Tuesday, December 25, 2012
The Quest of the Aryan Vira-Escape From the Eternal Return
The awakened Aryan realises that he is a vira, a hero-warrior of semi-divine origins who has an obligation to fight in the greater spiritual war that has engulfed the planet and the solar-system. The Aryan initiate is a would-be Sonnenmensch who seeks to escape the damnable Eternal Return, to achieve individuation, the stage of absolute personality so that on physical death the integrated personality survives and travelling up the invisible Irminsul through Iring`s Way reaches the void of the Black Sun, the Schwarze Sonne[SS], the ancient immobile sun, the point of origin for the divyas who arrived on this planet millennia ago prior to their mixing with the "daughters of men". We will have escaped the limitations of our humanity and become as Gods. This is the destiny of the awakened Aryan but only the awakened as this requires effort-not belief or `faith`, which is the great christian lie. Charlemagne or Karl the traitor as I prefer to call him may have destroyed the physical Irminsul but the invisible one-the real one remains and one finds its location at the point of the North Pole, the land of the Hyperboreans-the divyas. This Irminsul is the Irminsul in macrocosm. There exists in microcosm in each Aryan an invisible Irminsul which occupies the same space as the spinal column. Through the practice and mastery of the principles of Rune Yoga the initiate can achieve altered states of consciousness and full awakening via the realisation of the Ich-the I as symbolised in the Isa Rune. We have in this a teacher, a master-Woden, the Lord of the Runes who by His sacrifice of Himself to Himself rediscovered the lost Runes, that body of lore which had been lost by the divine divyas prior to their degeneration. For nine nights He hung upon the world ash-the Irminsul. On each of these nights He visited each of the nine worlds and acquired knowledge. In other words He activated each of the nine chakras, the swastika wheels which represent these worlds and states of consciousness. Each of these swastika wheels is governed by a Rune and its mantra must be mastered. There are five elements involved in Rune Yoga: breathing techniques, visualisation, meditation, the mantra and the Rune form itself. The master is able to engage in all five disciplines simultaneously. Through this process we are able to achieve personal awakening and the the awakening of the Blood Memory or what Jung called the Racial Collective Unconscious. Most of our people fell asleep long ago and have become little more than robots or cardboard cut-outs destined to keep returning in the Eternal Return and learning nothing each time. They have effectively lost their semi-divine status and will never achieve awakening. Woden knows those who belong to Him and He has called us out to fight in this great war. The robots are cannon fodder, foot soldiers for the demiurge Jehovah, the evil lord of this world. Scientists are predicting that within a decade or two the polar icecaps will have melted. If this does take place-and it has many times in the past then I predict that archaeologists will make great discoveries as the lost civilisation of the Hyperboreans comes to light. For those interested in the subject of the polar origins of Aryan man I can recommend Tilak`s Arctic Home in the Vedas, originally published in 1903. Recently his work has been re-examined by Professor M.M. Ninan in Tilak and the Aryan Origins: Are his findings still valid? Not only does the professor support Tilak`s theory but he provides additional evidence via modern scientific techniques not available to Tilak. It is significant that in the Eddas there is reference to the 12 major Aesir who daily sit in council, the ancient Greeks knew 12 major deities that likewise took council on Olympus. We also know of the 12 knights of the Round Table under the leadership of Arthur or Ar-Thor, an ancient Aryan sun deity. No doubt the 12 signs of the zodiac also represent the houses of these deities. The major Gods have the primary task of offering leadership in the great war and are guardians of the invisible Irminsul and Iring`s Way[the Milky Way]. These guardians are prefigured in the 12 Sig runes of the Black Sun. The Irminsul may be imagined to take the form of Gungnir the spear of Woden or the lance of Parsifal, pointing the way towards the swastika constellation, behind which is hidden the Black Sun. Irmin is strongly identified with this column and He is cognate with Aryaman, Airyaman, Ariomanus, Eremon and the Germanic hero Hermann or Arminnius.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
The Annual Insanity of Xmas
There is nothing more illustrative to me than the capitalist retail festival of xmas in demonstrating the general stupidity, false sentimentality and gullibility of the masses who faithful to their programming from September to 24th of December each year like automatons respond to the not too subtle jingles of the supermarkets and television advertising. Like a massive hangover they awaken in the new year to realise and rue their folly, "never to be fooled again" only to repeat the same farcical charade 8 months later and so it goes on ad infinitum. Of course the same rootless cosmopolitan leeches who are the architects and sole benefactors of global capitalism are also the grand plagiarists of religion. Despite the now fairly well known and accepted[even by xtians]truth that xmas is merely a shallow plagiarism of the great Aryan winter solstice festivals, known in the Germanic world as Yule when our ancestors looked for the return of the dead sun God yet people still willfully continue to believe in the lie that it is the birthday of a non-existent literary construct known as Jesus. I do not intend to spend time in this article discussing the numerous Aryan mythologies where this myth was borrowed from as a study of Charles Morris` book Aryan Sun Myths. The Origin of Religion will satisfy any enquirer`s curiosity. The very notion of a crucified jewish saviour is completely ridiculous and not even accepted by the mass of jews who were contemporary with the origins of this cult as they knew that it was a contradiction of their own law and culture. The purpose behind the creation of the religion of xtianity was to first of all to cause chaos in the Aryan world-which it did of course in Rome where false notions of racial, gender and caste equality were propagated. After this religion took root in the ancient world and began to spread like a cancer further north it caused the disintegration of the northern Hyperborean world both physically and spiritually. The great masses of people in fear of their kings and chieftains accepted this alien religion as an alternative to torture and death. Very few accepted it internally, merely professing outward conformity. The ancient Germanic priesthood proved too weak to resist this onslaught and many went underground to preserve ancient Aryo-Germanic lore, traditions and knowledge. The church had to make concessions to the people and accept many of the ancient Gods and Goddesses into their community of `saints`. Many temple sites were reused as xtian places of worship. One of the biggest plagiarisms of all was the image of the crucified jewish `messiah` which was deliberately concocted to confuse the Germanic peoples into thinking that Jesus was a hero in the mould of Woden. Woden, the God who sacrificed Himself to Himself on the world tree for nine nights, piercing His side with His own spear, Gungnir. Woden`s act was intended to regain lost Hyperborean wisdom, encoded in the Runes. He did not die the death of a martyr, a coward or a thief. He did not submit in weakness and neither did He actually die. What He experienced was a shamanic journey to each of the nine worlds, one world visited each night that He hung upon that "wind-swept tree". He recovered the Runes, the key to immortality and freedom from the Eternal Return for the vira, the hero, the Einheriar. In post conversion times the figure of Woden re-emerges in the form of Parsifal, who wandered in quest for knowledge as did Woden and like Woden he carried the sacred spear. The spear when connected to the Hyperborean green graal ensured the fertility of the land and the Aryan race. The loss of the spear signified degradation, miscegenation and infertility. You can forget any notions of Jesus `coming again`. What you will experience is the return of Woden in the form of his son Wid-Ar who I am sure like His father will bear the sacred spear Gungnir which once again will penetrate the holy Aryan gene pool and purify our peoples one more time.
