financial elite that owes no allegiance to anyone or any folk except to itself and has no goal other than our own enslavement and extermination.
By the use of his all-seeing eye[CCTV, satellites and the Internet] he is able to monitor the activities and expressed opinions of every single person who lives in Middle Earth. Those who actively oppose his genocidal regime are silenced via draconian laws which outlaw free speech and the right of collective protest and some unlucky ones are even assassinated by his secret service. Yes, state sponsored assassinations have and do take place in the UK or by the UK outside of its frontiers.
I see that the Home Secretary Theresa May has banned the right of native English people and their allies from demonstrating against the presence of hate filled muslim extremists who are tresspassing on our soil.
Sauron is too stupid to realise that the more oppressive his actions become and the more draconian his laws the greater the rebellion will be.
The native English folk have the power-even at this late hour to turn the tide against Sauron by mass civil disobedience. Laws which enslave the people that they are supposed to protect, ie the native English folk must be removed. As we cannot rely upon our self-serving `democratic` parliamentary pigs around the trough then we must as individuals and as a collective mass take peaceful action. A revolution occurred peacefully in eastern Germany-it can happen here too. All it takes is for the ordinary English man or woman to take the example of Tolkien`s hobbits and resist the oppressor. All it takes is for one collective kick for the whole rotten edifice to come crashing down.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Out of the Corruption of Women

"Out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of castes; out of the confusion of castes proceeds the loss of memory, out of the loss of memory proceeds the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil.".[Bhagavad Gita,1:41]
The most ancient of Aryan sacred texts have predicted the widespread racial mixing that we unfortunately find today throughout the Aryan world and note that it is the Aryan countries that tend to be mainly afflicted by this problem.
Christianity has for centuries been a major cause of our emasculation as a race and its life denying and race denying precepts have become the foundation of modern humanism with its pity for the weak, the degraded and the diseased. It has encouraged the survival and the propagation of the weakest elements of our race and has helped to open the floodgates for the literal invasion of the most diverse and inferior of human races to colonise our lands which were made sacred by the shedding of the blood of our ancestors. Within a single generation our politicians have done the unthinkable. They have given away without a fight our holy Aryan lands to racial aliens who now have started to not only seduce our women but to dictate to the indigenous Aryan peoples their `rights` and our `obligations`.
The late great statesman Enoch Powell worded this state of affairs better than I ever could:
"In this country in 16 or 20 years time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man". When he uttered those words it was 1968 and the problem was not as deeply entrenched as it is now 42 years later and it is inevitable that it will get worse because the global capitalists who line the pockets of Britain`s treasonous politicians have the goal of bastardising the entire world in their desire to have a single global coffee coloured market place for the sale of their shoddy plastic goods.
Enoc Powell went further and predicted the likely outcome of this forced `integration`: "As I look ahead I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood." The balkanisation of Britain and Europe as a whole will inevitably result in inter racial conflict and we have seen plenty of that in the last 40 years and from what I can see it is likely to intensify. It is unnatural, indeed against nature for racially diverse peoples to live alongside one another. Their racial experiment is failing and one look at the Americas will show you what is in store for Britain and Europe tomorrow.
Th weak link in the chain is the female of our race who has been indoctrinated via vile women`s magazines and television soap dramas into thinking that they must prove themselves not to be racist and the ultimate way of proving this is to copulate with a negro. Indeed such unnatural relationships are not only condoned these days but actively encouraged-all part of the international bankers` and global capitalists` plan to bastardise the race of light and culture-the Aryan race.
Europe`s popular music is infected with the sight of Aryans behaving like American gun-toting `gangsta` black men and all this crap is presented in the media as `culture`. The ultimate role model today is the western wigger and it is coming to a country near you.
Now that the bankers who control the USA have saturated Europe with this filth they have recently turned their sights on to the muslim world and those countries who resist their deadly ideology will go the way of Germany in 1945. First they use military might to conquer, then they replace the country`s regime, introduce `democracy` and all its related anti-values and then move straight in with the Coca-Cola and Macdonalds stars and stripes moronic anti-culture.
They know that if they can reach the female of our race and indoctrinate her with all this anti-life ideology they know that future generations will become indoctrinated with their `western values`.