Monday, December 17, 2012
During some recent meditations the following anagram was revealed to me: Walhalla-Allahlaw[the law of Allah]. When one considers this in relation to the anagram Ragnarok-Korangar[Gar or spear of the Koran] I believe that this is not mere coincidence but something that the Gods wish to reveal to us so that we may prepare ourselves for the holy war which has begun for the life and fate of the Aryan peoples. The latter anagram is not my discovery but that of someone much wiser than myself. The very fact that we are now living in a time of constant warfare between two semitic powers-the zionist `West` in the form of the Tel Aviv-Washington/New York/London axis and the semitic religion of Islam whose fanatical adherents will not rest until Allah dominates the earth demonstrates that we are witnessing new geopolitical power shifts. Islam means "submission to `God`". In this sense a desert tribal god called Allah, the same deity which spurred the Israelites on to butchery and genocide in their conquest of the land of Canaan-if you believe the myth of course. Judaism was also responsible for another semitic religion-Christianity, a religion of the slave and the Underman which like Islam had the intention of enslaving Aryan peoples and destroying their indigenous belief systems. Up until the 1990s the semitic power axis consisted of global capitalism on the one hand and mainly Soviet Marxism on the other, both of which are semitic and anti-Aryan ideologies. This axis failed so we are now experiencing something new in this war between Judaism/Christianity against Islam. Whichever side is winning the Aryan can only[apparently] lose. The conflict between the two sides is only apparent as the real target of both is the Aryan race. Unfortunately the Woden archetype proved too weak to save us from this physical and spiritual onslaught 1,500 years ago although He did manifest Himself through the German Avatar in the 1920s-1940s. Few at the time saw Hitler in this light. The founder of Analytical Psychology Carl Gustav Jung saw clearly that Wotan had awakened from His sleep and desperately tried to save the Germanic folk in their time of greatest need. In the exoteric realm Yahweh appears to have won that battle but in effect by exposing the hidden agenda of the enemy He[the Avatar] succeeded in winning the esoteric war which in fact is really not yet over and will be continued when the new Aryan Germanic God form emerges. This time He will not fail and Ragnarok will see not only the destruction of the current order but the emergence of a new world, a new pantheon of Gods and a reborn Aryan race-the only race which will be given to inhabit the earth. The ancient Aryan scriptures make it abundantly clear: "I gave the earth to the Aryan;"[Rig Veda 4.26.2]. These are the words of the Thunder God Indra, cognate with our very own Thunor/Thor/Donar. This time man-Aryan man will walk in harmony with the Gods and develop technologies and spiritual disciplines that will enable our race to continue to express its exploratory spirit into outer space and beyond into other dimensions.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
The Kali Yuga and Ragnarok
It is often falsely claimed by `academics` that Germanic mythology as represented in the Eddas was a late development or portrayal of our pre-christian ancestors` beliefs and thus heavily distorted by christianity. However very little evidence is put forward to support this contention. One thing that cannot be explained by these savants is the co-relation between the length of the Kali Yuga and the number of warriors who will fill the sacred halls of Walhalla. We are told in the Grimnismal[Elder/Poetic Edda] that Walhalla has 540 doors and 800 warriors[Eihheriar] who will issue forth out of each door to fight the armies of Surt at Ragnarok. Thus 540 x 800 = 432,000. In the ancient lore of the Indo-Aryans we are told that the length of the Kali Yuga, the shortest of the four Yugas is 432,000 years. It consists of 1,200 "years of the Gods". "One year of the Gods" = 360 "years of men". Thus 1,200 x 360 = 432,000. I do not believe that the corelation between these two calculations is a mere coincidence because of the enormity of the number and neither can this be accounted for by cultural borrowing when one considers the distance in time and space between these two cultures. Therefore the only conclusion that a reasonable man may come to is that this figure, 432,000 represents an inheritance from a common source, an Aryan source, an Ur-source. Both the doctrine of the Kali Yuga and that of Ragnarok[Korangar] represent a final reckoning between the forces of order-the Gods and those of chaos-the demiurge. This war has been in progress for thousands of years and is fast approaching its conclusion. Aryan culture and Aryan bloodlines have been under systematic attack by the forces of chaos and darkness as represented by the desert demon Yahweh and his anti-life religion of christianity which has weakened the Aryan peoples and caused them to enter into a state of paralysis whilst their lands be invaded and their children become disenfranchised in their own lands. This process was accelerated during and after the two world wars, the last war fought by the Aryan avatar who for 12 Yule nights sought to turn back the Kali Yuga but failed as the forces of Yahweh arraigned against Him were too strong. This was the last time that the Woden archetype manifested Himself so strongly and purely in a human being. The aeon of the hanging God as represented first by Woden and then the plagiarised copy of the christ is coming to an end and a new God force will soon manifest Himself and it is this God who will one day return on a white horse to usher in the new Golden Age or Satya Yuga. We welcome Him, this Starker von Oben.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Stonehenge and the Aryan Thunder God
Further evidence of the link between the Aryans and Stonehenge, should any have ever doubted it! Archaeologists have discovered via laser scanning of the stones a further 72 engravings of Indo-European axe-heads associated with the Aryan Thunder God: Taken in part from The Independent 9/10/12. The article may be read in full on that site. For part of its existence as an ancient temple, Stonehenge doubled as a substantial prehistoric art gallery, according to new evidence revealed yesterday. A detailed laser-scan survey of the entire monument has discovered 72 previously unknown Early Bronze Age carvings chipped into five of the giant stones. All of the newly discovered prehistoric art works are invisible to the naked eye – and have only come to light following a laser-scan survey which recorded literally billions of points micro-topographically on the surfaces of the monument’s 83 surviving stones. In total, some 850 gigabytes of information was collected. Detailed analysis of that data – carried out on behalf of English Heritage - found that images had been engraved on the stones, normally by removing the top 1-3 millimetres of weathered (darker coloured) rock, to produce different sized shapes. Of the 72 newly discovered images revealed through the data analysis, 71 portray Bronze Age axe-heads and one portrays a Bronze Age dagger. Prior to the laser survey, 46 other carvings (also of axe-heads and daggers) were known or suspected at Stonehenge – mostly identified visually back in the 1950s. The laser-scan survey has now confirmed the existence of those other images and provided more details about them. The 72 new ‘rock art’ discoveries almost treble the number of carvings known at Stonehenge – and the monument’s largely invisible art gallery now constitutes the largest single collection of prehistoric rock carvings in southern Britain. Although now largely invisible to the naked eye, back in the Early Bronze Age the images, composed of then-unweathered (and therefore lighter coloured) stone would have been clearly visible. In Indo-European tradition axe-heads were often associated with storm deities – and some surviving European folklore beliefs suggest that upwards-facing axe blades were used as magical talismans to protect crops, people and property against lightning and storm damage. It’s potentially significant that every single one of the Stonehenge axe-head images have their blades pointing skywards, while the daggers point downwards. The axe-heads – the vast majority of the images – may therefore have been engraved as votive offerings to placate a storm deity and thus protect crops.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
xtianity and an Aryan Weltanschauung-You Can`t Have Both!
As followers and readers of my article concerning a review on 4/11/12 of the recent book The Complete Armanen on my Armanen blog can see, a fierce and lively discussion has taken place regarding the place of xtianity in the Aryan Weltanschauung. It would seem that I have upset two [or more] American Armanen/Wotanists regarding my criticism of the overtly xtian agenda of the author. As my review makes clear I congratulate the author for making available for the first time to the English speaking world Armananist literature but what I do not appreciate is the end part of the work-The Untold Story which reads like a xtian testimony[the American non-conformists love these] and an apology for xtianity, seeking to ingratiate the religion into mainstream Aryan thought. It surely beggars belief that a religion which was brutally forced upon our ancestors and almost wiped out our indigenous belief systems and cultures and murdered and tortured hundreds of thousands of wise men and women along with the Cathari up until modern times should now be so actively and vigourously defended by two alleged Aryanists. Roman Catholicism in particular is a backward religion and any country where it thrives wallows in filth, poverty and ignorance. This semitic religion which has enslaved our peoples with its teachings of meekness and weekness, equality of the races and the primacy of the jew has held back scientific learning and progress for well over 1,000 years up until the Age of Enlightenment. I simply asked `James` where is the alleged truth in xtianity? He was either unwilling or unable to answer the question. It is interesting that he should choose to use a semitic name and one which belonged to an apostle of jesus. His agenda on coming on to my blog to argue with me to the point of rudeness is abundantly clear. Now I appreciate that during the conversion period in Europe, xtianity which is a bastardised religion had to incorporate certain prextian practices into its repertoire. My readers may be aware that I have in the past referred to an excellent academic work by James C. Russell: The Germanization of Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation. The second part of the book is of most relevance. Acknowledging such prextian influences upon European xtianity is one thing but defending this religious hybrid which has done irreparable harm to our race is unforgiveable and sheer lunacy if one is seeking to pursue a folkish Weltanschauung. xtianity and folkish Aryanism are two opposing Weltanschauungen. It is impossible to be true to both. One must choose one over the other but the Americans-and this is a specifically American problem are unable to do so due to the Pilgrim Fathers` Syndrome which I have discussed elsewhere. Thankfully here in northern Europe we are not so blind and xtianity died a long time ago.Churchgoing now is at an all time low. It only exists at all due to the unwanted influx of immigrants.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
The Divine Ancestry of the Aryo-Germanic Folk
I do not need to tell my readers repeatedly about the harm which christianity has inflicted upon our race: that is self evident. However christianity is directly responsible for Aryan peoples forgetting their divine ancestry. In particular the pre-christian Germanic peoples took it as self evident that they were children of the Gods. Not only were they graced with a God-like noble Nordic outward form but our mythology makes it clear that we are not merely the creation of the Gods but their literal offspring. Tuisto is the earth-born divine ancestor of the Germanic peoples who trace their lineage to Him via Mannus and His three sons who fathered the Ingaevones/Ingvaeones, Herminones/Hermiones and Istaevones/Istvaeones. "In ancient lays, their only type of historical tradition, they celebrate Tuisto, a god brought forth from from the earth. They attribute to him a son, Mannus, the source and founder of their people, and to Mannus three sons, from whose names those nearest the Ocean are called Ingvaeones, those in the middle Herminones, and the rest Istvaeones. Some people, inasmuch as antiquity gives free reign to speculation, maintain that there were more sons born from the god and hence more tribal designations-Marsi, Gambrivii, Suebi, and Vandili-and that those names are genuine and ancient."[Tacitus, Germania, 2.2] The Aryans of the Rig Veda also recognised a divine ancestor in Manus or Manu. In the myths of the Scythians their divine ancestor Targitaus, son of Zeus had three sons who were the ancestors of their various tribal groups. The Eddas also substantiate this general concept of one Godlike figure who via a son generates three further important divine sons. Buri, the ancestor of the Gods begot Burr the father of Woden, Wili and We[Odin, Vili and Ve]. Greek mythology knows a similar pattern: Ouranos, an earth-born God begets Kronos, the father of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. It is possible that Tuisto is the same being referred to in the Eddas as Ymir according to J.B. Rives[commentary to Germania] derives from an Indo-European root *iemo-. From this in Sanskrit we get Yama and from the Zend, Yima, the Latin geminus and Middle Irish gemuin, meaning `twin`. According to de Vries Tuisto may mean `twofold` and according to Simek [Dictionary of Northern Mythology] `hermaphrodite`. The Teutons were viewed by Tacitus as indigenous or autocthonous, like their ancestral God, `born from the land`. Alfred Rosenberg, the official philosopher of the Third Reich who was murdered by the western allies for his temerity of being a free thinker also believed in the divine ancestry of the Germanic peoples: "Today, a new faith is awakening-the myth of the blood, the belief that the divine being of all mankind is to be defended with the blood. The faith is embodied by the fullest realisation that the Nordic blood constitutes that mystery which has supplanted and surmounted the old sacraments."[Myth of the Twentieth Century]. Whist we are rooted in the past we are not tied to it but advance forward with a new religion that is in the stage of becoming. For us Teutons our spiritual archetypes are founded on the Germanic Gods but I wish to echo Rosenberg`s words about Aryan spirituality that it has a: "certain unity in Aryan concepts of religion, whether they manifested themselves in Wodan, Varuna, Zeus or Ahura Mazda,"[Myth of the Twentieth Century]. Rosenberg stated: "The Nordic gods were figures of light who bore spears, the cross and the swastika, and were crowned with haloes, symbols of the sun, of ascending life."[Selected Writings]. Our race must ascend-not descend but in order that the decay be halted and reversed we must first recognise that we are essentially divine beings and live up to that heritage and start that long journey which will produce the man of the future, the Uebermensch. We have no need to destroy christianity for it is already dying. We simply ignore it and become true to our prechristian Teutonic spirit.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Blood Purity-a Necessity for Spiritual Awakening and Mastery
Time after time I have warned the readers of my blogs of the necessity of maintaining the purity of their racial blood lines, a sacred trust and an inheritance from our distant ancestors but also a duty to our yet unborn linear descendants. Blutschande is the most serious crime that an Aryan can commit against his race and folk and I hope that one day this crime will be recognised as such and punished accordingly once our peoples recover their freedom from the zionist yoke. The servants of the Demiurge lord of darkness understand that in this cosmic war in which we fight that our strongest possession is our blood or DNA as it is less prosaically termed, and they will do everything in their power to encourage Rassenmischung for by this process we destroy ourselves without a single gun being shot. It is the greatest form of treason that an Aryan could commit. By engaging in Blutschande they are spitting in the faces of their Folk, their ancestors and descendants, condemning the latter to eternal shame and disgrace. Therefore in the words of Der Meister Guido von List I appeal to my readers:"Your blood, your highest possession."Racial purity is the greatest gift that our ancestors have bestowed upon us and it is the most precious bequest that we can endow upon our descendants. For within the blood of the Aryan there lies the sacred quality of divinity. The Aryan is no mere human animal: we are nothing less than children of the Gods. However eons ago in our deep past a great crime was committed: the crime of Blutschande between the Aryan who at one time was the only human race so called, and the beastman resulting in the degeneration of our race but the upward improvement of the Untermensch. This activity now is actively encouraged by the dark lord`s minions for they know that if they can weaken us physically they can weaken us mentally, psychically and spiritually and the Aryan-the only and final bulwark against zionist world dominion will be crushed for all time. If they succeed the earth will eventually cease to exist and life will be extinguished. Psychic power and spiritual advancement are unavoidably connected to biological purity. The Aryan lost his psychic abilities when he engaged in Blutschande and caused impurities to creep into our Holy Graal blood pool. This is the real and underlying message in the story of Parsifal as interpreted by Wilhelm Richard Wagner. Today awakened Aryan man awaits his Parsifal who is the renewed embodiment of the Germanic God Woden, His spear being that of the Allfather`s-Gungnir. Parsifal will come and the tide will be turned against the desert God`s hordes. His forerunner did come in 1889 but the outer non-German Aryan world which was heavily under the yoke of the cosmopolitan tribe of international bankers resisted Him and His message of salvation. He was never destined to succeed in His mission but He recognised that after Him one should come: "I have seen the man of the future; he is cruel; I am frightened by him". It is He who will right all wrongs, halt and indeed reverse this period of involution which is against nature and thus antinature or unnatural. Nature seeks division into separate species and subspecies for it is through this process that evolution or upward improvement may occur. Rassenmischung is therefore antinature and unnatural. It will be halted! Through the science of Aryan man which is currently in its infancy we will use genetic engineering to remove the biological damage that has been inflicted upon our blood pool and begin the task of producing the Uebermensch of the future! To quote from Miguel Serrano via The Complete Armanen: "Between 1914-1918, during the First World War, in the great crisis of the Kali Yuga, or Age of the Wolf, there was an overturning of the sympathetic system of Aryan peoples. This made possible the coming of the Avatar, Hitler, a premonition of the future Kalki" He goes on to discuss the presence of a special additional nerve bundle present amongst those of Aryan blood which is not to be found in other races which makes the Aryan capable of psyhcic and spiritual advancement, an ability which he once had to the full before the fall of Atlantis. Today the awakened Aryo-Germanic man may achieve spiritual mastery and greater awakening via the practice of Rune Yoga
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Woden, the Aarman/Arman/Urman
There is a clear connection between Woden and the eagle. In the Eddas Woden is portrayed as the Raven God but he does have the ability to transform Himself into an eagle. By contrast the ravens were Woden`s messengers and symbolised his memory[Munin] and His thought[Hugin]. He did not metamorphosise into this species of bird. By contrast the eagle, the aar is viewed as the most noble species of bird and in the tale of the capture of the mead from Suttung it is into this bird that Woden transforms Himself in order to escape with the mead back to Esegard. We also recall that the eagle[who is not named] is perched at the top of the world tree, Yggdrasil, symbolising higher and awakened consciousness, the world tree being a symbol of the spinal column. It is the awakening of the aar chacra that the aarman-arman aspires to achieve. Woden achieved this awakening with the acquisition and consumption of the sacred mead Odroerir[ON, `the one that stimulates to ecstasy`]. Some drops of this mead fell to earth during His flight which is sufficient for us to attain a similar awakened state. Woden is thus the original aarman[eagleman], the original arman[sunman/initiate] and the Urman[original man-arman-aryan]. He is the prototypical Urmensch that we His children aspire to emulate.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Woden and Vata-Vayu-a Comparison
Comparisons have been made by scholars between Woden and the Indo-Aryan lord of the wind and storm,Vata or Vayu. Va and Vati mean `to blow` and may be related to the Gothic vaian and German wehen. The Common Germanic name for Odin is Vodana, the Old Saxon Wodan, the Old High German Wuotan[pronounced vuotan] and the Old English Voden. Viktor Rydberg in his Investigations into Germanic Mythology Volume II Part I:Indo-European Mythology states that Vata is the natural side of the God and Vayu the spiritual side. Like Woden He is considered to be the lord of the wild hunt and is also known as Vayu amongst the Iranians. Interestingly this God survived the devastating Zoroastrian reforms and without any loss of status. He is therefore highly significant and should be considered as a father of the Gods. In the Avesta he is portrayed as a lord of the wind and war. He was even worshiped by the Zoroastrian so-called `supreme` God Ahuramazda. Like Woden Vata-Vayu has a penetrating spear and wears a golden helmet. "O The Wind`s chariot, O its power and glory! Crashing it goes and hath a voice of thunder. It makes the regions red and touches heaven, and as it moves the dust of earth is scattered. Along the traces of the wind they hurry, they come to him as dames to an assembly. Borne on his car with these for his attendants, the God speeds forth, the universe`s Monarch. Travelling on the paths of air`s mid-region, no single day doth he take rest or slumber. Holy and earliest-born, Friend of the waters, where did he spring and from what region came he? Germ of the world, the Deities` vital spirit, this God moves ever as his will inclines him. His voice is heard, his shape is ever viewless. Let us adore this Wind with our oblation."[Rig Veda Hymn 168] Students of the Eddas will notice Vata-Vayu`s function as a giver of "vital spirit" or breath as we would term it and this is exactly what Woden imparted to man. Woden is also known as a vinr vagna, guardian, protector or friend of chariots and as valdr vagnbrautar, ruler of the chariot-road and infers His cosmic function as the All-Father ruler of the constellations. There appears to be some overlap with Indra and this should not surprise us as Woden and Thunor do share some similar functions, both being lords of the atmosphere. Woden focusing on the power of the wind and storm whilst Thunor is specifically linked to the thunder and lightning which are features of the storm. In Rig Veda Hymn II Vayu is referred to as Indra-Vayu in verse 4. Interestingly Donald A. Mackenzie in his Indian Myth and Legend states: "The name Vata has been compared to Vate, the father of the Teutonic Volund or Wieland, the tribal deity of the Watlings or Vaetlings; in Old English the Milky Way was `Watling Street`". The fact that Woden may be found in the form of Vata-Vayu in the Rig Veda demonstrates the antiquity of this God right back to our common Proto-Indo-European past and thus puts paid to the lie that He is a `latecomer` to the Germanic world.