The collapse of communism in eastern Europe resulted in an ideological vacuum, ripe for the American invasion. Now eastern Europe too is enjoying the wonderful results of multicultural diversity in the form of drugs, miscegination, `gangsta rap`, plastic shoddy goods and fast food.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Kali Yuga and the Aryan Response

The ancient Aryans certainly were familiar with and were indeed the creators of the doctrine of the ages and had a cyclical view of time.
We know for certain that the ancient Greeks, Indo-Aryans and the Persians had such a doctrine.
The Greek philosopher Hesiod[8th century BCE] set out the Ages of Man in his Works and Days. The Greeks named the four ages after certain metals-gold, silver, bronze and iron. Just as the metals degrade in value from gold down to iron so does the quality of mankind degrades.
In the Golden Age man walked with the Gods. This was the age of Chronus when there was peace, plenty and harmony. The Old Testament of the Bible captures the essence of this myth with the story of the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve walked with God and enjoyed innocent communion with him. The Indo-Aryans termed this age the Satya or Krta Yuga.
In the Silver Age the rule of Chronus was replaced by that of Zeus and death entered into the world just as in the Garden of Eden with Adam`s eating of the forbidden fruit he lost his immortality and became subject to decay and death. Not only mankind but the whole of creation began a process of decay. Men became impious and began to defy the Gods just as Adam defied his God. However men still lived long lives. The Indo-Aryans referred to this age as the Treta Yuga.
In the Bronze Age war between men became prevalent and it is from this age that we find many of our ancient Aryan heroes lived such as Hercules. The Illiad and the Odyssey recount some of the deeds of this era. However Hesiod chooses to insert an intermediary age, an Age of Heroes between the Bronze and Iron Ages. It is in this age he chooses to position the great Bronze Age heroes and he portrays this age as a temporary halt in man`s decline and Indeed as an improvement upon the previous one. This goes against the grain of the concept of man`s continual degradation and clearly is of Hesiod`s own making rather than the transmission of an ancient truth.
The Roman Ovid[first century BCE to first century CE] speaks of only four ages. The Indo-Aryans referred to this age as the Dvapara Yuga.
For those who are interested in studying this subject in greater depth and scope I recommend Julius Evola`s Revolt Against the Modern World.
The last age is the Iron Age, that which the Indo-Aryans refer to as the Kali Yuga and in this age all traditional values are inverted: the good are referred to as evil and the evil good. There is constant warfare and violence between men, including those of blood kin. There is general rebellion between generations and castes and all that is good and decent is overturned. In this age men and women commit shameful acts, homosexuality and other perversions is rife. Social contracts are broken and divorce is common. Miscegination is to be found between all races and especially afflicted are the Aryan peoples who have suffered unprecedented levels of immigration from the most racially diverse peoples . Truth is presented as falsehood and lies are elevated to truth. No one can trust his neighbour and in the words of the New Testament of the Bible a man`s enemies are those of his own household. We must remember that even in the Bible there are some great truths to be found as the Jews stole many of their concepts and stories from the Aryans who took them into captivity and amongst whom they lived, most especially the Medes and Persians and as such Aryan teaching can be found within the Bible but one must be discerning and be able to sort the wheat from the chaff. For instance it is clear that the dream of the prophet Daniel which was told to the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar was clearly stolen from the Aryans and misused as Jewish propaganda.
In the dream Daniel has a vision of the four ages in the form of a great statue with a golden head, a silver chest and arms, a belly and thighs of bronze and legs of iron and its feet partly of iron and baked clay.
The ancient Teutons referred to this age as the Iron or Wolf Age.
Even in the Nordic Eddas we have a glimpse of these various ages. The authors of The Asatru Edda actually deliberately represent the Eddic material in four sections:
The Ur Aldr
The Gull Aldr
The Silfr Aldr
The Koppar Aldr
The Jarn Aldr
The Ulfr Aldr
The second to fourth ages relate to the Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron Ages but they choose to insert two additional ones, the Ur Aldr or Primaeval Age and the Ulfr Aldr, the Wolf Age. Clearly the Ur Aldr and the Gull Aldr could and should be grouped together as one age or two sub divisions of one age just as the Jarn or Ulfr Aldrs should be grouped together as one age, the Iron/Wolf Age or the Kali Yuga or sub divisions of that one age.