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Mead Horn and the Awakening of our Gods
The purpose of ritual in Germanic heathenism is to not repeat dead rituals but to create something new in the subjective[internal] and objective[external] worlds. By participating in our wheel of the year rites in the cosmic rhythm of the seasons we are in microcosm reflecting the macrocosm; as above, so below. Vilhelm Gronbech in The Culture of the Teutons Volumes 1 and 2 states: "This is the reason why all words and acts are frought with infinite consequence; the space is filled with creation, and every act gives birth to events to come.[Page 356] By engaging in our rites we are participating in an act of creation. "This reiteration or renovation, as we should call it, is not a repetition of an act primarily and for all time created years or ages ago. The present re-acting is as primary, as original as the very first acting; and the participants are not witnesses to the deed of some hero or god, not reproducers who revive the deed, but simply and literally the original heroes who send fateful deeds into the world, whether it be battles long ago or the creation of Middle-garth. In the recreation of the legend, in the ceremonial act, the earth is prepared for the living of man....."[Page 358] Our regular invocation of the Gods and our imbibing of the mead or ale made sacred by the sign of Thunor`s hammer from the mead horn allows us at that moment to enter into a state of communion with our Gods, in particular Woden, an idea which was hijacked by the christian church. The mead according to our lore imparts wisdom and inspiration to us and reminds us of the sacred mead which has its origins in the blood of Kvasir, a God born from the saliva of both the Aesir and Vanir at the conclusion of the war between these two pantheons. Mead has a particular significance in the mythologies of the Germanic and other Aryan peoples which I do not intend to go into here but reserve for another article. By our remembrance and invocation of the Gods of the Germanic peoples we are participating in their awakening. This process is a two way one for our Gods are awakening Their elect amongst our folk. The sun-born, Woden-born initiates are responding to the call of the Gods which is at the same time a call of the blood. The Gods are stirring in our very DNA and those who wyrd it is to join Woden`s elite warrior band of Einheriar will respond. Woden is quietly preparing His priestly order and they will take their place as the future priest-kings of the reborn and purified Aryo-Germanic Folk.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
The Complete Armanen and the Untold Story
I recently started to read a newly published work which collects together some essential Armanist texts, The Complete Armanen and the Untold Story by the `55 Club`, the author wishing to remain anonymous. I am not yet ready to give a full review of this book; I merely wish to draw it to my readers` attention for you to consider purchasing it. The chapters include the following: Introduction. Song of the High One. Guido von List. Siegfried Adolf Kummer. The Edda Society. Karl Marie von Wiligut. The SS. Don Miguel Serrano Fernandez. The Round Table. Conclusion.The book is nicely illustrated and authored by an Armanist. Also to my pleasant surprise he does refer to my Aryan Myth and Metahistory blog on the reference pages. The English speaking world is in urgent need of the dissemination of such teachings so please support the author!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
A Search For an Anglo-Saxon Alternative to the Term `Priest`
I have over recent years pondered on the terminology that we should be using for the function of `priest` within our heathen rites. `Priest` is a universally understood term but I am a little troubled over the christian connotations and wish to explore alternative and more Germanic terms. `Preost` is a term used by the Anglo-Saxons[See A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary by J.R. Clark Hall]. However from my studies of the term it appears to originate with the christian priesthood via presbyter. This in my opinion would make it unsuitable for us to use. Our research is limited by the scant amount of original Anglo-Saxon literature, especially during the pre-conversion period as pre-christian Germanic society was largely a pre-literate one. Literacy was reserved for the rune masters and priests. Therefore we must also resort to exploring the terms used by other Germanic peoples. Before we do this we need to consider if there are any other Anglo-Saxon alternatives to preost. Aeweweard could be a suitable term but its pronunciation may be too difficult for some to to accept in everyday useage. Also strictly speaking the term is defined as `law-guardian`[Rudolf Simek, Northern Mythology]. The astute observer will note the second part of this word-weard, a term which we already use for hearth and gemoot warders. If we recall the Icelandic example the priest was also a temporal chieftain although the situation was different among the non-Scandinavian Germanic peoples where the two offices were separate. Heargweard is a more interesting and in my opinion relevant term for the hearg was the sanctuary or temple and thus a heargweard was the guardian of the temple. In Iceland the priests were called gothar, the singular being gothi, the female gythja. The Gothic equivalent gudja corresponds closely to the Old Norse gudija. A temple priest in Icelandic would be a hofgothi. Clearly gothi`s specific meaning is `god man`. Hofgothi is very similar to the Anglo-Saxon heargweard with similar connotations. On balance I am in favour of the use of the term heargweard as Anglo-Saxons and Saxons this is more likely to be term which our ancestors used and differentiates us from Odinism and Asatru. We do not need to be dependent on their terminology nor do we need to use terms that are christian in origin or connotation. I have decided to post this article on all three of my blogs as I wish this to have as wide a circulation as possible to encourage reflection and debate.
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Ancient Teutonic Priesthood
Due to a comment made by Julius Caesar in his De Bello Gallico[The Gallic War]that the ancient Germans had "no druids" has been misinterpreted over the years by scholars who have then used this as a premise to argue that there was no such thing as a Teutonic priesthood which we know to be absolutely absurd. "The customs of the Germans are very different from those of the Gauls. They have no druids to preside over religious matters, nor do they concern themselves with sacrifices".[Sixth Book, paragraph 21] Of course we know from the slightly later writings of Tacitus, notably in his Germania that the Germans not only had priests but these priests offered public sacrifices. I very much doubt that in the space of less than 150 years that their customs changed so radically. The Teutons certainly did not have `druids` for this is specific to the Celtic peoples but we know from the Roman historian Tacitus that they did have priests and a pantheon of Gods. Even this is brought into doubt by Caesar: "The only things which they count as gods are things they can see and which clearly benefit them, for example, the Sun, Vulcan, and the Moon. They have not even heard rumours of any others."[Sixth Book, paragraph 21]. `Vulcan` is taken to mean the element or deity of fire. Whilst it is clear that the Teutons did honour these three things as representative of Gods it is inconceiveable that by the time of Tacitus in the following century that they suddenly had a developed pantheon of Gods and Goddesses and not one at the time of Caesar. Tacitus either did not know the correct Teutonic names of our Gods and Godesses or chose to give them Latin names as he wrote for a Roman readership. "As for gods, Mercury is the one they worship most, and on certain days they think it right to propitiate him even with human victims. Hercules and Mars they appease with lawful animals. Part of the Suebi sacrifice also to Isis; I have not ascertained the source from which this foreign rite originates, but the fact remains that the image itself, fashioned in the form of a light ship, proves that the cult is imported. In other matters, they judge it not in accord with the greatness of the gods to confine them with walls or to liken them in appearance to any human countenance. They consecrate woods and groves, and the mystery that they see only in their awe they call by the names of gods." "[Tacitus` Germania 9.1 and 9.2] It is assumed by scholars that Mercury, Hercules and Mars are names that Tacitus gave to represent our Woden, Thunor and Tiw. Isis may very well be the Goddess Nehalennia[a Dutch deity] or Nerthus. I also speculate that this could in fact be the very mysterious and obscure Goddess, Isa. "Then come the Reudigni, the Aviones, the Anglii, the Varini, the Eudoses, the Suarines, and the Nuitones, defended by rivers or woods. There is nothing noteworthy about them individually, except that collectively they worship Nerthus, or Mother Earth, and believe that she takes part in human affairs and rides among the peoples." [Germania 40.2] Tacitus also refers to the deities Tuisto and Mannus[Germania 2.2]. Thus it is clear that the Teutons did in fact have a developed pantheon of Gods who they ascribed proper names and personalities to. We also know this to be the case from later writings by christian priests and from the Icelandic sagas and there is every reason to believe that there was a continuous and unbroken tradition over the centuries which knew only a geographic variation with local cults of deities. Germania 9 makes it clear that the Teutons did offer both animal and human sacrifices. Furthermore if sacrifices were offered to the Gods then it reasonable to assume that there was a recognised priesthood to carry out this function. In Germania 40.3 Tacitus refers to such a priesthood: "On an island in the Ocean is a holy grove, and in it a consecrated wagon covered with hangings; to one priest alone is it permitted so much as to touch it. He perceives when the goddess is present in her innermost recess, and with great reverence escorts her as she is drawn along by heifers." It is clear from Tacitus description and carefully chosen words that Nerthus, the Goddess he is referring to had more than one priest-"to one priest alone...." and thus this constitutes a priestly order. Adam of Bremen referred to the great temple at Uppsala and its priesthood: "Assigned to all their gods they have priests to present the sacrifices of the people." Bede of course refers to the Anglo-Saxon priest Coifu in his History of the English Church and People. The Teutonic priesthood unlike the Celtic druidic orders was not a national priesthood but one which was restricted to the tribe and thus there will be differences between them, especially as certain deities were only recognised by specific tribes, such as Nerthus and Nehalennia. The Teutonic priests had charge of the sacred groves[the precursors of the later temples], the administration of justice, public sacrifices, the casting of lots, interpretation of omens and the safeguarding of the law. In the far north the function of priest and chieftain or king was most likely combined into a single office. A typical example is that of the Icelandic gothi. No doubt they carried this tradition with them from their native Norway. We have no reason to suppose that there were no priestesses.The female equivalent of the gothi, the gythia is attested to in the Icelandic sagas. The temple was more than likely a development from the sacred grove. "It has been observed that among the Indo-Europeans the most ancient temples that were dedicated to the gods were sacred groves. In his survey of European folklore, Jacob Grimm observed that among the ancient Germans the oldest temples were groves. This was the case in all the lands where the Indo-Europeans held sway as the grove was the original place where the sacred was revered."[The Druids, G. Alexander] The temple at Uppsala was surrounded by a grove. Tacitus in Germania 39 refers to the sacred grove of the Suebi and in Germania the sacred grove of Nerthus. In smaller organisational units such as the clan or or family the head of the clan or the family performed the duties associated with the priest. "In the smaller organisations of society then, priestly duties seem to have been performed by the temporal chief. It is only the great organisation, the tribe or state, which possesses a class with exclusively priestly functions."[The Ancient Teutonic Priesthood, H. Munro Chadwick] A Teutonic priesthood is in the process of being formed today. If any readers wish to explore this further see the relevant links section on this blog!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Coifu-Nithing Anglo-Saxon Traitor
Even during the days when I still clung to the desert `god` religion I was always disgusted by the actions of the nithing Coifu, who Bede in his A History of the English Church and People describes as a `Chief Priest`[Chapter 13]. We are not told if he was a priest of Woden but we have no reason to assume he wasn`t. Coifu accepted christianity without any apparent show of resistance although we only have the word of a cleric for this-Bede. Likewise these words attributed to Coifu may very well be the words of Bede which he put into Coifu`s mouth: "I have long realized that there is nothing in our way of worship; for the more deligently I sought after truth in our religion, the less I found." [As an aside that is what I eventually concluded about christianity!] Coifu then went on to suggest to King Edwin that the temple and altars be "desecrated and burned." Coifu also volunteered to be the first to carry out this heinous act. He asked Edwin for "arms and a stallion". Bede tells us that it was hitherto "unlawful for the Chief Priest to carry arms or to ride anything but a mare-and, thus equipped, he set out to destroy the idols. Girded with a sword and with a spear in his hand, he mounted the king`s stallion and rode up to the idols..... "as soon as he reached the temple, he cast into it the spear he carried and thus profaned it." I am not aware of any success or indeed any attempt in carrying out excavations to discover the remnants of the temple but Bede writes that "The site where these idols once stood is still shown, not far east of York, beyond the river Derwent, and is known today as Goodmanham." Goodmanham is an old village situated about 20 miles to the east of York in the East Riding of Yorkshire in the ancient kingdom of Deira in Northumbria. It is said that the old church of All Hallows stands on or near the site of the heathen temple. I would dearly love to see it demolished for a proper archaeological excavation to take place. It would not surprise me if that was the site as we know that it was church policy for heathen temples either to be taken over by the church or be destroyed to be replaced by a christian church building. Most old Anglican[formerly Roman Catholic] churches occupy sacred heathen ground. At least we know that the Anglo-Saxons used temples and idols as part of their worship and had a priesthood. These are things which are often denied by self-appointed `experts` on the subject!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
A New Perspective on Loki
Loki, is He a God or a giant? The scholars argue that the Eddas appear to be ambiguous about this. My argument is that His status is no less ambiguous than many of the other major Germanic deities. We know that his father was Farbauti[ON `dangerous hitter`], a giant. The etymology of Farbauti`s name is associated with lightening or the storm[See Rudolf Simek`s Dictionary of Northern Mythology]. His mother was Laufey[ON `leaf island`-a rather incredulous interpretation]. Her alternative or additional name was Nal[ON `needle`] because she was so slender and nimble. Simek suggests that Laufey may have been a tree Goddess. She is generally considered to be a Goddess and listed as such in the Eddas and we have no reason therefore to doubt that She was one. The Eddas are replete with stories of matings between Gods or Goddesses with giants and the giants should be considered as an earlier race of Gods which the Aesir and Vanir displaced. Wodan Himself was of giant parentage via His mother Bestla, a frost giantess. Thus we may conclude that Loki had as much Aesir blood flowing through His veins as Wodan, the chief of the Gods Himself. However Loki`s attitude towards the Gods is ambivalent. Early on in the mythology He is portrayed as a positive member of the Aesir, often coming to their aid in times of crisis. It is only with the beginning of Ragnarok and the events that precede it that we see a markedly different side to Loki. Causing the death of Baldur and preventing His early release from Hel and His slandering of the Gods in the Lokasenna He hastens on Ragnarok and shows Himself as an apparent enemy of the Gods. That is how people superficially see Loki`s role. However like life He is more complex than that and in my opinion He should be viewed as being the Shadow of Wodan. Loki and Wodan are blood brothers and often journeyed together in Midgard. There is some suspicion that He is in fact the God Lodur who along with Wodan and Hoenir gave life to man. Both Wodan and Loki are half giant in extraction but Loki as Wodan`s Shadow has his giant inheritance from His mother`s and not His father`s side. Usually it was the Gods who mated with giantesses and not the other way around. My inkling is that Laufey may have been raped by Farbauti and hence the apparent shame and lack of identification with the father. This may account for why some are tempted to see him more in the light of being a giant than a God. Curiously He is named after His mother, not His father for in the Eddas He is referred to as Loki Laufeyjarson. Perhaps He was anxious to bury his giant heritage, maybe even ashamed of it for the reason stated above? Scholars point out that there is no evidence for any cults of Loki in the pre-christian past. However this betrays their lack of understanding of His role. If Loki is Wodan`s Shadow then it is unlikely that we would expect to see any such evidence for the common people were highly unlikely to worship such an apparently negative deity. Additionally as Wodan`s Shadow He in effect IS Wodan, His darker and seemingly more destructive side. However it is the Loki side of Wodan`s personality which grants the All Father such naked intelligence, cunning and at times seeming duplicity. Loki is a catalyst, an agent of change and transformation. Whilst He is responsible for hastening on Ragnarok He was not responsible for the loss of the Golden Age. In His seeming `evil` deeds He is in fact providing a solution to the Wolf Age in which we find ourselves in. Through His actions the new Golden Age will arise after Ragnarok. He is the ultimate problem solver but His motives are not always clear. Loki represents the ultimate Left-Hand Path Germanic God. He stands alone. He is independent. He cares not for worship, adulation or approval. There is no consensus over the etymology of Loki`s name and this does not surprise me for there is no consensus at all about Loki who is the ultimate enigmatic God. My interpretation of His name is one that suggests `light`. I am reminded of Lucifer[an Aryan not a Semitic name] who shares a similar personality and name. It is likely that Loki derives from the PIE word *leuk. George William Cox in his The Mythology of the Aryan Nations volume II states: "The name Loki, like that of the Latin Vulcanus, denotes the light or blaze of fire, and in such phrases as Locke dricker vand, Loki drinks water, described the phenomena of the sun drinking when its light streams in shafts from the cloud rifts to the earth or the waters beneath. The word thus carries us to the old verb liuhan, the Latin lucere, to shine, and to Logi as its earlier form, the modern German lohe, glow; but as the Greek tradition referred the name Oidipous......., to know and to swell, so a supposed connexion with the verb lukan, to shut or lock, substituted the name Loki for Logi, and modified his character accordingly." The Eddas know of an Utgard-Loki and a Logi, a fire giant. Wagner in his Das Rheingold conflates the two characters of Loki and Logi together in the form of Loge and it would appear that there may be good grounds for doing so. It is interesting to note that the Old Norse equivalent of Saturday is Laugardagr, the Swedish logerdag and the Danish loverdag. Clearly originally before the pernicious influence of christianity Loki had a much more revered role in the Germanic pantheon but like many of the Gods He was demonised and this demonisation continues amongst many modern day `Asatru`. We need to view Him as the Germanic Prometheus who has brought the light of intelligence to man rather than the christian imposed idea of being a `devil`.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Irmin, Arminius and the Herminones
Tacitus states in his Germania 2.2 "In ancient lays, their only type of historical tradition, they celebrate Tuisto, a god brought forth from the earth. They attribute to him a son, Mannus, the source and founder of their people, and to Mannus three sons, from whose names those nearest the Ocean are called Ingvaeones, those in the middle Herminones, and the rest Istvaeones." I have previously discussed the connection between the God Ing and the Ingvaones and his mythical position as father of the English-Inglish-the sons of Ing. Now I would like to explore the relationship between the Herminones and the mysterious God Irmin. The Herminones or Irminones consisted of tribes such as the Hermunduri, Chatti, Cherusci, Alamanni, Suebi, Marcomanni, Quadi, Saxons and the Boii. We know that the ancient Teutons regarded themselves as being not just the creation of the Gods but their very own flesh and blood offspring. Therefore it was natural for them to name themselves after their perceived mythical ancestor. Whilst many scholars doubt the existence of a God Irmin[see Rudolf Simek`s entries for Irmin and Irminsul in his Dictionary of Northern Mythology there are many who consider Irmin to have been a very real mythical deity and quite possibly a deified human being as well. I very much doubt that the ancient Teutons would have erected their Irmin columns and called them `huge` pillars just on the basis of their size. We know that originally the Gods were portrayed as poles and worshiped as such so I do not see why the Irminsul should be an exception to the rule. Many of us speculate that the name of Irmin is to be found in one of the three great tribal divisions of our people-the Herminones or Irminones. Like the Ingvaeones who derive from Ing and the Istavones or Iscaevones who descend from Ask[Jacob Grimm] or Escio[Nennius]the Herminones are the children of the God Irmin whose human incarnation was Arminius or Hermann the Cheruscer who rescued his people and the bulk of northern and central Germania from Roman invasion by inflicting a catastrophic defeat upon them in the region of the Teutoburger Wald[9CE]. Irmin, Hermann and Arminius are all variants of the same name which has its cognates in Celtic-Eremon and Ariomannus and Indo-Aryan Aryaman and Iranian Airyaman. What could be more natural that a huge pole or pillar be errected to this ancestral God and that it be called the Irminsul-the column of Irmin? The Royal Frankish Annals[772CE] refer to the destruction of the Irminsul by Charlemagne during the Saxon wars. The Irminsul represented the centre of the pre-christian Germanic religion. The Irminsul was reported as being situated no far from Heresburg[Eresburg] now known as Obermarsberg. Like Saxnot and Tyr/Tiu Irmin was a sword God, a martial God who protected His people. There are also connections between the Irminsul and the sacred Externsteine and today one can see a portrayal of a fallen Irminsul carved into the rocks. I do not wish to discuss the Irminsul in any greater detail in this article as I intend to dedicate a future one soley to this remarkable symbol. My reference to it is purely in the context of supporting my contention that Irmin was an actual deity and recognised as such by our Folk.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Der Ring des Nibelungen-a Work of the Left Hand Path
The music dramas of Richard Wagner are more than just mere operas as my readers would have understood by now. These are genuine works of art and of the spirit-the spirit of Aryan man that is. In the music, libretto and drama of his works great Aryan mysteries are unfolded to us, especially in the music which contains many secrets within its musical code that initiates may unlock if they possess the key. It therefore surprises me why anyone who is not an Aryan would possibly want to expose themselves to this music. People generally respond in one of two ways to it. Either they love it and seek to understand its secrets or they loath and detest it. There is no middle ground-only an extreme response. For this reason Wagner`s work is effectively banned in Israel for they recognise that to them it is a loaded spiritual weapon and not a friend. Whilst studying Dr Stephen E. Flowers` groundbreaking republished Lords of the Left-Hand Path I came to realise that Wagner`s Magnum Opus Der Ring des Nibelungen is essentially a work of the Left-Hand Path. Principally it is concerned with Wotan`s nurturing of the Germanic hero Siegfried, a member of the Wotan-sired Volsung clan. Wotan`s task is to bring forth the ultimate Aryan hero-Siegfried in order that the ultimate man, the Uebermensch may be revealed. However the Uebermensch is not dependent upon the Gods like a child is reliant upon its parents. The Uebermensch seeks complete independence from all authority and rather than be subservient to the Gods as the followers of the semitic desert tribal `god` in its jewish, christian and moslem forms are, the Uebermensch seeks awakening, individuation, independence and godhood in the flesh. For as Teutonic Aryans we are according to our very own lore, Gods. The blood, the DNA of our ancient Gods dwells within us. All we need to do is awaken and quicken the blood! Wotan dwells within us-Wotan in uns! and Wotan mit uns!He is the supreme Aryo-Germanic archetype. Robert Donington in his Wagner`s `Ring` and its Symbols discusses Wotan in His capacity as an image of the self. "He represents godhead in its simplest essence... "In this capacity as head of the gods, Wotan is a symbol for that central principle of the psyche for which Jung has borrowed his term from the traditional Vedantic teachings of Indian metaphysics: the `self`." He is also the ultimate parent. Unlike the semitic father `god` He is not a tyrant: He does not compel people to follow Him under pain of death and torture. As a true parent He nurtures us and then lets us go to pursue our own individual and collective wyrd. He is our guide in both the external objective world and in the internal subjective one. I will explore more themes raised in Mr Donington`s work in future articles concerning Wotan.