Our observations of general everyday life and our understanding of history is sufficient for us to realise that we are indeed living in the Kali Yuga but what if anything can be done about this and what should our proper response be?
I believe that the answer is to be found in Julius Evola`s Riding the Tiger: "When a cycle of civilization is reaching its end, it is difficult to achieve anything by resisting it and by directly opposing the forces in motion. The current is too strong; one would be overwhelmed. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the omnipotence and apparent triumph of the forces of the epoch. These forces, devoid of connection with any higher principle, are in fact on a short chain. One should not become fixated on the present and on things at hand, but keep in view the conditions that mat come about in the future. Thus the principle to follow could be that of letting the forces and processes of this epoch to take their own course, while keeping oneself firm and ready to intervene when "the tiger, which cannot leap on the person riding it, is tired of running." The Christian injunction "Resist not evil" may have a similar meaning, if taken in a very particular way. One abandons direct action and retreats to a more internal position."[Chapter 2 of Riding the Tiger]
The only event which can bring this age to a close and for a new Golden Age to arise is the coming of what the Indo-Aryans call the avenger, the Kalki Avatar, the final incarnation of "He who comes back". "When justice is crushed, when evil is triumphant, then I come back. For thw protection of the good, for the destruction of evildoers, for the establishment of the Reign of Righteousness. I am born again and again, age after age."[The Bhagavad-Gita IV Verses 7 and 3]
I intend to focus more on the Kalki Avatar in a future article on this blog and how He is portrayed in different religious and mythical traditions.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Europe`s Betrayal of the Aryan Weltanschauung

The situation that we face in Europe today-the extermination of the Aryan peoples and the Nordic sub race in particular is the direct consequence of the defiance of Germany`s mission to Europe from 1933 to 1945.
The United Kingdom and their political and economic masters in Washington and New York saw to it that the Aryan people`s greatest and possibly only attempt at redeeming itself from biological extinction was quashed.
In the name of `freedom` they enslaved the German people. In the name of `democracy` they outlawed the German people`s right to freedom of political expression. In the name of `self determination` they forbade the union of the German peoples of Germany and Austria in contravention of the United Nations Charter which guarantees `self determination`of peoples but obviously not for those of German blood.
All causes have an effect and all effects have a cause.
Britain in particular and western Europe in general are awash with parasites and criminals from all corners of the globe seeking to sponge off the indigenous populations. In times past these invaders would have met armed resistance but in 2010 Britain welcomes with open arms these invaders and does nothing to prevent it. The likely end result is that within 50 years the native British peoples will become a despised minority[as opposed to being a despised majority today] living in ghettos or reservations like the American Indians. At least the Indians have this to their credit-they resisted the invaders. By contrast the British peoples have done nothing except a minority may vote from time to time for the BNP but otherwise they do nothing. They have betrayed their ancestors and even worse their descendants who face a bleak future if one at all.
This destruction of Britain I view as the effect of their destruction of our race`s golden opportunity to save itself and to usher in a new Golden Age. Instead of a Satya Yuga we face a Kali Yuga where miscegination, whoredom, criminality and violence are rife. We would have faced none of these things if Britain`s treasonous politicians had not waged war against Germany and rejected her offers of an alliance or an `understanding`.
Sooner or later this Kali Yuga will end but when and how I do not know but end violently it is bound to do.
Our response? We must as Aryans-racially awakened Aryans at that resist the downward forces and act as men against time[see Savitri Devi`s The Lightning and the Sun] regardless of the fruits of our actions. What matters is that we become men of action and maintain our integrity and Ride the Tiger[Julius Evola]. We must as Aryans copy the example laid down for us in the Bhagavad Gita and act with detachment and not with passion, becoming men and women of iron and self discipline.
We need to breed and raise a new Iron Youth and educate them in our Weltanschauung if there is to be any hope for the next 100 years.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Use of Holy Symbols in the Manipulation of the Collective Unconscious

This posting is intended to follow on naturally from the previous one where I touched slightly upon the issue of symbolism.
A symbol is worth a thousand words for it is a means for direct communication with the Collective Unconscious in the same way that a trance or a dream can be viwed as a portal to this world. The Unconscious uses a different form of language than the Conscious and at the same time is a deep reservoir of ancestral and ancient racial archetypes and imagery.