Monday, September 24, 2012
The Irminsul and the Task of the Ar-man
The Irminsul or Yggdrasil of Germanic mythology represents the world tree of the northern world. Its trunk provides a pathway and access to the nine worlds which are not only places but states of being. This concept is an extremely ancient one and has its origins in the pre-Germanic Aryan era. A similar tradition existed amongst the Vedic Aryans. The presence of the two systems is surely evidence of their origin in a common Aryan source before the division of the Aryan peoples took place. For several years now as an Associate of the Rune Gild I have been engaging in runic exercises and meditations which have the purpose of releasing the Kundalini serpent power. This exercise is to be found under the sections covering the Yew Working in Edred Thorssons Nine Doors of Midgard. It does take several years to work through the nine doors and I am now most of the way through the bulk of the curriculum. I would like to focus on just two aspects of the Yggdrasil today and that is the presence of the eagle who is perched at the top of the world tree and the serpent or dragon[the terms are interchangeable] who sits at the bottom. The dragon/serpent Nidhoggr[ON-`the one striking full of hatred`] is at enmity with the eagle who is unnamed. The agent of this discord is a squirrel called Ratatoskr[ON-`drill-tooth`] who runs up and down the trunk of the tree conveying messages between the two parties. This on the surface may seem to be a negative and malicious act. However it is a necessary one for Ratatoskr is the means by which the two polar opposites interact and this interaction causes a dynamic flow of energy up and down the tree trunk which should be likened to the spinal column. The dragon/serpent represents the sleeping Kundalini serpent power which lies dormant at the base of the column. It is aroused via the dynamic action of Ratatoskr and this creates energy in the form of friction[via the Nauthiz rune]. This energy may be directed by the initiate into the various wheels/chakras[energy centres] situated along the column. These wheels should be looked upon as being worlds or states of being/consciousness which may be experienced and activated. The ultimate aim of course is to activate the highest energy centre above the crown of the head, termed the Black Sun chakra by Miguel Serrano. As a practitioner of the northern tradition I believe in the concept of a nine not a seven wheel system which accords with the tradition of the nine worlds in Germanic cosmology. Through the regular practice of runic kundalini we achieve a personal awakening but this is something that is gradual and needs to be worked at on an almost day to day basis. This practice is not something that should be openly offered to the profane but reserved for the Sun Initiates which includes the Priests of Wodan. The Ar rune of the Armanen Futhork signifies several things-the primal fire[`Urfyr`], the sun, light, god, and the rune stave represents as a hieroglyph the Aar[eagle][See Das Geheimnis der Runen/The Secret of the Runes-Guido von List].[ One of Wodan`s many by-names is Arnhofdi, meaning `the one with the eagle`s head`[ON]. It is of course the eagle-the Aar which sits at the top of the world tree. It is the function of the Ar-man[the Sun Initiate, Aryan] to achieve this state of supreme awakened consciousness and individuation. There is a close linguistic association between the aar[eagle] and the ar[sun] in Armanism, hence the term Ar-man[Sun Initiate], the Arya or Aryan. This of course is the truer and deeper interpretation of the term.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
The Way of Wodan-a Left Hand Path
After digesting the latest republished work by Stephen E. Flowers,Ph.D, Lords of the Left-Hand Path it is now clear to me more than at any other time that our genuine and authentic Aryan spiritual pathway[s] may be catagorised as part of the `Left Hand Path`. Dr Flowers` definition of a Left Hand Path spirituality or system is one that incorporates the following elements: 1. Self-deification. 2. Individualism. 3. Initiation. 4. Magic. Our Wodanist path most clearly consists of each of the above factors. The true Wodanist initiate seeks above than anything else his own deification. He recognises his own unique individuality and though glorious deeds in this life seeks immortality both outside of the physical body and in the minds and memories of those who remain behind as well as in those of future generations. He becomes deified by his own actions, following the path of magical initiation and spiritual illumination with Wodan as his guide and example. The Left Hand Wodanist path is antinomian. In other words it appears to be a reversal of the conventional norms and mores held by the unthinking herd, the blind masses. He seeks to be independent of others and is not subject to their laws and moral constraints. The Wodanist is a Wolfshead. He is separate from sheep-like humanity and indeed views them as barriers to his own life`s work. Unlike the semitic religions he seeks no converts. His work is focused on the development of the immortal and divine self not on the `salvation` of others. The Wodan initiate seeks self-empowerment, independence, awakening and enlightenment. His life`s work is to obtain by his own efforts continuing awareness and real existence once his physical body has been left behind, to return at will if he so wishes as an avatar. To aid us in this work we have the great High God of the North-Wodan who is both the ultimate initiate and our very own divine ancestor: the All-Father, the God of the spiritual elite, not the herd.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Aryan World-View[Arische Weltanschauung]
How difficult it can be to break with over 1,000 years of semitic indoctrination via the christian religion. Even though modern western man may regard himself as no longer subject to the supernatural beliefs of this alien desert religion yet he is still tied to its ideology albeit in humanistic `liberal` and `democratic` form which stresses equality between the races and sexes and the elevation of all that is ugly, crippled, base,ignoble and stupid at the expense of nature`s elite-Aryan man. I recently read a most interesting passage in Houston Stewart Chamberlain`s Aryan World-View[Arische Weltanschauung]: "Our emancipation from the slavery of strange ideas remained uncompleted. Namely with regard to religion we are still vassals-not to mention servants-of strange ideals." He goes on to discuss how christianity has introduced an element of materialistic thinking and a disconnect with Aryan man`s inner organic spiritual life. "This means an inner alienation, a discord with ourselves." Through the newly discovered philosophy and sacred texts of the Indo-Aryan east western Aryan man may start the process of recovery from his long collective spiritual psychosis and rediscover his true organic spiritual path. "For this purpose the Indo-Aryan thinking is perfectly apt, to encourage us and to show us the way." This collective western christian psychosis is nowhere more prevalent than in the USA amongst people of otherwise good northern European Aryan blood. There are of course historical reasons for this and over the years I have discussed this phenomenon under my own invented term-the Pilgrim Fathers`Complex-a subject I intend to expand upon in further articles on this blog. It is only through a thorough immersion in the ancient literature, beliefs and spiritual practices of our pre-christian ancestors that we can begin to personally liberate ourselves from the mental shackles of jewish indoctrination and thus go on to innoculate ourselves from the weakness that prevents us from taking the drastic action that is needed to rescue Europa from its ongoing biological extermination.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The Sacred Spears of the Germanic Priest-Kings
During the latter half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century a number of sacred spears belonging to the pre-christian Germanic tribes were located in modern day Germany, Sweden and Poland, being the Kovel spear, the Dahmsdorf spear, the Rozwadow spear and the Moos spear.
What these spears have in common is their construction-Iron with silver inlay and their runic inscriptions.
The one from Dahmsdorf has the inscription Ansuz-Jera-Nauthiz-Ansuz-Raitho. The inscription reading from right to left says ranja, ie the "runner". Edred Thorsson in his The Mysteries of the Goths speculates that this has the meaning of "the one which causes[them] to flee". The owner of the spear may have been a Burgundian, originally an East Germanic tribe.
It dates from around 250CE and it also contains solar and lunar symbols and was discovered in 1865 during the construction of a train station at Dahmsdorf-Muecheberg.
This and the other spears were never used in combat and clearly were of ceremonial purpose. Either these spears belonged to tribal priests or were symbolic totems of regal power belonging to chieftains.
The spear was the original and favoured weapon of the Germanic peoples and every Germanic freeman, every warrior possessed one as a mark of his status. In the case of chieftains and priests these were obviously more elaborate as these spears clearly have a mystical purpose.
We are of course reminded of Gungnir, the spear of Wotan/Wodan/Woden/Odin which likewise was according to Sigdrifumal 17 insricribed with 17 runes on its tip. It would of course be tempting to speculate what they are. It is of course possible that this may be a version of the normally 16 runes Younger Futhark.
It contains a Triskelion and a Swastika, both of which are solar symbols. These spears also contain tamgas which are Sarmatian or Scythian tribal symbols and thus show a connection with the steppe dwelling Iranian tribes who lived close to the East Germanic peoples.