This fact was well known by the mystics of the Third Reich who deliberately manipulated the holy signs and symbols of the pre-christian Germanic peoples and used them both during their spectacular mass festivals but also in everyday life. Not only did the Volk become accustomed to these symbols but in many people they evoked a certain emotional and psychological response, something which in most cases could not be adequately articulated but had a direct effect upon their Conscious mind. The exposure on a daily basis to these symbols, whether they be runes or various forms of the swastika/fylfot/Hakenkreuz started to condition the individual minds and the collective mind of the masses to a certain folkish predisposition.
Even those people who were not ardent National Socialists or were even cynical of the regime and idelogy nevertheless responded in a certain way to these symbols if they ethnically belonged to the Volk.
This is a lesson for us to learn today. We must start to play our apart in exposing the masses to our holy symbols and indeed those of us who have children should also ensure that they are also exposed to these symbols. Initially exposure in itself is sufficient. Later on when they are old enough to understand on a conscious level we should start to explain the teaching and lore behind them.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Preparing the Way for the Last Avatar

There is an urgent need for Wodenists to step up our spiritual warfare a notch. Here in England we are beginning to witness a folkish awakening of sorts, ill defined and vague no doubt but an awakening none the less.
Now more than ever we must continue the struggle in spiritual realms. If we do not win the struggle in that realm then any exorteric work and effort will be wasted.
One way in which we can do this is to spiritually charge our many sacred sites up and down the length and breadth of England with Wodenic energy.
Whether these be burial mounds, megaliths, henges, hills, wells, groves or whatever we must charge these sacred centres with avataric energy.
It may be helpful to visualise England as having hundreds of sacred energy points, wheels or chakras. These energy points all connect with what are commonly termed as ley lines. They resemble a web, a web of Wyrd in fact. By charging these sacred centres we are actively engaging in a magical work that can determine the course of events. The Rune Magician engages in Rune magic in order to impose his will upon the natural order. In our case it goes beyond the will of the individual Runester. We are in fact putting into effect the will of the Rune Lord Himself, Woden.
By engaging in this esoteric work we are strengthening the avataric force and preparing the indigenous people of this land spiritually for the coming of the last Avatar.
The exact nature of the rituals to be enacted I will leave to the individual to formulate for his or herself. This is a work that we all can and must participate in.
This work will help the folk to become receptive to Woden.
The use of symbols is highly important. We only have to consider the effect of the general and daily exposure of the masses to the ancient symbols and Runes of the Germanic peoples in 1930s Germany. One sacred symbol is worth a thousand words and we must never forget that. Before we engage the intellect of others we must first work upon their receptivity to the archetypes dwelling in the racial Collective Unconscious which knows only symbols and images not words and linear thinking.
Ancient and sacred symbols such as the Runes, sunwheels and fylfots speak to the Unconscious mind and this in turn will gradually affect the Conscious mind.
A folk is tied to its soil as well as its blood. By awakening the `soil` we will have an effect on the blood, awakening the folk gradually. Once our folk has been roused from its deep and long sleep then woe betide those who have sought to shackle the folk and betray its blood and soil! We can each one of us work to bring about the salvation of our folk from the genocide our enemies have planned for it and create a new Golden Age.
Because of the importance and urgency of this message I have decided to post this on 3 of my blogs.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Loki, the Opponent of Aryan Order

There are many studies which focus on Loki as the agent of change and transformation amongst the Germanic Gods but I would like to discuss one aspect, indeed a major aspect of his role and that is Loki as the opponent of order, Aryan order in particular.
One must start by examining his origins.He is the son of the giant Farbauti and his mother is Laufey, meaning leaf island, a Norse kenning for tree. Rudolf Simek in his Dictionary of Northern Mythology suggests that she may be a tree Goddess but we cannot be sure about her origins. An alternative name for her is Nal meaning needle. Loki is surnamed Laufeyjarson. Certainly Loki at the very least must be assumed to be half giant if not a giant of the full blood.
Despite his alien origins he was accepted by the Gods into their community but he usually betrayed their trust and generosity with disloyalty and treason. We must not forget that although at times he could be useful to the Gods and helped them out of many difficult situations he was usually the cause of their difficulties and sought on every occasion to work for their destruction. He lived amongst the Gods and partook of their hospitality but covertly and eventually overtly worked for their destruction.
Loki cut off Sif`s hair, Thor`s wife. Her golden hair is a metaphor for the golden corn in the fields. He thus sought to deprive the earth of her rich harvests. He did of course replace her natural hair with hair made from gold but gold is symbolic of money, the means of exchange in a capitalist economy. Aryan man thus degenerated when his society exhanged co-operation and barter with capital and unworked for usury.
Loki also was responsible for the theft of Freyja`s necklace Brisingamen and also assisted in the theft of Andvari`s gold. The gold was cursed and led to the downfall of all who wrongfully possessed it. Indeed it forms the basis of the tale of the Nibelungs which was reworked by Wagner into the four part Der Ring des Nibelungen.
Loki was also responsible for the kidnap of the Goddess Idun. The seperation of Idun and her apples from Asgard caused the Gods and Goddesses to age prematurely.
Loki was a blasphemer and slanderer of the Gods and Goddesses as told in Lokasenna in the Poetic or Elder Edda.
He was instrumental in the murder of the God Baldur by his deception of the blind God Hodr. He also prevented the release of Baldur from hel by refusing to weep for Him and ensured the demise of the Gods.
Loki fathered Hel, the Fenris wolf and the Midgard serpent, all of which were instruments of destruction.
At Ragnarok he openly opposes the Gods when he sides with the giants and other forces of destruction and chaos amd takes the helm of the ship Naglfar and moves into battle against the Gods and the Einherjar. He is eventually slain by the God Heimdall who in turn is killed by Loki.
Significantly there is absolutely no evidence of any kind to suggest that Loki despite being a major figure in Germanic mythology was ever honoured by our peoples. There exist no shrines, temples or any literary evidence for his worship.
I believe that the story of Loki holds great significance for the Aryan peoples and our attempts to survive the coming Ragnarok. We ignore this lesson at our peril.

Monday, May 3, 2010


We have already witnessed what I believe could be the onset of the Fimbul Winter, showing the proponents of `global warming` to be the mistaken fools and liars that we have always suspected but now in the aftermath of the worst global economic recession the world has seen since the 1920s we are beginning to see unrest in various parts of the world. The strikes, demonstrations and riots which have been ignited in Greece as a response to the corruption of the globalist politicians and bankers could very well spread throughout Europe.
In addition to the economic uncertainty that faces Europe we also have the threat of militant Islam which has made no secret of its intention to islamicise Europe by force if necessary. For thousands of years our ancestors have resisted the muslim threat by force. Today the race traitor politicians who in theory represent the peoples of a `democratic` Europe have opened the floodgates to not only muslims but people of any and every race to invade our lands without any resistance from the indigenous populations of our continent. This in itself, this weakness, this decadence and self destruction is one of the signs of the approaching Ragnarok and neither do I consider it a mere coincidence that Ragnarok may be considered to be a palindrome of Korangar, which translated means the `Spear of the Koran`, Gar being an ancient Germanic word meaning `spear` and it also happens to be the 33rd Rune of the Northumbrian Futhork and thus the FINAL Rune. Again I do not see this as a mere coincidence. This present world order will end violently. Not only do I forsee calamities in the natural world intensifying in scope and severity but I see violence between men and different peoples intensifying.
The recent eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano demonstrated so clearly the power of Mother Earth-Nerthus and had a significant impact on human affairs. Despite the efforts of modern man to isolate himself from nature in his self contained and apparently hermetically sealed plastic world he and his modern technology proved to be no match against nature.
Here in England we have seen the recent emergence of the English Defence League which has sprung up from nowhere as a defence against militant and radical Islam and they also to a certain degree represent a reawakening of the English folk, those of course who are ethnically English. We have also seen last year for the very first time the election of two British National Party candidates to the European Parliament and a record number of ordinary British people joining that party.
We have also seen a growth in support for nationalist parties throughout Europe.
But underpinning all of this there must be a spiritual awakening of the English and other British peoples for there to be any depth and longevity to this awakening. This is only a beginning. More needs to be done if we are to survive the coming Ragnarok.
If the 6th May results in the coming to power of a Tory government under David Cameron, who by the way is a great great great great great grandson of William IV[same old Norman elite that has governed England since 1066] then we can expect even more disaster for the ordinary people of this country and the increasing likelihood of yet more industrial and popular unrest.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Awake Aryan Man!