The Germanic peoples considered themselves to be the offspring of their Gods and nobles in particular often reckoned their descent from Wodan. Therefore it is natural for a Germanic chieftain or king to possess a sacred spear as a symbol of the Wodan given regal power.
Later in the post-conversion times and the arising of the Parsifal myth the sacred spear or lance features as the symbolic weapon of the Grail king.
We know that the Holy Lance or spear of Longinus which allegedly currently resides in the Hofburg Museum in Wien has been dated to no earlier than the 7th century CE and therefore is not contemporary with the times of the so-called Christ.
No doubt this spear falls into a similar category as the four runic spears referred to in this article.
My readers may wish to also study my article from 12/5/12 on Die Armanschaft Der Ario-Germanen blog-Gungnir, Symbol of All-Father Woden and its Significance and also from 5/10/08 on my Celto-Germanic blog: Gungnir, the Spear of Odin.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Third Reich Golden `Celtic` Cauldron Discovered in Bavarian Lake
I first heard of the sinking of a golden Celtic style cauldron in the Chiemsee in Bavaria in the Preface of Steven L. Akins 2008 book The Lebor Feasa Runda A Druidic Grammar of Celtic Lore and Magic. There appears to have been very little published on this subject and I was not even aware of the cauldron`s discovery until viewing Channel 5`s documentary Nazi Temple of Doom: Revealed last night. It is almost as if there has been a suppression of pulicity over this incredible historical find. It would appear that the fate of and the question of ownership of this artifact is still the subject of an ongoing court case and fraud trial. If anyone has any additional information or news about this suject please contact me via this blog.
Taken from www.spiegel.de from 17/8/07.
So there it was, the legendary "Holy Grail" -- in a safe not far from the Zurich airport. Investor Svetlana K. from Kazahkstan had been prepared for almost anything on that day last March. But when she saw what had been described as "probably the most important art-historical discovery in the Western Hemisphere" in front of her, all the other superlatives used in the four-page prospectus faded into the background. "An object of such pre-eminence has probably never been introduced onto the open art market," the document stated, adding that, "Given the proper promotion, experts believe its value could reach a sum of around €1 billion" ($1.4 billion).
A veritable dream bargain seemed to be just within reach: The vessel -- made of 11 kilograms (24.3 lbs) of gold, decorated with Celtic ornaments and said to be more than 2,000 years old -- did indeed exercise an irresistible fascination on the beholder.
But the woman from Kazakhstan had been warned that there was one hitch: She had to snap up the bargain quickly. After all, an investment opportunity like this doesn't come along every day, she was told. That made sense to Svetlana K. and her business partner Vladimir T., and a short time later they transfered the equivalent of €1.1 million ($1.5 million) to Switzerland via a Moscow bank, in exchange for a share of the potential earnings from the marketing of the golden pot.
The Swiss million-dollar deal represents the most recent climax in an adventure story that began with the discovery of the cauldron in the Chiemsee, a lake in Bavaria, in 2001. From the very beginning the artifact has been accompanied by an aura of mystery. Whether it involved occult Nazi groups, gloomy Celtic rituals or even black magic intrigues -- the golden pot could always be made to somehow fit into the story. There were even rumors that the Bavarian state government was holding back secret analyses of the heathen pot -- "presumably in response to pressure from the Catholic Church." Others claimed that coded messages lay concealed inside the vessel's golden reliefs.
The only reliable truth about the origin and use of the cauldron is that no one knows anything definite about it. But what is certain is that another story lurks behind the mysticism and magic. And that story is set in the rough demi-monde of dubious art dealers and shady jugglers of capital.
The Bavarian Finance Ministry is involved in the saga, as is 43-year-old professional treasure hunter Jens E. -- a man who is considered a big shot in his milieu. As early as 1996, he registered a company for the trading and procurement of excavation findings.
Black magic?
But Jens E.'s great coup is said to have come only in 2001, when an acquaintance told him about a strange discovery in the Chiemsee. The hobby diver, locally known as "Lui," had come across a strange object in May of that year, while diving off a beach near the town of Arlaching. The object "lay about unobserved" for weeks, insiders say. It was only in the summer that Jens E. realized how valuable it was and offered the diver his services as an agent. Once "Lui" agreed, Jens E. is said to have engaged art dealer Thorsten K. Between the end of 2001 and the beginning of 2002, Thorsten K. then passed the freshly polished and gleaming golden pot on to the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection in Munich to be analyzed.
The collection's director, Professor Ludwig Wamser, had to begin by answering the burning question: Is the object even antique? The reliefs -- horned divinities, warriors blowing their horns and figures with ancient swords -- seem genuinely Celtic. But the manufacturing process -- and in particular the nature of the soldering technique used -- led the Bavarian specialists to conclude the cauldron had been manufactured during the 20th century -- possibly during the Third Reich.
But determining the pot's age was not just of historical importance -- it also decided the question of ownership. Unlike most other German states, Bavaria does not have a "treasure trove law" -- a legal regulation that makes the state the proprietor of any valuable objects that are dug up. If the cauldron once belonged to the Nazi state, the complicated legal situation would mean that the Bavarian state was its sole proprietor -- otherwise it would have to share ownership with the finders.
On Feb. 1, 2002 -- only a few weeks after receiving the golden bowl -- Wamser presented his astounded colleagues with the "Celtic discovery of the century," as one audience member recalls. Speaking at Würzburg University's venerable Toscana Hall, the professor presented the experts with "a veritable fireworks display of images, a magnificent spectrum of color photos," a person who attended reports. Wasn't the Chiemsee pot a dead-ringer for the silver Gundestrup cauldron retrieved from a moor in Jutland in 1891? Was an archaeological sensation in store for Germany?
The excitement in the hall was close to the boiling point when Wamser casually dropped his punchline: The pot, he announced cheerfully, was a forgery -- manufactured from modern gold, probably by the Nazis. They had planned an "Elite NSDAP School" not far from the place where the artifact was discovered, and might have used it for bizarre consecration rites.
The guests began murmuring amongst themselves. Had SS leader Heinrich Himmler not once employed Otto Rahn, the self-proclaimed Holy Grail researcher? Rahn was thought to have searched the castle ruins of the medieval Catharist sect in southern France for the mystical chalice that was purported to have once caught the blood of Jesus on the cross. Had the Nazis perhaps wanted to instrumentalize the myth of the Holy Grail by manufacturing a copy of the Celtic Gundestrup cauldron? The lecture caused such a stir in professional circles that the press got wind of it: On Aug. 6, 2002, news of the Chiemsee cauldron first hit the headlines.
Hitler's bedpan?
Even as ruminations on the identity of the finders, and jokes about "Hitler's bedpan" were still making the rounds in the Chiemsee area, treasure hunter Jens E. was already fervently haggling with the Bavarian Finance Ministry over the rights to the cauldron. In June of 2003, the ministry finally broke several months of silence and announced that the artifact had been sold to a "reputable private person," and that the deal had been brokered by one of the finders. To this day the identity of the purchaser -- thought to be a Munich collector -- and the purchase price, which the finders split equally with the Bavarian government, remain a secret. Only the gist of the results of the scientific analysis was made public: The cauldron neither dates to the time of the Celts, nor can it be traced to a legal estate from the Nazi era, according to the meager details released by the ministry.
But the second part of that statement appears somewhat surprising, especially given that the most concrete lead so far might very well have led to a high-ranking Nazi official. The senior director of the long-established Munich jeweler's company Theodor Heiden stated that he can clearly recall the detailed account of a former colleague. This witness claims to have been told by the company's goldsmith Alfred Notz, before the latter's death in the 1960s, about a "golden cauldron weighing more than 10 kilograms (22 lbs.), with a figurative ornament and manufactured by means of the paddle and anvil technique." The cauldron was manufactured in Heiden's workshop between 1925 and 1939, according to Notz -- at the request of the Munich company Elektrochemische Werke München. Its director, Albert Pietzsch, is said to have been a well-known customer of the goldsmith's workshop.
Pietzsch, an engineer, was in personal contact with Hitler from 1920 onward and provided Hitler with generous donations. Pietzsch's investment paid off: The industrialist, who became a member of the Nazi Party in 1927, later rose to the position of Military Economy Leader ("Wehrwirtschaftsführer") and even became the president of the Reich Chamber of Commerce ("Reichswirtschaftskammer"). Pietzsch was arrested by the Allies at the end of the war but if he did know something about the cauldron and its whereabouts, he took that knowledge with him to his grave when he died in 1957.
Following its sale by the Bavarian Finance Ministry, the artifact changed hands again in the spring of 2005. According to insiders, the bowl first reappeared in the orbit of a London letterbox company by the name of Morgan Stanwick, before being passed on to a joint-stock company of the same name in the Swiss canton of St. Gallen.
The director of Morgan Stanwick, whose headquarters is a stately villa in picturesque Jona, is the Swiss citizen Marcel W. -- an eloquent manager who is involved in the business of several companies and boasts a colorful past. Public prosecutors in Darmstadt are currently investigating W. because of dubious capital transfers. And now their Swiss colleagues have also developed an interest in W. -- because of the alleged swindle the investors from Kazakhstan fell victim to. He is said to have spun them the story of the Holy Grail and charges were filed against him in October 2006.
He is alleged to have presented them with a "participation contract" stating that the cauldron could reach the price "level of the golden funerary mask of Tutankhamen." Furthermore, an "expert on Celtic art" is quoted as allegedly "confirming a liquidable current market value of between €250 and €350 million" ($339 and $339 million) for the cauldron.