Why is it necessary for a people to preserve its culture and spiritual traditions?
The answer is quite straightforward. If an individual or a people lose sight of their origins they also lose sight of who they are and who they are becoming.
It is not a coincidence that the `educational establishment` seeks at every turn to rewrite the origins of the Aryan peoples or to ignore them completely. Instead using a politically correct agenda they peddle the lie that "Britain has always been a multicultural society", etc. They are of the mistaken belief that if they just keep chanting this inane mantra long enough we will alll cease to question it and begin to believe it.
Their purpose is to disorientate the Aryan peoples, to cause confusion and a sense of alienation in order that we may more readilly accept the failed multiracial society as a fait accompli instead of resisting it and working for its reversal. Politics now governs `education` and it has become little more than a tool for mental conditioning and the social engineering of society. The driving force behind multiracialism is global capitalism. Their path is smoothed by the liberal and Aryan-hating educational and political establishment. Racial genocide-for that is what it is-has some very strange bed fellows indeed.
Christianity has been one of the forces used by global capitalism to help create a global monoculture. One usually thinks of the chaos that christian missionaries have caused in Africa and the consequent psychological and cultural alienation and disorientation that they left in their trail but the truth of the matter is that Europe was its first victim.
Christianity has always used the forces of temporal power-the king and state to enforce its one world agenda. In the Victorian era the British military establishment formed an axis of evil with the christian churches and capitalism to create a culturally homogenous empire for mercantile reasons.
Global capitalism needs a mixed race monocultural one world in order to market and sell its shoddy plastic goods for maximum profit. They speak a great deal about `diversity` but in reality they hate it.
Hence we see the attacks by the `western world` upon the moslim world, especially those moslim countries who are not in bed with the USA and are resistant to the forces of global capitalism. This is why the truely socialist states of eastern Europe had to collapse for the furtherance of the global capitalist agenda. The current axis of evil consists of global capitalism, `democracy` and the new secular religion of `liberal humanism`. Again we see military force used as a tool by this axis just as it was used during the Victotian era.
Wodenism thus poses a challenge to those who seek to shackle and enslave the Germanic peoples, who seek to rob us of our lands and our very identity. We must of course continue the political struggle but more importantly we need to do all that we can to achieve the reawakening of the Germanic Gods and Godesses within the Collective Germanic Unconscious. Once this awakening has been achieved people will start to release themselves from the psychological prisons that they have placed themselves in and take the necessary political action to free their peoples and lands from this new enslavement.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wotan Awakes!

Nothing constantly amazes me more than the minority of people who visit a blog like this which has a very clear purpose in portraying an Aryan Weltanschauung who accuse me of being `divisive` and attempting to `divide` God, denying the reality of a universal supreme being etc, etc.
Clearly these people are an example of those who to use a biblical metaphor `have ears to hear but hear not`!
`God` or the Gods manifest himself/herself/theirselves according to the ethno-cultural context of the person or people concerned. They fail to understand that a higher reality can manifest itself using many different guises. Take for instance the various divine pantheons of the geographically divided pre-christian Indo-European peoples. Through the study of Comparative Mythology one can see that most of the deities in these various pantheons share a common Proto-Indo-European origin but the Gods and Goddesses manifest themselves in slightly different guises according to the cultural matrix of the people concerned. Sometimes even the names of the deities are very similar or point to a common etymology suggestive of a shared cultural and ethnic origin.
There is also the argument that we heathens attempt to divide what monotheists regard as a single deity into many seperate and diverse Gods and Goddesses and they regard themselves as having a somewhat `superior` revelation or spiritual understanding. Yet a cursory reading of the Old and New Testaments demonstrates the falsity and paucity of their spurious arguments. Their God is clearly an amalgamation of several different middle-eastern tribal deities all combined and hashed together and presented to the wider world as a `Universal God`. Excuse me if I do not take this `deity` too serious or that I should bow the knee to an alien God who seeks the extermination of non-semitic peoples and global hegemony. Whether it be the God of Judaism, Christianity or Islam it is the same alien God who seeks to impose his will or more accurately the will of his supporters upon the rest of the world.
Here in northern Europe we have thrown off the shackes of centuries of ignorance and servitude to an alien God and are responding to the call of the blood and honour the Gods and Goddesses of our pre-christian ancestors. Indeed Asatru/Odinism/Wodenism/Wotanism[call it what you will] is allegedly the fastest growing religion amongst Germanic people.
This should not surprise us as Wotan has awakened in the Collective Unconscious of the Germanic peoples. He cannot die but will live as long as our people live.
"Archetypes are like riverbeds which dry up when the water deserts them, but which it can find again at any time. An archetype is like an old watercourse along which the water of life flowed for centuries, digging a deep channel for itself. The longer it has flowed in the channel the more likely it is that sooner or later the water will return to its old bed."[Wotan, C.G. Jung]
By contrast Christianity only started to be dominant in northern Europe between the 7th and 15th centuries, the Baltic peoples holding out the longest against the onslaught of the Christian butchers who oppressed and slaughtered people in the name of their `god`. But Christianity is dying in the north and Islam will not replace it despite the attempts of its more radical adherents.
The spiritual awakening of the Germanic peoples will act as the necessary foundation for political action. Indeed we are already seeing the beginnings of a political struggle for our peoples to regain their freedom from alien oppressors of both the political and religious kind.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Has Fimbulvetr arrived?

Germanic mythology speaks of a series of three severe winters, Fimbulvetr which act as the prelude to the events of Ragnarok which will usher in the end of the present age and the beginning of the new Golden Age to come.
Fimbul means `great` and vetr `winter` in Old Norse.
"After the arrival of Ivaldi`s sons in Joetunheimr, the first Fimbulvetr began. The second comes right before the destruction of the worlds. There were three times three winters with great battles taking place throughout the world. Far behind the outermost district in Joetenheimr, in the remotest north, near the edge of the earth-disk and by Amsvartnir`s sea, over which eternal darkness broods, lies a land to which the Ivaldi sons directed their course. Its dales stretch between glacier covered mountains that are overgrown with trees of the sort that thrive in the darkness and cold of the renowned Jarnvidr. Black precipices gape down into unknown depths. In one of them is a ravine that leads down into Niflheimr in Joermungrund."
[Asatru Edda]
Is it any coincidence that Britain is facing its most severe winter in 47 years, comparable to the winters of 1946/1947 and 1962/1963? So much for the notion of `global warming`!
But leaving the issue of a severe physical winter aside Britain along with most of the world is facing another kind of `winter`, a winter of economic chaos with industrial and political discontent looming large on the horizon. The `New World Order` received its first major shock wave last year with the election of scores of nationalist MEPs to the European Parliament, the BNP getting in the region of a million votes in Britain and winning two seats.
The fact that Britain is still in a grip of its worst recession in decades aong with the imminent collapse of the unwanted multiracial experiment and the presence of a radical islamic fifth column in Britain and most other European countries signals that Ragnarok is in sight.
"The bad time has passed, but there comes another. Joerd-Frigga has not borne it and Odinn-Wralda has not created it. It comes out of the east, out of the heart of Joetenheimr. It shall bring forth so much grief that Joerd[Earth] will not be capable of drinking the blood of her slain children altogether. Gloom shall spread over the folk, like thunderclouds over sunlight. Everywhere and always shall guile and power-lust struggle against right and freedom, which shall fall we with them. Brothers will kill brothers for the sake of greed, and neither father nor son will be spared in the killings and the collapse of kinship. Brothers will become brothers` bane, and blood will spill between sisters` sons. Hardship is in the world, there is much whoredom; axe-age, knife-age, shields are sundered, wind-age, wolf-age, until the world falls into ruin. No man will spare another."
[Asatru Edda]
The sacred Eddas go on to state "Then will come the second Fimbulvetr. Snow will drive in from all directions; the cold will be severe and the winds will be fierce. The sun will be of no use. Three of these winters will come, one after the other, with no summer in between. But before that, there will have to be another three winters with great battles taking place throughout the world."
[Asatru Edda]
Significantly the danger is portrayed as coming out of the east. The middle east and the ongoing wars carried out by the `west` against the muslim world in order to extend the hegemony of the zionist/American capitalist alliance will ultimately be the undoing of the corrupt capitalist and `liberal` system that governs the `west`. In the ensuing chaos the masses will be susceptible to a new creed and we will provide that.
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