Questioned by SPIEGEL, this expert is now distancing himself from his "statement." In order to estimate the value of such an object, he says, it first needs to be proven that the object is in fact genuine. Marcel W., on the other hand, did not want to comment on the allegations.
His customers -- who have already paid "several million euros for the purchase price and lump sum payments" in order to "take possession of this piece of world cultural heritage" -- are now seriously concerned about their investment. Their fears seem to be justified. Swiss public prosecutors have, in any case, confiscated the Chiemsee cauldron. It's now just an everyday court exhibit in a fraud trial.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tolkien and the Use of the `Ar` Prefix
The writings of J.R.R. Tolkien are replete with Aryan undertones and references.
According Robert Foster[The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth] under the entry "Ar:[Ad.:`royal,king`] Prefix attached to royal names of those rulers of Numenor who took their names in Adunaic."
There are literally scores of personal and place names that feature the Ar prefix. As a scholar of Germanic and Celtic languages Tolkien must have understood the significance and meaning of this term. It is highly significant that the prefix features so prominently, the name Aragorn being one of the most well known.
I will be make an in depth study of this subject as I continue my researches into Tolkien`s work.
In the meantime please enjoy this poem by Tolkien which concerns the mythical land of Aryador from the Book of Lost Tales, Part One:
In the vales of Aryador
By the wooded inland shore
Green the lakeward bents and meads
Sloping down to murmurous reeds
That whisper in the dusk o’er Aryador:
Do you hear the many bells
Of the goats upon the fells
Where the valley tumbles downward from the pines?
Do you hear the blue woods moan
When the Sun has gone alone
To hunt the mountain-shadows in the pines?
She is lost among the hills
And the upland slowly fills
With the shadow-folk that murmur in the fern;
And still there are the bells
And the voices on the fells
While Eastward a few stars begin to burn.
Men are kindling tiny gleams
Far below by mountain-streams
Where they dwell among the beechwoods near the shore,
But the great woods on the height
Watch the waning western light
And whisper to the wind of things of yore,
When the valley was unknown,
And the waters roared alone,
And the shadow-folk danced downward all the night,
When the Sun fared abroad
Through great forests unexplored
And the woods were full of wandering beams of light.
Then were voices in the fells
And a sound of ghostly bells
And a march of shadow-people o’er the height.
In the mountains by the shore
In forgotten Aryador
There was dancing and was ringing;
There were shadow-people singing
Ancient songs of olden gods in Aryador.’
According Robert Foster[The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth] under the entry "Ar:[Ad.:`royal,king`] Prefix attached to royal names of those rulers of Numenor who took their names in Adunaic."
There are literally scores of personal and place names that feature the Ar prefix. As a scholar of Germanic and Celtic languages Tolkien must have understood the significance and meaning of this term. It is highly significant that the prefix features so prominently, the name Aragorn being one of the most well known.
I will be make an in depth study of this subject as I continue my researches into Tolkien`s work.
In the meantime please enjoy this poem by Tolkien which concerns the mythical land of Aryador from the Book of Lost Tales, Part One:
In the vales of Aryador
By the wooded inland shore
Green the lakeward bents and meads
Sloping down to murmurous reeds
That whisper in the dusk o’er Aryador:
Do you hear the many bells
Of the goats upon the fells
Where the valley tumbles downward from the pines?
Do you hear the blue woods moan
When the Sun has gone alone
To hunt the mountain-shadows in the pines?
She is lost among the hills
And the upland slowly fills
With the shadow-folk that murmur in the fern;
And still there are the bells
And the voices on the fells
While Eastward a few stars begin to burn.
Men are kindling tiny gleams
Far below by mountain-streams
Where they dwell among the beechwoods near the shore,
But the great woods on the height
Watch the waning western light
And whisper to the wind of things of yore,
When the valley was unknown,
And the waters roared alone,
And the shadow-folk danced downward all the night,
When the Sun fared abroad
Through great forests unexplored
And the woods were full of wandering beams of light.
Then were voices in the fells
And a sound of ghostly bells
And a march of shadow-people o’er the height.
In the mountains by the shore
In forgotten Aryador
There was dancing and was ringing;
There were shadow-people singing
Ancient songs of olden gods in Aryador.’
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Further News on the Ancient Aryan City of Arkaim
A very recent news article to supplement the information that I have already published on Arkaim.
The image accompanying this is a reconstruction of an ancient female inhabitant of Arkaim. This article was copied from Russia Beyond the Headlines.
August 20, 2012
Andrei Konstantinov, Russky Reporter
Ancestors of the people who settled Iran and India and founded great global cultures had their beginnings in the Urals region of Russia.
Arkaim: Prehistory on the steppe
Arkaim is an archaeological complex in the Southern Urals steppe, which is dated to the 17th century BC. Source: ITAR-TASS.
In 1987, the Arkaim Valley was slated to become the bottom of a giant reservoir. A dam had already been built, and archeologists were busy wrapping up the kind of exploratory works that are always performed ahead of such operations. It was at that time that a group appeared with news of something strange in the steppe. The archeologists knew they had stumbled upon something big the moment they saw from their plane a giant figure made up of nested circles with lines radiating from the centre. The figure looked like an Indian mandala or a wheel with spokes. Later the experts began to suspect that the ancient town had been built by the very same people who had invented the mandalas – the Aryan tribes that moved into India and Iran.
The scientists managed to protect Arkaim and prevent the valley from being flooded and in the early 1990s, it became clear that, 500 years prior to the Trojan War, in the times of the Egyptian pyramids and the rise of Babylon, there was a country of some 20 towns in the Southern Urals, each of which had its own breathtaking citadel.
Going to Arkaim
“The Uy River seems to form a natural boundary between the forest-steppe and the steppe. That’s where the Aryan lands begin,” said Gennady Zdanovich, who heads the expedition that excavates the Country of Towns, looking solemnly into the fog. “The Aryan expanse – that’s where their burials mounds are. We have the world’s earliest chariots, which were built a thousand years prior to the Greeks. They’re two-wheel horse-drawn war carts.”
Local guide Sergei Malyutin, the youngest in a long line of archeologists in his family, grew up in Arkaim. “In the early 1990s, we had an idea that seemed progressive for that time – to create an ethno-cultural museum, an outdoor museum that would incorporate tourism, education and research,” Malyutin said.
“An eco-museum is not just a building with show cabinets,” Malyutin said.
In fact, in this case, the museum is the steppe around the camp itself. A few steps away from the campsite is a collection of Stone Age homes reconstructed by the archeologists. The foundation is formed by thousands of horse bones instead of stone, which has always been in short supply in the steppe. The famous caves with Paleolithic drawings on the walls were not actually inhabited, but used for ceremonies and rites.
In the opposite direction from the Stone Age home is a nomad tent, or yurt, as well as Kurgan stelae and a burial mound with dummies that represent dead bodies. This is the Iron Age, the time of the Scythians. The archeological findings dating from those times always include horses (the Scythians invented the stirrup), weapons and aggressive “Scythian animal style” art.
“We take the stuff that can be destroyed in the steppe,” Zdanovich said. ‘We want to create a museum dedicated to all the ethnic groups that used to live here.”
This ancient land has just as much history as Jerusalem. The only thing that looks odd on the local map is the name of the village of Parizh (Paris), which was named in honor of victory in the War of 1812, in which local Cossacks fought.
Life on the steppe
There are no artifacts in the place where the ancient mandala citadel of Arkaim once stood. “You might as well enjoy standing on this ancient land,” said Zdanovich. His dream is to build New-Arkaim nearby, a full-scale replica of the citadel. Until now, the only way to study the fortress has been to use the miniature model in the museum. Two circles of defensive walls – wooden frames covered in clay. Inside, the houses abut each other and are located radially with their doors on the roofs. All the houses look the same; there do not appear to have been particularly rich or poor families. Each house has a well, and most have a smelt-furnace to make bronze from mixtures of copper and tin ore. Robust bronze gave a powerful impetus to the development of technology and culture, which is why the era is now called the Bronze Age. They made needles and fishhooks from bones, clothing from leather and fabric woven from hemp. They mostly ate cereals with meat and occasionally fish.
“The traditional economic model that we are accustomed to now was created at that time – with cattle, small cattle and crop farming,” Zdanovich said. “The most common crops on Arkaim patches were millet, onions and barley.”
Cattle were kept outside the citadel, between the walls and the moat.
“It was crucial for them to surround themselves with water. The towns were built near a river and encircled with a canal,” Zdanovich said. “This must have had some symbolic significance as well.”
Everything is symbolic here – from ceramic ornaments to the town itself, which was all built at the same time to a comprehensive plan. But there are no drawings, no images of gods, no inscriptions. Nevertheless, the power of its legacy is proved by the fact that when one generation moved, burning the town up as they left, another generation would go back to the same spot and accurately rebuild it – every well, every post in its designated place. This happened over and over again, and there are records that they did not stay for a great length of time.
“A frustrated civilization” is what archeologists call it. But sometimes it feels that “a misunderstood civilization” is a better name because of the sheer scope of the mystery that surrounds it. Even the burials are very odd – a male and a female lie together, embraced, with the female wielding a battle ax over her companion’s head. Sometimes the dead were buried in the fetal position, implying either a new birth or that death is just a dream.
Zdanovich says that the Aryans came here from the west, probably from the Volga, and then moved to Central Asia. He believes that their sacred drink included cannabis boiled in milk with an addition of ephedra.
“The Rigveda and Avesta contain descriptions of the place where the Aryans came from – it has birch trees and climate looking like ours. They have similar burials and the skeletons are of the Indo-European anthropological type. There is another, key feature – the chariots, which were used only by the Aryans at that time.”
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